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实用英语口语翻译:催促别人说话Say something.说点什么吧

I'm speechless. 我连话都说不出来了。

A penny for your thoughts. *这是惯用表达方式,请告诉我你在想什么

Tell me more about it.我想知道的详细些.

I want to know more about it in detail.

I'd like to know more details.

How was your trip? 你的旅行怎么样?--It was terrible.

I'm all ears. *聚精会神地听。我在认真地听呢.

How was the meeting?会议开得怎么样?

We didn't accomplish much. 没什么结果

I'm listening. * 请继续说、我听着呢.

Keep talking.

Did you hear about my trip?

Not yet. I'd like to hear the story.

I'd like to know the story. 我很想听听那件事.

I'd like to hear about it.

We had small talk. 闲聊(我们仅仅闲聊一会)

How was the movie?电影怎么样?

I really enjoyed it.

Did you enjoy the play?那部戏有意思吗?

No, it was dull. 真没劲。

Let's talk about it later.

I want to talk about it now.


I need to tell you something.

Shoot! 请说吧 /Go ahead.

What's on your mind.

Let's talk in English. /Let's speak in Eng.我们说英语吧Let's have a chat. 我们聊会天吧

To the point, please. 抓重点的说

Stop beating around the bush.*常用短语。

Get to the point, please.

How was ur day? 今天过得怎样?

Exhausting. 精疲力尽了
