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Chapter one Risk, risk management

There is a maxim at the insurance circle: no risk, no insurance.

Section one Basic definitions of the risk

一.What is risk

1.the risk is the measurable uncertainty.

2.the risk is that uncertainty of some unfortunate incident.

3.the risk is the uncertainty of loss

4.the risk is the results of the objective concerns about the future under certain circumstances.

5.the risk is subjected to objective doubts of the possibility of damage

二.Characteristics of risk

1.objectivity 客观性

2.damagement 损害性:人身/经济损害

3.uncertainty 不确定性

(1)the uncertainty of space

(2)the uncertainty of time

(3)the uncertainty of loss

4.measurability 可测定性

5.expansibility 拓展性

三.The risk—related terms :risk factors

1.the substantive risk factors :实质性风险:某一标的物本身所具有的足以引起或增加损失机


2.Moral risk factors道德风险: moral risk factors refer to personal dishonest foul or ill

intentions so deliberately promote the accidents, resulting in the loss of the expansion of the loss.

3.psychological risk factors也指风纪危险因素,与道德风险不同,不是由于个体故意行为


Section two Classification of the risk

一.According to procreant circumstance

1.Static risk静态风险


Static risk refers to the irregular changes due to the forces of nature or people’s behavior caused by error or misconduct 。

Static risk stems from an unchanging society that is in stable equilibrium. For example , fire, flood, earthquake, explosion ,etc

2.dynamic risk

Dynamic risk refers to the risk due to social—economic or political changes. dynamic risk is produced because of changes in society .

3.difference between static risk and dynamic risk

(1)loss or not动态危险对某一部分人来讲可能带来收益,但或是损失,但静态危险对个人


(2)range of influence 动态危险影响范围更广泛。



二.According to the nature

An important classification of risk involves the concepts of pure risk and speculative risk .

1.pure risk :指只有损失机会,而没有获利可能的危险

pure risk exits when there is uncertainty as to whether loss will occur .No possibility of gain is presented by pure risk, only the potential for loss.

2.Speculative risk既有损失机会,又有获利可能的危险

In contrast to pure risk, speculative risk exists when there is uncertainty about an event that could produce either a profit or a loss.

三.According to risk object

1.property risk财产危险

Property risk refers to all tangible property resulting indamage, elimination or devalue.

2.liability risk 责任风险

Liability risk refers to individuals or groups. Because of acts of negligence or fault, resulting in damage to property of others of personal loss, in accordance with the law, should bear economic risk of liability

A second major category of risk is liability exposure. US society has become increasingly litigious in recent years.

3. Credit risk信用危险

Credit risk means that in economic relations, between rights and obligations, as a party to breath the contrast or law, and the other party is exposured to the risk of economic losses.在经济交易中,权利人和义务人之间由于一方违约或违法行为给另一方造成经济损失的危险。4.Personal risk

Personal risk refers to the disability may lead to death or the loss of labor.

Section three Risk management

一.Definition of risk management

Some people are use the term risk management only in connection with businesses, and often the term refers only to management of pure risk, in this sense; the traditional risk management goal has been to minimize the cost of pure risk to the company.

Risk management refers to a kind of initiative conduct of awareness, estimates, dealing with the risk.风险管理指人们对各种危险的认识,估算,处理的一种主动性的行为。

二.Risk management process

(一)the establishment of objectives 目标的建立:最小的投入获得最安全的依靠

(二)Identify risks识别危险

1.Compilation of insurance policy analysis

2. The risk list analysis

3. Production flow analysis

4. Assets of financial analysis

5. Field investigation

(三)evaluate risks

(四)handle risks
