人教高中英语必修4Unit2 Non-predicate Verb (共22张PPT)

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It’s dangerous ___to__p_l_a_y_with fire.(play)
It is no good _a_r_g_u_in_g_with him about that. (argue)
1)直接在句首作主语。V-ing表示经常性、反复发生的动作;to do表示具体的、尤指未发生的动作或某一次的动作。 2)用it作形式主语。 It’s no use/no good /useless/worthwhile /a waste of time + doing … It’s kind/wise/clever… of sb to do sth It’s important/necessary/hard …(for sb) to do sth
to do v-ing
二、 非谓语动词的句法功能
在句中成分 主 宾 表 宾补 定 状
to do
√√√ √ √ √
V-ing √ √ √ √
Hale Waihona Puke Baidu√√ √√
1、主语 doing to do
In many countries, _s_h_a_k_i_n_g_one’s head means “no” and __n_o_d_d_i_n_g_means “yes”.(shake, nod) ___T_o_s_e_e_ is to believe. (see)
3、 表语
v-ing v-ed
to do
His wish is _t_o_b__e_c_o_m__e an astronaut. (become)
Your task is _c_l_e_a_n_i_n_gthe windows. (clean)
All of us were ___m_o_v__e_d_ to tears at the sorrowful story.
①某些及物动词后:mind, finish, enjoy, avoid, risk,
consider, practice, suggest, advise, miss, appreciate,
imagine, admit, allow, permit, resist, fancy, admit, delay, deny, keep, escape等 ②介词后,特别注意以介词to结尾的短语,如:be/get
It’s a pity/duty/shame/an honor/…(for sb) to do sth It takes sb some time to do sth
2、 宾语 V-ing to do
He denies _c_h_e_a_t_in__g(cheat) in the exam. If you fail _to__m__a_k_e_(make) friends, you should examine yourself and see if there is something wrong with your personality. I think it necessary for us _t_o__le__a_rn__(learn) a foreign language. I find it no use c_o__m_p__la_i_n_i_n_g(complain) about the work. Do you remember _m__e_e_t_in_g_(meet) me at a part last year? You must remember _t_o_a_r_r_i_v_e( arrive) on time tomorrow.
v-ing v-ed
Tom had his pocket _pt_oic_kd_eo_d_ on a bus this morning. (pick)
The teacher caught them c_h_a_t_tin_g_ in the class. (chat)
They required me not __to__le_t___ out the secrets. (let)
remember/forget doing 记得/忘记做过某事 remember/forget to do 记得/忘记去做某事 want/need/ require doing 需要被… want/need to do 想/需要做某事 deserve doing 值得被… deserve to do 值得…
3)有些动词后,既可接不定式又可接动名词做 宾语但含义有差别。
go on doing 继续做原来做的事 go on to do 接着做另一件事 mean doing 意味着要做某事 mean to do 想要做某事
stop doing 停止做某事 stop to do 停下来(别的事)开始做某事
try doing 试着做某事 try to do 努力做某事 be used to doing 习惯于做某事 be used to do 被用来做某事 can't help doing 禁不住做某事 can't help (to )do 不能帮助做某事
The speech you delivered is very _e_n_c_o_u__ra__g_in__g.(encourage)
1)不定式作表语,表主语(常用aim, purpose, hope, idea, intention, plan, wish, decision, choice等)未发生的、将来的动作。
②被修饰的名词是ability, chance, way, idea, attempt, reason, promise, time, determination, time等抽象名词时 ③被修饰的词是序数词或形容词最高级,或被序数词、形 容词最高级修饰时。
He raised his voice to make himself _h_e_a_rd___.(hear)
When he came to life, he found himself l_y_in_g_ on the floor.
The boys are often seen __to__p_la_y_ basketball.(play)
注意:▲make sb do sth , have sb do sth, let sb do sth(宾
used to, look forward to, stick to, devote one’s life to,
turn to , get close to, object to , lead to, contribute to, pay attention to ,when it comes to, get down to, refer to, adapt to, adjust to, be addicted to, be accustomed to等。 ③be busy(in)doing, be worth doing, spend time (in)
doing, have difficulty /trouble /fun /pleasure /a good /hard
time (in) doing ④think/consider/find/feel it no use/good/useless doing
2)习惯于后接动词不定式to do作宾语的动词有: want, wish, hope, expect, promise, pretend, decide, manage, refuse, learn, agree, plan, offer, long, demand, help, manage, prepare, learn, determine, intend, fail, afford, seem, tend etc. find/consider/make/think/feel it +adj./n.+(for sb)+to do sth
4)表示见解\看法的动词 + 宾语 + to do作宾补,该结构常 用被动语态,to do不定式作主语补足语。
Sb be said/believed/known/reported/considered/expected/
thought to do…
V-ing 表正在进行的动作
With nothing __le_f_t __ in the cupboard, she went out to get something to eat. (leave)
高考考项:7,8, 单句语法填空:1,3,14 用所给词的适当形式填空:3,4,
5、 定语
v-ing v-ed
to do
Do you know the man_t_a_l_k_in_g_ with the headmaster there? (talk) The _c_a_r_r_y_in_g_ pole reminds me of our bitter days in the past.
2)后常接to do不定式作宾补的动词有:allow, ask, advise, command, cause, encourage, expect, force, get, hate, invite, order, permit, prefer, remind tell, urge, persuade, want ,wish等 3)感官动词,使役动词(make, have,let)用于被动语 态时,作主语补足语的to不可省略,要还原。
We have read many novels w__r_it_te_n__ by this author. (write) He is an honest man to depend.
1)单个v-ing和v-ed作前置定语,v-ing和v-ed短语作定语, 放在所修饰词之后作后置定语。
v-ing和v-ed作定语的区别: 时态上,v-ing表示正在进行,v-ed表示已经完成; 语态上,v-ing表示与被修饰的词是主动关系,v-ed过去 分词表示与被修饰的词是被动关系,若是不及物(vi)动 词则只表完成。如:fallen leaves a retired teacher 2)动词不定式作后置定语 ①表示将来的动作
(carry) There will be many people _t_o_h__el_p_ you. (help)
The ability _t_o__ex_p__re_s_san idea is as important as the idea itself.
(express) He is always the first _to__c_o_m_e_and the last _t_o_l_e_a_v_e.(come, leave) We were given a __p_r_in_t_e_dquestion paper. (print)
3)V-ed作表语,vt过去分词表示主语的性质特征状态,表示被动; vi过去分词只表示完成 如:All the hope is gone. The leaves are fallen.
高考考项:6,9,11,12,13 聚焦高考Ⅱ2
4、 宾语补足语
With+宾语(n./pron.)+ 宾补
与宾语是被动关系, 表已完成的动作
to do 表将来的动作
With the guide _le_a_d_in_g_ us, we got to the remote village
with ease. (lead)
With the guide _t_o_l_e_a_d us, we will get to the remote village with ease. (lead)