(三)利用英文综合参考数据库——《美国工程索引(Ei)》进行文献信息检索示例1、检索课题名称:管理心理与社会安全的基础理论研究2、课题分析:中文关键词:1管理心理2社会安全英文主题词:1 Management of psychological (2)Social Security3、选择检索工具:《美国工程索引》(Ei village2)4、构建检索策略:Management of psychological+Social Security选择快速检索,输入检索词:第一、Management of psychological;第二、Social Security 检索结果50篇6、根据检索结果选择3条记录根据检索结果,浏览题录可以确定该文献的收藏单位(图书馆或情报所、信息中心等),从而可以进一步确定是否索取或借阅、复制原文。
Search Results:50 records in Compendex for 1969-2012 ((Management of psychological+Social Security) WN All fields)1. Gender, residential segregation, psychological well-being and involvement in sustainable urban safety and security management in Ibadan city, Nigeria: A preliminary surveyAsiyanbola, A.R. (Department of Geography, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria) Source: Sustainable World, v 6, p 403-413, 2003, Sustainable Planning and DevelopmentDatabase: CompendexAbstract - Detailed2. Virtual social interactions: Evolutionary, social psychological and technological perspectivesMahfouz, Ahmed Y. (Prairie View A and M University, Accounting, Finance, and MIS, 1501 Harvey Road, College Station, TX 77840, United States); Philaretou, Andreas G.; Theocharous, Antonis Source: Computers in Human Behavior, v 24, n 6, p 3014-3026, September 17, 2008Database: CompendexAbstract - Detailed - Cited by in Scopus (2)3. Unrealistic optimism on information security managementRhee, Hyeun-Suk (U. Nations - Asian and Pac. Train. Ctr. for Information and Communication Technology for Development, 7-50 Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Korea, Republic of); Ryu, Young U.; Kim, Cheong-Tag Source: Computers and Security, v 31, n 2, p 221-232, March 2012 Database: CompendexAbstract - DetailedSelected Records阅读文摘:1 - 1 of 1 selected recordsRemove1. Gender, residential segregation, psychological well-being and involvement in sustainable urban safety and security management in Ibadan city, Nigeria: A preliminary surveyAsiyanbola, A.R.1: Source: Sustainable World, v 6, p 403-413, 2003, Sustainable Planning and Development; ISSN: 14769581; Conference: First International Conference on Sustainable Planning and Development, SUSTAINABLE PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, October 1, 2003 - October 3, 2003; Sponsor: Wessex Institute of Technology, Southampton, UK; University of Thessaly, Greece; Publisher: WITPressAuthor affiliation:1.Department of Geography, Olabisi Onabanjo University, Nigeria Abstract: The paper examined the link between residential patterns and the psychological well-being of the Ibadan city residents including the variations between the psychological well-being of women and men as well as the relative involvement of women in the management of security in houses within the residential areas. The result of the cross-sectional survey of 232 households in Ibadan city tends to suggest that the adverse condition in the residential areas affect women more than men. And in terms of urban safety and security, the high-density residential area is the most deplorable, followed by the medium density residential area. The correlation analysis shows a significant relationship between the psychological well-being and the housing and neighbourhood condition whilst a significant variation is found between the psychological well-being of women and men. Although women are now involved in the management of urban security, their proportion is still not significant when compared to that of men and no significant intra-urban variation is found in the involvement of women in the management of security in houses within the residential areas in Ibadan. Policy implications of the findings are highlighted in the paper. (26 refs.)Main Heading: Urban planningControlled terms: Accident prevention - Costs - Electricity - Professional aspects - Public policy - Research - Roads and streets - Security systems - Social aspects - Sustainable development - Transportation - Water supplyUncontrolled terms: Residential segregation - Transportation costs - Urban safetyClassification Code: 911.2 Industrial Economics - 901.4 Impact of Technology on Society - 901.3 Engineering Research - 901.1 Engineering Professional Aspects - 914.1 Accidents and Accident Prevention - 701.1 Electricity: Basic Concepts and Phenomena - 431Air Transportation - 406.2 Roads and Streets - 403.1 Urban Planning and Development - 446.1 Water Supply SystemsTreatment: Theoretical (THR)Database: CompendexFull-text and Local Holdings LinksRemove 2. Virtual social interactions: Evolutionary, social psychological and technological perspectives Mahfouz, Ahmed Y.1; Philaretou, Andreas G.2; Theocharous, Antonis3 Source: Computers in Human Behavior, v 24, n 6, p 3014-3026, September 17, 2008;ISSN: 07475632; DOI: 10.1016/j.chb.2008.05.008;Publisher: Elsevier LtdAbstract: This paper represents an exploratory and quantitative investigation into online dating from evolutionary, psychological, and technological points of view. In the past decade, the relatively inexpensive availability of user-friendly, fast, and reliable Internet technology has appealed to millions of consumers who suddenly found themselves engrossed by this sensational medium of communication, information, consumerism, and service. The majority of Internet users tend to be either recreational or utilitarian oriented, using such medium for a wide variety of tasks ranging from corresponding with friends and significant others, information gathering, purchasing goods and services, and, increasingly so, seeking and securing suitable dating and marital partners. The following research questions constitute the driving force for the current investigation: What are the evolutionary and social psychological intricacies of online dating? What are the technological variants or dimensions that render the consumption of online dating services appealing to users? An online survey was administered to 247 subjects to explore these questions and determine the technological dimensions of virtual social interaction. Exploratory factor analysis was then conducted to analyse the data. Eight technological dimensions emerged as a result of the analysis and served as the basis for the study's technological perspectives model of virtual social interactions. © 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. (77 refs.)Main Heading: Flow interactionsControlled terms: Computer networks - Sailing vesselsUncontrolled terms: Evolutionary psychology - Experience - Online dating - Social interaction - Virtual environmentClassification Code: 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 722 Computer Systems and Equipment - 718 Telephone Systems and Related Technologies; Line Communications - 717 Optical Communication - 716 Telecommunication; Radar, Radio andTelevision - 674.1 Small Marine Craft - 631.1 Fluid Flow, General Database: CompendexFull-text and Local Holdings LinksRemove 3. Unrealistic optimism on information security management Rhee, Hyeun-Suk1; Ryu, Young U.2; Kim, Cheong-Tag3 Source: Computers and Security, v 31, n 2, p 221-232, March 2012;ISSN: 01674048; DOI: 10.1016/j.cose.2011.12.001;Publisher: Elsevier LtdAbstract: Information security is a critical issue that many firms face these days. While increasing incidents of information security breaches have generated extensive publicity, previous studies repeatedly expose low levels of managerial awareness and commitment, a key obstacle to achieving a good information security posture. The main motivation of our study emanates from this phenomenon that the increased vulnerability to information security breaches is coupled with the low level of managerial awareness and commitment regarding information security threats. We report this dissonance by addressing a cognitive bias called optimistic bias. Using a survey, we study if MIS executives are subject to such a bias in their vulnerability perceptions of information security. We find that they demonstrate optimistic bias in risk perception on information security domain. The extent of this optimistic bias is greater with a distant comparison target with fewer information sharing activities. This optimistic bias is also found to be related to perception of controllability with information security threats. In order to overcome the effects of optimistic bias, firms need more security awareness training and systematic treatments of security threats instead of relying on ad hoc approach to security measure implementation. © 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. (90 refs.)Main Heading: Security systemsControlled terms: Industry - Managers - Network security - Risk management - Risk perception - Security of dataUncontrolled terms: Ad hoc approach - Awareness - Cognitive bias - Critical issues - Information security managements - Information sharing - Low level - Optimistic bias - Security awareness - Security measure - Security threats Classification Code: 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 723.2 Data Processing and Image Processing - 911 Cost and Value Engineering; Industrial Economics - 912 Industrial Engineering and Management - 913 Production Planning and Control; Manufacturing - 914.1 Accidents and Accident PreventionDatabase: CompendexFull-text and Local Holdings Links7、标示原文线索:用中文标示各检索结果的著录事项第一篇文献:一、篇名: Gender, residential segregation, psychologicalwell-being and involvement in sustainable urban safety andsecurity management in Ibadan city, Nigeria: A preliminary survey二、第一责任者:Asiyanbola, A.R.三、第一责任者单位:Department of Geography, Olabisi OnabanjoUniversity, Nigeria四、文献来源:Sustainable World, v 6, p 403-413, 2003, SustainablePlanning and Development第二篇文献:一、篇名:Virtual social interactions: Evolutionary, socialpsychological and technological perspectives二、第一责任者:Mahfouz, Ahmed Y.三、第一责任者单位:Prairie View A and M University, Accounting,Finance, and MIS, 1501 Harvey Road, College Station, TX 77840, United States四、资料来源:Computers in Human Behavior, v 24, n 6, p 3014-3026,September 17, 2008Database: Compendex第三篇文献:一、篇名:Unrealistic optimism on information security management二、第一责任者:Rhee, Hyeun-Suk三、第一责任者单位:U. Nations - Asian and Pac. Train. Ctr. forInformation and Communication Technology for Development, 7-50Songdo-dong, Yeonsu-gu, Incheon, Korea, Republic of四、资料来源:Computers and Security, v 31, n 2, p 221-232, March 2012Database: Compendex。
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利用英文综合参考数据库——《美国工程索引(Ei)》进行文献信息检索示例1、检索课题名称:海洋测量学的发展与应用2、课题分析:中文关键词:海洋测量学发展应用英文主题词:Marine surveying Development Application3、选择检索工具:《美国工程索引》(Ei village2)4、构建检索策略:Marine surveying * development * application5、简述检索过程,输入检索词:第一、Marine surveying l;第二、developmen;第三、application检索结果618篇:6、根据检索结果选择3条记录根据检索结果,浏览题录可以确定该文献的收藏单位(图书馆或情报所、信息中心等),从而可以进一步确定是否索取或借阅、复制原文。
Search Results:618 records in Compendex for 19692013((((Marine surveying) WN All fields) AND ((development) WN All fields)) AND ((application) WN All fields))1.ASSESSMENT STUDY OF MARINE SURVEYING REQUIREMENTSSaxena, N.K.p 17-19, 1978Database: CompendexAbstract|Detailed2. CODELESS GPS SYSTEMS FOR MARINE SURVEYING AND MAPPING.MacDoran, P.F. (ISTAC Inc, Pasadena, CA, USA, ISTAC Inc, Pasadena, CA, USA); Miller, R.B. Source: American Soc of Photogrammetry and American Congress on Surveying & Mapping, p 832, 1984 Database: CompendexAbstract|Detailed3.APPLICATIONS OF PERSONAL COMPUTERS TO MARINE NAVIGATION AND SURVEYING ON THE GULF COAST.Stoltz, John R. (Alpha Systems Concepts Inc, Mount, Hood, OR, USA, Alpha Systems Concepts Inc, Mount Hood, OR, USA); Hill, Jack O. Source: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - Institute of Navigation, p 95-102, 1984Database: CompendexAbstract|Detailed阅读文摘:1 -3 of 3 selected records from Compendex for::((((Marine surveying) WN All fields) AND ((development) WN All fields)) AND ((application) WN All fields))ASSESSMENT STUDY OF MARINE SURVEYING REQUIREMENTS.Saxena, N.K.p 17-19, 1978; Conference: Int Ocean Dev Conf, 5th, Prepr, September 25, 1978 - September 29, 1978 Classification code: 405 Construction Equipment and Methods; Surveying - 472 Ocean Engineering Abstract:This paper describes the essential features of a planned national study related to the applications of marine surveying, whose prime objective is to identify requirements for marine geodetic applications in support of national objectives in ocean science, engineering and operations over the next two decades. This study plans to evaluate technical capabilities as compared to the requirements, to identify capability/technology shortfalls, and to propose areas of research and development for new programs. Refs.code: 405 Construction Equipment and Methods; Surveying - 472 Ocean EngineeringDatabase: CompendexCompilation and indexing terms, © 2012 Elsevier Inc.Full-text and Local Holdings Links2. CODELESS GPS SYSTEMS FOR MARINE SURVEYING AND MAPPING.MacDoran, P.F.1; Miller, R.B.1Source: American Soc of Photogrammetry and American Congress on Surveying & Mapping, p 832, 1984; ISBN-10: 0937294594, ISBN-13: 9780937294598; Conference: Technical Papers - 1984 ACSM-ASP Fall Convention.; Sponsor: American Soc of Photogrammetry, Falls Church, V A, USA; American Congress on Surveying; Texas Surveyors Assoc, TX, USA; Publisher: American Soc of Photogrammetry and American Congress on Surveying & MappingClassification code:405 Construction Equipment and Methods; Surveying - 655 Spacecraft - 671 Naval Architecture - 672 Naval V essels - 901 Engineering ProfessiAbstract:A technique known as SERIES, for Satellite Emission Range Inferred Earth Surveyings, is a method by which radio signals from artificial satellites already in Earth orbit can be exploited for positioning and navigation. The existing satellites of choice are those of the Global Positioning System (GPS). Commercial SERIES feasibility equipment has been developed and preproduction equipment is undergoing laboratory and field testing. Present applications of the techniques will be in rapid (less than 2 min. ) static positioning missions such as land surveying. The system development has emphasized low-cost (few thousand dollar) remote receivers capable of sub-meter three dimensional relative positioning. A simple central processor concentrates the sophisticated computational resources, services many remote receivers and determines NA VSTAR satellite orbits.Classification code: 405 Construction Equipment and Methods; Surveying - 655 Spacecraft - 671 Naval Architecture - 672 Naval V essels - 901 Engineering ProfessiDatabase: CompendexCompilation and indexing terms, © 2012 Elsevier Inc.Full-text and Local Holdings Links3. PPLICA TIONS OF PERSONAL COMPUTERS TO MARINE NA VIGA TION AND SURVEYING ON THE GULF COAST.Stoltz, John R.1; Hill, Jack O.1Source: Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - Institute of Navigation, p 95-102, 1984; Conference: Proceedings of the Fortieth Annual Meeting - Institute of Navigation.; Sponsor: Inst of Navigation, Washington, DC, USA; Publisher: Inst of NavigationCODEN: PAMNDVPublisher: Inst of Navigation, Washington, DC, USAAbstract: A low cost, portable marine navigation and survey system called MultiNav was developed using commercially available personal computers, peripherals and standard software operating systems. The MultiNav system was tested and compared with integrated Data System's Hyperange as a reference system. The results of this test indicate that a personal computer using commercially available peripherals and standard software offers great promise of replacing larger and more expensive computing equipment. Classification code:434 Waterway Transportation - 723 Computer Software, Data Handling and Applications - 943 Mechanical and Miscellaneous Measuring InstrumentsDatabase: CompendexCompilation and indexing terms, © 2012 Elsevier Inc.Full-text and Local Holdings Links7、标示原文线索:用中文标示各检索结果的著录事项第一篇文献:一、篇名:ASSESSMENT STUDY OF MARINE SURVEYING REQUIREMENTS Saxena, N.K.p 17-19, 1978二、第一责任者Saxena, N.K.三、第一责任者单位:Tokyo, Jpn四、文献来源:Int Ocean Dev Conf, 5th, Prepr第二篇文献一.篇名:CODELESS GPS SYSTEMS FOR MARINE SURVEYING AND MAPPING:I二、第一责任者:MacDoran, P.F.三、第一责任者单位:ISTAC Inc, Pasadena, CA, USA, ISTAC Inc, Pasadena, CA, USA四、资料来源:American Soc of Photogrammetry and American Congress on Surveying & Mapping,p 832, 1984第三篇文献:一、篇名:APPLICATIONS OF PERSONAL COMPUTERS TO MARINE NAVIGATION ANDSURVEYING ON THE GULF COAST.二、第一责任者:•Stoltz, John R三、第一责任者单位:Alpha Systems Concepts Inc, Mount, Hood, OR, USA, Alpha Systems Concepts Inc, Mount Hood, OR, USA四、资料来源:J Proceedings of the Annual Meeting - Institute of Navigation, p 95-102, 1984。
汇报人:选ຫໍສະໝຸດ 数据库:根据检索目的选择合 适的数据库,如EI Compendex、 EI Engineering Village等
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先输入名的全称或缩写,然后输入姓,例: r smith ; jianhua zhang 临近符可以用于作者检索,raymond W/3 smith 可检索到 Raymond Smith, Raymond J.
Smith and Raymond J.
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例如:检索式=title-abs-key("computer network“ AND security)
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图书馆外文电子资源 检索与利用
1.了解ScienceDirect全文数据库 2.检索语言与技巧 3. ScienceDirect基本使用
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进一步限定检索,提高检准率 更加准确地描述检索需求; 严格限定检索范围:学科领域、时间、文章类型,关键词出现
Publications Indexed for Engineering
Adv Eng Software Adv Phys …… Int J Veh Des …… J Aircr …… Xi You Jin Shu
Advances in Engineering Softerware Advances in Physics International Journal of Vehicle Design Journal of Aircraft
论文被收录,可以提高所在单位的学术 影响,进行世界范围的学术交流和资源 共享。
Ei (Engineering Index)
Ei公司(美国工程信息公司:Engineering Information Inc.)始建于1884年,作为世 界领先的应用科学和工程学在线信息服 务提供者,一直致力于为科学研究者和 工程技术人员提供专业化、实用化的在 线数据信息服务。1995年以来Ei公司开 发了称为"Village"的一系列产品, Engineering Village 2就是其中的主要产 品之一。
一.EI概况 二.EI工具书的结构 三.主题词表 四.检索示意框图 五.EI检索方法 六.EI的作用
年刊中包括: 使用说明、机构简称对照、缩略语对照 文摘正文部分(按主题词字顺排列) 著者索引 (Author Index) 主题索引(Subject Index) 工程出版物索引(PIE)
《Ei Thesaurus》
USE: Computer aided design 正式叙词
三)利用英文综合参考数据库——《美国工程索引( Ei)》进行文献信息检索
Brang, Peter Source: Forest Ecology and Management, v 209, n 1-2, p 57
-68, April 18, 2005, Silvicultural Research in a Changing World
Database: Compendex
Brang, Peter1; Motta, Renzo2; Mitchell, Al3 Source: Forest Ecology and
Management, v 257, n 9, p 1867, April 16, 2009; ISSN: 03781127; DOI:
10.1016/S0378-1127(09)00194-7; Publisher: Elsevier
Author affiliation:
1 WSL Swiss Federal Institute for Forest, Snow and Landscape Research,
Zuercherstrasse 111, CH-8903 Birmensdorf, Switzerland
2 Dep. AGROSELVITER, University of Turin, Via Leonardo da Vinci 44,
10095 Grugliasco, Italy
3 Natural Resources Canada, Canadian Forest Service, Canadian Wood
索结果0条,再调整,输入Brang Management,1990 to 2011,检索结果七条,输
入Brang Management,2008 to 2010,检索结果2411条。
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5. 检索软件及服务方式
1.光盘检索软件及其服务; 4.网络数据库检索系统及其服务; 3.联机检索服务。 4.数据库特点: (1)学科覆盖面广、文摘质量高; (4)排检方式独特; (3)产品种类多样。
6. 《工程索引》检索方法
①已知著者姓名 ②已知某研究单位或公司名称 ③未知课题任何线索,求查课题相关文献 索取原始文献 根据已查得的文摘中给出的文献出处,利用《PL》 或《PIE》将缩写还原成全称,分清原始文献的出 版类型,然后利用馆藏目录查找馆藏,索取原文。
5.1 参考数据库概述 5.2 常用参考数据库 5.3 《工程索引(Ei)》* 5.4 检索实例 5.5 小结 要求:具有一定的英语水平,计算机检索 知识。
5.1 参考数据库概述
概念:参考数据库(reference database),指 包含各种数据、信息或知识的原始来源和属性的数 据库。参考数据库主要是针对印刷型出版物而开发的。 类型:书目数据库、文摘数据库、索引数据库。 发展历史:书目数据-1964年“美国医学文献书目 检索系统”,20世纪80年代书目数据库。 结构:参考数据库的最基本组成单位是记录和字段。 特点:(1)计算机化的图书书目、期刊文摘索引。 (2)数据结构简单、格式固定、连续性强。 (3)开放性。一般书目数据是免费。
从SCI的严格的选刊原则及严格的专 家评审制度来看,它具有一定的客观 性,较真实地反映了论文的水平和质 量。根据SCI收录及被引证情况,可 以从一个侧面反映学术水平的发展情 况。特别是每年一次的SCI论文排名 成了判断一个学校科研水平的一个十 分重要的标准。
SCI以《期刊目次》(Current Content)作为数据源,目前自然科 学数据库有五千多种期刊,其中生命 科学辑收录1350种;工程与计算机 技术辑收录 1030种;临床医学辑收 990种;农业、生物环境科学辑收录 950种;物理、化学和地球科学辑收 录900种期刊。
ISTP 的检索方法和检索规则
• ISTP 的检索方法和检索规则与 SCI
1 .《工程索引》概况
美国《工程索引》(The Engineering
Index,简称 Ei),创刊于1884年,由
美国工程信息公司(The Engineering Information Inc.)编辑出版,是世界 著名的工程技术综合性检索刊物。
①出版历史悠久,报道的文献数量大、涉 及学科多、参考价值高。 ②正文文摘采用主题(标题词)编排,可 依字顺查找所关心的标题词,标题词下 即列有有关文献摘要和出处,有利于直 接检索。1987年后新增的主题索引兼顾 了关键词(未经规范的自然语言)方法, 适应了工程技术的飞速发展,更加方便 了查找。 ③出版形式多,月刊、年刊和其它版各有 长处,可根据需要选择使用,也可配合 使用。
SCI(科学引文索引 )、EI(工程索 引 )、ISTP(科技会议录索引 ) 是世 界著名的三大科技文献检索系统,是国 际公认的进行科学统计与科学评价的主 要检索工具,其中以SCI最为重要。
《科学引文索引》(Science Citation Index, SCI)是由美国科学信息研究所(ISI) 1961年创 办出版的引文数据库,其覆盖生命科学、临床医 学、物理化学、农业、生物、兽医学、工程技术 等方面的综合性检索刊物,是目前国际上三大检 索系统中最著名的一种,其中以生命科学及医学、 化学、物理所占比例最大,收录范围是当年国际 上的重要期刊,尤其是它的引文索引表现出独特 的科学参考价值,在学术界占有重要地位。许多 国家和地区均以被SCI收录及引证的论文情况来 作为评价学术水平的一个重要指标。
第一讲 概述 第二讲 计算机检索基本原理 第三讲 中文数据库资源 第四讲 搜索引擎检索 第五讲 英文综合参考数据库检索 第六讲 英文全文数据库检索
第七讲 数字信息资源综合利用
第五讲 英文综合参考数据库检索利用(Ei)
概况:ISTP 是指ISI Proceeding中的科学 技术部分: Science & Technology Edition,可检索国际上主要的自然科学和工程 技术会议录信息,它索引了来自期刊、专著、丛 书、及正式出版的会议录的论文信息。其学科范 畴涵盖了农业科学、环境科学、生物化学、分子 生物学、生物技术、医学、工学、 计算机科学 与技术、化学和物理学等。 ISTP 收录的信息起始于1990年,包含了 1990年以来每年大约 60000次会议的 250 万余条会议论文记录。
CompendeБайду номын сангаас 数据库简介
Compendex:是目前全球最全面的工程领域二次文献 数据库。它收录了7百多万条数据。这些数据出自 5100多种工程类期刊、会议论文集和技术报告。其范 围涵盖了工程和应用科学领域的各学科,主要有机械 工程、土木工程、环境工程、电气工程、结构工程、 材料科学、固体物理、超导体、生物工程、能源、化 学和工艺工程、照明和光学技术、空气和水污染、固 体废弃物的处理、道路交通、运输安全、控制工程、 工程管理、农业工程和食品技术、计算机和数据处理、 电子和通信、石油、宇航、汽车工程以及这些领域的 子学科和其它主要的工程领域。用户在网上可检索到 1970年至今的文献。数据库每年增加大约45万条新记 录。数据每周更新,以确保用户掌握最新信息。
特点: 混和检索-COMPENDEX和INSPEC两个数据库可以 同时被检索,而且重复的结果可删除. QUICK SEARCH提供更多的检索字段 EXPERT SEARCH更灵活,更广泛. 个人化信息 检索过程和检索结果的存储和管理 提供全文链接的工具 提供与本地馆藏的链接
Compendex数据库 介绍及检索方法
1. 概述 美国《化学文摘》(Chemical Abstracts, 简称CA)创刊于1907年,由美国化学学会 (CAS)的化学文摘服务处(Chemical Abstracts Service,简称CAS)编辑出版。 它是一种享有世界声誉的化学化工专业性文 摘刊物,自称为“打开世界化学文献宝库的 钥匙”。它以报道世界各国化学、化工文献 为主,同时收录大量生物学、医学、药学、 卫生学等相关专业的文献。
5.2.2《社会科学引文索引(SSCI)》和 《艺术与人文科学引文索引(A&HCI)》
•《社会科学引文索引》(Social Science Citation Index,简称SSCI )为美国科学情报研究所建立的综 合性社科文献数据库,涉及经济、法律、管理、心理 学、区域研究、社会学、信息科学等。收录50个语种 的1700多种重要的国际性期刊,累计约350万条记录。 •《艺术人文引文索引》(Arts & Humanities Citation Index,简称A&HCI )为美国科学情报研究 所(ISI)建立的综合性艺术与人文类文献数据库,包 括语言、文学、哲学、亚洲研究、历史、艺术等内容。 收录1400多种国际权威的期刊,累计200余万条记录。 •注:其它同SCI
5.1 参考数据库概述
用途: 1. 参考数据库最重要的用途是用于收集文献线 索,快速和全面地查询某个学科、领域或主 题的文献信息。 2. 个性化的用户定制服务。定题服务等。 3. 统计和评估。
5.2 常用参考数据库
5.2.1《科学引文索引(SCI)》 5.2.2《社会科学引文索引(SSCI)》和 《艺术与人文科学引文索引(A&HCI)》 5.2.3《化学文摘(CA)》 5.2.4《科学技术会议录索引(ISTP)》 5.2.5《工程索引(Ei)》
2 .《工程索引》出版类型
《Ei》目前有六种出版形式: (1)《工程索引月刊》(The Engineering Index, Monthly)1964年 (2)《工程索引年刊》(The Engineering Index, Annual)1906年 (3)《工程索引卡片》(Card-A-Let)1948年 (4)《工程索引缩微胶卷》(《Ei》Microfilm) 1970年 (5)《工程索引》的数据库(Ei COMPENDEX Plus)1969年 (6)《工程索引》光盘产品90年代
3. 《工程索引》内容介绍
该数据库侧重提供应用科学和工程领域的文摘索 引信息,数据来源于5100种工程类期刊、会议 论文和技术报告,其中化工和工艺的期刊文献最 多,约占15%,计算机和信息技术类占12%, 应用物理类占11%,电子和通信类占12%,土 木工程类占6%,机械工程类占6%等。 大约 22% 的 数 据 是 有 主 题 词 和 摘 要 的 会 议 论 文 , 90%的文献是英文文献。数据库每周更新数据。 同时提供16000个与工程有关的Web网址放在 其工程信息村上供人们查询链接。
印刷版(SCI) 双月刊 3500种 联机版(SciSearch) 周更新 5600种 光盘版(带文摘)(SCICDE) 月更新 3500种(同印刷版) 网络版(SCIExpanded) 周更新 5600种 (同联机版)
5.Web of Science 主要功能及特点
1.通过引文检索功能可查找相关研究课题早期、当时和 最近的学术文献,同时获取论文摘要; 2.可以看到所引用参考文献的记录、被引用情况及相关 文献的记录; 3.可选择检索时间范围,可对论文的语言、文献类型作 限定检索; 4.检索结果可按其相关性、作者、日期、期刊名称等项 目排序; 5.可保存、打印、Email所得的记录及检索式; 6.全新的WWW 超文本特性,能链接到ISI的其它数 据库; 7.部分记录可以直接链接到电子版原文;或者链接到所在 机构的OPAC记录,迅速获得本馆馆藏信息; 8.数据每周更新。