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七年级下册英语 unit1-3 练习


( )1、 My sister likes playing the guitar, but she can ' t play ____ 、

A 、 nice

B 、 good

C 、 well

( )2、 — Are you good ___ swimming? — Yes, and I think I can help kids ___ i 、t

A 、 with; in

B 、 with; with

C 、 at; with

( )3 、 He wants _____ the English club 、

A. to join B 、 to be C 、 be in

( )4、 My father can ' t play ______ basketbal 、l He can play ____ piano 、

A 、 the; the

B 、 /; the

C 、 the; /

( )5、 My brother doesn ' t like playing basketball _______ watching TV 、

A 、 and

B 、 but

C 、 or

( )6、 — _____ do you want to join? —The music club 、

A. What club B 、 When C 、 What

( )7、 Hi!Can I help you? __、 I want to join the club 、

A. No, thanks a lot B 、 Great C 、 Yes, please

( )8 、 ---___ do you want to join the chess club? ---Because I like chess very muc 、h

A 、 Who

B 、 How

C 、 Why

D 、 What

( )9 、 What is the first day of the week?

A 、 Monday

B 、 Friday

C 、 Saturday

D 、 Sunday

( )10、 Miss Read is good ________ music.She can be good ______ children in the music cl 、ub

A.at, at

B.with, with

C.at, with

D.with, at

( )11、 Little Tom can draw _______ 、 His drawings are very _____ 、

A.good, well

B.well, good

C.good, good

D.well, well ( )12、 Who wants _ A 、 to joins

____ the singing club? B 、 join C 、 to join D joining ( )13、 Maybe he can ____ in their basketball

team 、 A 、 is B 、 be C 、 D am

( )14、 My friend Lisa is good at ___

、 A 、 sing 、 to sing C 、 singing D sings

( )15

、 We want some singers _____ our rock ban 、d A . for B 、 at C 、 with D to (

)16、 He is 。 He likes_ ___ stories 、 A 、 talking B 、 saying C

、 telling D speaking ( )17、 1、 Jim,don 'ta t lk Bill and listen me, please 、

A 、 with;at

B 、 to;with

C 、to;to

D 、at;to ( )18、 What time does June after school?

A. do her homework B 、does her homework C 、 do her homeworks D 、 does her homeworks ( )19、— What time is it?


A 、 Is about four thirty

B 、 It 'a s bout four half

C 、 About thirty past four

D 、 It 'a s bout half past four ( )20、 --What's the time? -- o ne-thirty 、 A 、 Its B 、It's C 、This is D 、 They're

( )21、 I usually _______ at nine-thirty at night 、

A 、 get to school

B 、 get up

C 、go to bed

D 、 go home

( )22、 My sister ______ home at 5:00 every day 、

A 、 gets

B 、 gets to

C 、get

D 、 get to

( )23、 We can watch Beijing Opera _____ TV 、

A. in B at C 、on

D 、from

( )24、 Let's _______ 、
