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解析作文art Ⅰ参考范文

Unit 1

Independent Learning

Many students are used to depending on their teachers while learning. They do homework their teachers assign, read books their teachers require them to, and review materials their teachers will cover in the examinations. They are so dependent that without teachers they get lost.

The negative effect of overdependence upon teachers is obvious. Good students are usually independent and never contented with what their teachers give or ask them to do. As is known to all, classroom teaching time is very limited and so is the amount of knowledge or sorts of skills taught to students in class. Even though some teachers assign some after-school work, the quantity and difficulty level of the work are often only fit for average students. If you hunger for more, you should never misunderstand the teachers’ intention and feel full with that much. You can depend on yourself, reading more, experimenting more and practicing more. This will very probably make you an outstanding figure both on and off campus.


本文提纲提到两部分, 第一部分是现象描述, 第二部分说明自主学习的意义。范文中首句为第一部分的主题句: “许多学生在学习中习惯于依赖老师”, 然后以具体事例说明他们一切都要按老师说的做, 一旦没了依靠就无所适从。

第二段以“过度依赖老师的负面作用是显而易见的”作为过渡句, 然后从两个方面阐明自主学习的意义, 一是通过观察优秀学生的学习方法说明自主学习的重要性, 二是通过指出课堂学习时间、课后作业的局限性说明自主学习的必要性, 最后提出, 如果要成为出类拔萃的学生, 必须依靠自己。

Unit 2

A Letter for Help

Dear Sir,

I’m writing to ask for your help. I arrived in Shanghai at 11∶20 this morning by train No. 333 from Beijing. I had a pleasant journey thanks to your crew’s good service. But unfortunately, when I got home, it suddenly occurred to me that I had left my luggage on the train. It was a black leather case, about 60 cm long, 45 cm wide and 25 cm high. It’s brand new and there is a metal sign of the Shanghai TV tower at the corner. When I got on board the train, I put it on the rack over my seat. My seat number is 26 in the 8th car. The case is very important both to me and to my company. In it are some important business documents and some daily necessities. I’ve been extremely worried about it ever since I knew it was missing. I do hope that you can help me and see if it is still there on the train or if anyone has sent it to any office of the railway station. If you have any news, good or bad, please call me at 87878787 or email to mary@.

I appreciate your help and expect your early answer.

Sincerely yours,



这是一封求助信函, 希望火车站帮助找回遗忘在车上的行李。以下几点内容必须包括在内: 你坐的是哪趟列车、哪个车厢、哪个座位, 这样才能缩小车站人员的寻找范围;再者是行李的特点, 包括外表特征、包内物品, 便于他们找到失物时确定是不是你的行李;第三, 要指出行李对你的重要性, 以引起车站的重视;第四, 要告诉对方你的联系方式, 以便联络;最后不可忘记感谢车站人员提供帮助。

此外, 还必须注意信函的基本格式。

英语事务性信函的一个明显特点是开门见山, 一开头就表明此信的目的, 通常没有客套和寒暄。如果是回信, 开头一般先对来函表示感谢或简单说明已经收到对方某月某日的来信并知道来信意图。

Unit 3

A Letter to the President on Campus Safety

Dear President,

Recently, many cases of theft and fight have taken place on campus, which makes students and teachers very uneasy. It is reported that in less than one month, more than 11 cell phones were stolen and money also disappeared without a trace in students’ dormitories and 15 students were involved in campus fight.

These incidents have made a lot of negative influence on the fame of the university and also disturbed the life of the campus population as a whole. Students can hardly get down to their study for fear that their dormitory should be broken in and their possessions be stolen. When they go back late from study at night, they worry about being robbed on the way. The incidents have also caused some bad effect on teachers’ work and research.

I hope that you will take some effective measures to stop further occurrence of such things. First, strict rules and regulations should be made for students to observe. Second, there should be more extracurricular activities to enrich students’life. Last but not least, more campus police should be employed to patrol the campus. Only when campus safety is guaranteed can students and teachers concentrate on their studying and teaching.

Yours Truly,

Li Ming



文章第一段陈述现象, 第一句话阐明问题的严重性, 然后用具体例子和数字提高说服力。第二段第一句话总起句, 说明偷窃和斗殴事件的负面作用, 然后分别说明这些事件对学生和老师产生的影响。

最后一段向校长提出建议, 主要从三个方面进行论述: 建立严格的规章制度;组织更多的课外活动丰富学生的精神生活;安排更多保安人员巡逻校园。最后一句用only引导的倒装句结尾, 进一步强调校园安全的重要性。

Unit 4
