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absolute yield spread 绝对收益率价差
accelerated depreciation method 加速折旧法
account form 账户式
accounting equation 会计等式
accrual (basis)accounting 权责发生制
accrued Interest(AI)应计利息
accrued liabilities 应计负债
addition rule 加法规则
adverse opinion 反面意见
agency security 政府机构证券
Aggregate Demand (AD)总需求
Aggregate Supply(AS)总供给
amortization ①分期偿还②分期摊销
anomalies 异常现象
anticipatory hedge 预期套期保值
antidilutive EPS 反稀释每股收益
arbitrage 套利
Asset-Backed Security (ABS)资产支持证券
automatic stabilizers 自动稳定器
Available-For-Sale(AFS)securities 待售证券
average cost method 平均成本法
average fixed cost 平均固定成本
balanced budget 平衡预算
balance sheet(B/S)资产负债表
bank discount yield 银行贴现收益
banker's acceptance bill 银行承兑汇票
barrier to entry 进入壁垒
basic earnings per share 每股基本收益
binomial distribution 二项式分布
bond-equivalent yield(BEY)债券等值收益率
Book Value (BV) 账面价值
bootstrapping 步步为营法
breakeven point 损益平衡点
business cycle 经济周期
call (option)看涨期权
call risk 提前赎回风险
cap ①封顶②上限期权
capital budgeting 资本预算
capitalization(financial leverage)rate(cap rate)资本化(财务杠杆)比率capitalized interest 资本化利息
capital lease 融资租赁
Capital Market Line(CML)资本市场线
cash conversion cycle 现金流转周期
Cash Flow(CF)现金流量
change in accounting principle 会计原则的变更
clean price 净价
closed-end fund 封闭式基金
code of ethics 道德守则
coefficient of variation (CV) 变异系数
Collateralized Bond Obligation(CBO)资产抵押债券Collateralized Mortgage Obligations(CMO)不动产抵押担保债券Commercial Paper(CP)商业票据
commodity option 商品期权
complex capital structure 复杂的资本结构
comprehensive Income(CI)综合收益
Conditional Prepayment Rate(CPR)有条件提前偿付率conditional probability 条件概率
confidence interval 置信区间
confidence level 置信水平
confirming evidence trap 有利信息陷阱
Consumer Price Index(CPI)消费者物价指数
consumer surplus 消费者剩余
contingent claims 或有债权
continuously compounded 连续复利
continuous random variable 连续随机变量
contra account 抵消账户
convexity 凸性
corporate bonds 公司债券
corporate governance 公司治理
correlation 相关性
cost-push inflation 成本推动型通货膨胀
country risk 国家风险
coupon rate 票面利率
coupon strips 本息分离利息券
covariance 协方差
covenant 合同条款
credit analysis 信用分析
credit rating 信用评级
credit spread 贷方价差(交易)
credit spread risk 信用溢价风险
cross elasticity of demand 需求的交叉弹性
Crowding-out effect 挤出效应
cumulative absolute frequency 累积绝对频率
currency forward 外汇远期合约
currency swap 货币互换
Current Asset(CA)流动资产
Current Liability(CL)流动负债
cyclical unemployment 周期性失业
data mining bias 数据挖掘偏差
debt securities 债务证券
default risk 违约风险
deferred coupon bond 递延息票债券
deferred tax asset 递延税资产
deferred tax liabilities 递延税负债
demand-pull inflation 需求拉动型通货膨胀
deposit expansion multiplier 存款扩大乘数
depreciation ①折旧②贬值
diluted earnings per share 稀释的每股收益
discontinued operations 停止经营
discounted cash flow analysis 现金流贴现模型分析
discounted payback period 贴现回收期法
discount rate 贴现率
discrete random variable 离散型随机变量
discrete time 离散时间
discrete uniform probability function 离散均匀概率函数discretionary fiscal policy 相机抉择的财政政策
dollar duration 货币久期
Double-Declining- Balance depreciation(DDB)双倍余额递减折旧法downgrade risk 调低评级风险
DuPont analysis 杜邦分析法
duration 久期
earnings multiplier model 收益乘数模型
Effective Annual Rate(EAR)实际年利率
effective duration 有效久期
efficient frontier 有效边界
Efficient Market Hypothesis(EMH)有效市场假说
elasticity of demand 需求弹性
embedded option 嵌入期权
equity swap 权益互换
escalator clause 伸缩条款
estimated (or fitted) parameters 估计的参数值
estimated rate of return 预期收益率
European-style option or European option 欧式期权
event risk 突发事件风险
event study 事件研究
exchange option 交换期权
exchange rate risk 汇率风险
Exchange-traded funds (ETFs) 交易所交易基金
expenditure multiplier 支出乘数
explicit cost 显性成本
extension risk 扩展风险
Extraordinary item 非常项目
factor ①应收账款收买商号②抵押因子
Federal Reserve Board(FRB/Fed)联邦储备委员会
feedback theory 反馈理论
Financial Accounting Standards Board (FASB)美国财务会计准则委员会financial statement analysis 财务报表分析
financing cash flow 融资现金流
First- In,First- Out (FIFO)先进先出法
fiscal policy 财政政策
fixed income securities 固定收益证券
floating rate bond 浮动利率债券
floor ①交易大厅。
floor agreement 利率下限合约
Flotation cost,F 发行成本
forward contract 远期合约
forward exchange rate 远期汇率
Forward Rate Agreement(FRA)远期利率协议
Free Cash Flow(FCF)自由现金流
frictional unemployment 摩擦性失业
fundamentals 基本面
futures contract 期货合约
geometric average 几何平均
Global Investment Performance StandardsTM(GIPS®)全球投资绩效标准going-concern assumption 持续经营假设
goodwill 商誉
go public 公营化
Gross Domestic Product(GDP)国内生产总值
harmonic mean 调和平均数
hedge fund 对冲基金
held- to- maturity securities 持有至到期的证券
Herfindahl index or Herfindahl-Hirschman index 赫芬德指数
Holding Period Return(HPR)持有期收益
Holding Period Yield(HPY)持有期收益
hypothesis testing 假设检验
impairment 亏损
income elasticity 收入弹性
Income Statement(I/S)损益表
income tax expense 所得税费用
index option 指数期权
industry life-cycle 行业生命周期
inflation 通货膨胀
intangible assets 无形资产
interest rate forward 利率远期合约
interest rate option 利率期权
Interest Rate Parity (IRP)利率平价理论
interest rate risk 利率风险
interest rate swap 利率互换
interest rate tree 利率树
Internal Rate of Return (IRR)内部收益率
International Financial Reporting Standard(IFRS) 国际财务报告准则
inventory method of depreciation 盘存折旧法
inverted yield curve 反向收益率曲线
Investment Cash Flow(ICF)投资现金流量
Investment Opportunity Schedule(IOS)投资机会表
Investment Policy Statement(IPS) 投资策略文件
junior bond 次级债券
kurtosis 峰态
labor market 劳动力市场
Laffer curve 拉弗曲线
Last- In,First Out(LIFO)后进先出法
law of diminishing marginal utility 边际效用递减规律
liabilities 负债
lognormal distribution 对数正态分布
London InterBank Offering Rate (LIBOR)伦敦银行同业拆放利率
long-term liability/debt 长期负债
look-ahead bias 预测偏差
lookback option 回顾期权
macroeconomic factor 宏观经济因素
Management Discussion and Analysis(MD&A)管理、讨论和分析
marginal benefit 边际利益
Marginal Cost 边际成本
Marginal Cost of Capital(MCC)边际资本成本
Marginal Revenue(MR)边际收益
margin call 追加保证金通知
marketable securities 有价证券
market-value-weighted series 市值加权指数matching principle 配比原则
maturity value 到期值
minimum price 最低价格
minimum-variance hedge ratio 最小方差套期保值率minimum wage 最低工资
minority interests 少数股东权益
modified duration 修正久期
monetary policy 货币政策
money-supply effect 货币供应效应
monopolistic competition 垄断竞争
monopoly 垄断
Monte Carlo simulation 蒙特卡罗模拟
mortgage pay-through bond 抵押付款债券municipal bond(Muni)市政债券
N negative convexity 负凸性
negotiable certificate of deposit 可转让定期存单Net Asset Value 资产净值
Net Operating Income(NOI)营业净收入
Net Present Value (NPV)净现值
nominal spread 名义差价
nominal yield 名义收益率
noncash item 非现金项目
nondiversifiable risk 不能分散风险
nonrefundable 禁止再融资赎回
no risk premium hypothesis 无风险溢价假说normal distribution 正态分布
notional Interest Only(IO)名义上的纯利息部分notional principal 名义本金
O objective probabilities 客观概率
off-balance sheet asset 表外资产
oligopoly 寡头
open-end fund 开放式基金
open market operations 公开市场操作
operating asset 营运资产
opportunity cost 机会成本
optimal capital structure 最佳资本结构
Option-adjusted spread(OAS)期权调整价差Ordinary least squares (OLS) 最小二乘法overconfidence trap 过于信任陷阱
Over-The-Counter(OTC)场外交易市场overvalued 价格高估
owner’s equity 所有者权益
Payback Period(PBP)回收期法
percentage-of-completion method 完成百分比法
perfect market 完美市场
perpetuity ①永久性(投资)②永续年金
Phillips curve 菲利普斯曲线
plain vanilla interest rate swap 单纯利率互换
potential deposit expansion multiplier 潜在存款扩大乘数
preferred stock 优先股
prepayment option 提前偿还期权
prerefunded bonds 提前支付地方政府债券
pretax income 税前利润
price-cash flow ratio 价格现金流比率
price ceiling 价格上限
Price / Earnings ratio(P/E ratio)(also price-earnings multiple) 市盈率price floor 价格下限
price multiple 价格倍数
price searchers 价格寻找者
price takers 价格接受者
Price Value of a Basis Point (PVBP)基点价格
price-weighted index 价格权重指数
primary market 一级市场
principal-agent problem 委托代理问题
principal strip 本金剥离
prior-period adjustments 前期调整
prisoner’s dilemma 囚犯的两难处境
probability density function 概率密度函数
producer surplus 生产者剩余
productivity 生产率
profit margin(also net profit margin) 利润率
profitability 获利能力
pro forma statement 试算报表
proprietorship 独资企业
protective put 保护性看跌(期权)
proxy statement 委托声明
put-call parity 看跌-看涨期权平价关系
qualified opinion 附保留意见
quick ratio 速动比率
quota 限额
random variable 随机变量
Real Estate Investment Trusts(REITs)不动产投资信托基金
real GDP 真实GDP
reinvestment risk 再投资风险
report form 报告式
repurchase agreements(Repo/RP)回购协议
required reserve ratio 必要收益率
Return On Equity (ROE)净资产收益率
return on total capital 总资本收益率
revenue bond 收益债券
Roy’s safety first criterion 洛伊安全第一准则
sales basis method 销售收入确认法
sampling error 抽样误差
scale 排价
scenario analysis 情景分析
Securities and Exchange Commission(SEC)美国证券交易委员会Security Market Line(SML)证券市场线
sensitivity analysis 敏感性分析
Sharpe ratio/measure 夏普比率/测度
shortfall risk 空头风险
short sale 卖空
significance level 显著性水平
skewness 偏度
spot ①现货②现汇③即期
standard deviation 标准差
standard error 标准误
Standard Error of the Estimate(SEE)估计的标准误差
standard Poor’s 500 stock Index 标准普尔500种股票指数statement of stockholders’equity 股东权益表
static approach 静止策略
static spread(also zero-volatility spread) 静态(零波动)价差
static yield spread 静态收益率差
stop loss order 止损指令
straight line depreciation 直线折旧法
strike price 履约价格
Student’s t-distribution Student t-分布
subordinated (junior) bond 次级债券
Sum of the Years’ Digits method (SYD)年数总和(折旧)法supply curve 供给曲线
survivorship bias 生存偏差
sustainable growth rate 可持续增长率
swap arbitrage 换汇套利
swap spread 互换价差
symmetric information 信息对称
systematic risk 系统性风险
take-or-pay contract 接受或付款契约
tariff quota 关税配额
tax loss carryforward 税收损失递延
tax preference theory 税收偏好理论
taxes payable 应付税额
temporal method 暂时法
term structure of volatility 波动率的期限结构
test statistic 检验统计量
time horizon 时间期限
time-series analysis 时间序列分析
time-weighted rate of return 时间加权收益率
total probability rule 全概率准则
trailing P/E (or cruuent P/E) 当前市盈率
Treasury Inflation Protection Securities(TIPS)通货膨胀保值债券treasury securities 国库券
treasury stock 库存股
treasury strips 国债本息分离债券
type I error 第一类错误
type II error 第二类错误
unanticipated inflation 未预期的通胀
unearned revenue 预收款
unemployment 失业
uniform probability distribution 均匀概率分布
units-of-production 单位产量折旧法
unsystematic risk 非系统风险
utilitarianism 功利主义
utility 效用
utility revenue bond 公用事业收入债券
valuation allowance 备抵补偿
valuation model 定价模型
variable 变量
variance 方差
velocity of money 货币流通速度
venture capital firms 风险投资公司
volatility risk 波动性风
weighted average 加权平均数
Weighted-average Cost of Capital (WACC)加权平均资金成本working capital 营运资本
working capital management 运营资金
yield curve risk 收益率曲线风险
yield ratio 收益率
yield spread 收益率差
yield to maturity(YTM)到期收益率
yield to worst 最差收益率
Z zero-coupon bond 零息债券
zero-sum game 零和游戏
zero-volatility spread (Z-spread)零波动价差。