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Unit 1 The first day at school

1、开学第一天the first day at school

2、新学期的第一天the first day of the new term

3、所有的学生all the students

4、回到学校be back at school

5、高兴看到彼此be happy to see each other

6、一栋新大楼a new building

7、许多房间 a lot of rooms8、在大楼里in the building

9、我不确定。I’m not sure. 10、让我们去看看Let’s go and see.11、看一看have a look 12、厕所toilet 13、花园garden14、一个乒乓球室a table tennis room

15、一个阅览室a reading room16、秋千swing17、滑梯slide

18、你们学校有多少个教室?How many classrooms are there in your school?

19、有四十二个.There are forty-two. 20、这栋大楼里有一些阅览室吗?Are

there any reading rooms in the building? 21、是的.Yes, there are.

22、冰箱里有些面包吗?Is there any bread in the fridge?23、没了.No, there isn’t. 24、a pair of …看成单数,如a pair of shoes

there be 句型有就近原则,

不可数名词用there is, 如:bread, water, milk, paper, juice, rice…

Unit 2 A new house

1、她的父母her parents

2、住在一栋新房子里live in a new house

3、在她学校附近near her schoo

4、非常喜欢这只兔子like the rabbit very much

5、三间卧室three bedrooms

6、两个卫生间two toilets

7、一个书房 a study(studies)8、一间餐厅a dining- room

9、一间大起居室a large sitting-room 10、一些布娃娃some dolls

11、在墙上in the wall(镶在墙里)12、on the wall(挂在墙上)

13、一幅世界地图 a map of the world14、沙发 a sofa 15、电话telephone 16、台灯lamp 17、在…后面behind18、在…下面under

19、床下面有什么?What’s under the bed?20、有一个足球.There’s a football.

21、门后面有什么?What’s behind the door?22、有一些伞.There are some umbrellas.

23、没有铅笔了.There isn’t a pencil.24、这儿有支铅笔给你.Here’s a pencil for you.

There aren’t any pencils. Here are some pencils for you.

Unit 3 At a Music lesson

1、在一节音乐课上at a Music lesson

2、下午两点two o’clock in the afternoon

3、在音乐室里in the music room

4、上音乐课have a Music lesson

5、孩子们boys and girls

6、唱歌sing a song

7、你会唱什么歌?What can you sing?8、让我们先跳舞.Let’s dance first.

9、我会游泳.I can swim.10、你会干什么?What can you do?

11、拉小提琴play the violin12、让我们开始吧!Let’s start.

13、学歌learn a song14、听歌listen to a song15、跟着我(学)follow me 16、让我们一起唱吧!Let’s sing together.17、滑冰skate 18、滑雪ski

19、做木偶make a puppet 20、做飞机模型make a model plane /make model planes

21、弹吉他play the guitar22、骑自行车ride a bike / ride bikes

Unit 4 Halloween

1、他的一家his family(复数)

2、为一个万圣节聚会买东buy things for a Halloween party

3、在客厅里in the sitting room

4、这是找给你的零钱.Here’s your change.

5、需要一些巧克力need some chocolate

6、买一些面具buy some masks

7、一个南瓜灯a pumpkin lantern8、他们需要什么?What do they need?

9、我能帮你吗?Can I help you?10、你还需要些什么?What else do you need?

11、你喜欢什么面具?What masks do you like?

12、这些花瓶多少钱?How much are these vases? 13、八十七元.They’re eighty-seven yuan.

14、你喜欢马吗?Do you like horses? 15、不.我喜欢猪.No. I like pigs. 16、鸡chicken 17、鸭duck18、你喜欢什么?What do you like?19、我喜欢花.I like flowers.

Unit 6 Doing housework

1、周日上午Sunday afternoon

2、在家be at home

3、做家务do housework

4、电话响了.The telephone is ringing.

5、你是苏海吗?(电话用语)Is that Su Hai?

6、你现在有空吗?Are you free now?

7、扫地sweep the floor8、擦窗子clean the windows

9、做家庭作业do one’s homework10、来帮我come and help me

11、今天下午怎么样?How about this afternoon? 12、站stand13、洗衣服wash clothes 14、坐sit (sitting) 15、睡觉sleep16、跳jump 17、跑run (running)18、走walk

Unit 7 After school

1、放学后after school

2、下午三点three o’clock in the afternoon

3、放学了.Classes are over./School is over.

4、寻找他们look for them

5、打扰了Excuse me

6、在办公室in the office

7、我认为,我觉得I think8、打篮球play basketball

9、也许perhaps10、加入我们join us

11、去操场go to the playground12、去图书馆go to the library

13、在图书馆学习study in the library14、打扫书房clean the study

15、看报纸read a newspaper16、看杂志read a magazine

17、看漫画书read a picture book18、下棋play chess

19、打牌play cards20、玩悠悠球play with a yo-yo

Unit 8 A camping trip

1、一次野营旅行a camping trip

2、孩子child (children)
