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One day, while my friend and I was traveling through 76.were

Germany, we were not very hungry but we only had a little 77.not

money. We decided ^ stop at a village market to buy 78.to

something to eat. We choose the cheapest biscuits and 79.chose

ate it under a tree. We thought the biscuits were great. 80.them

“Let’s got some more,” I said, “They’re cheap and they 81.get

really taste well.” My friend could read some German, but 82.good

I couldn’t, and I gave her the biscuit bag to find the name. 83.go

She looked at it and started to laugh, “How are you laughing?” 84.why

I asked. “Because they’re dog biscuits!”She said. 85.√


Dear Ken,

I am very exciting to learn that you’re coming to 76.excited

Beijing for the Olympic. Both my parent miss you a 77parents

lot. So do our friend, Cathy, August is the best time 78does

of the year to visit Beijing, because of there is only 79去of

a few rain and the weather is neither too hot nor too 80little

cold. There are so many places I want to take you to 81√

after I finish my work like a volunteer. When you come, 82as

you can stay with ourselves. My house is about three kilometers 83us

far away from the National Stadium, also known as 84去far the “Bird’s Nest”, where∧opening ceremony will be held. 85the

Best regards,



It is five years now since I graduate from No. 3 High 76. graduated

School. Last Saturday, the class that I was on held a 77. _is_ get—together. which took us a long time ^ prepare. It 78. to

was indeed not easy to get in the﹨touch with everybody 79. the ﹨

and set a well time for all of us. We all enjoyed 80. good

this precious day greatly, remember the time we spent 81. remembering together and the people they were familiar with. It was 82. _we_

a pity which some of us were not present as they back 83. that

gone abroad for further studies. But they called back 84. √

or sent greeting card from different places. 85. cards


Dear Alice,

I have just got some good mews to tell to you. 76.__去掉to__

I win a national prize for painting last week. 77.__won____

My father was so pleasing that he suggested 78._pleased/happy__ I go to England for a holiday. I’d like to staying 79.__stay____ There for half a month, visiting place of interest 80.places______

or practicing my English as well. We’ve been 81._and_____ Writing to each∧for nearly a year now. I have 82.__other____ often dreamed of talk face to with you. 83._talking_____ I imagine you’ll be at vacation yourself by that 84._on _____ Time. Perhaps we could go out to do some 85.___√___ sightseeing together.




If I have the honor to be chose to work for the 76.chosen

29th Olympic Games, I will at first improve my 77.at

English so that I can talk easily about foreign visitors. 78.with/ to
