高二英语选修8学案:知识目标 Unit1 Alandofdiversity

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1.The Taiwan S seperates Taiwan Island from the mainland.


2.Only a few of them thought highly of the plan.The m were against it.


3.Now in China,an increasing p of the population have their own cars.


4.—What’s your n?

—I’m British.


5.My father h three men to help him with the harvest last summer.


6.He has twenty heads of________ (牛) on his farm.


7.He has six pieces of_______ (行李).


8______.(显然),he has lost interest in physics.


9.Now and then some _______(海鸥) came into sight.


10.The government announced additional rules on _______(移民).


by means of occur to team up with take in a great many

1.of the students in our school are from Japan.

答案:A great many

2.The two companies each other to develop a new racing car.

答案:teamed up

3.Much electricity is produced water.

答案:by means of

4.Fish oxygen through their gills(鳃).

答案:take in

5.Did it ever you to study abroad?

答案:occur to

1.A.When you receive this letter,I will have left this country.

B._____ _____ _______ this letter reaches you,I will be abroad already.

答案:By the time

2.A.Day by day,thousands of birds started flying over to his garden and settled there.

B.Gradually,the garden_____ _______ to thousands of birds.

答案:became home

3.A.They played many songs and some of my favourites were among them.

B.They played many songs _____some of ________

答案:including;my favourites

4.A.People used to think that the earth was flat.

B.It was_______ _______that the earth was flat.

答案:once thought

5.A.Would you like to go out to take a walk?

B.Do you _______ _________ ________out for a walk?

答案:feel like going


Read the following and fill the blanks with the given words:

population dreams rushed rich state beaches Chinese gold job

California and its people

People have been following their dreams of going to California for more than 150 years.More than 35 million people live there now,more than in any other 1.

At first,the dream was to find 2.In 1848,a man named James Marshall found a piece of bright metal there.It was gold.Many people 3to California to look for gold.A few found some and became 4.Those people who stayed there made homes for themselves and found work.In

1850,California became a state.

Today,California is still a land of 5.People want to live there because of the warm weather and sunshine.There are beautiful ocean 6and mountains as well.Though earthquakes are always a possible threat in California,danger from nature does not seem to keep people from moving to California and having children there.The 7grew almost five percent between 2000 and 2003.About half the population growth was from people who arrived from other states

or countries.San Francisco has one of the largest 8populations outside Asia.Some newcomers dreams of Hollywood.They come to find a 9in the movie capital of the world.









