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5/ GE / May 26, 2005
HAZARD ASSESSMENT – Housekeeping-01 Poor office housekeeping.
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Good office housekeeping
No ignition source in office area (flame, hot work, hot bulbs). 办公室区域属于禁火区,现场禁止任何引火源 办公室区域属于禁火区, 明火,高温操作,热光灯等) (明火,高温操作,热光灯等) Chemicals/Combustible materials are never allowed to be stored in office area or under stairwells (paper package, foams, and plastics).办公区域和楼梯间内不储存化学品及易燃物(纸箱、泡沫、塑料等),无障碍 办公区域和楼梯间内不储存化学品及易燃物 办公区域和楼梯间内不储存化学品及易燃物(纸箱、泡沫、塑料等) 无障碍 6/ GE / 物堵塞 May 26, 2005
8/ GE / May 26, 2005
HAZARD ASSESSMENT – Housekeeping-04 Poor office housekeeping.
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Chemicals (including plastic grains, ethanol, paint, and other solvent) are never allowed to be stored&used in office area 办公室内不能使用和存储化学品( 办公室内不能使用和存储化学品( 包括塑料粒子,洗涤剂无水乙醇、 包括塑料粒子,洗涤剂无水乙醇、 香蕉水和各类油漆等) 香蕉水和各类油漆等) Evacuation indicating lamp are observable and easy to be found逃生 逃生 指示灯是否醒目,易识别? 指示灯是否醒目,易识别? Fire extinguishers are in place, and regularly checked灭火器是否被移动 灭火器是否被移动 是否有定期检查? 过,是否有定期检查?
7/ GE / May 26, 2005
HAZARD ASSESSMENT – Housekeeping-03 Poor office housekeeping.
Sharp edge
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Mark or label the glass for caution, dispose the broken glass timely玻璃有防 玻璃有防 误撞的标示, 误撞的标示,破损玻璃及时清除 No piled file cabinets。Cabinet 。 drawers are kept closed when not in use 文件柜不应堆叠, 文件柜不应堆叠,抽屉使用完毕后及时 合拢 All glasswares stored below eye level眼 眼 部水平面以上禁止放置易碎制品 No sharp edges and sharps in office area. 工作区域没有锐边、锐角、锐物等 工作区域没有锐边、锐角、 易引起人受伤的部件 Keep knivies in good condition, Always cap the blade when not in use.美工刀等 美工刀等 刀具应无破损, 刀具应无破损,使用后及时收起
Typing with wrist support
Typing without wrist support
Wrist not to be rested while typing
3/ GE / May 26, 2005
HAZARD ASSESSMENT – Office Ergonomic 03
HAZARD ASSESSMENT – Housekeeping-07
Use warning signs to communicate hazards
Wrong Right
12 / GE / May 26, 2005
HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Housekeeping 08
Undesired storage
Correct posture
MATERIAL HANDLING Steps to follow--遵循的原则 遵循的原则
Preparation 准备 make sure the intended path is clear of obstructions 确定前方通道没有阻挡 Check the load 检查道路 for sharp edges and protrusions (such as staples) 没有锋利的边缘和突出物体 Size u p the load 估算被搬运物体 which involves ascertaining the weight, and determining whether it falls within the lifting capacity of the person performing the task包括了解重量,决定搬运人是否能胜任 包括了解重量, 包括了解重量
14 / GE / May 26, 2005
HAZARD ASSESSMENT – Trip Hazarຫໍສະໝຸດ Baidu-01
Watch your steps. Provide black /yellow stripe to make it more visible
Trip hazard
15 / GE / May 26, 2005
HAZARD ASSESSMENT – Housekeeping-02 Poor office housekeeping.
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No extension cords exposed in walking areas, causing trip/trap hazards. 临时线 临时线/ 接线板不应有绊倒人的危险 Use certified extension cord ("CCC" certifified labels), Do not overload, Do not daisy chain.使用合格的接线板(例如有 使用合格的接线板( 使用合格的接线板 CCC认证)电源接线板使用在额定功率内 认证) 认证 ,不得串联使用 Check cords/wires/electrical devices for cut, broken or cracked insulation办公区域 办公区域 内不得有任何的带有超过24伏电压的带电 内不得有任何的带有超过 伏电压的带电 体裸露,如破损电线,破损电器, 体裸露,如破损电线,破损电器,打开的 电脑电源等 Replace damaged carpets, keep floor clean and dry地毯无掀起,地板没有湿滑 地毯无掀起, 地毯无掀起 现象, 现象,工作地板区域是否清洁
1/ GE / May 26, 2005
HAZARD ASSESSMENT – Office Ergonomic-01
Lower back must have proper support
2/ GE / May 26, 2005
HAZARD ASSESSMENT – Office Ergonomic 02
18 / GE / May 26, 2005
HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Chemicals 02 No container label. Proper container label.
Container labels must be legible showing hazard warning symbol and name of content
10 / GE / May 26, 2005
HAZARD ASSESSMENT – Housekeeping-06
Spot the hazard and provide warning till it is corrected
Wet floor Use warning signs
11 / GE / May 26, 2005
Avoid neck injuries ?
4/ GE / May 26, 2005
HAZARD ASSESSMENT – Office Ergonomic 04(Manual handling)
Incorrect posture
Correct ergo posture while lifting prevents back injuries
19 / GE / May 26, 2005
CTC chemical labels used for chemicals without labels that can show name of contents and hazard characteristics (NFPA hazard rating is mandatory requirement for filling in CTC chemical labels)
17 / GE / May 26, 2005
HAZARD ASSESSMENT - Chemicals 01 Missing container labels. Proper container label.
All chemical containers must be labeled with the name of chemical and hazard warning symbol
No inspection log tag
9/ GE / May 26, 2005
HAZARD ASSESSMENT – Housekeeping-05 Poor lab housekeeping. Good lab housekeeping
Good housekeeping promotes productivity and safety
Desired storage
13 / GE / May 26, 2005
HAZARD ASSESSMENT – Emergency Preparedness 01 Exit door pathway/evacuation route to be clear of obstructions
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Recognition of safety hazards is an essential component of any functional safety program. As you may already know, hazard recognition is a key aspect of many elements of the General Electric Global Health and Safety Framework. With this in mind, this manual was developed to educate all levels of employees with a comprehensive hazard assessment tool .
HAZARD ASSESSMENT – Trip hazard-02
Watch you steps while climbing stair case
16 / GE / May 26, 2005
HAZARD ASSESSMENT – Trip hazard-03
Watch your steps- Do not read while walking