完整中英文对照资产负债表,损益表 ,现金流量表

完整英文版资产负债表、利润表及现金流量表Balance Sheet 资产负债表ITEM项目Cash 货币资金Short term investments短期投资Notes receivable 应收票据Dividend receivable应收股利Interest receivable应收利息Accounts receivable 应收帐款Other receivables 其他应收款Accounts prepaid预付帐款Future guarantee 期货保证金Allowance receivable 应收补贴款Export drawback receivable应收出口退税Inventories存货Including:Raw materials其中:原材料Finished goods 产成品(库存商品)Prepaid and deferred expenses 待摊费用Unsettled G/L on current assets 待处理流动资产净损失Long—term debenture investment falling due in a year 一年内到期的长期债权投资Other current assets其他流动资产Total current assets 流动资产合计Long—term investment:长期投资:Including long term equity investment 其中:长期股权投资Long term securities investment 长期债权投资Incorporating price difference*合并价差Total long—term investment 长期投资合计Fixed assets—cost 固定资产原价Less: Accumulated Depreciation减:累计折旧Fixed assets—net value 固定资产净值Less: Impairment of fixed assets 减:固定资产减值准备Net value of fixed assets固定资产净额Disposal of fixed assets 固定资产清理Project material 工程物资Construction in Progress在建工程Unsettled G/L on fixed assets 待处理固定资产净损失Total tangible assets 固定资产合计Intangible assets 无形资产Including and use rights 其中:土地使用权Deferred assets 递延资产(长期待摊费用)Including:Fixed assets repair其中:固定资产修理Improvement expenditure of fixed assets固定资产改良支出Other long term assets 其他长期资产Among it:Specially approved reserving materials 其中:特准储备物资Total intangible assets and other assets 无形及其他资产合计Deferred assets debits递延税款借项Total Assets 资产总计Balance Sheet 资产负债表(续表)ITEM 项目Short—term loans短期借款Notes payable 应付票款Accounts payab1e 应付帐款Advances from customers预收帐款Accrued wages 应付工资Welfare payable 应付福利费Profits payable应付利润(股利)Taxes payable应交税金Other payable to government其他应交款Other creditors 其他应付款Provision for expenses预提费用Accrued liabilities 预计负债Long term liabilities due within one year 一年内到期的长期负债Other current liabilities 其他流动负债Total current liabilities 流动负债合计Long—term loans payable长期借款Bonds payable 应付债券long—term accounts payable 长期应付款Special accounts payable专项应付款Other long—term liabilities 其他长期负债Including:Special reserve fund 其中:特准储备资金Total long term liabilities 长期负债合计Deferred taxation credit 递延税款贷项Total liabilities 负债合计Minority interests *少数股东权益Subscribed Capital 实收资本(股本)National capital 国家资本Collective capital 集体资本Legal person's/ entity capital法人资本Including: State-owned legal person’s capital其中:国有法人资本Collective legal person's capital 集体法人资本Personal capital 个人资本Foreign businessmen’s capital外商资本Capital surplus 资本公积surplus reserve 盈余公积Including:statutory surplus reserve 其中:法定盈余公积public welfare fund 公益金Supplermentary current capital 补充流动资本Unaffirmed investment loss*未确认的投资损失(以“—”号填列)Retained earnings 未分配利润Converted difference in Foreign Currency Statements 外币报表折算差额Total shareh older’s equity所有者权益合计Total Liabilities &Equity 负债及所有者权益总计INCOME STATEMENT 利润表ITEMS 项目Sales of products 产品销售收入Including:Export sales 其中:出口产品销售收入Less:Sales discount and allowances 减:销售折扣与折让Net sales of products 产品销售净额Less:Sales tax 减:产品销售税金Cost of sales产品销售成本Including:Cost of export sales其中:出口产品销售成本Gross profit on sales产品销售毛利Less:Selling expenses 减:销售费用General and administrative expenses管理费用Financial expenses 财务费用Including:Interest expenses (minus interest income) 其中:利息支出(减利息收入)Exchange losses(minus exchange gains) 汇兑损失(减汇兑收益)Profit on sales 产品销售利润Add:profit from other operations加:其他业务利润Operating profit营业利润Add:Income on investment 加:投资收益Add:Non—operating income 加:营业外收入Less:Non—operating expenses 减:营业外支出Add:adjustment of loss and gain for previous years加:以前年度损益调整Total profit利润总额Less:Income tax 减:所得税Net profit 净利润Cash Flows Statement 现金流量表Prepared by:Period:Unit:拟制人:时间:单位:Items 项目1。

【最新】ACCA资产负债表中英文解析1. 资产类词汇 Assets“Assets”定义A resource controlled by an entity as a result of past events and from which future economicbenefits are expected to flow to the entity.资产是指由企业过去经营交易或各项事项形成的,由企业拥有或控制的,预期会给企业带来经济利益的资源。
1.1 非流动性资产Non-current assets“Non-current assets”定义A non-currentasset is an asset that is not likely to turn to unrestricted cash within oneyear of the balance sheet date.非流动资产是指流动资产以外的资产,主要包括持有到期投资、长期应收款、长期股权投资、投资性房地产、固定资产、在建工程、无形资产、长期待摊费用、可供出售金融资产等。
1.2 流动性资产 Currentassets“Current assets”定义Current assets arebalance sheet accounts that represent the value of all assets that can reasonably expect to be converted into cash within one year.流动资产(Current Assets)是指企业可以在一年或者超过一年的一个营业周期内变现或者运用的资产。
2. 权益类词汇 Equity“Equity”定义The residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities.所有者权益是指企业资产扣除负债后由所有者享有的剩余权益。

资产负债表中英文对照资产Assets流动资产Current assets货币资金Cash at bank and on hand交易性金融资产Financial assets held for trading应收票据Notes receivable应收账款Accounts receivable预付款项Advances to suppliers应收利息Interest receivable应收股利Dividends receivable其他应收款Other receivables存货Inventories一年内到期的非流动资产Current portion of non-current assets 其他流动资产Other current assets流动资产合计Total current assets非流动资产Non-current assets可供出售金融资产Available-for-sale financial assets 持有至到期投资Held-to-maturity investments长期应收款Long-term receivables长期股权投资Long-term equity investments投资性房地产Investment properties固定资产Fixed assets在建工程Construction in progress工程物资Construction materials固定资产清理Fixed assets pending for disposal生产性生物资产Bearer biological assets油气资产Oil and gas assets无形资产Intangible assets开发支出Development costs商誉Goodwill长期待摊费用Long-term prepaid expenses递延所得税资产Deferred tax assets其他非流动资产Other non-current assets非流动资产合计T otal non-current assets资产总计Total assets负债及所有者权益Liabilities and owners’ equity 流动负债Current liabilities短期借款Short-term borrowings交易性金融负债Financial liabilities held for trading应付票据Notes payable应付账款Accounts payable预收款项Advances from customers应付职工薪酬Employee benefits payable应交税费Taxes payable应付利息Interest payable应付股利Dividends payable其他应收款Other payables一年内到期的非流动负债Current portion of non-current liabilities其他流动负债Other non-current liabilities流动负债合计Total current liabilities非流动负债Non-current liabilities长期借款Long-term borrowings应付债券Debentures payable长期应付款Long-term payable专项应付款Payables for specific projects预计负债Provisions递延所得税负债Deferred tax liabilities其他非流动负债Other non-current liabilities非流动负债合计T otal non-current liabilities负债合计Total liabilities所有者权益Owners’ equity实收资本Paid-in capital资本公积Capital surplus盈余公积Surplus reserve未分配利润Undistributed profits外币报表折算差额Difference on translation of foreign currency financial statements归属于母公司所有者权益合T otal equity attributable to equity holders of the Company计少数股东权益Minority interest所有者权益合计T otal owners’ equity负债及所有者权益合计Total li abilities and owners’ equity。

资产负债表(Balance Sheet)简称资产负债表,英文的 Balance有平衡以及差额、余额两种涵义,因此我们也可以说资产负债表也具有这两种涵义。
What Is the Function of a Balance Sheet?A balance sheet is a snapshot of the assets a company owns, the debts it owes, and how much it is worth. It is one of the tools management, lenders and investors use to assess a company's overall situation. It is not hard to understand a balance sheet, but you need to know how the parts of a balance sheet function and the role it plays in providing a complete picture of the company.的作用是什么资产负债表吗?资产负债表是资产的快照的债务公司拥有它欠多少价值。

这四大财务报表分别是资产负债表(Balance Sheet)、损益表(Income Statement)、现金流量表(Cash Flow Statement)和股东权益变动表(Statement of Changes in Equity)。
一、资产负债表(Balance Sheet)资产负债表是衡量公司财务状况的重要指标,它展示了公司在特定日期的资产、负债和所有者权益的情况。
资产负债表的中英文对照如下:中文:资产负债表英文:Balance Sheet资产(Assets):1. 流动资产(Current Assets)2. 非流动资产(Non-current Assets)负债和所有者权益(Liabilities and Equity):1. 流动负债(Current Liabilities)2. 非流动负债(Non-current Liabilities)3. 所有者权益(Equity)资产负债表将公司的资产按照流动性和长期性分类,并将公司的负债和所有者权益细分为流动负债、非流动负债和所有者权益,以展示公司的资产负债结构。
二、损益表(Income Statement)损益表是公司在一定期间内的收入、成本和利润情况的总结,展示了公司的盈利能力。
损益表的中英文对照如下:中文:损益表英文:Income Statement收入(Revenue):1. 销售收入(Sales Revenue)2. 其他收入(Other Revenue)成本(Expenses):1. 销售成本(Cost of Goods Sold)2. 营业费用(Operating Expenses)3. 税前利润(Profit Before Tax)利润(Profit):1. 税后利润(Net Profit)损益表记录了公司在一段时间内的总收入、总成本和净利润,帮助投资者和管理层了解公司的盈利能力。

资产负债表 Balance Sheet项目 ITEM货币资金 Cash短期投资 Short term investments应收票据 Notes receivable应收股利 Dividend receivable应收利息 Interest receivable应收帐款 Accounts receivable其他应收款 Other receivables预付帐款 Accounts prepaid期货保证金 Future guarantee应收补贴款 Allowance receivable应收出口退税 Export drawback receivable存货 Inventories其中:原材料 Including:Raw materials产成品(库存商品) Finished goods待摊费用 Prepaid and deferred expenses待处理流动资产净损失 Unsettled G/L on current assets一年内到期的长期债权投资 Long-term debenture investment falling due in a yaear 其他流动资产 Other current assets流动资产合计 Total current assets长期投资: Long-term investment:其中:长期股权投资 Including long term equity investment长期债权投资 Long term securities investment*合并价差 Incorporating price difference长期投资合计 Total long-term investment固定资产原价 Fixed assets-cost减:累计折旧 Less:Accumulated Dpreciation固定资产净值 Fixed assets-net value减:固定资产减值准备 Less:Impairment of fixed assets固定资产净额 Net value of fixed assets固定资产清理 Disposal of fixed assets工程物资 Project material在建工程 Construction in Progress待处理固定资产净损失 Unsettled G/L on fixed assets固定资产合计 Total tangible assets无形资产 Intangible assets其中:土地使用权 Including and use rights递延资产(长期待摊费用)Deferred assets其中:固定资产修理 Including:Fixed assets repair固定资产改良支出 Improvement expenditure of fixed assets其他长期资产 Other long term assets其中:特准储备物资 Among it:Specially approved reserving materials 无形及其他资产合计 Total intangible assets and other assets递延税款借项 Deferred assets debits资产总计 Total Assets资产负债表(续表) Balance Sheet项目 ITEM短期借款 Short-term loans应付票款 Notes payable应付帐款 Accounts payab1e预收帐款 Advances from customers应付工资 Accrued payro1l应付福利费 Welfare payable应付利润(股利) Profits payab1e应交税金 Taxes payable其他应交款 Other payable to government其他应付款 Other creditors预提费用 Provision for expenses预计负债 Accrued liabilities一年内到期的长期负债 Long term liabilities due within one year 其他流动负债 Other current liabilities流动负债合计 Total current liabilities长期借款 Long-term loans payable应付债券 Bonds payable长期应付款 long-term accounts payable专项应付款 Special accounts payable其他长期负债 Other long-term liabilities其中:特准储备资金 Including:Special reserve fund长期负债合计 Total long term liabilities递延税款贷项 Deferred taxation credit负债合计 Total liabilities* 少数股东权益 Minority interests实收资本(股本) Subscribed Capital国家资本 National capital集体资本 Collective capital法人资本 Legal person"s capital其中:国有法人资本 Including:State-owned legal person"s capital集体法人资本 Collective legal person"s capital个人资本 Personal capital外商资本 Foreign businessmen"s capital资本公积 Capital surplus盈余公积 surplus reserve其中:法定盈余公积 Including:statutory surplus reserve公益金 public welfare fund补充流动资本 Supplermentary current capital* 未确认的投资损失(以“-”号填列) Unaffirmed investment loss 未分配利润 Retained earnings外币报表折算差额 Converted difference in Foreign Currency Statements 所有者权益合计 Total shareholder"s equity负债及所有者权益总计 Total Liabilities & Equity利润表 INCOME STATEMENT项目 ITEMS产品销售收入Sales of products其中:出口产品销售收入 Including:Export sales减:销售折扣与折让 Less:Sales discount and allowances产品销售净额Net sales of products减:产品销售税金Less:Sales tax产品销售成本 Cost of sales其中:出口产品销售成本Including:Cost of export sales产品销售毛利 Gross profit on sales减:销售费用 Less:Selling expenses管理费用General and administrative expenses财务费用Financial expenses其中:利息支出(减利息收入) Including:Interest expenses (minusinterest ihcome) 汇兑损失(减汇兑收益)Exchange losses(minus exchange gains)产品销售利润Profit on sales加:其他业务利润Add:profit from other operations营业利润Operating profit加:投资收益Add:Income on investment加:营业外收入Add:Non-operating income减:营业外支出Less:Non-operating expenses加:以前年度损益调整Add:adjustment of loss and gain for previous years利润总额 Total profit减:所得税 Less:Income tax净利润 Net profit现金流量表Cash Flows StatementPrepared by:Period: Unit:Items1.Cash Flows from Operating Activities:01)Cash received from sales of goods or rendering of services02)Rental receivedValue added tax on sales received and refunds of value03)added tax paid04)Refund of other taxes and levy other than value added tax07)Other cash received relating to operating activities08)Sub-total of cash inflows09)Cash paid for goods and services10)Cash paid for operating leases11)Cash paid to and on behalf of employees12)Value added tax on purchases paid13)Income tax paid14)Taxes paid other than value added tax and income tax17)Other cash paid relating to operating activities18)Sub-total of cash outflows19)Net cash flows from operating activities2.Cash Flows from Investing Activities:20)Cash received from return of investments21)Cash received from distribution of dividends or profits22)Cash received from bond interest incomeNet cash received from disposal of fixed assets,intangible 23)assets and other long-term assets26)Other cash received relating to investing activities27)Sub-total of cash inflowsCash paid to acquire fixed assets,intangible assets28)and other long-term assets29)Cash paid to acquire equity investments30)Cash paid to acquire debt investments33)Other cash paid relating to investing activities34)Sub-total of cash outflows35)Net cash flows from investing activities3.Cash Flows from Financing Activities:36)Proceeds from issuing shares37)Proceeds from issuing bonds38)Proceeds from borrowings41)Other proceeds relating to financing activities42)Sub-total of cash inflows43)Cash repayments of amounts borrowed44)Cash payments of expenses on any financing activities45)Cash payments for distribution of dividends or profits46)Cash payments of interest expenses47)Cash payments for finance leases48)Cash payments for reduction of registered capital51)Other cash payments relating to financing activities52)Sub-total of cash outflows53)Net cash flows from financing activities4.Effect of Foreign Exchange Rate Changes on Cash Increase in Cash and Cash EquivalentsSupplemental Information1.Investing and Financing Activities that do not Involve in Cash Receipts and Payments56)Repayment of debts by the transfer of fixed assets57)Repayment of debts by the transfer of investments58)Investments in the form of fixed assets59)Repayments of debts by the transfer of investories 2.Reconciliation of Net Profit to Cash Flows from Operating Activities62)Net profit63)Add provision for bad debt or bad debt written off64)Depreciation of fixed assets65)Amortization of intangible assetsLosses on disposal of fixed assets,intangible assets66)and other long-term assets (or deduct:gains)67)Losses on scrapping of fixed assets68)Financial expenses69)Losses arising from investments (or deduct:gains)70)Defered tax credit (or deduct:debit)71)Decrease in inventories (or deduct:increase)72)Decrease in operating receivables (or deduct:increase)73)Increase in operating payables (or deduct:decrease)74)Net payment on value added tax (or deduct:net receipts75)Net cash flows from operating activities Increase in Cash and Cash Equivalents76)cash at the end of the period77)Less:cash at the beginning of the period78)Plus:cash equivalents at the end of the period79)Less:cash equivalents at the beginning of the period80)Net increase in cash and cash equivalents现金流量表的现金流量声明拟制人:时间:单位:项目1.cash流量从经营活动:01 )所收到的现金从销售货物或提供劳务02 )收到的租金增值税销售额收到退款的价值03 )增值税缴纳04 )退回的其他税收和征费以外的增值税07 )其他现金收到有关经营活动08 )分,总现金流入量09 )用现金支付的商品和服务10 )用现金支付经营租赁11 )用现金支付,并代表员工12 )增值税购货支付13 )所得税的缴纳14 )支付的税款以外的增值税和所得税17 )其他现金支付有关的经营活动18 )分,总的现金流出19 )净经营活动的现金流量2.cash流向与投资活动:20 )所收到的现金收回投资21 )所收到的现金从分配股利,利润22 )所收到的现金从国债利息收入现金净额收到的处置固定资产,无形资产23 )资产和其他长期资产26 )其他收到的现金与投资活动27 )小计的现金流入量用现金支付购建固定资产,无形资产28 )和其他长期资产29 )用现金支付,以获取股权投资30 )用现金支付收购债权投资33 )其他现金支付的有关投资活动34 )分,总的现金流出35 )的净现金流量,投资活动产生3.cash流量筹资活动:36 )的收益,从发行股票37 )的收益,由发行债券38 )的收益,由借款41 )其他收益有关的融资活动42 ),小计的现金流入量43 )的现金偿还债务所支付的44 )现金支付的费用,对任何融资活动45 )支付现金,分配股利或利润46 )以现金支付的利息费用47 )以现金支付,融资租赁48 )以现金支付,减少注册资本51 )其他现金收支有关的融资活动52 )分,总的现金流出53 )的净现金流量从融资活动4.effect的外汇汇率变动对现金增加现金和现金等价物补充资料1.investing活动和筹资活动,不参与现金收款和付款56 )偿还债务的转让固定资产57 )偿还债务的转移投资58 )投资在形成固定资产59 )偿还债务的转移库存量2.reconciliation净利润现金流量从经营活动62 )净利润63 )补充规定的坏帐或不良债务注销64 )固定资产折旧65 )无形资产摊销损失处置固定资产,无形资产66 )和其他长期资产(或减:收益)67 )损失固定资产报废68 )财务费用69 )引起的损失由投资管理(或减:收益)70 ) defered税收抵免(或减:借记卡)71 )减少存货(或减:增加)72 )减少经营性应收(或减:增加)73 )增加的经营应付账款(或减:减少)74 )净支付的增值税(或减:收益净额75 )净经营活动的现金流量增加现金和现金等价物76 )的现金,在此期限结束77 )减:现金期开始78 )加:现金等价物在此期限结束79 )减:现金等价物期开始80 ),净增加现金和现金等价物。

银行资产负债表中英文对照1 资产assets11~12 流动资产current assets111 现金及约当现金cash and cash equivalents1111 库存现金cash on hand1112 零用金/周转金petty cash/revolving funds1113 银行存款cash in banks1116 在途现金cash in transit1117 约当现金cash equivalents1118 其它现金及约当现金other cash and cash equivalents112 短期投资short—term investment1121 短期投资—股票short-term investments - stock1122 短期投资-短期票券short-term investments — short-term notes and bills1123 短期投资—政府债券short—term investments - government bonds 1124 短期投资-受益凭证short—term investments — beneficiary certificates 1125 短期投资-公司债short-term investments — corporate bonds1128 短期投资-其它short-term investments - other1129 备抵短期投资跌价损失allowance for reduction of short—term investment to market113 应收票据notes receivable1131 应收票据notes receivable1132 应收票据贴现discounted notes receivable1137 应收票据—关系人notes receivable — related parties1138 其它应收票据other notes receivable1139 备抵呆帐-应收票据allowance for uncollec— tible accounts— notes receivable114 应收帐款accounts receivable1141 应收帐款accounts receivable1142 应收分期帐款installment accounts receivable1147 应收帐款-关系人accounts receivable - related parties1149 备抵呆帐-应收帐款allowance for uncollec— tible accounts - accounts receivable118 其它应收款other receivables1181 应收出售远汇款forward exchange contract receivable1182 应收远汇款—外币forward exchange contract receivable - foreign currencies1183 买卖远汇折价discount on forward ex-change contract1184 应收收益earned revenue receivable1185 应收退税款income tax refund receivable1187 其它应收款- 关系人other receivables - related parties1188 其它应收款—其它other receivables — other1189 备抵呆帐—其它应收款allowance for uncollec— tible accounts - other receivables121~122 存货inventories1211 商品存货merchandise inventory1212 寄销商品consigned goods1213 在途商品goods in transit1219 备抵存货跌价损失allowance for reduction of inventory to market1221 制成品finished goods1222 寄销制成品consigned finished goods1223 副产品by-products1224 在制品work in process1225 委外加工work in process — outsourced1226 原料raw materials1227 物料supplies1228 在途原物料materials and supplies in transit1229 备抵存货跌价损失allowance for reduction of inventory to market125 预付费用prepaid expenses1251 预付薪资prepaid payroll1252 预付租金prepaid rents1253 预付保险费prepaid insurance1254 用品盘存office supplies1255 预付所得税prepaid income tax1258 其它预付费用other prepaid expenses126 预付款项prepayments1261 预付货款prepayment for purchases1268 其它预付款项other prepayments128~129 其它流动资产other current assets1281 进项税额VAT paid ( or input tax)1282 留抵税额excess VAT paid (or overpaid VAT)1283 暂付款temporary payments1284 代付款payment on behalf of others1285 员工借支advances to employees1286 存出保证金refundable deposits1287 受限制存款certificate of deposit-restricted1291 递延所得税资产deferred income tax assets1292 递延兑换损失deferred foreign exchange losses1293 业主(股东)往来owners(stockholders) current account1294 同业往来current account with others1298 其它流动资产—其它other current assets — other13 基金及长期投资funds and long-term investments131 基金funds1311 偿债基金redemption fund (or sinking fund)1312 改良及扩充基金fund for improvement and expansion1313 意外损失准备基金contingency fund1314 退休基金pension fund1318 其它基金other funds132 长期投资long-term investments1321 长期股权投资long—term equity investments1322 长期债券投资long—term bond investments1323 长期不动产投资long-term real estate in-vestments1324 人寿保险现金解约价值cash surrender value of life insurance1328 其它长期投资other long—term investments1329 备抵长期投资跌价损失allowance for excess of cost over market value of long-term investments14~ 15 固定资产property ,plant, and equipment141 土地land1411 土地land1418 土地-重估增值land - revaluation increments142 土地改良物land improvements1421 土地改良物land improvements1428 土地改良物-重估增值land improvements - revaluation increments 1429 累积折旧—土地改良物accumulated depreciation — land improvements143 房屋及建物buildings1431 房屋及建物buildings1438 房屋及建物—重估增值buildings —revaluation increments1439 累积折旧-房屋及建物accumulated depreciation - buildings144~146 机(器)具及设备machinery and equipment1441 机(器)具machinery1448 机(器)具—重估增值machinery - revaluation increments1449 累积折旧—机(器)具accumulated depreciation - machinery151 租赁资产leased assets1511 租赁资产leased assets1519 累积折旧—租赁资产accumulated depreciation — leased assets152 租赁权益改良leasehold improvements1521 租赁权益改良leasehold improvements1529 累积折旧—租赁权益改良accumulated depreciation - leasehold improvements156 未完工程及预付购置设备款construction in progress and prepayments for equipment1561 未完工程construction in progress1562 预付购置设备款prepayment for equipment158 杂项固定资产miscellaneous property,plant,and equipment1581 杂项固定资产miscellaneous property, plant, and equipment1588 杂项固定资产-重估增值miscellaneous property, plant,and equipment — revaluation increments1589 累积折旧- 杂项固定资产accumulated depreciation - miscellaneous property,plant, and equipment16 递耗资产depletable assets161 递耗资产depletable assets1611 天然资源natural resources1618 天然资源-重估增值natural resources —revaluation increments1619 累积折耗-天然资源accumulated depletion — natural resources17 无形资产intangible assets171 商标权trademarks1711 商标权trademarks172 专利权patents1721 专利权patents173 特许权franchise1731 特许权franchise174 著作权copyright1741 著作权copyright175 计算机软件computer software1751 计算机软件computer software cost176 商誉goodwill1761 商誉goodwill177 开办费organization costs1771 开办费organization costs178 其它无形资产other intangibles1781 递延退休金成本deferred pension costs1782 租赁权益改良leasehold improvements1788 其它无形资产-其它other intangible assets — other18 其它资产other assets181 递延资产deferred assets1811 债券发行成本deferred bond issuance costs1812 长期预付租金long—term prepaid rent1813 长期预付保险费long-term prepaid insurance1814 递延所得税资产deferred income tax assets1815 预付退休金prepaid pension cost1818 其它递延资产other deferred assets182 闲置资产idle assets1821 闲置资产idle assets184 长期应收票据及款项与催收帐款long—term notes , accounts and overdue receivables1841 长期应收票据long—term notes receivable1842 长期应收帐款long-term accounts receivable1843 催收帐款overdue receivables1847 长期应收票据及款项与催收帐款-关系人long—term notes, accounts and overdue receivables— related parties1848 其它长期应收款项other long-term receivables1849 备抵呆帐—长期应收票据及款项与催收帐款allowance for uncollectible accounts — long-term notes,accounts and overdue receivables185 出租资产assets leased to others1851 出租资产assets leased to others1858 出租资产—重估增值assets leased to others - incremental value from revaluation1859 累积折旧-出租资产accumulated depreciation — assets leased to others186 存出保证金refundable deposit1861 存出保证金refundable deposits188 杂项资产miscellaneous assets1881 受限制存款certificate of deposit - restricted1888 杂项资产-其它miscellaneous assets — other2 负债liabilities21~ 22 流动负债current liabilities211 短期借款short—term borrowings(debt)2111 银行透支bank overdraft2112 银行借款bank loan2114 短期借款—业主short-term borrowings - owners2115 短期借款—员工short—term borrowings — employees2117 短期借款-关系人short-term borrowings— related parties2118 短期借款-其它short-term borrowings — other212 应付短期票券short-term notes and bills payable2121 应付商业本票commercial paper payable2122 银行承兑汇票bank acceptance2128 其它应付短期票券other short-term notes and bills payable2129 应付短期票券折价discount on short-term notes and bills payable213 应付票据notes payable2131 应付票据notes payable2137 应付票据—关系人notes payable - related parties2138 其它应付票据other notes payable214 应付帐款accounts pay able2141 应付帐款accounts payable2147 应付帐款—关系人accounts payable — related parties216 应付所得税income taxes payable2161 应付所得税income tax payable217 应付费用accrued expenses2171 应付薪工accrued payroll2172 应付租金accrued rent payable2173 应付利息accrued interest payable2174 应付营业税accrued VAT payable2175 应付税捐—其它accrued taxes payable— other2178 其它应付费用other accrued expenses payable218~219 其它应付款other payables2181 应付购入远汇款forward exchange contract payable2182 应付远汇款—外币forward exchange contract payable - foreign currencies2183 买卖远汇溢价premium on forward exchange contract2184 应付土地房屋款payables on land and building purchased2185 应付设备款Payables on equipment2187 其它应付款—关系人other payables — related parties2191 应付股利dividend payable2192 应付红利bonus payable2193 应付董监事酬劳compensation payable to directors and supervisors 2198 其它应付款—其它other payables - other226 预收款项advance receipts2261 预收货款sales revenue received in advance2262 预收收入revenue received in advance2268 其它预收款other advance receipts227 一年或一营业周期内到期长期负债long—term liabilities -current portion 2271 一年或一营业周期内到期公司债corporate bonds payable - current portion2272 一年或一营业周期内到期长期借款long—term loans payable — current portion2273 一年或一营业周期内到期长期应付票据及款项long-term notes and accounts payable due within one year or one operating cycle2277 一年或一营业周期内到期长期应付票据及款项—关系人long—term notes and accounts payables to related parties - current portion2278 其它一年或一营业周期内到期长期负债other long—term lia- bilities —current portion228~229 其它流动负债other current liabilities2281 销项税额VAT received(or output tax)2283 暂收款temporary receipts2284 代收款receipts under custody2285 估计售后服务/保固负债estimated warranty liabilities2291 递延所得税负债deferred income tax liabilities2292 递延兑换利益deferred foreign exchange gain2293 业主(股东)往来owners current account2294 同业往来current account with others2298 其它流动负债—其它other current liabilities - others23 长期负债long—term liabilities231 应付公司债corporate bonds payable2311 应付公司债corporate bonds payable2319 应付公司债溢(折)价premium(discount) on corporate bonds payable 232 长期借款long-term loans payable2321 长期银行借款long—term loans payable - bank2324 长期借款—业主long—term loans payable — owners2325 长期借款-员工long-term loans payable — employees2327 长期借款—关系人long—term loans payable — related parties2328 长期借款-其它long-term loans payable - other233 长期应付票据及款项long—term notes and accounts payable2331 长期应付票据long-term notes payable2332 长期应付帐款long-term accounts pay-able2333 长期应付租赁负债long-term capital lease liabilities2337 长期应付票据及款项-关系人Long—term notes and accounts payable - related parties2338 其它长期应付款项other long—term payables234 估计应付土地增值税accrued liabilities for land value increment tax2341 估计应付土地增值税estimated accrued land value incremental taxpay-able235 应计退休金负债accrued pension liabilities2351 应计退休金负债accrued pension liabilities238 其它长期负债other long-term liabilities2388 其它长期负债—其它other long-term liabilities - other28 其它负债other liabilities281 递延负债deferred liabilities2811 递延收入deferred revenue2814 递延所得税负债deferred income tax liabilities2818 其它递延负债other deferred liabilities286 存入保证金deposits received2861 存入保证金guarantee deposit received288 杂项负债miscellaneous liabilities2888 杂项负债—其它miscellaneous liabilities财务报表词汇Turnover 营业额Other operating income其他经营收入General and administrative expenses一般及行政开支Loss from operations经营亏损Finance costs融资成本Loss before taxation除税前亏损Taxation税项Loss after taxation除税后亏损Minority interests少数股东权益Net loss for the period期内亏损净额Loss per share (HK cent)Basic每股亏损(港仙)基本Non-current assets非流动资产Current assets流动资产Current liabilities 流动负债Net current liabilities 流动负债净额Total assets less current liabilities 总资产减流动负债Non—current liabilities非流动负债consolidated profit and loss account 综合损益帐consolidated balance sheets 综合资产负债表Attributable to:Equity holders of the parent下列人仕应占:母公司股权持有人Loss attributable to shareholders 股东应占亏损Prepaid lease payment 预付租金Goodwill 商誉Inventories 存货Trade and other receivables, deposits and prepayment 应收帐款及其他应收款项、按金及预付款项Loans and interest receivables 贷款及应收利息Pledged bank deposit 已抵押银行存款Bank balances and cash 银行结存及现金Segment results 分类业绩Unallocated expenses 不分类开支Realized (loss)on investment in securities证券投资之变现( 亏损)At beginning of year 年初Revaluation deficit charged to profit and loss account於损益账中扣除之重估减值At balance sheet date 於结算日Additions 添置Accumulated amortisation 累计摊销Net book value 账面净值Raw materials 原料Work in progress 在制品Finished goods 制成品Trade and bills receivables 应收账款及应收票据Provision for doubtful debts 呆账拨备Cash and bank balances 现金及银行结存Time deposits 定期储蓄Bank overdrafts,unsecured 银行透支、无抵押Trust receipt loans,unsecured 信托收据贷款、无抵押Current portion of bank loans 银行贷款之短期部份Purchase consideration 收购之对价Issue of new shares 发行新股Surplus in fair value of shares issued 发行股份之溢价Fair value of consideration 收购之公允价值Direct costs relating to the acquisition settled in cash有关收购之直接现金成本Total acquisition costs 总收购成本Fair value of acquired net assets and intangible assets购入之净资产及无形资产之公允价值Surplus on revaluation before reclassification重新分类前之重估盈余Exchange adjustments 滙兑调整Written back on disposals 因出售而拨回Written back of impairment loss on disposals因出售而拨回减值亏损Freehold 永久业权Demand deposits and current deposits 活期及往来账户存款Savings deposits 储蓄存款Time,call and notice deposits 定期、即期及短期通知存款Negative fair value of derivatives 衍生工具的负公允价值Designated at fair value through profit or loss指定为通过损益以反映公允价值Non—trading 非交易用途Certificates of Deposit Issued 已发行存款证Depreciation allowances in excess of related depreciation折旧免税额超过有关折旧Cash flow hedge 现金流量对冲Non—trading debt securities issued 非交易性已发行债务证券Interests in jointly controlled entities 於共同控制实体的权益Derivative assets 衍生资产Financial assets at fair value through profit or loss按公平值列帐及於损益表处理之财务资产Bank balances and cash 银行结余及现金Time charter equivalent earnings 按期租合约对等基准的收入Share of profits less losses of jointly controlled entities应占共同控制实体溢利减亏损Currency translation differences 汇兑差额fair value losses of cash flow hedges 现金流量对冲的公平值亏损Net loss recognised directly in equity 在权益直接确认的净亏损Shares issued upon exercise of share options於行使认股权时发行的股份Shares purchased by trustee of the LTIS长期奖励计划受托人购入的股份Shares transferred to employees upon granting of restricted share awards 於授出有限制股份奖励后转予雇员的股份Shares issued and transferred to employees upon granting of restricted share awards於授出有限制股份奖励后发行及转予雇员的股份Shares transferred back to trustee upon lapse of restricted share awards 於有限制股份奖励失效后回拨至受托人的股份Share—based compensation 以股权支付的补偿其他还有:current ratio 流动比率=流动资产/流动负债quick ratio 速动比率=速动资产/流动负债debt ratio 负债比率=负债总额/资产总额debt to equity 负债权益比率=带息负债/(负债+所有者权益)dividend payout ratio 股息支付率=普通股股息/普通股净收益net working capital营运资金净值=流动资产—流动负债gross margin 毛利率=(销售收入—已销售商品成本)/销售收入operation margin营业利润率=息税前利润(EBIT)/销售收入profit margin 边际利润率=净利润/销售收入也叫return on salereturn on assets 资产报酬率return on equity 权益报酬率asset turnover 资产周转率=销售收入/资产平均余额EPS= earning per share 每股收益P/E=price/earning 市盈率ROE = Return on Assets 资产报酬率ROAE = Return on Assets Employed 占用资产报酬率ROCE = return on capital employed 占用资本报酬率ROC = return on capital 资本报酬率IRR = internal return rate内部报酬率法DCF = discount cash flow贴现现金流量法NPV = net present value 净现值CFROI = cash flow return on investment 投资现金流回报EBIT = earning before interest & tax息税前收入Net debt/total assets 有息负债率有息负债是指扣除应付工资福利费等无利息负担后的债务Net Gearing= Net Debt / Equity 杠杆作用, 有息负债与所有者权益的比率有时候负债权益比是用长期负债与普通股权益相比的Depreciation and amortization 折旧和摊削折旧费还有个说法叫committed capacity costamortization of deferred expenditure 递延费用摊削Proforma = 估计/非正式。

一、资产类Assets流动资产Current assets货币资金Cash and cash equivalents1001现金Cash1002 银行存款Cash in bank1009 其他货币资金Other cash and cash equivalents '100901 外埠存款Other city Cash in bank'100902 银行本票Cashier's cheque'100903 银行汇票Bank draft'100904 信用卡 Credit card'100905 信用证保证金L/C Guarantee deposits'100906 存出投资款Refundable deposits1101 短期投资 Short-term investments'110101 股票 Short-term investments - stock'110102 债券Short-term investments - corporate bonds'110103 基金Short-term investments - corporate funds'110110 其他 Short-term investments - other 1102 短期投资跌价准备Short-term investmentsfalling price reserves应收款Account receivable1111 应收票据Note receivable银行承兑汇票Bank acceptance商业承兑汇票Trade acceptance1121 应收股利Dividend receivable1122 应收利息Interest receivable1131 应收账款Account receivable1133 其他应收款Other notes receivable1141 坏账准备Bad debt reserves1151 预付账款Advance money1161 应收补贴款Cover deficit by state subsidies of receivable库存资产Inventories1201 物资采购 Supplies purchasing1211 原材料Raw materials1221 包装物Wrappage1231 低值易耗品Low-value consumption goods 1232 材料成本差异Materials cost variance1241 自制半成品Semi-Finished goods1243 库存商品Finished goods1244 商品进销差价Differences between purchasing and selling price 1251 委托加工物资Work in process - outsourced 1261 委托代销商品Trust to and sell the goods on a commission basis1271 受托代销商品Commissioned and sell thegoods on a commission basis1281 存货跌价准备Inventory falling price reserves 1291 分期收款发出商品Collect money and send out the goods by stages1301 待摊费用Deferred and prepaid expenses长期投资Long-term investment1401 长期股权投资Long-term investment on stocks '140101 股票投资Investment on stocks'140102 其他股权投资Other investment on stocks 1402 长期债权投资Long-term investment onbonds'140201 债券投资Investment on bonds'140202 其他债权投资Other investment on bonds 1421 长期投资减值准备Long-term investmentsdepreciation reserves股权投资减值准备Stock rights investment depreciation reserves债权投资减值准备creditor's rights investmentdepreciation reserves1431 委托贷款Entrust loans'143101 本金Principal'143102 利息Interest'143103 减值准备Depreciation reserves1501 固定资产Fixed assets房屋Building建筑物 Structure机器设备Machinery equipment运输设备 Transportation facilities工具器具Instruments and implement1502 累计折旧Accumulated depreciation 累计折旧(accumulated depreciation):属于资产类的备抵调整账户,其结构与一般资产账户的结构刚好相反,累计折旧是贷方登记增加,借方登记减少,余额在贷方。

中英文资产负债表资产ASSETS流动资产: CURRENT ASSETS:现金 Cash on hand银行存款 Cash in bank有价证券 Marketable securities应收票据 Notes receivable应收账款 Accounts receivable减:坏账准备Less:Provision for bad debts预付帐款 Advances to suppliers其他应收款Other receivables待摊费用 Deferred and prepaid expenses存货 Inventories减:存货变现损失准备 Less:Provision for loss on realization of inventories 一年内到期的长期投资 Long-term investments maturing within one year 其他流动资产 Other current assets流动资产合计 Total current assets长期投资: LONG TERM INVESTMENTS长期投资 Long-term investments一年以上的应收款项 Receivables collectable after one year固定资产: FIXED ASSETS:固定资产原价 Fixed assets-cost减:累计折旧 Less:Accumulated depreciationcost固定资产净值 Fixed assets-net value固定资产清理 Disposal of fixed assets在建工程: CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESS在建工程 Construction in progress无形资产: INTANGIBLE ASSETS:场地使用权Land occupancy righ工业产权及专有技术 Industary property rights and proprietary technology 其它无形资产 Other intangible assets无形资产合计Total intangibles assets:其它资产: OTHER ASSETS:开办费 Organization expenses筹建期间汇兑损失Exchange loss during start-up period递延投资损失 Deferred loss on investm递延税款借项 Deferred taxes debi其它递延支出 Other deferred expense待转销汇兑损失 Unamortized cxehangs loss负债及所有者权益LIABILITIES AND OWNER'S EQUITY流动负债: CURRENT LIABILITIES:短期借款 Short-term loans应付票据 Notes payable应付账款 Accounts payable应付工资 Accrued payroll应交税金 T axes payable应付股利 Dividends payable预收货款 Advances from customers其它应付款Other payables预提费用 Accrued expense职工奖励及福利基金 Staff and worker's bonus and welfare fund一年内到期的长期负债 Long-term liabilities due within one year其他流动负债Other current liabilities流动负债合计Total current liabilities长期负债: LONG-TERM LIABILITIES:长期借款 Long-term loans应付公司债 Dividends payable应付公司债溢价(折价)Premium(discount)on debentures payable一年以上的应付款项 Payables due after one year长期负债合计 Total long-term liabilities其他负债: OTHER LIABILITIES筹建期间汇兑收益 Exchange gain during start-up period递延投资收益Deferred gain on investments递延税款贷项Deferred tax credits其他递延贷项Other deferred credits待转销汇兑收益 Unamortized exchange gain其他负债合计 Total other liabilities负债合计Total liabilities负债+权益=资产资产-负债=权益所有者权益(应有的): OWNER'S EQUITY资本总额Registered capital (货币名称及金额currency and amount___)实收资本Paid-in capital (非人民币资本期末金额amount of non-RMB currency at end of period___)其中:中方投资Chinese investments(非人民币资本期末金额amount of non-RMB currency at end of period___) 外方投资Foreign investments(非人民币资本期末金额amount of non-RMB currency at end of period___) 减:已归还投资 Less:Investments returned资本公积 Capital surplus储备基金 Reserve fund企业发展基金Enterprise expansion fund利润归还投资Profit capitalised on return of investments本年利润 Current year net income未分配利润Undistributed profit所有者权益总计 Total owner's equity负债及所有者权益总计TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNER'S EQUITY。

1. 资产负债表(Balance Sheet)资产负债表是一份反映企业在特定日期上的资产、负债和所有者权益的报表。
2. 利润表(Income Statement)利润表是一份用来展示企业在特定期间内收入、费用和净利润的报表。
3. 现金流量表(Cash Flow Statement)现金流量表是一份用来展示企业在特定期间内现金流入和流出情况的报表。


资产负债表的英语说法1:balance sheet资产负债表的英语说法2:off-balance-sheet资产负债表相关英语表达:资产负债表分析 balance sheet analysis资产负债表法 Balance sheet approach分类资产负债表 classified balance sheet资产负债表分类 balance sheet classification资产负债表评价 balance sheet evaluation资产负债表帐户 balance sheet accounts资产负债表的英语例句:1. Rolls-Royce needed a strong balance sheet.劳斯莱斯公司需要稳健的资产负债表。
2. When the development bubble burst, federal regulators started probing the balance sheets of the biggest banks.房地产开发泡沫破灭后,联邦监管机构开始调查审计各家大型银行的资产负债表。
3. 19 per cent of B2C companies are now worth little more than the cash on their balance sheets.19%的B2C电子商务公司现在的市值比其资产负债表上的现金额高不了多少。
4. They now have to cope with the legacy of their pastincompetence writ large on their balance sheets.他们现在不得不处理由于过去工作不力所遗留下的问题,这在资产负债表上一看便知。

新会计准则资产负债表-英文版资产Assets期末余额流动资产:Current assets货币资金Cash交易性金融资产Financial assets held-for-trade应收票据Notes receivable应收账款Accounts receivable预付款项Prepaid expenses应收利息Interest receivable应收股利Dividends receivable其他应收款Other receivable存货Inventory一年内到期的非流动资产Current portion of long-term assets 其他流动资产Other current assets流动资产合计T otal current assets0非流动资产:Non-current assets可供出售金融资产Financial assets available-for-sale持有至到期投资Inverstments held-to-maturity长期应收款Long-term receivables长期股权投资Long-term stock investments投资性房地产Property for investments固定资产Fixed assets (Property,plant and equipment)在建工程Constructionin progress工程物资Constructionin materail固定资产清理Disposal of fixed assets生产性生物资产Productive organic assets油气资产Oil & gas assets无形资产Intangible assets开发支出Development expenditure0 商誉Goodwill长摊待摊费用Long-term prepaid expenses递延所得税资产Deferred income tax assets其他非流动资产Other non-current assets非流动资产合计T otal non-current assets0资产总计Total assets0年初余额负债和所有者权益(或股东权益)流动负债:短期借款交易性金融负债应付票据应付账款预收款项应付职工薪酬应交税费应付利息应付股利其他应付款一年内到期的非流动负债0 其他流动负债流动负债合计非流动负债:长期借款应付债券长期应付款专项应付款预计负债递延所得税负债其他非流动负债非流动负债合计负债合计所有者权益(或股东权益):实收资本(或股本)资本公积减:库存股盈余公积未分配利润所有者权益(或股东权益)合计0负债和所有者权益(或股东权益)总计Liabilities and owners'equtity期末余额Current liability Short-term bank loansFinancial liabilities held-for-tradeNotes payableAccounts payableAdvances from customers(Unearned revenue) Wages payableTaxes payableInterest payableDividend payableOther payablesCurrent portion oflong-term liabilitiesOther payablesTotal current liabilities0 Non-cerrent liabilitiesLong-term bank loansBond payableLong-term payableRestricted payableContigent liabilityDeferred income tax liabilitiesOther non-current liabilitiesTotal non-current liabilities0Total liabilities0 Owners' equityPaid-in capital(Connon stock)Paid-in capital in excess of par value(Additional paid-in capital)Treasury stockSurplus reserveUndistributed profitTotal owner s' equity0 Total liabilities and owner s' equity0 年初余额。

资产负债表打印柜员号printed tenuméro imprimé de caissier 打印时间 print timeTemps imprimé账号 account numbernuméro de compte客户名称 account namenom et prénom de compte币别 currencymonnaie钞汇鉴别 cash remittance identif identification d'envoi de fonds 起始日期 start datedate de début终止日期 termination date / expi date d’expiration交易日期 trade /transaction date date de l’opération摘要 abstractextrait交易金额transaction amount montant de l'opération账号余额 account balancesolde du compte对方账号 reciprocal account numb numéro de compte réciproque对方帐户名称 reciprocal account nom de compte réciproque操作员号 operator numbernuméro de l'opérateur自述摘要 autobiographical / self extrait autobiographique现金存入 cash depositdép?t en espèces结息 interest settlementrèglement d'intérêt现金支取 cash withdrawretrait en espèces中国银行的流水清单RBS流水查询 RBS Transaction inqu enquête de transaction终端 terminalTerminal柜员 tellercaissier交易码 transaction codeCode de transaction工作站 workstationPoste de travail页数 pagination / paginal number pagination起息日 value dateDate de valeur端末机terminal machine Machine de terminal柜员交易码借贷 teller transcatio Code de transcation de caissier 主管 chief manager / executive Administrateur gestionnaire / ch这些可以搞定工行流水--------------------------------#########################--------------------------------英文: BALANCE SHEET________________________________发表时间: 2005-9-23 阅读数: 290 BALANCE SHEETPrinted by For the year(or,quart ASSETSLINENOCURRENT ASSETS EQUICash on han1Cash in ban2Marketable 4Notes recei5Accounts re6Less:Provis7Advance to 8Other recei10Deferred an11Inventories12Less:Provis13Long-term i15Other curre16Total curre17LONG TERM INVESTMENTSlitiLong-term i18Receivables20FIXED ASSETS: payFixed asset21Less:Accumu22Fixed asset23Disposal of27 CONSTRUCTION IN PROGRESSsm l Constructio28INTANGIBLE ASSETS:ingLand occupa29Proprietary30Other intan31Total intan32OTHER ASSETSer lOrganizatio33Exchange lo34Deferred ta35Deferred lo36Other defer37Unamortized38Total other assetsteTOTAL ASSETS TotNotes:1. Customer' materials to 5. Fixed assets under operating 中文:资 产 负 债 表________________________________发表时间: 2005-9-23 阅读数: 29资 产 负 债MONETARY UN资 产 行次流动资产现金 1银行存款 2有价债券 4应收票据 5应收帐款 6减:坏帐准备7预付帐款 8其他应收款 10待摊费用 11存货 12减:存货变现13一年内到期的15其他流动资产16流动资产合计17长期投资 :长期投资 18一年以上的应20固定资产 :固定资产原价21减:累计折旧22固定资产净值23固定资产清理27在建工程 :在建工程 28无形资产 :场地使用权 29工业产权及专30其他无形资产31无形资产合计32其他资产 :开办费 33筹建期间汇兑34递延税款借项35递延投资损失36其他递延支出37待转销汇兑损38其他资产合计资产合计附注: 1.受5.租入固定资The Statement of Fin :元ed teller sequence number mprimé de caissierprint timeount numberaccount namerénom de compteemittance identificationcation d'envoi de fonds / remise de billetsstart datetermination date / expirty dateexpirationtrade /transaction datel’opérationtransaction amountde l'opérationaccount balancereciprocal account numbere compte réciproque名称 reciprocal account nameompte réciproqueoperator numbere l'opérateurautobiographical / self-disclosure abstratctautobiographiquecash depositerest settlementt d'intérêtcash withdrawen espèces的流水清单查询 RBS Transaction inquiryde transactionransaction codetransactionorkstationination / paginal number / page numberalue daterminal machinede terminal码借贷 teller transcation code borrowing and loan / debit and credit transcation de caissier / Débit et crédit / emprunter et prêter de l’argent ef manager / executiverateur gestionnaire / chef de service / responsable搞定工行流水帐的翻译。

资产负债表Balance Sheet活期历史明细清单:Current Detailed List of History帐号:Account Number户名:Customer Name操作地区:Operation Region操作网点:Operation Branches操作柜员:Operation Teller工作日期:Date of Work入账日期:Date Recorded币种:Currency Type交易代码:Transaction Code注释:Remark借贷:Lend or Loan金额Money余额Balance地区Region网点Branches操作员Operator界面Interface息Interest税Tax工资Wage存deposit支取Expenditure汇款remittance收费fee批量业务Batch Business柜面交易Counter transaction开户:Account摘要:Abstract地点:location打印机构:Print Agencies现存:Cash deposit转存:Transfer into现支:Cash expenses扣年税:Annual tax deduction包月费:Monthly fee中心入账:Center recorded银行对账单:Bank Reconciliatio打印柜员号printed teller sequence numbernuméro imprimé de caissier打印时间print timeTemps imprimé账号account numbernuméro de compte客户名称account namenom et prénom de compte币别currencymonnaie钞汇鉴别cash remittance identification identification d'envoi de fonds / remise de billets起始日期start datedate de début终止日期termination date / expirty datedate d’expiration交易日期trade /transaction datedate de l’opération摘要abstractextrait交易金额transaction amountmontant de l'opération账号余额account balancesolde du compte对方账号reciprocal account numbernuméro de compte réciproque对方帐户名称reciprocal account namenom de compte réciproque操作员号operator numbernuméro de l'opérateur自述摘要autobiographical / self-disclosure abstratct extrait autobiographique现金存入cash depositdép?t en espèces结息interest settlementrèglement d'intérêt现金支取cash withdrawretrait en espèces中国银行的流水清单RBS流水查询RBS Transaction inquiryenquête de transaction终端terminalTerminal柜员tellercaissier交易码transaction codeCode de transaction工作站workstationPoste de travail页数pagination / paginal number / page numberpagination起息日value dateDate de valeur端末机terminal machineMachine de terminal柜员交易码借贷teller transcation code borrowing and loan / debit and credit Code de transcation de caissier / Débit et crédit / emprunter et prêter de l’argent 主管chief manager / executiveAdministrateur gestionnaire / chef de service / responsable这些可以搞定工行流水帐的翻译。

资产负债表是什么如何解读资产负债表(Balance Sheet)是财务报表的一种,用于反映企业在特定日期(通常是年末)的资产、负债和所有者权益的状况。
资产负债表的基本结构如下:资产(Assets) = 负债(Liabilities) + 所有者权益(Owner's Equity)资产按照流动性和非流动性分为流动资产和非流动资产。
二、资产负债表主要项目的解读1. 流动资产:流动资产反映了企业的短期偿债能力和运营能力。
2. 非流动资产:非流动资产反映了企业的长期投资和资本实力。

常见财务报告英语词汇以下是一些常见财务报告中常用的英语词汇及其翻译:1. 资产负债表 - Balance Sheet- 活动资产 - Current Assets- 长期资产 - Long-term Assets- 流动负债 - Current Liabilities- 长期负债 - Long-term Liabilities- 所有者权益 - Owner's Equity- 销售收入 - Revenue- 销售成本 - Cost of Goods Sold- 毛利润 - Gross Profit- 营业费用 - Operating Expenses- 税前利润 - Profit Before Tax- 税后利润 - Profit After Tax3. 现金流量表 - Cash Flow Statement- 经营活动现金流 - Cash Flow from Operating Activities- 投资活动现金流 - Cash Flow from Investing Activities- 筹资活动现金流 - Cash Flow from Financing Activities- 净现金流 - Net Cash Flow4. 财务分析 - Financial Analysis- 盈利能力 - Profitability- 偿债能力 - Solvency- 运营能力 - Operating Capability- 现金流量 - Cash Flow5. 重要财务指标 - Key Financial Ratios- 资产负债率 - Debt to Equity Ratio- 流动比率 - Current Ratio- 速动比率 - Quick Ratio- 营业利润率 - Operating Profit Margin- 净利润率 - Net Profit Margin这些词汇是财务报告中常见且重要的词汇,理解并正确运用它们对于分析和解读财务报告非常有帮助。

资产负债表中英文解析1. 资产类词汇 Assets“Assets”定义A resource controlled by an entity as a result of past events and from which future economicbenefits are expected to flow to the entity.资产是指由企业过去经营交易或各项事项形成的,由企业拥有或控制的,预期会给企业带来经济利益的资源。
1.1 非流动性资产Non-current assets“Non-current assets”定义A non-currentasset is an asset that is not likely to turn to unrestricted cash within oneyear of the balance sheet date.非流动资产是指流动资产以外的资产,主要包括持有到期投资、长期应收款、长期股权投资、投资性房地产、固定资产、在建工程、无形资产、长期待摊费用、可供出售金融资产等。
1.2 流动性资产 Currentassets“Current assets”定义Current assets arebalance sheet accounts that represent the value of all assets that can reasonably expect to be converted into cash within one year.流动资产(Current Assets)是指企业可以在一年或者超过一年的一个营业周期内变现或者运用的资产。
2. 权益类词汇 Equity“Equity”定义The residual interest in the assets of the entity after deducting all its liabilities.所有者权益是指企业资产扣除负债后由所有者享有的剩余权益。

项目项目货币资金现金短期投资短期投资应收票据应收票据应收股利应收股息应收利息应收利息应收帐款应收账款其他应收款其他应收款预付帐款预付帐户期货保证金未来的保证应收补贴款免税额应收款应收出口退税出口退税应收款存货清单其中:原材料包括:原料产成品(库存商品),产成品待摊费用,预付及待摊费用待处理流动资产净损失不了了之g / L的对流动资产一年内到期的长期债权投资长期债券投资下降,是由于在一个yaear 其他流动资产其他流动资产流动资产合计流动资产总额长期投资:长期投资:其中:长期股权投资包括长期股权投资长期债权投资长期证券投资*合并价差把差价长期投资合计总长期投资固定资产原价固定资产成本减:累计折旧减:累计dpreciation固定资产净值固定资产-净值减:固定资产减值准备减:减值的固定资产固定资产净额固定资产净值固定资产清理处置固定资产工程物资工程材料在建工程建设进度待处理固定资产净损失不了了之g / L的固定资产固定资产合计总有形资产无形资产无形资产其中:土地使用权包括使用权递延资产(长期待摊费用)递延资产其中:固定资产修理,其中包括:固定资产修理固定资产改良支出改善的开支,固定资产其他长期资产其他长期资产其中:特准储备物资中,它:特别批准保留的材料无形及其他资产合计总无形资产及其他资产递延税款借项递延借项资产资产总计资产总额资产负债表(续表)资产负债表项目项目短期借款,短期贷款应付票款应付票据应付帐款帐户payab1e预收帐款进步,从顾客应付工资累积payro1l应付福利费支付的福利应付利润(股利)利润payab1e应交税金应缴税项其他应交款其他支付给政府其他应付款其他债权人预提费用提供开支预计负债累计负债一年内到期的长期负债长期负债一年内到期其他流动负债其他流动负债流动负债合计流动负债总额长期借款长期借款,应付应付债券应付债券长期应付款长期应付帐款专项应付款特别应付帐款其他长期负债其他长期负债其中:特准储备资金,其中包括:特别储备基金长期负债合计总额长期负债递延税款贷项递延税项抵免负债合计负债总额*少数股东权益少数股东权益实收资本(股本),资本认购国家资本民族资本集体资本,集体资本法人资本法人"的建设工程其中:国有法人资本,包括:国有法人"的建设工程集体法人资本集体法人"的建设工程个人资本个人资本外商资本外商的" S资本资本公积资本公积盈余公积盈余公积其中:法定盈余公积包括:法定盈余公积公益金公益基金补充流动资本supplermentary目前的资本*未确认的投资损失(以" -"号填列)u naffirmed投资损失未分配利润留存收益外币报表折算差额改建差异外币报表所有者权益合计股东总的" S股权负债及所有者权益总计负债总额与股本利润表收入报表项目项目产品销售收入为产品销售其中:出口产品销售收入,包括:出口销售减:销售折扣与折让减:销售折扣及免税额产品销售净额销售净额的产品减:产品销售税金减:销售税产品销售成本,销售成本其中:出口产品销售成本包括:成本的出口销售报告产品销售毛利利润总额,销售收入减:销售费用减:销售费用管理费用一般及行政开支财务费用财务费用其中:利息支出(减利息收入),其中包括:利息支出(minusinterest ihcome )汇兑损失(减汇兑收益),汇兑损失(减汇兑收益)产品销售利润的利润,销售额加:其他业务利润地址:利润来自其他业务营业利润经营利润加:投资收益地址:收入对投资加:营业外收入加:非经营性收入减:营业外支出减:非经营性开支加:以前年度损益调整地址:调整损益,为往年利润总额利润总额减:所得税减:所得税净利润净利润。

资产负债表的英文描述A balance sheet is a financial statement that provides a snapshot of a company's financial position at a specific point in time. It shows the company's assets, liabilities, and shareholders' equity. The balance sheet is an essential document for investors, creditors, and other stakeholders to assess the company's financial health.资产负债表是一份财务报表,它展示了公司在特定时间点的财务状况的快照。
Assets are what the company owns, and they can be tangible assets like cash, inventory, and equipment, or intangible assets like goodwill and patents. Liabilities are what the company owes, including loans, accounts payable, and bonds. Shareholders' equity represents the owners' claim on the company's assets after all liabilities are paid off.资产是公司拥有的财产,可以是有形资产,如现金、存货和设备,也可以是无形资产,如商誉和专利权。
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资产负债表(Balance Sheet)简称资产负债表,英文的Balance有平衡以及差额、余额两种涵义,因此我们也可以说资产负债表也具有这两种涵义。
What Is the Function of a Balance Sheet?A balance sheet is a snapshot of the assets a company owns, the debts it owes, and how much it is worth. It is one of the tools management, lenders and investors use to assess a company's overall situation. It is not hard to understand a balance sheet, but you need to know how the parts of a balance sheet function and the role it plays in providing a complete picture of the company.的作用是什么资产负债表吗?资产负债表是资产的快照的债务公司拥有它欠多少价值。
Identification1. A balance sheet summarizes a company's financial condition at aparticular time. It consists of three main parts. A listing of the company's assets is placed at the top. This is followed by a similar list of the company's liabilities.Equity (or shareholders' equity) is placed at the bottom. Equity is calculated by subtracting the total liabilities from the total assets (thus, total assets always equal total liabilities plus equity). A section with explanatory notes may beincluded.1。
Time Frame2. Most companies prepare a formal balance sheet once a year andinclude it in the annual report. The amounts from the previous year arefrequently listed alongside the current figures for purposes of comparison. This formal balance sheet should be reviewed by an independent auditor to verify its accuracy and completeness. Occasionally you will run across an interim or partial balance sheet. These function the same way and are often prepared as an internal document company management uses to assess particular issues.时间框架2。
Features3. Each section lists the relevant information by category. Under "Assets"these categories include accounts receivable, cash and cash equivalents, fixed assets (land, buildings and equipment), inventory, and so on. If a company has invested money in projects to improve its reputation and relationship to acommunity, this may be listed as an "intangible asset." Categories may bebroken down further. Under cash and cash equivalents you might see entries, such as petty cash and money market funds. The Liabilities section will be structured the same way, listing accounts payable and bonds, and short-term debts.Function4. Use the balance sheet to evaluate a company's financial status. Askyourself questions about the items listed. Investors pay particular attention to liabilities. Too large a proportion of debt can indicate a company isoverextended and might not be able to meet its obligations in the event of a business downturn. The type of debt is important as well. Long-term debts (such as bonds with 20- or 30-year maturities) are preferable since they entail less cash outlay in the near future. 4。
长期负债(如债券20 -或30年的到期日)均较好,因为他们需要的现金减少支出在不久的将来。
Considerations5. A balance sheet functions best when you place it in context with otherinformation, such as past performance, sales, market share and plans for the future. For example, if inventory levels have risen from the previous year faster than revenues, this may indicate some of the company's products are notselling well. Take advantage of the explanatory notes included with the balance sheet--they can address concerns or alert you to potential problems that may not be obvious at first glance.Definition and Explanation:A balance sheet is a statement drawn up at the end of each tradingperiod stating therein all the assets and liabilities of a businessarranged in the customary order to exhibit the true and correct state of affairs of the concern as on a given date.A balance sheet is prepared from a trial balance after the balances ofnominal accounts are transferred to the trading account or to the profit and loss account. The remaining balances of personal or real accounts represent either assets or liabilities at the closing date.These assets ant liabilities are shown in the balance sheet in aclassified form - the assets being shown on the right side and the liabilities on the left hand side.资产负债表是起草的一份声明中每年年底的交易期间在陈述的资产和负债所有业务安排在习惯以展现真实和正确的状态有关事务的在某个特定的日期。