A2_Franklin and the Duckling 小乌龟学美语文本

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Ties his shoes ,

He could care for his dog Sam and Goldie his goldfish But one day ,Franklin had something to care for that took a lot more of his time than he had planned

Come on Bear , the water’s not so cold once you used to it !

I know , it’s the getting-used-to-it part I don’t like

I’ll race you to that log , On your mark

Wait , I’m not used to the water yet !

Get set

I’m not racing franklin , I’m not !


Franklin ! ohh!

I won !

What was that ?

A duckling ! Look, It’s coming over

Hi ,there . We’re swimming in your back yard , aren’t we ?

I wonder what it wants

Maybe it thinks you’re his Mom.

You think so ?

Try swimming away and see what it does.


You sure are cute

Brrr. I ‘m starting to get cold .Franklin, Let’s go

What about this little duck?

Should we take him with us ?

I don’t think so Franklin .

Why not ?

Because his home is here at the pond .

Where’s its mom and dad then ?

I don’t see any big ducks , do you ?

Well , no , but

We can’t just leave the little guy here all by himself

I suppose not but

Then we have to take him with us

I’d be worried about him If we didn’t

We could take turns looking after him , Bear .

This week he could be with me at my house and next week he could stay with you

I don’t think my mom and dad will let me .And I don’t think yours will either franklin

How come ?

Remember that time your mom found those frogs in the bathtub?

Oh yeh

She told you that frogs belong in the pond , not in the house

And she made me take them right back .

I’ll have to keep this duckling a secret

Where are you going to hide it

Hmm ,in my bed room I guess with the door closed

I’m going home for lunch

Don’t forget we have a soccer game today

Yeah , I won’t

See ya’later , Franklin


Hello, Franklin

Did you have a nice swim at the pond ?

My swim ? oh yeah , my swim . It was fun

Now you’re here

maybe we can work together

and finish this job

Uh , no , I’ll do it Mom.

You don’t have to help me

Oh, all right then

Thank you , franklin


Don’t just throw everything in the closet all right ?

Okay., I won’t

Good ,I’ll head out to the garden

Whew , Shhh!! Thar was close

You’ve gotta’ be really quiet , okay ?

This is my buddy Sam

You make friends with him while I find you a nest

This should work

There ,, that ‘s better , isn’t it ?

Shhh! You sure make a lot of noise .

Oh!I know , you’re hungry , aren’t you ? Don’t go any where ,I ‘ll be right back .

Duckling is going to love the meals I make You don’t get Corn Crunchies ’ down at the pond . Hmm Have a little snack before lunch ,are we franklin?

Uh , I was feeling a little hungry .

Go ahead . I didm’t see a thing

Thanks dad!

It was ,, I mean Care for a t a Corn Crunchies , dear ?

Hey , how ‘d you get down there ?

Ew , yack !

I forgot about that!

Here , you have something to eat and I’ll put down some newspapers before that happens again. Oh no

Shhh! Not so loud !

Gee . for such a small guy , you sure make a lot of noise and a lot of mess
