2009年复旦大学自主招生考试数学试题选择题:(每题5分,共160分,答对得5分,答错扣2分,不答得0分) 1.若0,01x y a b >><<<,则下列各式中一定成立的是( )A .a b x y >;B .a b x y <;C .x y a b >;D .x y a b <.2.设0,1a a >≠,函数()1log 1axf x x-=+在()1,+∞上单调递减,则()f x ( ) A .在(),1-∞-上单调递减,在()1,1-上单调递增; B .在(),1-∞-上单调递增,在()1,1-上单调递减;C .在(),1-∞-上单调递增,在()1,1-上单调递增;D .在(),1-∞-上单调递减,在()1,1-上单调递减.3.若要求关于x 的函数2112lg log 2ax bx y ++⎛⎫= ⎪⎝⎭的定义域是(),-∞+∞,则a 、b 的取值范围是( ) A .∅; B .0a <; C .240b a -<; D .0a b ==.4.设Q是有理数集,集合{},,0X x x a a b Q x Q x ==+∈∈≠、,在下列集合(1){}2x x X ∈;(2)X ⎫∈⎬⎭;(3)1x X x ⎧⎫∈⎨⎬⎩⎭;(4){}2x x X ∈中,与X 相同的集合有( )A .4个;B .3个;C .2个;D .1个.5.设0x y z >、、,且12xyz y z ++=,则422log log log x y z ++的最大值是( )A .3;B .4;C .5;D .6.6.定义全集X 的子集A 的特征函数为()1,,0,,A X x A f x x A ∈⎧=⎨∈⎩这里XA CxA 表示A 在X 中的补集,那么对A 、B X .下列命题中不正确的是( )A .()()AB A B f x f x ⊂⇔≤,任意x X ∈;B .()()1X A A f x f x =-,任意x X ∈;C .()()()A B A B f x f x f x =∩,任意x X ∈;D .()()()A B A B f x f x f x =+∪,任意x X ∈.7.如果一个函数()f x 在其定义域内对任意x 、y 一都满足()()22f x f y x y f ++⎛⎫⎪⎝⎭≤,则称这个函数是下凸函数,下列函数(1) ()2x f x =;(2) ()3f x x = ;(3) ()()2log 0f x x x =>;(4)(),0,2,0x x f x x x ⎧<⎪=⎨⎪⎩≥,下凸函数有( ) A .(1)、(2); B .(2)、(3); C .(3)、(4); D .(1)、(4) .8.若实数x 满足对任意正数0a >,均有21x a <+,则x 的取值范围是( )A .()1,1-;B .[]1,1-;C .()1,1a a -++; D .不能确定.9.设函数210xy =的图像是曲线C ,曲线C 1和C 关于直线1x =对称,曲线C 2和C 1关于直线y x =对称,则C 2是下列哪个函数的图像?( )A .12lg y x =-;B .22lg y x =-;C .2lg 1y x =+;D .2lg 2y x =+.10.下列曲线中哪一条拿住两端拉直后不打结?( )11.用同样大小的一种正多边形平铺整个平面(没有重叠),有几种正多边形可以铺满整个平面而不留缝隙?( )A .2种;B .3种;C .4种;D .5种.12.一个菱形的边长与其内切圆的直径之比为():11k k >,则这个菱形的一个小于2π的内角等于( )A .(2arctan 1k k -;B .21k -C .21k k --; D .21k -13.设a 、b 是实常数,则二元一次方程组1,2ax by x y a b +=⎧⎨-=--⎩无解的充分必要条件是( )A .20a b +=且1a ≠±;B .20a b +=且1a b +≠-;C .1,2a b ==-或1,2a b =-=;D .20a b +=.14.已知关于x 的方程23sin 2cos 2xx a +=在区间()0,2π内有两个不同的根,则常数a 的取值范围是( )A .()1,3-;B .()1,2-∪()2,3;C .[]1,3-;D .[)1,2-∪(]2,3.15.设{}0,1,2,,9X =⋅⋅⋅,定义X 上的运算⊕如下:刘任意,m n X ∈,m n ⊕等于m n +除以10的余数,给定初值0x X ∈,记100n n n =⊕,10,1k k n n n k -=⊕=,2,3,…,则使得数列{}k n 取遍X 中所有元素的初值0n 的集合是( )A .∅;B .X ;C .{}1,3,9;D .{}1,3,7,9.16.“要使函数()0f x ≥成立,只要x 不在区间[],a b 内就可以了.”这句话的意思是( )A .如果()0f x ≥,那么x [],a b ;B .如果x ∈[],a b ,那么()0f x <;C .如果x[],a b ,那么()0f x ≥; D .前面三个解释都不正确.17.实轴R 中的集合X 如果满足:任意非空开区间都含有X 中的点,则称X 在R 中稠密.那么“R 中的集合X 在R 中不稠密”的充分必要条件是( )A .任意非空开区间都不含X 中的点;B .存在非空开区间不含有X 中的点;C .任意非空开区间都含有X 的补集中的点;D .存在非空开区间含有X 的补集中的点. 18.某种细胞如果不能分裂则死亡,并且一个细胞死亡和分裂为两个细胞的概率都为12,现有两个这样的细胞,则两次分裂后还有细胞存活的概率是( )A .3964; B .2564; C .3164; D .2964.19.设有1n +个不同颜色的球,放人n 个不同的盒子中,要求每个盒子至少有一个球,则不同的放法有( )A .()1!n +种;B .()1!n n +种;C .()11!2n +种; D . ()112n n +!种. 20.设X 是含()2n n >个元素的集合,A 、B 是X 中的两个互不相交的子集,分别含有m 、k ()1,1,m k m k n +≥≥≤个元素,则X 中既不包含A 也不包含B 的子集的个数是( ) A .222n m n k n m k ----+-; B .2n m k --;C .2222n n m n k n m k ------+;D .12222n n m n k n m k +------+.21.已知三菱柱111ABC A B C -的底是边长为1的正三角形,高11AA =,在AB 上取一点P ,设11PA C ∆与底面所成的二面角为α,11PB C ∆与底面所成的二面角为β,则()tan αβ+的最小值是( )A .33-; B .63-; C .83-; D .53-. 22.半径为R 的球内部装有4个半径都为r 的小球,则小球半径r 可能的最大值是( )A .323R +; B .636R +; C .13R +; D .525R +.23.已知平面上三条直线220x y -+=,20x -=,0x ky +=如果这三条直线将平面划分成六个部分,则k 可能的取值情况是( )A .只有唯一值;B .可取两个不同值;C .可取三个不同值;D .可取无穷多个值.24.设ABC ∆三条边之比::3:2:4AB BC CA =,已知顶点A(0,0),B(a ,b ),则顶点C 的坐标一定是( )A .715715,6666a b b a ⎛⎫±⎪ ⎪⎝⎭; B .715715,8888a b b a ⎛⎫± ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭; C .715715,66a b b a ⎛⎫± ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭; D .715715,88a b b a ⎛⎫± ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭. 25.设实数0abc ≠,bc a ,ca b,abc 等成等差数列,则下列不等式一定成立的是( )A .b ac ≤;B .2b ac ≥;C .222a b c ≤≤;D .2a bb +≤. 26.已知()()2tan cot 100x x θθθπ-++=<<,且满足3213n x x x+++⋅⋅⋅++⋅⋅⋅=,则θ的值是( )A .5,66ππ; B .,63ππ; C .2,33ππ; D .25,,,3366ππππ. 27.设0a >,则极坐标方程()()1cos 0a ρθθπ=-≤≤所表示的曲线的大致图像是( )28.设数列{}n a 、{}n b 满足1,n n n b a a n -=-=l ,2,3,…,如果010,1a a ==,且{}n b 是公比为2的等比数列,12n n S a a a =++⋅⋅⋅+,那么limnn nS a →∞=( )A .0;B .12; C .1; D .2.29.复平面上的点012z i =+关于直线:22l z i z --=的对称点的复数表示是( )A .i -;B .1i -;C .1i +;D .i .30.设实数1r >,如果复平面上的动点z 满足z r =,则动点1z zω=+的轨迹是( )A .焦距为4的椭圆;B .焦距为4r 的椭圆;C .焦距为2的椭圆;D .焦距为2r的椭圆.31.给定一组向量()123,,a a a a =,()123,,b b b b =,()123,,c c c c =,如果存在不全为零的实数1k 、2k 、3k ,使得1230k a k b k c ++=,则称向量组a 、b 、c 是线性相关的.下面各组向量中,哪一组向量a 、b 、c 是线性相关的?( )A .()()()1,2,1,1,3,2,3,1,0a b c ==-=;B .()()()1,2,1,1,3,2,0,1,1a b c ==-=-;C .()()()1,2,0,1,3,2,0,1,1a b c ==-=-;D .()()()1,2,1,1,0,2,0,1,1a b c ==-=-.32.设向量()cos cos ,cos sin ,sin x θϕθϕθ=,cos siny θψθψθ⎫=⎪⎭,其中02πθ≤≤,如果x y =,那么向量x 和y 的夹角的最大值是( )A .2π;B .3π;C .23π;D .6π.2009年名牌大学自主招生考试试题(1)详解适用高校:复旦大学选择题(每题5分,共160分,答对得5分,答错扣2分,不答得0分) 1.[答案]D[解答]因为函数()()01x f x a a =<<在R 上单调递减,()()1m g x x m =>在R +上单调递增,且1,01x y a b >><<<,所以x y y a a b <<,选(D) .[评注]此题也可以用指数函数图像或特殊值法来解决. 2.[答案] A . [解答]当1x >时,12111x y x x-==-++在()1,+∞单调递增,而()f x 在()1,+∞上单调递减,由复合函数的单调性,知01a <<.理由()f x 为奇函数及复合函数的单调性,选(A) . 3.[答案]A .[解答]依题意,不等式210ax bx ++<对一切x ∈R 恒成市,所以220,4040a b a b a <⎧⇒<<⎨-<⎩,无解,选(A). 4.[答案]B .[解答]若集合(4)与X 相等,在集合(4)中,而不属于X ,与集合(4)的定义矛盾.集合(1)、(2)、(3)均与X 相等. 5.[答案]A .[解答]∵)4222log log log log x y z ++=,又∵12xyz y z =++≥,8≤,故)2log 3≤.6.[答案]D .[解答](D)不正确,当A ∩B ≠∅时,取x ∈A ∩B ,则()1A B f x ⋃=,而()()2A B f x f x +=.等式不成立.7.[答案]D[提示]用下凸函数的图像下凸性. 8.[答案]H[解答]依题意知,21,11x x -≤≤≤,选(B). 9.[答案]B[解答]曲线C 1的方程是1210x y -=,C 2与C 1为反函数,选(B).10.[答案]C .[评注]此题考查学生的空间想象能力.[解答]正()3n n ≥边形的一个内角()2n nπθ-=,若用同样大小的一种正多边形可以平铺整个平面(没有重叠),则存在k N *∈,使2k θπ=,即24222n k n n ==+--,其中使得k 为正整数的n 只有3、4、6 三个值,选(B). 12.[答案]D .[解答]设θ是菱形的一个小于2π的内角,菱形的内切圆半径为r ,边长为a ,则菱形的高2h r =,所以1sin h a kθ==,选(D). 13.[答案]A .[解答]由题意知这两个方程表示的两条直线平行,所以12b a a b=≠---,选(A) . 14.[答案]B .[解答]依题意知方程1sin 62a x π-⎛⎫+= ⎪⎝⎭在()0,2π上有两个不同的解,所以 111,211.22a a -⎧-<<⎪⎪⎨-⎪≠⎪⎩解得12a -<<或23a <<.选(B) . 15.[答案]D[解答]要使0n 满足题意,其实只需0n 与10互质即可,选(D). 16.[答案]C .[解答]原话意味着当x 在区间[],a b 内时,()f x ≥0也有可能成立,选(C). 17.[答案] B .[解答]“任意”的否定是“存在”. 18.[答案] A[解答] 一次分裂后,两个细胞全死了的概率是14; 一次分裂后,两个细胞有一个存活,但两次分裂后全死了的概率为18; 一次分裂后,两个细胞全部存活,但两次分裂后全死了的概率为164; 所以两次分裂后还有细胞存活的概率是111391486464---=. 19.[答案]D[解答]()211!1!2n C n n n +=+种.[解答]用容斥原理.包含A 的子集有2n m -个,包含B 的子集有2n k -个,既包含A 又包含B 的子集有2n m k --,所以既不包含A 也不包含B 的子集的个数有2222n n m n k n m k ------+个.21.[答案]C[解答]如图,过点P 作PQ ⊥A 1B 1,交A 1B 1于点O ,则PQ ⊥面A 1B 1C 1,过Q 作QE ⊥A 1C 1,交A 1C 1于点E ,作QF ⊥B 1C 1,交B 1C 1于点F .由二面角的平面角的定义,知,PEQ PFQ αβ∠=∠=设,QE x QF y ==,则311,tan ,tan x y x yαβ+===. 所以()83tan 113x y xy αβ++=--≥. 22.[答案] B[解答]当四个小球互相外切,且都与大球内切时,小球半径r 最大,此时6r r R +=,所以r 的最大值为636R +.23.[答案]C[提示]依题意,这三条直线共点或其中有两条互相平行,分情况解得2,0,1k =--. 24.[答案]A[解答]由余弦定理得7cos 8A =,向量AB 所对应的复数为a bi +,向量AB 顺时针(或逆时针)旋转7arccos 8,且将模长变为原来的43倍可得到向量AC ,所以向量AC 对应复数()471538a bi i ⎛⎫+± ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭,选(A) .25.[答案]D[解答]依题意,()22222222a c b a b ac b =+≥,所以222a c b ac ⎛+⎫ ⎪⎝⎭≤≤.所以2a cb +≤,选(D). 26.[答案]B [解答]由2312x x =-,解得3x =-或33,又∵21x <,∴33x =,代人原方程tan cot θθ+=tan 3θ=(B).27.[答案]C . [解答]特殊值法.取3πθ=,2π,π,经排除,选(C). 28.[答案]D[解答]12,21n n n n b a -==-,求和得122n n S n +=--,因此所求值为2.29.[答案]D[解答]由复数模的几何意义,知:20l x y +-=,点(1,2)关于直线l 的对称点是(0,1),选(D). 30.[答案]A[解答]设()cos sin z r i θθ=+,(),w x yi x y R =+∈.由1w z z =+ 得1cos ,1sin ,x r r y r r θθ⎧⎛⎫=+ ⎪⎪⎪⎝⎭⎨⎛⎫⎪=- ⎪⎪⎝⎭⎩,所以w 表示椭圆2222111x y r r r r +=⎛⎫⎛⎫+- ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭,选(A). 31.[答案]A[解答]向量a 、b 、c 是线性相关的充分必要条件是它们的坐标行列式111a b c 222a b c 123c c c 0=.32.[答案]A [解答]∵1x =,∴1cos 13y ==,解得6πθ=.∴()3cos ,x y ϕφ⎡=-⎢⎣⎦,向量x 和y 的夹角的最大值为2π.。
1.(2009年复旦大学)设△ABC三条边之比AB∶BC∶CA=3∶2∶4,已知顶点A的坐标是(0,0),B的坐标是(a,b),则C的坐标一定是2.(2009年复旦大学)平面上三条直线x−2y+2=0,x−2=0,x+ky=0,如果这三条直线将平面划分成六个部分,则k可能的取值情况是A.只有唯一值B.可取二个不同值C.可取三个不同值D.可取无穷多个值3.(2010年复旦大学)已知常数k1,k2满足0<k1<k2,k1k2=1.设C1和C2分别是以y=±k1(x−1)+1和y=±k2(x−1)+1为渐近线且通过原点的双曲线,则C1和C2的离心率之比等于5.(2011年复旦大学)A.ρsin θ=1B.ρcos θ=−1C.ρcos θ=1D.ρsin θ=−1 6.(2011年复旦大学)设直线L过点M(2,1),且与抛物线y2=2x相交于A,B两点,满足|MA|=|MB|,即点M(2,1)是A,B的连接线段的中点,则直线L的方程是A.y=x−1B.y=−x+3C.2y=3x−4D.3y=−x+5 7.(2011年复旦大学)设有直线族和椭圆族分别为x=t,y=mt+b(m,b为实数,t为参数)和(a是非零实数),若对于所有的m,直线都与椭圆相交,则a,b应满足A.a2(1−b2)≥1B.a2(1−b2)>1C.a2(1−b2)<1D.a2(1−b2)≤1 8.(2011年复旦大学)极坐标表示的下列曲线中不是圆的是A.ρ2+2ρ(cos θ+sin θ)=5B.ρ2−6ρcos θ−4ρsin θ=0C.ρ2−ρcos θ=1D.ρ2cos 2θ+2ρ(cos θ+sin θ)=19.10.(2012年复旦大学)B.抛物线或双曲C.双曲线或椭圆D.抛物线或椭圆A.圆或直线线11.(2011年同济大学等九校联考)已知抛物线的顶点在原点,焦点在x轴上,△ABC的三个顶点都在抛物线上,且△ABC的重心为抛物线的焦点,若BC边所在直线的方程为4x+y−20=0,则抛物线方程为A.y2=16xB.y2=8xC.y2=−16xD.y2=−8xA.2B.2C.4D.413.(2011年清华大学等七校联考)AB为过抛物线y2=4x焦点F的弦,O为坐标原点,且∠OFA=135°,C为抛物线准线与x轴的交点,则∠ACB的正切值为14.(2012年清华大学等七校联考)椭圆长轴长为4,左顶点在圆(x−4)2+(y−1)2=4上,左准线为y 轴,则此椭圆离心率的取值范围是二、解答题。
33、On the way I noticed that the pavement ______from side to side the road heaved up and down.A. bouncedB. hoppedC. swayedD. darted34、The story of Ruth ______ for me the unbridgeable difference,rather than the similarity ,between her situation and wise.A. fascinateB. cherishesC. embodiesD. illuminates35、This wealth will continue to ______ with the share price until he decides to cash in the options.A. flapB. obscureC. flatimateD. slap36、You are not excepted to import anything too _____ though,so frustrations in this respect are kept to a minimum.A. intriguingB. obscureC. dubiousD. indefinite37、The police department is appealing for any information that may be ______ to this inquiry.A. pertinentB. acuteC. persistentD. appropriate38、No action will be ______ the mythmaker during the review period,which could take up to four months.A. taken awayB. taken againstC. taken backD. taken off39、The study provides data on the social _____ of interaction and contributes to our understanding of moral judgments.A. intuitionB. motivationC. cognitionD. incentive40、Though our results need replication ,this suggests that our results may be applicable to women attempting to ________ naturally.A. contriveB. conserveD. conceive41、Moreover ,the suffer from a ______ of books,and from pedagogical methods that rely on the monofination of class lectures.A. minimumB. scarityC. minorityD. scattering42、Trealves continued bet the opportunities to discuss and resolve them were improved by regular and closer ________.A. corporationB. concessionC. collaborationD. commission43、Many governments thus _______ financing expenditure through domestic bank borrowing and printing money ,both of which are inflationary.A. fall toB. call onC. bring upD. resort to44、Modernism may well have been _______ from public view ,but to the determined specialist it was still correctly available.A. purgedB. unertimedC. minimizedD. omitted45、Is it really news that a couple _______ separation should be arguing shout the custody of their children.A. on the grounds ofB. on the strength ofC. on the threshold ofD. on the brisk of46、This substantial representative of League’ work drew the attention of at least two ______ reviewers.A. intricateB. exgalniteC. eminentD. subtle47、Investors who _____ money based on market also may not be as diversified as they thought.A. allocateB. expediteC. retainD. deliver48、The president could could use his constitutional powers to more troops about at his _______B. discretionC. obligationD. depositionFor years ,I’ve avoided chicken like the plague. Alarming articles about food safety and inhumane raising practices (some in this magazine) put me off, and so did the plain fact that chicken had lost its 49 .The grainy and muscular yet succulent meat of my childhood had turned to wet cardboard. The specter of a real plague striking chickens in this country ——the H5N1 form of avain influenza, which in the past two years had led to the death or slaughter of 140 million birds in Asia-made me 50 recently into heirloom breeds of chicken and their chances of 51 if (or when, some say) avain flu is carried into North America.Good-tasting, carefully raised chickens have been nearly impossible to find unless you live near a farmer who subscribes to the pasturing methods long 52 by Joel Salatin, the chicken guru, or near a hobbyist who can bear to part with a beautiful bird like one of the Araucanas popularized by Martha Stewa rt (who even got a line of paints out her flock’s eggs). But now ,dedicated and small-scale farmers are raising strong and healthy chickens for meat, and it is just becoming 53 to chefs and home cooks hungry 54 chicken that tastes like chicken.Pasture-raised chickens eat grass and peck for bugs 55 standing in miserably cramped pens : they spend the daylight hours outdoors. Their meat tastes so good it’s hard to believe you’re eating chicken and not some special game bird. The dark meat is much darker, because the birds have actually exercised: all of the meat has sinew and taste. The fat is a deep gold rather than an anemic yellow. Real chicken could 56 be called “the other red meat.”49. A flavor B seasonlog C tenderness D odor50. A look up B look out C look after D look into51 . A sacrifice B survival C tolerance D retruval52. A advocated B restrained C retarded D abstained53.A adequate B addictive C available D ample54.A of B with C about D for55.A other than B more than C rather than D better than56.A practically B approximately C conversely D incidentallyThe hundreds of lakes studding the Adirondack landscape appear to most people as Scenic breaks in the forest cover, tubs full of game fish ,or arenas for testing their muscles or motorboats. While I too earvel at their beauty and enjoy eating their fish and stretching ay teadons peddling across them. I appreciate Adirondack lakes in another, more peculiar way . I see them as video cameras, permanently embedded in the landscape ,passively recording changes in vegetation and environment over thousands of years.Each spring , flower-dust storms roll throngh the air, depositing a yellow film of pollen on lake surface. Wind gusts and rivulets carry needies and seeds from nearby forests into the lakes. Much of the pollen and plant debris sinks and becomes entombed in the mud on the lake bottoms. As themud accumulates, each year’s crop of pollen and plant litter is preserved.By plunging a bollow tube into the mud of an Adirondack lake and bauling it up , I can obtain a record of the history of the surrounding forest over the past 10000 years .Because pollen can travel many miles on the wind ,it records the large-scale changes in forest plant fragments, however, provide a record of the trees growing near the lake. By examining the needless and seeds from the mud at six Adirondack lakers. I have been able to reconstruct forest changes at specific altitudes, ranging from 3100 to 4300 feet.Although vegetation patterns may appear to be permanently engraved on the Adirondack landscape, the lake-mud records lead to a more dynamic perception of the vegetation. Climate change has resulted in nearly continual changes in regional and local forest composition during the past 10000 years . As the climate changed, individual tree specties shifted up and down the mountain slopes. For instance, between 8000 and 4000 years ago, trees now found at lower elevations-while pine, hemlock, yellow birch-grew at altitudes as much as 1000 feet higher, indicating substantially warmer temperatures during that period. Cooling trends over the past 3000 years have led to the disappearance of these trees from higher elevations and increase in sprace pepolations.Daring the eleration shifts, forest soons(groups of associated species) morenet presrred; distinet soons omergod , peraieted for a while , and more them replaced by new patterns. The characteristic somes we say today , much as the mubmlpine forests dominated by red sprace and bmlsom fir , didn’t exist un til 3000 years ago. Before then , red sprace was rare thronghout the region , and foreats of hardwoods and bemlock bordered high-mlevation fir forests. The region experieaced different combinations of annual and seasonal temperatures, ralafail, and humidity, which gave rise to new combinations of tree species.Based on the records from lake sediments, global warming would not result in a simple upword shift in the current vegetation socks of the Adiroundacks. Putors climate changes and bitotic responses will probably be at least as comples as those of the past 10000 years. We can expect changes not only in average conditions but also in extremes, much as drocught , and in seasonal distribution of precipitmtion. Changes in the frequency of fires and blowdowns by strong winds could also have a head in resbaping the forests.Attempting to preserve characteristic Adirondack community types any be unduccnotfal.In the face of climate changes. Because of its size, however, the Adirudack Park Any play a key role in preserving regional biodiversity during the next century . The extensive tracts of undeveloped land connect diverse habitats, prowiding poutes for plant and animal species that will need to adjust their geographic location and form new communities as the climate changes. Elsewhere in the eaitern United States, the landscape has been fragmeeted, and those habitats that have been preserved are isolated, restrieting natural adjustment of communities to large-scale environment change.57.The main idea of this passage is that ________A. Adirondack lakes provide a record of man’s pollstion of the environmentB. pollen and plant litter have changed over yearsC. Adirondack lake mud provides a valuable record of the biatory of surrounding forests.D. undeveloped lakes have a natural attraction for vacationers every year58.What has led to the change in regional and local farest competition during the past 10000 years?A. Roman disturbanceB. Climate changeC. WindD. Animal species59. Which of the following didn’t grow at higher elevation between 8000 and 4000 years ago?A. Yellow birchB. HemlockC. SpruceD. White pine60. The elevation shifts results in the disappearance of_______A. distinct zonesB. characteristic zonesC. subaipine forestsD. foreat zones61. The following factors could affect reshaping the forests except ________A. global warmingB. biotic responses to climate changesC. changes in the frequency of firesD. tourists and animals62. The Adirondack Park is likely to play a key rule in preserving regional biodiversity during the next century due to its _______A. unique locationB. undeveloped landC. sizeD. community types63. Which of the following statements could you infer based on what is said in this passage?______A. Subalpine forests are likely to disappear over the next centuryB. It is important to keep on monitoring climate changes in the Adirondacks during coming years.C. The major value of Adirondack lakes lies in their attraction for tourists.D. Global warming will continue to be a major problem for Adirondack lakes.64. If the author were delivering these passage orally ,has tone of voice would probably be ________A. hardB. criticalC. impassionedD. serious33-64 【选CDAAA DCDAA DACCA BABBA CDCAC BCADC DC】31.They are fed up A the old routine.A. withB. ofC. atD. on32.He is such a(n) A teacher that has devoted all his and energy to his students.A. conscientiousB. consciousC. academicD. scientific33.We are looking for someone with a real sense of B to the job.A. committeeB. commitmentC. communityD. commission34.There are fewer working hours in the executive jobs, B the job stress is comparatively higher.A. thatB. whereC. whichD. what35.Since you are C to the seafood, you’d better avoid eating it.A. sensibleB. sentimentalC. sensitiveD. sensory36.During the celebration, fireworks have been D at the bay.A. set outB. set aboutC. set upD. set off37.They declared the war, for they believed that country had D the weapons of mass destruction.A. liberatedB. counteredC. approvedD. proliferated38.The journalist reported the C of children labors who had worked many days on end.A. expansionB. expeditionC. exploitationD. explorationWhat is the thing called happiness? For centuries, people were too busy pursuing it 39 much time analyzing it. Now a pioneering band of researchers has finally bagged the elusive quarry or at least taken its measure. Using such sophisticated new tools 40 the five-item Life Satisfaction Scale and the seven-point Delighted-terrible Scale (On a scale of one to seven, how do you feel about your life?),social psychologists have plumbed the heart of happiness. And their answer to the age-old 41 is that it all depends.Happiness, that is, 42 what makes. you feel happy, which is why psyc1hologists often call it“subjective well-being.”But from studies of various age and population groups in the United States and abroad, they have reached some 44 at the top of the charts is not, as many might expect, success, youth, good looks or any of those 45 assets. The clear winner is relationship, close ones, followed by happy marriage. Supportive, intimate connections with other people seem 46 important. Using simple survey questions, psychologist David Myers found that the 47 happy people are those in unhappy marriages. Happiest are those who married 48 their “best friend.”39.A.to spend B.spending C.has spent D.have spent40.Alike B.alike C.as D.for instance41.A.psychology B.mystery C.solution D.trick42.A.results in B.leans against C.dependes on D.arrives at43.A.realistic B.idealistic C.objective D.individualistic44.A.endlessly B.contradictorily C.harmoniously D.consistrntly45.Aenviable B.reliabele C.inevitable D.endurable46.A.vastly B.tremendously C.swiftly D.basically47.A.most B.best C.least D.worst48.A.to B.with C.for D.offCCACC DABCASarah Alexander celebrated the start of her last year at Wells College the way many other seniors before her have. She ran across the picturesque to the shores of Cayuga Lake, where she jumped into the water.So did many of her fellow seniors. But dozens of students decided to stay away, especially the relatively few newly arrived male students.Wells College, which since 1868 had educated only women, began accepting men this year in hopes of bolstering its dwindling enrollment. For many students and alumnae, it was a crushing decision. After the college announced last October that it would go coeducational, about half of the students protested and two filed a lawsuit, which they later dropped.The students—33 men and 383 women –campus late month Both sexes are now trying to navigate new social landscape. Mr. Phillips said“You can’t do guy stuff. Every time you want to sit and watch sports or a game, it turns into a movie.” The women were “some what nasty.” I could see the dirty looks in their eyes,” he said.“But I was not going to let that stop me from coming.”Wells was a place where women did not have to fuss over their appearance or fight to be taken seriously by their professors. They could enjoy the camaraderie of their campus sisters and their playful traditions. Besides jumping into the lake, the women dance around the maypole each May and kiss the feet of the statue of Minerva, the Roman goddess of wisdom, before exams.Ms. Alexander said,“People told us we wouldn’t notice a difference, but from the moment men arrived on campus not could notice a difference. Waking up early to put on makeup, and that’s odd,” she said.Henry Wells, a founder of Wells Fargo and a friend of Cornell’s benefactor, Ezra Cornell established this college, when women were not considered capable of higher learning.“Give her the opportunity,” he wrote.Henry Wells, a founder of Wells Fargo and a friend of Cornell’s benefactor, Ezra Cornell established this college, when were not considered capable of higher learning. “Give her the opportunity,” he wrote.The great-great-great-great granddaughter of Henry Wells, Stephanie Redmond, 18,of Washington State, said that earlier this year a Wells student had tracked her down and asked her to support the protest. But Ms. Redmond said the move the move to admit men had encouraged her to enroll at Wells this year as a freshman. She plans on a career in engineering, a male-dominated field, and said attending an all-women’s college might have put her at a disadvantage.49.The primary reason for the Wells College to accept men is that A .A. its enrollment rate is declineB. the campus is lack of vigor and vitalityC. it will face the destiny of being closed downD. all-women’s college might put a woman at a disadvantage50.A typical behavior for seniors to do that C .A. they jog along the picturesque campusB. they switch sports programs to a movieC. they celebrate their year by jumping into a lakeD. they swim in Cayuga Lake accompanied by friends51.The change after turning into a coed college is that B .A. dirty looks in women’s eyes have disappearedB. women get up early to make upC. women are waking up early to studyD. women dance with men around the maypole52.The attitude of the author is that D .A. she hares a tradition of all-women schoolsB. she calls on women in support the protestC. she dislikes the change and hopes to file a lawsuitD. she objectively describes the new and uneasy coeducation53.Which of the following statements is Not true? BA. The enrollment of male students caused controversy,B. The grandchildren of the college founder benefited most.C. The current president of the college was also its graduate.D. The founder hoped to give women opportunities of higher education.But what is teacher quality? How can one measure it reliably?An analysis is issued a sample of data a Texas school district. Experts argue convincingly that teacher effectiveness should be measured by students’gains on standardized tests: Mr. Smith is presumably a better teacher than Ms. Brown if his students consistently improve their test scores more than hers do.Though this approach is appealing, there are tricky issues. For example, what if Ms. Brown teaches in a school where students score so high there is little room for improvement?The authors try to correct for this problem, as well as other sorts of measurement issues, to generate a measurement of teacher effectiveness. The paper is primarily concerned with how this measure is related to other observable teacher characteristics.The first finding is that is a large variation in teacher effectiveness: some teachers consistently have a larger impact on their students’ achievement than others.Second, easily observable characteristics like having a master’s degree or a passing score on the teacher certification exam are not correlated with teacher effectiveness.Then what does matter? The most important single influence is experience: first-year teachers are much less effective than others. The second year is significantly better, and by the fourth year, most teachers hit their stride.It is not entirely clear whether this experience effect is learning by doing (the more you teach, the more effective you become) or survival of the fittest (those who are not good at teaching tend to drop out early).From my reading of the paper, both effects appear important and there is no simple answer. The data do suggest, however, that teacher effectiveness is pretty clear by the end of the second year, so the information to make an informed decision is available at that time.The authors also investigate the contentious issue of racial matching of students and teachers. Here they find strong evidence that minority teachers tend to be more effective with minority students. Again, it is unclear whether this is because of a role model effect (students respond better of their own race )or an empathy effect (teachers empathize better with students of their own race )or something else entirely.The authors also look at teacher mobility. There is some evidence that teachers who quit teaching or switch schools tend to be below average in effectiveness. This is consistent with the survival-of-the-fittest model.54.The schoolmaster could decide wisely whether to further employ the teacher by the end of theB .A. the first yearB. the second yearC. the third yearD. the fourth year55.The phrase“hit their stride” most probably means“ C ”.A. reach their normal levelB. become confidentC. walk with long stepsD. get bored56.The author of this passage the view that A .A. teachers will perform better with time passingB. ineffective teachers should leave earlier rather than laterC. teacher’s effectiveness is apparent after a couple of yearsD. a master’s degree will improve teacher’s effectiveness57.Why do black teachers tend to be more effective with black students? DA. Students feel secure, so they respond better.B. Teachers sympathize with students of their own race.C. There are entirely some other identified reasons.D. The reasons are far from clear and definite.58.Which of the following may serve as the best title? DA. Tenure, Turnover and the Quality of TeachingB. Impact of Teacher Quality on Student LearningC. Different Sorts of Measurement IssuesD. Survival-of-the-fittest Model vs. Learning-by-doing Model。
2008年12月05日 星期五 下午 04:16
A.海客谈瀛洲 B.山气日夕佳 C.结庐在人境 D.古道接悠远
A.人闲桂花落 B.飞泉挂碧峰 C.海上生明月 D.飞流直下三千尺
A.涂脂抹粉 B.改头换面 C.庐山面目 D.面目全非
6.韩小蕙在《悠悠心会》中写道:“有的夫妻一个屋檐下厮守一辈子,有的同事一个办公室 对坐几十年,就是没话,心的意思最近的一项是________。
A.赤地千里 B.天府之国 C.鱼米之乡 D.山穷水尽
A.如此 B.而已 C.你 D.那样
A.佛口 B.说话太多口变苦 C.口气沉重 D.不辞烦劳、反复恳切地说
5.当代小说家毕淑敏在《提醒幸福》中写道:“幸福有时会同我们开一个玩笑,乔装打扮而来。机遇、友情、成功、团圆……它们都酷似幸福,但它们并不等同于幸福。”与这里的 “乔装打扮”一语的意思最远的一项是________。
2009复旦 高校自主招生数学试题及解答
2009复旦一、选择题1.若x>y>1,0<a<b<1,则下列各式中一定成立的是________.A.abx y> B.a bx y< C.x ya b> D.x ya b<2.设a>0,a ≠1,函数f(x)=log a11xx-+在(1,+∞)上单调递减,则f(x)_________.A.在(-∞,−1)上单调递减,在(−1,1)上单调递增B.在(-∞,−1)上单调递增,在(−1,1)上单调递减C.在(-∞,−1)上单调递增,在(−1,1)上单调递增D.在(-∞,−1)上单调递减,在(−1,1)上单调递减3.若要求关于x 的函数y=lg(2112log 2ax bx ++)的定义域是(-∞,+∞),则a ,b 的取值范围是________.A.∅B.a<0C.2b−4a<0D.a=b=04.设Q 是有理数集,集合2b ,a ,b ∈Q,x ≠0},在下列集合中(1){2x|x ∈X };(2)2|x ∈X};(3){1x|x ∈X };(4){x 2|x ∈X }中和X 相同的集合有________个. A.4个B.3个C.2个D.1个5.设x,y,z>0满足xyz+y+z=12,则422loglog log x y z ++的最大值是________.A.3B.4C.5D.66.定义全集X 的子集A ⊂X 的特征函数为f A (x)=1,,0,,X x A x A ∈⎧⎨∈⎩ð,这里,X A ð表示在A 在X 中的补集,那么,对A,B ⊂X ,下列命题中不准确的是_________A.AB.(x)=1−,C.(x)=,D.(x)=+,7.如果一个函数f(x)在其定义区间对任意x,y 都满足()()22x y f x f y f ++⎛⎫≤⎪⎝⎭,则称这个函数是下凹函数,下列函数(1)f(x)=2x (2)f(x)=x 3(3)f(x)=(x>0)(4)f(x)=,0,2,0,x x x x <⎧⎨>⎩中是下凹函数的有_______.A.(1)(2) B.(2)(3) C.(3)(4) D.(1)(4)8.若实数x 满足对任意正数a>0,均有x 2<1+a,则x 的取值范围是________.A.(−1,1)B.[−1,1]C.(−)D.不能确定9.设函数y=210x 的图象是曲线C ,曲线C 1和C 2关于直线x=1对称,曲线C 2和C 1关于直线y=x 对称,则C 2是下列哪个函数的图象?A.y=1−2lg xB.y=2−2lg xC.y=2lg x+1D.y=2lg x+210.下列曲线中哪一条拿住两端后不打结?________.A. B. C. D.11.用同样大小的一种正多边形平铺整个平面(没有重叠),有几种正多边形可以铺满整个平面而不留缝隙?A.2种B.3种C.4种D.5种12.一个菱形边长与其内切圆的直径之比为k:1(k>1),则这个菱形的一个小于2π的内角等于__________.A.arctan(k -13.设a,b 是实常数,则二元一次方程组1,2,ax by x y a b +=⎧⎨-=--⎩无解的充分必要条件是______.A.2a+b=0且aB.2a+b=0且a+b −1C.a=1,b=−2或a=−1,b=2D.2a+b=014.已知关于x 的方程+22cos2x=a 在区间(0,2π)内有两个不同的根,则常数a 的取值范围是________.A.(−1,3)B.(−1,2)(2,3)C.[−1,3]D.[−1,2)2,3]15.设X={0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9},定义X 上的运算符如下:对任意m,nm n 等于m+n 除以10的余数,给定初值n 0X,记n 1=n 0n 0,n k =n k−1n 0,k=1,2,3……,则使得数列{n k }取遍X 中所有元素的初值n 0的集合是_______.A.B.XC.{1,3,9}D.{1,3,7,9}16.“要使函数f(x)成立,只要x 不在区间[a,b]内就可以了”的意思是_________. A.如果f(x),则x [a,b]B.如果x [a,b],则f(x)<0C.如果x [a,b],则f(x)D.前面三个解释都不准确17.实轴R 中的集合X 如果满足:任意非空开区间都含有X 中的点,则称X 在R 中稠密,那么,“R 中集合X 在R 中不稠密”的充分必要条件是_________.A.任意非空开区间都不含有X 中的点B.存在非空开区间不含有X 中的点C.任意非空开区间都含有X 的补集中的点D.存在非空开区间含有X 的补集的点18.某种细胞如果不能分裂而死亡,并且一个细胞死亡和分裂为两个细胞的概率都为1/2,现在有两个这样的细胞,则两次分裂后还有细胞存活的概率是________.A.3964B.2564C.3164D.296419.设有n+1个不同颜色的球,放入n 个不同的盒子中,要求每个盒子至少有一个球,则不同的放法有_______.A.(n+1)!种B.n(n+1)!种C.12(n+1)!种 D.12n(n+1)!种20.设X 是含n(n>2)个元素的集合,A,B 是X 中的两个互不相交的子集,分别含有m,k(m,k )个元素,则X 中既不包含A 也不包含B 的子集个数是_________.A. B.C.D.21.三棱柱ABC−A’B’C’的底是边长为1的正三角形,高AA’=1,在AB 上取一点P ,设三角形PA ’C’与底的二面角为,三角形PB’C’与底的二面角为,则tan()的最小值为_______.A.334-B.6315-C.8313-D.538-22.半径为R 的球的内部装有4个有相同半径r 的小球,则小球半径r 可能的最大值是________.R.B.RR23.平面上三条直线x−2y+2=0,x−2=0,x+ky=0,如果这三条直线将平面划分成六个部分,则k 可能的取值情况是_________.A.只有唯一值B.可取两个不同值C.可取三个不同值D.可取无穷多个值24.设三角形ABC 的三边之比AB:BC:CA=3:2:4,已知顶点A 的坐标是(0,0),B 的坐标是(a,b),则C 的坐标一定是_______.A.715715,6666a b a ⎛⎫± ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭B.715715,8888a b b ⎛⎫± ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭C.715715,6666a b ⎛⎫±± ⎪⎪⎝⎭D.715715,8888a b b ⎛⎫±± ⎪⎪⎝⎭25.设实数a,b,c 0,,,bc ca aba b c成等差数列,则下列不等式一定成立的是______. A.|b||ac|B.b 2|ac|C.a 2D.|b|||||2a c +≤26.已知x 2−(tan)x+1=0(0<<π),且满足x+x 3+…+x 2n+1+…=32,则的值是______.A.5,66ππB,63ππ C.2,33ππ D.25,,,3366ππππ27.设a>0,极坐标方程,0),它在直角坐标系中所表示的曲线大致是______28.设数列{a n },{b n }满足b n =a n −a n−1,n=1,2,3…,如果a 0=0,a 1=1,且{b n }是公比为2的等比数列,又设S n =a 1+a 2+…+a n ,则limnn nS a →∞=__________.A.0B.12C.1D.229.复平面上点z o =1+2i 关于直线l :|z−2−2i|=|z|的对称点的复数表示是_______.A.−iB.1−iC.1+iD.i 30.设实数r>1,如果复平面上的动点z 满足|z|=r,则动点w=z+的轨迹是________.A.焦距为4的椭圆B.焦距为4r 的椭圆 C.焦距为2的椭圆 D.焦距为2r的椭圆31.给定一组向量a =(a 1,a 2,a 3),b =(b 1,b 2,b 3),c=(c 1,c 2,c 3),如果存在不全为0的实数k 1,k 2,k 3,使得k 1a +k 2b +k 3c =0 ,则称向量组a ,b ,c 是线性相关的,下面各组向量中,哪一组向量a ,b ,c是线性相关的?___________.A.a =(1,2,1),b =(−1,3,2),c=(3,1,0) B.a =(1,2,1),b =(−1,3,2),c=(0,1,−1)C.a =(1,2,0),b =(−1,3,2),c=(0,1,−1) D.a =(1,2,1),b =(−1,0,2),c=(0,1,−1)32.设向量x=(cos cos),y =cos sin ,333θψθψθ⎫⎪⎭,其中02πθ≤≤,如果|x |=|y |,则向量x 和y夹角的最大值是_________.A.2π B.3π C.23π D.6π##Answer##1.BD 2.A 3.BC4.【简解】⑴={y|2y∈2b}=X,同理⑵⑶⑷全等于X ,选A 5.【简解】422log log log x y z ++=12222log log log x y z ++=2log )12=xyz+y+z ≥⇔yz ≤8⇔2log )≤3等号成立当且仅当xyz=y=z ⇔y=z=1x=4.选B 6.【简解】对A ⊂B,x ∈A 时,()A f x =1=()B f x ;x ∉A 但x ∈B 时,()A f x =0<1=()B f x ;x ∈X B ð,()A f x =0=()B f x ,故A 正确;1-()A f x =0,1,X x Ax A∈⎧⎨∉⎩ð=()XA f x ð,B 正确;()A f x ()B f x =1,0,x x A B A B ∈⋂⎧⎨∉⋂⎩=()A B f x ⋂,C 正确;()A f x +()B f x =2,1,()0,()A B Xx A Bx A B x A B ⋃∈⋂⎧⎪∈⋂⎨⎪∈⋃⎩ðð≠()A B f x ⋃.选D7.D 8.B 9.B 10.A11.【简解】正多边形的内角必须是360°的因数,只有正三角形、正方形、正六边形,选B12.【简解】不妨设内切圆半径为1,菱形的一个锐角为2β,则菱形的边长为2k ,有cot β+tan β=2k sin2β=1k ,tan2βD13.【简解】D=12ab -=-2a-b=0且x D =12ba b ---≠0,选A14.6π)=12a -,设t=x+6π∈(6π,136π),作出y=sint 的图象,根据图象,要有两个交点,-1<12a -<1且12a -≠12,选D15.【简解】检验知n 0取值集合为{1,3,9}时满足条件,故包含它的集合都可以,选BCD16.BC 17.BC18.【简解】两次分裂无活细胞概率:第一次两个细胞均死时212⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭=14,第一次两细胞均活时241124⎛⎫⎛⎫ ⎪ ⎪⎝⎭⎝⎭=164,第一次一死2×412⎛⎫ ⎪⎝⎭=1/8。
2012年复旦⼤学⾃主招⽣千分考试题 据复旦招办预计,2012年通过千分考进⼊⾃主招⽣⾯试的学⽣⽐例将与2011年基本持平,成绩和⾯试⽅案将于⼀周内公布。
选摘考题如下: 1.冷战以后,我国规模的⼀次撤侨是从哪个国家撤离的? 2.中国的13个船员是在哪条河遇难的? 3.在欧债危机中,有哪些国家的政权发⽣了更迭? 4.请从东到西排出“iPhone4S”第⼀批上市的⼏个国家。
5.“《社戏》、《藤野先⽣》、《从百草园到三味书屋》等是否都出⾃《朝花⼣拾》? 6.按照时间顺序排列鲁迅的四⼤名著《药》、《狂⼈⽇记》、《阿Q正传》、《祝福》。
7."五⽉渡泸,深⼊不⽑"出⾃哪⾥?” 8.清朝哪位⽂⼈将⽂体分为阴柔派和阳刚派? 9.以下哪个地⽅对柑橘的⽣长危险因素? 10.中国的四个卫星发射中⼼哪个耗能? 11.上海出租车在3公⾥以内收费14元,超过3公⾥10公⾥以内,是每公⾥2.4元,请计算要付的钱和公⾥数的函数关系。
12.伊丽莎⽩⼥王的权⼒受限是因为哪个法案? 13.根据⽔稻育种、播种的时间,请判断这是什么地区? 14.根据某地茶叶上市的时节来判断当地⽓候。
15.⼀个磁铁矿完全变成氯化铁矿,会有多少四氧化三铁的含量? 16.1M字节等于多少K字节? 17.如果⾦属钠失⽕,要⽤什么来扑灭? 18.中国有4个卫星发射中⼼,哪个发射中⼼的能耗? 19.把⼗元钱换成1元、5⾓、1⾓零钱,有⼏种不同的组合⽅法? 20.⼆进制1101011转化成⼗进制是多少? 21. 1M字节等于多少K字节?2011年复旦⼤学千分考试题选摘: 辨别莎⼠⽐亚作品台词; ⼼绞痛可以⽤何种药物治疗; 列举陀思妥耶夫斯基的代表作; 朝韩炮击事件是在哪⾥发⽣的; 去年联合国⽓候⼤会在哪⾥举⾏; 世界杯半决赛对阵的是哪四⽀球队; 《达·芬奇密码》是什么类型的⼩说; 《六书》中哪些是造字⽅法、哪些是⽤字⽅法; 辨别“⼲涸、征伐、蜡烛、多余”等繁体字正误; 说是⼀辆辆车⼦进站出站,考汽车进出站的顺序; 给出了⾜球世界杯中对阵的⼏组国家的名字,问哪组国家⽂化背景相似; 世博园中⼀位游客的⼿表显⽰6点,当时北京时间是7点,这位游客来⾃哪个时区2010年复旦⼤学⾃主招⽣试题 复旦⼤学⾃主招⽣笔试全是选择题,考查内容囊括语⽂、数学、外语、物理、化学、⽣物、政治、历史、地理和计算机⼗门学科。
A.“燕山雪花大如席” B.“春来江水绿如蓝” C.“半江瑟瑟半江红” D.“雾失楼兮,月迷津度” 3.原始舞蹈和原始绘画中所表现的。
复旦大学2009年优秀高中生文化水平选拔测试试卷145 已知介质1中的光速时介质2中光速的3/4,当一束黄光从介质1射入介质2中时,应该是A频率不变,波长变长B频率变小,波长变短C频率变小,波长不变D频率变大,波长变短【选B】光在不同介质中传播时,频率不变,由于速度=频率x波长,所以速度变小,则波长变短146 在X轴上有两个点电荷,一个带正电荷Q1,另一个带负电荷Q2,Q1=2Q2,用E1、E2,分别表示两个点电荷所产生的场强的大小,则在X轴上,A E1=E2之点只有一处,该处合场强为零B E1=E2之点有两处,一处合场强为零,另一处合场强为2 E2C E1=E2之点有三处,两处合场强为零,另一处合场强为2 E2D E1=E2之点有三处,一处合场强为零,另两处合场强为2 E2【选B】作图分析可得:有两处,一处在两点电荷连线之间,合场强为2 E2;另一处在负电荷的外侧,合场强为零。
147实验室中可获得的最低压强是10-13atm,在此压强与常温下,1cm3体积内分子数大约是A 10个B 103个C106个D109个【选C】P=nkT n=P/kT=10-13*10 5/(1.38*10-23*273)= 1012个/m3=106个/ cm3148一太阳能电池板测得它的开路电压为900mV,短路电流为45mA,若将该电池板与一阻值为20欧姆的电阻器连成一闭合电路,则电阻器两端的电压是A 0.3VB 0.45V C0.5V D0.65V【选B】电池板开路电压为900mV,短路电流为45mA,则内阻r=900/45=20欧姆将该电池板与一阻值为20欧姆的电阻器连成一闭合电路,电流为I=0.9/(20+20)=0.0225A电阻两端电压为:0.0225*20=0.45V149关于欧洲大型强子对撞机,下列说法中不正确的是A 对撞机确保粒子以光速运动B 粒子高速对撞实验的目的是模拟宇宙大爆炸发生时的状态C 对撞机能使几万亿个粒子以高速通过将近27公里长的地下隧道D实验可能产生的最危险后果是质子束流失控,在隧道上撞出几个坑【选A】粒子不可能达到光速欧洲大型强子是世界最大的粒子加速器,它建于瑞士和法国边境地区地下100米深处的环形隧道中,隧道全长26.659公里。
2009年复旦、上海交大自主招生面试题集锦 新
清华大学09年自主招生部分笔试、面试题时间:2009-01-04 18:08:14 作者:高考网网编组来源:高考网2009年清华大学保送生、自主特长生选拔考试已于1月2日结束,相信广大考生也已领教到了清华“别具一格”的考题,高考网网编组搜集了部分笔试、面试题,与大家分享。
06年复旦自主招生试题137.用一不等臂天平称量物体的质量,把物体放在左盘,称得物体的质量为m 1;放在右盘,为m 2,则该天平左右两臂的臂长之比l 左∶l 右为________。
A .m 1∶m 2B .m 11/2∶m 21/2C .m 2∶m 1D .m 21/2∶m 11/2138.以下物理量的选项中均是矢量的是________。
①能量②力③电阻④位移⑤热力学温度⑥磁感应强度⑦功率⑧电场强度A .②④⑥⑧B .①③⑤⑦C .①②⑤⑥D .③④⑦⑧139.一物体竖直上抛,若空气阻力恒定,从抛出至最高点的时间为1t ∆,从最高点下落至抛出点的时间为2t ∆,则1t ∆同2t ∆之间的关系是_______。
A .无法确定B .1t ∆>2t ∆C .1t ∆=2t ∆D .1t ∆<2t ∆140.将实际气体当作理想气体来处理的最佳条件是______。
A .常温常压B .高温常压C .高温低压D .低温高压141.如图所示,电源电动势为30V ,内阻不计.R 1=2Ω,R 2=3Ω,R 3=5Ω.为使一额定工作电压为10V ,额定功率为20W 的小电灯泡正常工作,则可将其接入电路中的______。
A .1,2点B .2,3点C .3,4点D .2,4点142.波尔理论的基本假设是为了解释________。
A .光电效应B .电子衍射现象C .光的干涉现象D .氢原子光谱的实验规律143.在圆柱形均匀磁场中,带正电的粒子沿如图所示圆形轨道运动(的等效成一圆电流),与磁场方向构成左手螺旋。
若磁感应强度B 的数值突然增大,则增大的瞬间,带电粒子的运动速度______。
2009年北京大学自主招生试题(2009-01-03 17:22:16)语文试题一.写出两个成语,要求曲解它的意思(例:度日如年:日子过得很好,每天都像在过年;文不加点:文章不加标点)二.从语法角度分析下列病句错在何处1.我们都有一个家,名字叫中国2.素胚勾勒出青花笔锋浓转淡三.对联博雅塔前人博雅(注:博雅塔是北大校园内一处景物)三.翻译古文(20分)吴人之归有绮其衣者衣数十袭届时而易之而特居于盗乡盗涎而妇弗觉犹日炫其华绣于丛莽之下盗遂杀而取之盗不足论而吾甚怪此妇知绮其衣而不知所以置其身夫使托身于荐绅之家健者门焉严扃深居盗乌得取唯其濒盗居而复炫其装此其所以死耳天下有才之士不犹吴妇之绮其衣乎托非其人则与盗邻盗贪利而耆杀故炫能于乱邦匪有全者杜袭喻繁钦曰子若见能不已非吾徒也钦卒用其言以免于刘表之祸呜呼袭可谓善藏矣钦亦可谓善听矣不尔吾未见其不为吴妇也附原文:书杜袭喻繁钦语后[1]·(清)林纾吴人之归,有绮其衣者[2],衣数十袭[3],届时而易之。
复旦自主招生(英语)第一篇:复旦自主招生(英语)2010届高三自主招生考试英语辅导100题2009/12/3()1.After Christmas, _____ clothes on sale in that shop attracted quite a few housewives.A.a variety of B.a number of C.the number of D.the great deal of()2.The mayor has promised the city government _____ the building of new roads with thetaxes it collects.A.shall finance B.may support C.can help D.should provide()3.Whoever does wrong to his country or to the people deserves _____.A.to punishB.to be punishedC.to punishmentD.of being punished()4.Some children usually behave in their own way _____ they do not get along well with theirclassmates and there are often disagreements between them.A.even though B.on condition that C.so that D.unless()5.Secondary and higher education _____ available to all high school graduates in thiscountry so far.A.have made B.were made themselves C.have been made D.were made it()6.The mother believes that John’s stupid, but it’s different _____ of Mary;she’s just lazy.A.in spite B.in the case C.in the course D.in case()7.The image of a devoted and noble angel in white _____ heals the wounded and rescues the dying is making a comeback _____ the nation faces a crisis.A.that…because B.who…when C.which…that D.what…as ()8.About how many elements _____ make up most of the substances we meet in everyday life? A.it is which B.what it isC.is it thatD.it is that()9.The government was believed to be considering _____ a law _____ it a crime to import any kind of weapon.A.to pass ….to makingB.to be passing ….to makeC.passing … madeD.passing ….making.()10.Dewitt Wallance founded the Reader’s Digest as a pocket-sized, non-fiction magazine _____ to inform and entertain.A.was intended B.intending C.to intend D.intended()11._____ this instrument should have put its work permit number on the box.A.Who checkedB.Whoever inspectedC.No matter who examinedD.Those who estimates()12.I am sure I can help you find ____ bed for your new house, but now I’m heading for____ bed and ____ good sleep.A.a , a , theB.a , / , aC.the , a , aD.a , the , a()13.Two of the notebooks ____ Tom had lost on the bus were returned to the main desk at his dormitory.A.whatB.whichC.whoD.whose()14.The drink taste a little ____ to me.A.strongB.stronglyC.so strongD.too much strong()15.My roommate lost a lot of weight ____ every day.A.to exerciseB.with exerciseC.for exerciseD.by exercising()16.We students should learn to be good citizens.A crime may ____ cause lifelong regret.A.however B.otherwiseC.necessarilyD.absolutely()17.They arrived there at last, ____.A.was tiredand hungryC.being tired and hungryC.tired and hungryD.tiredly and hungrily()18.---What was the party like?---Wonderful.It’s years ____ I enjoyed myself so much.A.beforeB.afterC.whenD.since()19.Time should be made good use ____ our lessons well.A.of to learn B.of learning C.to learnD.to learning()20.You cannot be ____ careful when you drive a car.A.veryB.soC.tooD.enough()21.When he arrived, he found ____ the aged and the sick at home.A.nothing but B.none but C.none other than D.no other than()22.John seems a nice person.____, I don’t trust him.A.Even though B.Even so C.ThereforeD.Though()23.Excuse me.If your call’s not too urgent, do you mind ____ mine first?A.I makeB.if I makeC.me to makeD.that I make()24.We agreed to accept ____ they thought was the best tourist guide.A.whateverB.whomeverC.whicheverD.whoever()25.____ she realized it was too late to go home.A.No sooner it grew dark thanB.Hardly did it grow dark thatC.Scarcely had it grown dark thanD.It was not until dark that()26.They are going to have the serviceman ____ an electric fan in the office tomorrow.A.installB.to installC.to be installedD.installed()27.There is an increase of 16% in the consumption of tobacco_____ the previous year.A.overB.thanC.toD.then()28.______ on time, I think, the medicine will work on him before long.A.TakenB.Being takenC.If takingD.Take()29._____ you want me to fire you, I suggest you stop wearing sports clothes at office.A.As long asB.As far asC.SinceD.Unless()30.Nobody in the class except you and me _____ to the principal about the air qualityproblems.A.has complained B.have complained plain plaining()31.---Why can’t you smoke?---At no time _______ in the meeting room.A.does smoking permitB.smoking be permittedC.is smoking permittedD.permits smoking()32.The sale usually takes place outside the house, with the audience ___on benches, chairsor boxes.A.having seatedB.seatingC.having been seatedD.seated()33.These winners from that key school are wise and diligent, actually there are______students in that school.A.many suchB.such manyC.so manyD.so much()34.Jack got a good mark although he had done _____ the others.A.half as much asB.as much as halfC.as half asD.as much half as()35.In the USA, both the federal and state governments have laws _____ to guard consumers against deceptive advertisementsA.to be designedB.designedC.to designD.designing()36 It is _____honor for Mrs.Black to be invited to act as an hostess at the party.A.anB.aC./D.the()37.Don’t forget the appointment with the principal at the registry office, _____you?A.don’tB.doC.willD.shall()38 We have no interest in the actress’s scandal(丑闻), _____has been the focus of thenewspaper’s attention for months.A.whichB.whatC.whoD.that()39.T erry doesn’t like the idea of his wife _____ in that affair.A.being involved B.involving C.involved D.to be involved()40._______ to be much chance of our catching him up in the near future.A.You don’t seemB.There doesn’t seemC.That doesn’t seemD.It doesn’t seem()41.___known to all , China will be an ___and powerful country in 20 or 30 years’ time.A.As is…advancingB.As is…advancedC.It is…advancingD.It is...advanced()42.---I’m going to the post office.---_____you're there, can you get me some postcards?A.SinceB.WhileC.BecauseD.If()43._____ a total investment of 12.2 billion yuan , the tunnel will run 17 meters beneath theYangtze, the country’s longest river.A.WithB.InC.ForD.In spite of()44.Beijing's Wangfujing Bookstore brought in various popular science titles with stories and questions and answers about China's first successful manned space flight, and attracted more buyers________.A.than usual B.as usual C.than that D.in effect()45.In spite of the heavy loss left by the earthquake, the people tried to go about their ownbusiness ______ nothing had happened.A.only if B.as ifC.even ifD.if only()46.Smith, William and Jenkins are all famous magazine publishers, _______their ancestors, they are not famous newsmen...A.but unlike B.but likely C.unlikely D.though unlikely()47.The past six years have witnessed miraculous changes in the construction of Pudong, ahot land in the east _____now has become the focus of the world attention.A.whoB.whichC.whomD./()48.Scientists are concentrating on antiviral(抗病毒的)drugs already in drugstores, ______ something that will quickly help people stop dying from the new disease H1N1.A.hoping to findB.to hope to findC.if to findD.whether finding()49._______you've got a chance, you might as well make full use of it.A.Now that B.AfterC.AlthoughD.As soon as()50.The purpose of new technologies is to make our life easier, ______it more difficult.A.not makeB.not to makeC.not makingD.do not make()51.We'll have to finish the task ,_________.A.long it takes howeverB.it takes however longC.long however it takesD.however long it takes()52.It is generally considered unwise to give a child _______ he or she wants.A.howeverB.whateverC.whicheverD.whenever()53 Watching the sun rise above the branches of trees whose roots stretch deep into the heartof the Wall, you feel you are standing on a man-made structure that has indeed becomepart of _________.A.the nature B natureC.a natureD.natures()54.______ I admit that there are still some problems about the traffic in this area, I don’tmean that they can’t be solved.A.WhileB.UntilC.UnlessD.As()55.The true value of life is not in _____ but in _____.A.which we get;what give usB.what we get;what we giveC which do we get;which do we give D.how we get;how we give()56._________ his expression, he’s greatly moved.A.To judge from B.Judged forC.Judging fromD.Judged with()57.People are not allowed _____ the garden to prevent the flowers _________.A.entering, being destroyedB.to enter, to destroyC.to enter, being destroyedD.entering, destroying()58._________ going to the exhibition.A.All but he and me isB.All but he and me areC.All but he and I areD.All but he and I am()59.It looks like rain.It _______ go out and watch TV at home.A.is better not toB.had better notC.isn’t better toD.had no better()60.“Let’s have dinner in the hotel dining-room.”“On, I’m afraid it may be_____ expensive.A.too muchB.much tooC.greatlyD.very great()61.Psychologists say that________ our emotions will make us feel better and that there’s nothing to be ashamed of.A.relievingB.relaxingC.releasingD.removing()62.I hate people who____ the end of a film that you haven’t seen before.A.revealB.reviseC.reviewD.reverse()63.The heavy rain _______ the harvest of the wheat by two weeks.A.set outB.set offC.set asideD.set back()64.“ _______ are the Olympic Games held?” “They _____ once every four years.”A.How soon, occurB.How long, are heldC.How often, occurD.How far, are held()65.No harm _______ your health if you dream a little when you are sleeping.A.does toB.is done toC.does forD.is done for()66.T om hopes to become a friend of ________ shares his interests.A.anyoneB.whoeverC.whomeverD.who()67.He looks worried;I think he ______ in the exam.A.must have failedB.ought to have failedC.should have failedD.must fail()68.I don’t have a job.I would find one but I ______ no time.A.hadB.didn’t haveC.had hadD.have()69.I am not sure how long they _____.A.have marriedB.have been marriedC.have got marriedD.married()70.This kind of car is believed _____ in a few years.A.to have been made B.to be madeC.should be madeD.to make()71._____ gathered in front ofthe Town Hall, waiting for the mayor to meet them.A.Several hundred people B.Several of hundred ofC.Several hundreds peopleD.Several hundred of people()72.All that I need _____ a large sum of money with which to buy my wife a diamond ring.A.are to be B.isC.areD.were()73.The prize winner stood on the platform, _____.He could hardly keep back his tears.A.excited B.excitedly C.exciting D.calmly()74.Will you buy me a stamp if you _____ a post-office.A.have passed B.will pass C.are passing D.will have passed()75.I once worked in the place _____ I visited last week.A.whereB.whichC.in whichD.in that()76.This was ____ was known _____ “the Survival of the Fittest”.A.which … asB.that … toC.what … asD.it..for()77.---Need he do all these exercise again?---Yes, he _____.A.mustB.needC.mightD.needs()78.She made a note of it _____ she might forget.A.in order that B.so thatC.ifD.in case()79.---Were the exercises difficult?--Not at all.In fact, I found _____.A.it very easy to do B.them very easy to doC.very easy to do itD.very easy to do them()80.We often heard of people _____ in some countries.A.rob and beatB.being robbed and beaten upC.be robbed and beaten upD.to be robbed and beaten up()81.Hearing Mummy at the door, _____.A.off the bed the little girl jumpedB.off the bed jumped the little girlC.off the little girl jumping the bedD.off jumped the bed the little girl()82.All the methods he could think of _____ the traffic jam _______.A.solving … wasn’t workingB.to solve … didn’t workC.solving … didn’t workD.to solve …wasn’t working()83.---You look very pleased today!---Yes, I ____ so happy as I do now for a long time.A.didn’t feel B.wasn’t feelingC.don’t feelD.haven’t felt()84.That ____ girl is Mary’s cousin.A.pretty little SwedishB.Swedish little prettyC.Swedish pretty littleD.little pretty S wedish()85.It’s ____ so easy as you imagine.A.almost not B.not nearlyC.hardlyD.not almost()86.While watching TV, ____.A.the telephone rangB.the telephone was ringingC.the telephone was heard ringD.I heard the phone ringing()87.You rarely have breakfast at home, _____ you? A.doB.don’tC.haveD.haven’t()88.The Australian teacher had all his students ____ their English names on cards.A.writtenB.to writeC.writeD.writing()89.It was not ___ I saw Helen the next morning ____ I felt relieved.A.until, thatB.when, thatC.until, whenD.when, then()90.When you have seen the film, you’ll find the hero ____.A.a person too perfect not to be true B.a too perfect person to be true C.too perfect a person to be true D.too perfect a person to be not true()91.Edith has invented a device ____ can solve the problem of saving electricity.A.which she claims B.she claims it C.as she claims D.what she claims()92.Everybody was looking for you when the meeting was over.You ____ without a word.A.mustn’t leave B.shouldn’t have left C.couldn’t have left D.needn’t leave()93.I can hardly imagine a boy of ten ____ so cruelly.A.to be treated B.to treatC.be treatedD.being treated()94.So ____ that the little girl covered her ears with her hands.A.loud was the thunderB.loud the thunder wasC.the thunder was loudD.was the thunder loud().95.I would have come sooner, but I ____ that you were waiting.A.hadn’t knownB.wouldn’t knowC.haven’t knownD.didn’t know()96.____ hearing the news, all of us jumped with joy.A.AtB.OnC.ByD.In()97.Naughty as my brother is, ____ he is never late ____ his homework.A.but...forB.but...withC./...toD./...with()98.What is ____ troubles you most from time to time? A.it thatB.thatC.whichD.it()99.My father always warns me that there’s no suchthing as a free lunch because we can’t get ____ for nothing.A.everythingB.somethingC.anythingD.nothing()100.Martin, with his wife, both working in the same company, ____ decided that they would send their little daughter to the nearest kindergarten.A.isB.areC.haveD.has 答案分析1.A2.A3.B值得赞扬4.C5.C将被动语态还原成主动语态, 此题测试的是make sth.adj.结构,表示“使成为。
3.本卷每题答对得5分,不答得O分,答错扣2分!!1依时间先后为序,以下作家名序排列正确的是A 王粲、谢灵运、杜甫、苏轼、王实甫、汤显祖、莎士比亚、但丁B 屈原、司马相如、陆机、李白、罗贯中、马致远、莫泊桑、托尔斯泰C 司马迁、陶渊明、王维、李清照、关汉卿、曹雪芹、巴尔扎克、罗曼罗兰D杨雄、曹植、高适、辛弃疾、龚自珍、归有光、泰戈尔、安徒生【选C】司马迁(西汉)陶渊明(晋)王维(唐)李清照(宋)关汉卿(元)曹雪芹(清初)巴尔扎克(十九世纪初)罗曼罗兰(20世纪初)2 下列作品集的命名方式都相同的一项是A 《贾长沙集》《王子安集》《王右丞集》《嘉佑集》B 《樊川集》《刘梦得集》《王临川集》《易安集》C 《欧阳文忠集》《周元公集》《范文正集》《林和靖集》D 《七录斋集》《饮冰室合集》《惜抱轩文集》《震川文集》【选C】欧阳修,谥号”文忠”周敦颐,谥号“元公”林和靖,谥号“和靖”范仲淹,谥号“范文正”3 古人依经、史、子、集四目给图书分类,指出下列分类无误的一项A 楚辞、昭明文选、文心雕龙、李太白集、稼轩长短句、剑南诗稿(集部)B 论语、诗经、尚书、左传、国语、战国策、吕氏春秋(经部)C 史记、汉书、资治通鉴、新五代史、三国志、世说新语(史部)D 庄子、老子、淮南子、论衡、韩非子、离骚(子部)【选C】经部:分为易、书、诗、礼、春秋、孝经、五经总义、四书、乐、小学十类。
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复旦大学自主招生试题(2009.2)(2009-02-21 10:50:56)
标签:求职 教育 复旦 金融晰 杨晓倩 上海 杂谈