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Consulate General of Italy in Canton

Visa Section

Invitation/Host declaration

I, the undersigned………………………………………………………………………

Born the…………………………at…………………………………………………… nationality…………………………..resident in …………………….prov…………... Road…………………………………………………..n………c.a.p……….tel………Occupatio n/profession…………………………………………………………………

(Only for companies and organization public or private)

Name ………………………………………………………………............................

Located in..............…………............... Road…………………………….n………...

c.a.p…… prov………….............. City…………………………………… name of the legal representative …………………………………………………….

born the…………….at………………………nationality…………………………….

resident in…………………………prov………… road ……………………………………………….n………….c.a.p………………tel………………………………

aware of the consequences indicated in the article 12 of the Legislative Decree dated

25 July 1998, n. 286 (Unique Text of the disposition related the immigration and the regulation of the conditions of the foreign person) and of its further amendments

with this letter declare the intention of hosting

the foreign citizen…………………………………………………………….............

born the………………………………..at……………………………………………nationality………………………………residence at ………………………………. Road…………………………………………………n…………..c.a.p…….tel……..

For the period from……………………to……………………………………………

With the purpose of …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

The undersigned declare also

1) To have with the applicant a relationship of relatives/ friendship /other:..................

2) To know for sure that the applicant in his own country

[ ] work as:……………………………………………………………………………[ ] does not work and receives his financial means from: …………………………...

3) To be on charge of all the expenses during the applicant’s staying

4) To be in possession of the economic resources and the accommodation facilities in to host the applicant

5) (not compulsory) To have already disposed for the applicant, as financial guarantee,

a “fidejussione ba n caria” (attach in original), the amount of euros………………………………. at the ban k…………………………..agenc y n……………, located in ………………………………………………………….. I, the undersigned, in case of positive result of the visa request presented by the foreign citizen, will provide to:

1) Host him/her in my property, located in …………………………………………. road ………………………n…………………………c.a.p…………tel………… 2) Take care of eventual expenses due to medical sanitary assistance to the foreign citizen, in case he/she does not hold his/her own insurance (bilateral agreement between Italy and the country of origin)

3) Communicate the authority of the local P.S., the presence of the foreign citizen

hosted, within 48 hours from his/her entrance in the Italian territory, as indicated in the article 7 of the D. Lgs n. 286/98 and its further amendments

4) Guarantee his/her re-entry in his/her own country of origin within the terms

indicated in the visa, according to the article 1 of the L. N. 68 of the 28.05.2007.
