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Step 3. Submit your paper to the journal
Step 4. Wait. Then respond accordingly
Step 5. How to communicate with reviewers/editors
Step 6. Information about reviewers
Step 4. Wait. Then respond accordingly
Outcome #2 – your paper is reviewed but is rejected In this case you have 2 options:
The editor DOES NOT recommend re-submitting. Action: Submit paper to another journal. The editor DOES recommend re-submitting. Action: Do more experiments and re-submit to the same journal (as de novo submission).
Take the necessary time to ensure you have chosen a journal that is right for your paper:
Make sure your target journal is in the right field Make sure your paper is the right “scope” for the journal Make sure your paper has enough data to support your findings Make sure your results are appropriate for the Impact Factor of the journal you will submit to (Example. Don’t submit to Nature if you have 3 figures)
Step 4. Wait. Then respond accordingly
After submitting your paper, there can be a considerable wait period
Example: anywhere from a few days to a few months
Can be tricky to determine which one it is (see next slide).
Usually if the experiments you need to do will take longer than 6 months, the paper is rejected. You need to decide if it is worthwhile to do the experiments and resubmit the paper, or not.
Step 1. Finding the right journal
Submit your paper to a journal you have a reasonable chance of being accepted to.
Submitting your paper to an appropriate journal is 50% of the battle of publishing.
The Steps of Publishing
Prepared by Kristin D for:
Publishing involves many steps:
Step 1. Choose the journal you think you have the highest chance to be published in (be realistic!) Step 2. Read the journal’s website thoroughly and ensure you meet all of their requirements
Statistics are sometimes available on the journal’s website. Papers can also be tracked on internal submission systems, so you can frequently check the status of your paper
Example: If you submit your paper to a different journal, you will have to reformat your paper to the new journal’s requirements.
Make sure your paper is written WELL in the language of the journal. A paper can and will be rejected if the reviewers can’t read it!
Step 3. Submit your paper
After reading the journal’s website and ensuring your paper meets all of their requirements submit your paper! Submission instructions are usually found on the journal’s website
If you don’t read the website properly and make a mistake in your paper (example: incorrect formatting) this will look badly on you. Every journal is different and has very specific requirements.
Step 2. Make sure you meet ALL requirements of the journal
Very important – Read the journal’s website THOROUGHLY!
Step 2. Make sure you meet ALL requirements of the journal
Fra Baidu bibliotek
Step 4. Wait. Then respond accordingly
Personal Example #1:
Journal #1 said: “Unfortunately, after careful consideration by the editors and by expert external reviewers, the consensus is that its priority is not sufficient to warrant publication. The comments of the reviewers are enclosed for your information. The major issue(s) impacting our decision was limited novelty without providing either new mechanistic insights, nor convincing evidence.”
Journal of Biological Chemistry website says: “Manuscripts may be declined without a full review if they are clearly inconsistent with editorial policies/guidelines.”
Personal Example #2:
Journal #2 said:
“We are sorry to report that it is not acceptable for publication in its present form. The editors request that you establish a mechanistic role in vivo, as well as address the comments from the reviewers. Owing to the amount of work required to address the concerns of the reviewers and the editors, we do not wish to encourage revision. However, if you feel that you can satisfactorily construct a new manuscript that addresses the comments of the referees, we would be willing to process that manuscript as a de novo submission.”
Step 4. Wait. Then respond accordingly
The outcome of your submission will fall into one of these options:
Outcome #1 – your paper is “triaged” and rejected without review Outcome #2 – your paper is reviewed but is rejected Outcome #3 – your paper is reviewed and accepted with condition (or rejected but with possibility to resubmit) Outcome #4 – your paper is reviewed and is accepted as is (RARE!)
Step 4. Wait. Then respond accordingly
Outcome #1 – your paper is “triaged” and rejected without review Usually happens because your paper isn’t appropriate for the journal; isn’t the right scope of the journal Could also happen if the editor takes a quick look through and doesn’t find it “novel” enough or doesn’t contain enough data Either way, you need to pick a new journal and submit there. Do not resubmit to the same journal (waste of time!)
Step 4. Wait. Then respond accordingly
Outcome #3 – your paper is reviewed and accepted with condition, or rejected in “its current form” Again, usually requires more experiments to be done. Usually experiments will take less than 6 months to complete and are minor Even if your paper is “rejected in its current form” doing a few months of work will usually result in it being accepted If you received this news – Do experiments and resubmit (if it is possible)