Scientific Literature Review 20121024英文科技文献综述

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Manuals, protocols
Literature reviews (secondary literature)

When do you write reviews?
• • •
Invited by journal/book editors For your dissertations Other occasions

Case reports/studies

Medical field An individual patient or a small group of patients (case series) Detailed report of the symptoms, signs, diagnosis, treatment, and follow-up. Usually an uncommon occurrence

When do you read reviews?
Writing Literature reviews
A “good” literaturபைடு நூலகம் review

has appropriate breadth and depth is a synthesis of available research is a critical evaluation (state, history, methods, results, etc.)
Biochemistry Journal: Instruction to authors / Types of paper
1. Research papers 2. Accelerated publications 3. Reviews will usually be solicited, although unsolicited reviews will be considered for publication. Prospective authors should first consult the Vice Chair, Reviews, via the London or La Jolla editorial office, and should enclose a short (one page) summary of the area they propose to cover. As well as fulllength state of the art reviews, shorter more focused reviews in emerging areas will also be considered.

Secondary literature
The summary and synthesis of the primary literature in a particular subject area & sometimes within a certain time period

Literature reviews (or review articles) Monographs
submit a Review article should send a brief outline to the Editor-in-Chief
Professor Ziad El Rassi ( before the manuscript is drafted. Page charges do not apply to Review articles. However, these manuscripts should not exceed 8500 words (including references and figure legends) and contain no more than 7 to 8 display elements (figures and tables).
When do you read literature reviews?

To gain knowledge, purely out of interest, etc. To get general ideas of a related field, on aspects that interest you: history, development, cuttingedge information, methods, results, conclusions, etc. For your own research

For your own research
When do you need to find/read literature reviews?

You’ve got some ideas, but not very specific, of what you will work on. You’ve got a clear idea of what you will work on, but you need to know much more than just that…
Electrophoresis: Instruction to authors / Types of contributions
1. Standard research articles describing complete investigations 2. Short Communications describing results that are brief, timely and/ or of such importance that rapid release is warranted. 3. Reviews articles will normally be invited by the Editors. Authors wishing to
1. Primary research formats
2. Other formats (book review, review, commentary, etc.)
A Review is an authoritative, balanced and scholarly survey of recent developments in a research field. The requirement for balance need not prevent authors from proposing a specific viewpoint, but if there are controversies in the field, the authors must treat them in an even-handed way. Reviews are normally 3,000-4,000 words, and illustrations are strongly encouraged. References are limited to 100, with exceptions possible in special cases. Citations should be selective and, in the case of particularly important studies (≤ 10% of all the references) we encourage authors to provide short annotations explaining why these are key contributions. The scope of a Review should be broad enough that it is not dominated by the work of a single laboratory, and particularly not by the authors' own work. Review authors must provide a competing financial interest statement before publication. Reviews include received/accepted dates. Reviews are always peer reviewed to ensure factual accuracy, appropriate citations and scholarly balance.

has clarity and conciseness
was written with a coherent, clear structure
offers new perspective
Literature reviews in journals
Nature Medicine: For authors / content types

Tertiary literature
Distillation and collection of primary & secondary sources.

Indexes Dictionaries, encyclopedias, databases

Dissertations & theses

Undergraduate research
Graduate research Published by universities Often accessible via the university libraries (but not always to the public)

Before searching for the reviews
State your problem, and narrow down the scope

Seek clarification from your supervisor If the assignment is still too general, decide it tentatively according to your interest, available resources, experience (findings & difficulties), etc. Keep on discussing with your supervisor, and adjust accordingly
Research articles

Original data
Firstly published In a certain format: abstract, introduction, materials and methods, results, discussion, acknowledgements, and references Peer-reviewed

Normally peer-reviewed
Conference proceedings

Generally latest result
Often preliminary data Not must be firstly presented Less format & quality control Often will appear later in research article form
Scientific Literature Review-3
Date: October 24, 2012
Lecturer: Dr. Ya Jin
Publication types of scientific literature
Primary literature
Secondary literature Tertiary literature

Primary literature
The scientists’ own reporting of their original research.

Research articles Case reports Conference proceedings Dissertations & theses