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2015-02-08 10:59:02| 分类:职场|字号订阅

One of the most counter intuitiv e反直觉的 traits that can hurt entrepreneurs is smarts.创业者的一些品质可能会成为其成功路上的绊脚石,聪明就是这一种Yes,the

more successful you are and the more talents you have, the harder it is to run a business. While you may think that being smart, motivated and talented would

logically make someone the best possible candidate for entrepreneurship,创业者的最佳

人选unfortunately, this is often not the case.事实并非如此

The ‘I’m better than everyone at every task’ challenge.

The smart-people problem starts back开始在。。时候就出现 in school when the dreaded

可怕的,令人畏惧的“group projects” are first assigned. Knowing the 80/20 rule for work (80% of all work is done by 20% of the people), what do you think happens in every group project? The smartest and most talented people in each group decide that they are going to do the lion狮子的’s share of the work完成大部分的工作. They don’t want to risk their grade他们不想让自己的成绩冒着风险in the class by dividing the work equally and hoping that Timmy (the guy who is absent from class two days a week on average and sleeps through class on the other three days) does his part well, if he remembers to do it at all. In school, there isn’t any benefit in trying to get Timmy up to speed quickly.让Timmy尽快的跟上速度Forget that — the smart people just take over and do the whole project themselves.

And thus begins the smart-people work cycle. 聪明的人的工作周期从此开始The smartest people do just about everything better than most everyone else. They write better, plan better and reason better. They are better, until it comes to running a business.他们很出色,一直到经营公司Then, they are not

better; they are screwed喝醉的,用螺丝拧紧.他们会陷入麻

烦There are only 24 hours in each day and a person does need to sleep, eat, shower and do certain other things. So, each day, this smart person tries

to do everything himself, because he can’t stand someone else doing a job badly. Then, he is stuck卡住了,动不

了with the one-man band “job-business” and ends up not being able to grow.最后,她的企业也就成为了一个人的独角戏,物理继续发展

Why slackers懒虫,逃避工作的人can reign统治,当政supreme最高的,至高的,无尚

的as entrepreneurs.为何懒惰者能够主宰创业界??

It is interesting, but actually, some of the slackers are better suited for entrepreneurship than the “smart” people. Why? They figured out early on to surround themselves with smart people who would do the work.因为他们很早就iu学会了让自己身边围绕着一群聪明的人,替他们完成工作 They know

how to delegate 代表,委托代表,授权给and sometimes, how to manipulate other people into doing things that they don’t want to do.

You’re only as smart as you can automate自动化的.让公司实现自动运转才是大智慧

Ideally, smart people would just be able to convey their talents to others.理想状况下,聪明的人应该将他们的才能传递给其他人But since the smart people are so used to doing everything themselves,如此习惯弟子一个人完成所有的事情they don’t learn the key skills for making their
