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Active reading 2: Destination
Summarise the text by filling the blanks. The painting Girl with a Pearl Earring is one of Dutch painter Johannes Vermeer’s masterworks. It shows a striking young woman wearing an 1) _______________ and over a turban, 2) __________________________ straight out exotic costume peering her shoulder at the viewer. As the name implies, it uses 3) __________ for a focal point. It has been referred to a pearl earring as the 4) ___________ of the north, Mona Lisa because, like Leonardo da Vinci’s painting, it appears to be a simple an enigmatic smile likeness of a woman with 5) ___________________, yet which contains levels of meanings and questions. So much mystery in the painting contributes to its 6) thoroughly rewarding worldwide ___________ popularity and generates a 7) ____________ __________ a_______________________. well-composed film __________ novel and 8)
Active reading 2: Destination
Summarise the text by filling the blanks.
dazzling change Living in a world of unprecedented/ ______________________________, There has never been anything quite like it. However, ignorant of/about deeper historical we are just __________________ patterns, take ___________ globalization for example, from historical context point of view, the world is almost meaningless ___________. We simply do not live in a age of great _______________________, our enthusiasm technological innovation _________ for all about Internet and ipod. With staggering __________ 90 percent of all web traffic is local, we are always be told the Internet has “opened up” the world. As the Chinese curse runs “May you live in interesting times”, it can in the wake bring chaos and anxiety ______________.
Active reading 1: Destination

bookish boy, also worship Superman. During the David Stirling, a ________ recess at school, he and the author played Superman games. _________ Compared with their school-mates who played the routine games, they felt they were outlaws ________ but had a sense of windy superiority ___________. stand-in Sheldon Fein, who later intvented They also found a _________, tortures ________.
Active reading 1: Destination
Summarise the text by filling the blanks.
split up the process For the sake of clarity, we 1) __________ of listening to music into three hypothetical planes. sensuous plane It is a kind of 3) Firstly, 2) the ____________________. brainless but attractive state of mind engendered by ______________________________________ sound appeal of the music. Secondly, the mere 4) ______________ the expressive plane 5)__________ ________________. It is when we believe each piece of music has a theme, which 6) mirrors a different world __________, of feeling such as gaiety, _______________________ the musical plane sadness. Thirdly, 7) ________ ______________. It is the musical ability to experience different 8)elements _________________, such as melodies, the rhythms, the harmonies, the tone colors etc. We usually listen to music on all three planes.
Active reading 2: Destination
Summarise the text by filling the blanks.
Life is short. We never quite know when we become 1) _______________ in the rose garden of coffin dwellers or 2) ______________ trampled ash some local cemetery. So there’s no point in putting our dreams 3) __________________ until 4) _____________ arrives. Now is on the back burner right time the time to dothe what we want to do. 5) _________________ our short stay and 6) ____________ with the riches on offer so that when the reaper much instead fill our life arrives, we’ve have achieved Make the best of of7) _________.
Active reading Biblioteka Baidu: Destination
Work in pairs and summarise the text by filling the blanks.

Historically, childhood has undergone transformations enromous _________________ in terms of children’s responsibilities and parental expectations _______________. Culturally, childhood is socially constructed. The interplay of history and culture leads to different understanding of childhood, consequently, ______________ impose it is advisable not to ___________ ideas from one culture to understand childhood in culture another ________.
Active reading 1: Destination
Summarise the text by filling the blanks.
In today’s American jobs are not what they used to be. Not long ago, when a father was asked about his job he could answer in terms that a child could come to grips with _____________________. Nowadays, the parent take his offspring to his place of business in glass buildings that ________ are reallyincomprehensible _________________ to children. What’s more, visualizing it’s safe bet that ________________ even grown men have trouble ____________ what other men does in their jobs with his day. Therefore, it’s not difficult to imagine a poor child it beat’s me ” after _____________ mulling over the may answer “____________ mysteries of work, when his friend asks him of his father’s job.
Active reading 1: Destination
Summarise the text by filling the blanks.
In the fall of our final year, our mood changed. The relaxed atmosphere had disappeared, and the ____________________ peer group pressure to work hard was strong. Meanwhile, ____________________ _______________________________ at the back of everyone's mind was what we would do next after graduation. As for me, I wanted to travel, and I resistance myself for some wanted to be a writer. I _________ braced _____________ to the idea from my father, who wanted me to go to law school, and ________________ follow his path through life.