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April Fools’ Day: Origin and 为什么要过愚人节!时间:2017-04导读:4月1日是愚人节,许多国家的人都人节的起源和历史吗?

April Fools’ Day, sometimes called the year. Its origins are uncertain.seasons, while others believe it st

愚人节(April Fools’ Day)有时又被称论。一些人认为这是一个和季节交替有关的New Year’s Day Moves


Ancient cultures, including those or around April 1. It closely follow medieval times, much of Europe c beginning of the new year.


In 1582, Pope Gregory XIII ordered old Julian Calendar. The new cale That year, France adopted the refo According to a popular explanatio did not learn about it, and continu began to make fun of these traditi trick them into believing somethin Europe.

1582年,教皇格列高利十三世下令用一个日。根据一个流行的解释,当时许多人要么1日那一天庆祝新年。其他人就开始取笑这误的东西。最终这种作法传遍了整个欧洲Constantine and Kugel


Another explanation of the origins professor of history at Boston Un reign of Constantine, when a grou they could do a better job of runni named Kugel to be king for one da and the custom became an annua


in and History


的人都会在这一天戏弄自己的朋友为乐,被戏弄的人也called All Fools’ Day, is one of the most lig rtain. Some see it as a celebration related t e it stems from the adoption of a new calen 又被称为“万愚节”,是一年中最无忧无虑的日子。有关的节日,而其他人则认为愚人节起源于新历法的hose of the Romans and Hindus, celebrated ollows the vernal equinox (March 20th or M ope celebrated March 25, the Feast of Annu 文化中,人们一般都在4月1日左右庆祝新年,这时春地区都会在3月25日这一天庆祝“天使报喜节(Ann dered a new calendar (the Gregorian Calen calendar called for New Year’s Day to be c e reformed calendar and shifted New Year’nation, many people either refused to acce ntinued to celebrate New Year’s Day on Ap raditionalists, sending them on "fool’s erra ething false. Eventually, the practice sprea 用一个新历法(格列高利历法)来代替旧的罗马历。人要么拒绝接受新历法、要么就根本不知道有这一回取笑这些守旧者,派他们去做一些“愚人的差事”欧洲。

rigins of April Fools’ Day was provided by J n University. He explained that the practice group of court jesters and fools told the R running the empire. Constantine, amused, ne day. Kugel passed an edict calling for ab nnual event.

金提出了愚人节起源的另一种解释。他解释称愚人节在位罗马皇帝说,在管理帝国方面他们能做得更好。的国王。库戈尔在那一天通过了一份名为《荒谬》的人也不会当真,但是你知道愚st light-hearted days of ted to the turn of the calendar.

。愚人节的起源没有一个定历法的采用。 brated New Year’s Day on or March 21st). In Annunciation, as the 这时春分(3月20日或21日)Annunciation)”,并将其Calendar) to replace the be celebrated Jan. 1. Year’s day to Jan. 1. accept the new date, or n April 1. Other people errands" or trying to spread throughout 。新历法将元旦定于1月1这一回事儿,因此就继续在4月”、或者哄骗他们相信一些错d by Joseph Boskin, a actice began during the he Roman emperor that sed, allowed a jester for absurdity on that day, 人节在君士坦丁时期开始流行。君士坦丁觉得很有趣,于是》的法令,而此后这一习俗就
