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2.Whenever we have the P.E lesson, our teacher always asks us to stand

_____________.(straight) straight

3.My father is a manger. He is in charge of _____________. (sell) sales

4.I often hear her_____________ next door all night long.(sing) sing

I often hear she_____________ next door all night long.(sing) sings

5.The vase is made of glass.

Glass is _____________ _____________ _____________ the vase.

Glass is _____________ _____________ _____________ the vase.

used to make/used for making

6. The old man must_____________ politely.

A. be spoken

B. be spoken with

C. speak

D. be spoken at

7. The young flowers need___________ every day. (water) water, watering, to be watered

8. If I name a place as my second hometown, I would certainly say Atlanta. I still remember what Georgia Tech(佐治亚理工)looked like ten years ago, when I was studying for my master degree. When I was studying at Tech, I took a presentation(讲演)course at business school with MBA students. The course aimed at making students better p_____ speakers and involved(包含)a lot of speaking practice. The lecturer, Ms. Spring Asher very kind and patient. A Turkish student in our class always added “Err…” when he spoke. All students laughed at him. Ms. Asher always c____ him with an encouraging smile on her face. In the final presentation, after he presented, Ms. Asher asked:” Do you know how many…errs‟ you said?”

public, corrected

9. The old man is quite weak after the accident, so he ________.

A must take care of

B must be taken care of

C must look after

D must be look after

10. What did Mr Jones do before the moved here?

He ________a city bus for over twenty-five years.

A is driving

B drove

C has driven

D drives

11.The hotel beside the sea is ________than those in the city center.

A cheap and comfortable

B cheap and comfortable

C cheaper and more comfortable

D more cheap and comfortable

12. The magazine beside the TV is about how to protect the environment.(对划线部分提问)

_________ ___________ is about how to protect the environment. Which magazine 13. The boy was so generous that he shared all his snacks with his classmates.(同义词转换)

The boy was ________ ________ to share all his snacks with his classmates.

generous enough

14. We can see many old people on the playground every morning. Some are walking and

_______ are dancing.

A other

B the other C. others D. the others

15. Grandma ________us stories when we were very young.

A used to tell B. is used tell C was used tell D is used to telling

16. He made some toys _______his little son happy.

A. make

B. to make

C. making

D. made

17. He goes to university ______his father‟s money.

A. from

B. to

C. by

D. through

18.You can see trees on ____ sides of the street.


B. both

C. either

D. all
