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1. occasi on

2. situati on ,

3. take over

4. exchange

5. comma nd

6. confirm

7. cultivate

8. prosperously

9. suspect

10. relatively ,

11. ack no wledge ,

12. ambition ,

13. quality ,

14. protect ion

15. equally

16. promise

17. clearly

18. grateful

19. remove

20. force

21. apologize

22. terrible ,

23. stubborn

24. actively ,

25. spiritual ,

26. magical

27. willi ngly

28. stre ngthe n

29. image

30. complexity

31. cautious

32. man age ,

33. prejudice

34. econo mic ,

35. academic 36. con trol

37. adopt ,

38. consume ,

39. unique

40. ben eficial

41. varied ,

42. dema nding

43. appropriate

44. en terta inment

45. deliberately

46. purchase

47. tough

48. bright

49. rema in ,

50. terrify

51. disappo inting

52. formal

53. desire

54. share ,

55. fulfill ()()

56. admit

57. evide nt

58. con seque ntly ,

59. accustomed

60. accumulate

61. participate

62. absenee

63. prese nee

64. bravery

65. horror

66. spotless

67. fun dame ntal

68. employme nt ,

69. i nvolve ,

70. actually

71. harm ony

72. basically

73. in spire ,

74. imitate

75. awful

76. generous ,

77. wealthy

78. fun cti on

79. stressful

80. persiste nt

81. relucta nt ,

82. dilige nt

83. atte ntive ,

84. un bearable

85. accommodati


86. attractive

87. con sta nt

88. brillia nt ,

89. clumsy

90. declare ,

91. obtai n

92. in teractive ,

93. i ncident

94. adve nture

95. in particular

96. in reality

97. emphasize

98. overlook

99. deny

100. en sure

101. finan cial

102. budget

103. on the whole

104. pote ntial ,

105. on the con




106. loyalty 144. react ion 182. set up

107. assume 145. forgive ness 183. hold up ,

108. establish 146. imagi nary 184. pick up ,, 109. flexible 147. be filled with 185.possess

110. sen sitive 148. be pleased with ..... 186. crowded 111. esse ntial 149. be crowded with 187. march ,

112. un fair 150. be equipped with ..... 188. apartme nt 113. expectati on 151. possessi on 189. frighte ned 114. impressi on 152. precious 190. turn out , 115. exam in ati on ,153. appreciate ,191. figure out , 116. con tribution 154. admire 192. an xious 117. certai nty 155. wan der 193. hunt ,

118. confuse ,156. get rid of ,194. amused , 119. trap ,157. particularly ,195. optimistic 120. sec on dary 158. purpose ,196. dem on strate ,, 121. turn up 159. courage 197. realize

122. show off 160. determ in ati on 198. mea ningful 123. break in 161. roll 199. faithful , 124. settle dow n ,162. drop 200. grasp ,

125. relief ,163. un doubtedly 201. decorate 126. justice 164. temporarily 202. pressure 127. previous ,165. tha nkfully 203. obvious

128. i nsta ntly 166. lea n aga inst 204. predict 129. regularly ,167. challe nge 205. audie nee 130. occasi on ally 168. fierce 206. contain 131. in depe ndence 169. practical ,207. gesture

132. keep up with 170. straight 208. pion eer

133. catch up with 171. delighted 209. afford

134. come up with 172. con gratulate 210. affair

135. put up with 173. faint 211. depe nde nt 136. guara ntee 174. con sult 212. properly 137. convince ,175. messy 213. sin cerely 138. atmosphere 176. review ,214. severely 139. sympathy 177. curious 215. guida nee 140. punish 178. graduati on 216. appearanee , 141. puzzled 179. ho nor 217. ast oni shme nt 142. scared 180. comfortable ,218. sharpen

143. embarrassed 181. tiresome ,219. comme nt

