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22. The lovely girl is from America. ______ name is Lucy.

A. Her

B. His

C. Your

D. My

23. We don’t have to go to school ________ August.

A. on

B. at

C. in

D. to

24. Our classroom is not big,_______ it’s very clean.

A. and

B. but

C. or

D. so

25. — Must we finish our work this week?

— No, you ______.

A. mustn’t

B. can’t

C. shouldn’t

D. needn’t

26. Peter runs very fast, but his brother runs ________ than him.

A. fast

B. faster

C. fastest

D. the fastest

27. I have two friends. And _____ of them are singers.

A. each

B. all

C. both

D. neither

28. — Where is Miss Li?

— She ________ a meeting at the office now.

A. is having

B. had

C. has

D. will have

29. — _____ did your mother get home last night?

— At about eleven, I think.

A. What

B. Where

C. Who

D. When

30. Many foreigners__________ to visit Beijing every year.

A. come

B. came

C. comes

D. will come

31. My brother decides _________ to England to study English next year.

A. goes

B. to go

C. go

D. going

32. Mr. Brown _____ in this factory since he was twenty-four years old.

A. works

B. worked

C. will work

D. has worked

33. A. book fair _____ in Chaoyang Park last month.

A. hold

B. held

C. is held

D. was held

34. ---Do you know ______ the posters tomorrow?

---Near the school gate.

A. where they will put up

B. where they put up

C. where did they put up

D. where will they put up




Jay Criche, a teacher, died several months ago. He taught English for 30 years. For most of that time, he wore sport coats most of the year, in weather cold or warm, and if I remember correctly, there were patches(补丁)on these sport 35 He wore small glasses, a thick mustache, and his hair was dark, dusted with gray.

I took his course when I was a junior, and the first 36 we read was ―A Portrait(肖像)of the Artist as a Young Man.‖ He showed us a picture of James Joyce-the writer. In it, Joyce’s hands were as if paddling through water. Mr. Criche asked if anyone knew why the artist had _37Joyce that way, and I raised my hand. ―Is he swimming through a stream of consciousness(意识)?‖Mr. Criche 38 the answer, and a wave of support swept over me. I hadn’t known, unt il that moment, how badly I’d 39 his support. I was going through some 40 times at school and at home-my face and back were covered in acne(痤疮), my chest was concave(凹的), my last name sounded like food---but in that class, I felt I had worth.

He was 41_to me, but he took particular notice of me. Near the end of the term, we read “Macbeth”. I wrote a paper about the play- the first paper-and turned it in the next day.

I got a good grade on it, and below the grade Mr. Criche wrote, ―Sure hope you become a writer.‖ _42 those six words. It was the first time he or anyone had showed writing was a career (职业) 43_for me.

I don’t remember Mr. Criche 44 us how to take standardized tests, but when we took them, we did well. I don’t remember Mr. Criche teaching his lesson toward any state-regulated curricula, but we did pretty well. Why? Because he was hungry for 45 , so we were hungry, too. He made us want to impress(给……以深刻印象) him with the contents of our brains. He taught us how to 46 and why.

Teachers live on in a thousand hearts and minds. We follow them everywhere and always.

35. A. shoes B. sweaters C. coats D. trousers

36. A. newspaper B. letter C. magazine D. book

37. A. imagined B. drawn C. described D. introduced

38. A. praised B. accepted C. explained D. gave

39. A. expected B. received C. wanted D. enjoyed

40. A. happy B. hard C. sad D. exciting

41. A. kind B. friendly C. polite D. thankful

42. A. Only B. Even C. Still D. Just

43. A. plan B. chance C. choice D. way

44. A. showing B. teaching C. helping D. telling

45. A. learning B. trying C. working D. changing

46. A. write B. study C. think D. express

