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确实,在许多这样的地区当中,互联网络的连接主要受益于政府、大学和主要的工业。 但是,在其他地区,有很大的人群处在更直接地利用其他更大的语言社区的情形之中----斯 洛伐克的匈牙利人或者是东南亚的中国人,加拿大西部的法国人或者在东欧大部的俄罗斯 人。从理论上来讲,这个可以在像这样的语言社区之中促成更近的交流感,不仅在文化中 心和边缘之间也在人们从未直接接触过的遥远地区之间。例如,在安哥拉的人们可以登录 到葡萄牙文化部的优秀网站上,而且同时可以很方便地建立与其他在莫桑比克、巴西、或 者福尔里弗、马萨诸萨州的lusiphone的联系。
benefit government agencies, universities, and major industries. But in other places, there are substantial populations in a position to take advantage of the more immediate ties to their larger linguistic community--the Hungarians in Slovakia, the Chinese in Southeast Asia, the Francophones in western Canada, or the Russians in many parts of Eastern Europe. In theory, this could lead to a closer sense of connection within language communities like these, not just between the cultural centers and the peripheries but also between distant communities that have never been in direct contact before. People in Angola can log onto the excellent Web site of the Portuguese Ministry of Culture, for example, but they can also establish easy connections with other Lusiphones in Mozambique, Brazil, or Fall River, Massachusetts.
Thank you!
How Universal a Net?
All of this presupposes, of course, that sufficient numbers of people in the community will have Internet access, which will be a long time coming in many parts of the world. Right now, for example, China and India each have around two million Internet users, and there are between three and four million in Hispanophone Latin America. (One reason it's hard to estimate Net use in many of these nations is that large numbers of people make use of Internet cafes or office machines and have e-mail accounts with Web services like hotmail.com.) And while the Net is growing rapidly in most of these nations, severe barriers must be overcome. There are only 10 telephones per 100 people in Latin America, for example, and only 2 per 100 in India, and while there are ambitious plans for extending the Internet via wireless communication, these face daunting technical and economic difficulties. Even where service is available, moreover, it is often expensive--monthly Internet access costs three times as much in Argentina as in the United States, five times as much in Kenya, and six times as much in Armenia, disparities that are aggravated by differences in average incomes.
同样重要的是,网络为被地理分割的人群们进行非正式的交流提供了新 的讨论方法。目前,讨论组所用到的语言超过了一百种,不仅包括主流的国 家语言还包括巴斯克语,布列塔尼语,柬埔寨语,加泰罗尼亚语,盖尔语, 苗语,马其顿语,纳瓦霍语,斯瓦希里语,威尔士语,和约鲁巴语,等等。 (我知道有一个说意第续语的人在她40岁的时候说过,在互联网产生之前, 她从来都没有用这种语言与一个比她父辈年龄小的人交谈过。)
所有的,当然,前提是有足够多的人在社会上有Internet访问,这将是一个漫长的时间,在世界的许 多地方,这预示。现在,例如,中国和印度分别有大约200万互联网用户,和,有拉丁美洲讲西班牙语和 400万之间。 (很难估计可使用在许多国家的原因之一是,大量的人使用网吧或办公室机器和电子邮件帐 户,Web服务,如hotmail.com),而净增长迅速在这些国家,严重的障碍,必须加以克服。有在拉丁美 洲,每100人只有10个电话,例如,在印度只有2%100,同时也有雄心勃勃的计划,扩大在互联网上通过 无线通信,这些面临着严峻的技术和经济上的困难。即使服务是可用的,而且,它往往是昂贵的 - 每月上 网费用的3倍,在阿根廷在美国,5倍,在肯尼亚,并六次之多,在亚美尼亚,差距加剧平均收入的差异。
18 These efficiencies of distribution work to the particular
advantage of dispersed language communities--whether linguistic diasporas like the Indonesians, Russians, or Greeks living abroad or postcolonial populations that have up to now existed in the linguistic penumbra of the metropolis. People in the Francophone Caribbean or the Mahgreb, for example, can have much quicker and more extensive access to French-language content produced in other regions than with print or broadcast.
这些分配的高效率为了分散的语言社区的独源自文库优势而服务----像住在 国外或者后殖民地的印度尼亚人、俄罗斯人或者希腊人们的语言分散到 现在都存在一些有语言影子的大都市里。例如,人们在讲法语的加勒比 地区或者马格里布可以比在其他地区更快也更广泛地获得比印刷或广播 生产出来的法语内容。
19 In many of these regions, it's true, Internet connections will chiefly
Will the Internet Always Speak English(17-19)
less important, the Net creates new forums for informal exchanges
among the members of geographically dispersed communities. At present there are discussion groups in more than 100 languages, including not just major national languages but Basque, Breton, Cambodian, Catalan, Gaelic, Hmong, Macedonian ,Navaho, Swahili, Welsh, and Yoruba, among others. (One Yiddish speaker I know who's in her 40s says that before the Internet she had never had a conversation in that language with anyone younger than her parents' generation.)