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Unit 8 Why don’t you get her a scarf?

Reading :Why don’t you learn to sing English songs?

Teaching procrdure:

1.Lead in

T: Good morning everyone!

Ss: Good morning Miss Sun.

T: ok. sit down please . Do you like music?

Ss: Yes,I do.

T: I like music too.Before our class,let’s listen to a song.ok?


now, please listen to the music quietly.


T:OK, Stop here. it is a nice English song! Right?

Ss: Yes,it is.

T:Do you like singing English songs?


T:Oh, everyone has different ideas.

S1,do you like singing English songs?

S1: Yes,I do./No, I don’t.

T:She/he likes singing English songs./She/he doesn’t like singing English songs.

Why do you like singing English songs?/ Why don’t you like singing English songs?

S1:Becacuse the English songs are so difficult/Because the English songs are so nice.。。。。。。。

T:综述学生观点。说出自己观点。As for me, singing English songs can help me improve my English. Do you agree with me? If you agree with me, try to sing English songs to improve your English.


T: ok, please open your books and turn to page 66.

Now, Let’s learn to Section 2 why don’t you learn to sing English songs?



T: Read the article quickly and answer the following questions in 3a.In addition, you can underline the words 、phrases or sentences that confuse you in the article.



T: Time is up! Have you finished it?

Ss: yes.


T: good job,everyone .Now, it’s time to check your answers.

T: Number1.Ture/False or not mentioned? S2

S2: Ture /False /Not mentioned.

T: Right or wrong?


T: yes, it is right. Find the original sentence in the article. Good job. sit down

please./it’s wrong. What is the right answer? Find the original sentence in the article.


T:your answers are all right?

Ss: Yes,

T:you are all excellent. Are there some words/phrases/sentences that confuse you in the text. )

(提问学生,教师并根据学情补充。如comfortable /competition/encourage等)

T:OK,Read the article again, and find the topic sentence or summarize the main idea of each paragraph. Now, begin。


T:have you finished it?

Ss: yes.

T:ok. S3,What is the main idea of the first paragraph?


T:Yes it is also the topic sentence of the first paragraph.


paragraphs Main ideas

First paragraph People want to improve English in different ways.

Second paragraph The singers really came from all age groups and from all over


Third paragraph This kind of contest encourages people in china to speak


Fourth paragraph The Beijing speaks English program and other learning English



T: Let’s come to details reading. Boys and girls, let’s read the first paragraph

together, and then, answer the following questions.


1、How many singers entered the contest?

24 singers entered the contest.

2、what’s meaning of the “entered”/”comfortable”/”on stage”?



T:OK,you have 30 seconds to find your answer.

S4,would you like to answer my question?

S4: yes,I do.

T:How many singers entered the contest?


T:now,go on.let’s read the second paragraph together, and then, answer the following questions.


1、How many competitions were held? What are they?

2、How old is the winner of the men’s competition, and where does he come


3、How old is the winner of the wo men’s competition, and where does he come


4、What did JiangMei say about studying English?

(阅读文章后)You have one minutes to find your answers.
