Unit 10 综合水平测试

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Unit 10 综合水平测试



听力材料:1.Can you gi v e me some ad v ice?

2.What w ill happen if you ha v e the party today?

3.What's your problem?

4.When is a good time to ha v e the meeting?

5.What do you think I should do?

( )1.A.It doesn't matter.B.Sure.C.That's right.

( )2.A.Many students won't come to it. B.I'm glad to hear that. C.I don't mind it.

( )3.A.I'm going to be a doctor. B.I always forget things. C.I practice English every day.

( )4.A.Let's have it tomorrow. B.Sounds boring.

C.Once a week.

( )5.A.By subway. B.Call Maria. C.Twenty minutes.


听力材料:W:Can you come to my party on Saturday afternoon?

M:Sure.I'm free on Saturday.

( )6.When will the girl have a party?

A.On Saturday morning. B.On Saturday afternoon.

C.On Saturday evening.

听力材料:W:Tom,w ill you hang out w ith us today?

M:Sorry.If I hang out w ith you,I w on't finish my home w ork.

( )7.What does Tom have to do today?

A.Do his homework. B.Wash the dishes.

C.Hang out with friends.

听力材料:W:I'm going to w ear a skirt to school.

M:If you do,the teacher w on't let you in.

( )8.What shouldn't the girl wear to school?

A.Her T­shirt. B.Her jeans. C.Her skirt.

听力材料:W:Da v e,are you going to college or w ork?

M:I'm not sure,Susan.

( )9.What are Dave and Susan talking about?

A.Dave's plan. B.Dave's job. C.Dave's college.

听力材料:W:Cindy likes tra v eling around the w orld.

M:Really?She has the same hobby as my brother Joe.

( )10.What does Joe like?

A.Traveling. B.Talking with Cindy.

C.Listening to Cindy.



听力材料:M:Hi,Tina!Let's go to the school party.

W:OK,Robert.But w here's my school ID card?If I don't take it,the teacher w on't let me in.

M:Is it in your schoolbag?

W:No,oh,my God!Where is it?

M:Look!It's in your hand.

( )11.Where are Tina and Robert going?

A.To the theater. B.To a birthday party.

C.To the school party.

( )12.What is Tina looking for?

A.Her school ID card. B.Her bank card.

C.Her schoolbag.


听力材料:W:Hello,John.There's a basketball game on TV this e v ening.

M:Really?What time w ill it start?

W:At 8:00.I think you'll like it.

M:Yes,I lo v e basketball.I w ant to be a great basketball player w hen I gro w up.

W:If your dream comes true,all of us w ill be v ery happy.

M:Thanks.Will you w atch the game this e v ening,Lisa?

W:No.I ha v e to study for the math test.I'm not good at math,you kno w.

M:Well,my uncle is a math teacher.If he helps you,I belie v e you'll get better grades.

()13.When will the basketball game start?

A.At 7:00 p.m. B.At 8:00 p.m. C.At 9:00 p.m.

()14.Who wants to be a basketball player?

A.John. B.Lisa. C.John's uncle.

( )15.What will Lisa have to do this evening?

A.To clean her room. B.To do the dishes.

C.To study for her math test.


听力材料:Hi,e v erybody.I am Diana.I come from America.I studied at a high school in Boston.I'll go to college next month.After college,I think I w ill be a reporter.It's my dream job.If I become a reporter,I'll w ork for a famous TV station.I w ill tra v el around and w rite some articles about tra v eling.I like tra v eling and that's my hobby.When I w as at my high school,I w orked for my school ne w spaper.I think I learned a lot from that.I am sure my dream w ill come true.

( )16.Which city did Diana study at a high school in?

A.London. B.Boston. C.Sydney.

( )17.When will Diana go to college?

A.Next week. B.Next month. C.Next year.

( )18.What does Diana think she will be?

A.A reporter. B.A host. C.A writer.

( )19.What will Diana do?

A.She will travel around and make friends with others.
