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1. He went all out for a job that would not disappear at the first signs of a depression.

A.He went out every day to find a job just before a depression came.

B.He tried very hard and snatched at every opportunity so as to get a job.

C.He wandered everywhere in order to get a job, which was not easy to find because a depression was soon to come.

D.Every day he left home just before the sun rose in order to get a job.

2. It is not whether you win or lose, but how you play the game that matters.

A.Winning is more important than losing when you play the game.

B.Winning is less important than playing the game well.

C.If you know how to play the game, you will win it.

D.Playing the game well and winning it is important.

3. He is not at home in his own house because he and his wife often quarrel.

A.He is so angry that he often leaves home when he has a quarrel with his wife.

B.He and his wife often quarreled in his parent’s house, but they never do at home.

C.He and his wife often quarrel, so he feels uncomfortable when he was at home.

D.He is often out not because he often quarrels with his wife.

4. What he said was lost in a long roll of thunder.

A.He said that thunderstorm would cause loss of lives or wealth.

B.When thunder came, he could not be heard any more.

C.He asked what loss had been caused by the thunderstorm.

D.He said he lost nothing in the thunderstorm.

5. He’s not more fit to be a minister than a schoolboy would be.

A. A schoolboy would be more fit that he.

B.He’s only fit to be a schoolboy, not a minister.

C.He’s only fit to be a minister, not a schoolboy.

D. A schoolboy is not fit to be a minister, and neither is he.

6.When he realized that he was being closed in upon ,the murderer shot himself.

A. The murderer killed himself when he was surrounded.

B. When he knew he was closely shut up in the room, the murderer shot himself.

C. The murderer was so discouraged that he chose death.

D. When he saw that the gun was close to him, the murderer shot himself.

7. The whole secret has come to light.

A.The secret paper has been burnt.

B.The secret has been made known.

C.The secret paper has been bought to daylight.

D.The secret is not so heavy as it used to be.

8. Everyone knows he’s a good winner but a bad loser.

A.He often succeeds, and seldom fails.

B. B. His victory is as great as his failure.

C.Failure never comes to him.

D.He is good when he wins, but bad when he loses.

9. Tom would sooner do without a car than pay all that money for one.

A.Tom is soon going to buy a car.

B.Tom thinks the pr ice is right, but he can’t afford it.

C.Tom would never buy a car that costs so much.

D. Tom thinks the price is too high, but he must have the car

10. The disease is far from being under control.

A.The disease has been controlled.

B.The disease is not at all under control.

C.The disease will soon be under control.

D.The disease is far away from the place where it is controlled.

11. All of them couldn’t arrive there on time.

A.Some of them could arrive there on time.

B.None of them are able to arrive there on time.

C.All of them are able to arrive there on time.

D.The two of them couldn’t arrive there on time, but the rest could.

12. This is not a place where anyone will stay longer than half a day.

A.No one will stay in such a place longer than half a day.

B.Not anyone will stay here longer than half a day.

C.Everyone would rather stay here than leave as soon as possible.

D.It is not here that everyone will stay.

13. I don’t think I like French any less though it is a bit hard to learn.

A.I don’t think I like to study French now, for it is difficult.

B.I think I like French more though it is hard to learn.

C.I know little French, because it is difficult to learn.

D.French is difficult to learn, but I still like it.

14. The last people from whom praise can be expected, even for what is worthy of all praise, are the English .

A.You can’t expect English people to give you immediate praise.

B.No one will give you immediate praise no matter how good you are.
