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九年级英语Unit12《Life is full of the unexpected.》知识点【短语归纳】

1. take a shower洗浴

2. leave my backpack at home 把背包忘在家里

3. get back to school返回学校

4. start teaching开始教学

5. go off响铃

6. rush out the door 冲出房门

7. give sb a lift捎某人一程

8. miss both events错过两个事件

9. full of unexpected充满着不可预知性

10. be about to do sth正要做某事

11. stare in disbelief at难以置信地盯着。

12. raise above the burning building


13. jump out of bed跳下床

14. collect the math homework收数学作业

15. complete the work for my boss完成老板的工作

16. make the apple pie制作苹果馅饼

17. show up 赶到,出现

18. add the green beans 加绿豆荚

Unit 12

1.在...之前 by the time

2.捎某人一程 give sb a lift

3.(与...)成一排 in line with

4.赶到,露面 show up

5.(在时间点)之前 by the end of

6.化妆晚会 costume party

7.卖光 sell out

8.充满意外 full of the unexpected

9.把.. 落在.. .leave sth +地点

10.发出响声 go off

11.一直睡觉 keep sleeping

12.穿上 put on

13.冲出门外 rush out of the door

14.上课迟到五分钟 be five minutes late for class

15.世界贸易大厦 World Trade Center

16.即将做某事 be about to do sth

17.排队等候 wait in line

18.发生什么事,进展怎么样 what,s going on

19.难以置信地瞪着 stare in disbelief

20.变成... Turn into

21.完成做.. Finish doing

22.忘记喂狗 forget to feed her dog

23.没有说一声再见的机会 get a chance to say goodbye

24.去上学 leave for school

25.穿衣服 get dressed

26.熬夜 stay up (all night )

27.发生 take place /happen

28.相互捉弄或开玩笑 play all kinds of tricks and jokes on each other

29.尽可能多的 as much ..as they can

30.减肥 lose weight

31.以做..结束 end up doing

32.结婚 get married

33.有一个圆满的结局 have a happy ending

34.数百人 hundreds of

35.恐惧在整个国家漫延 fear spared across the whole country

36.卖光 run out of

37.在愚人节 on April Fool,s Day

38.从家中逃出 run away from their homes

39.交作业 hand in one,s homework

40.醒来 wake up

41.通向,导致,引导 lead to

42.开学第一天 on the first day of school
