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11.I have two ______(pencil-box). 12.There are some ______(bus)in the street. 13.Peter has eight _____(foot). 14.Linda has three _______(tooth). 15.There are some ______(child) in the garden. 16.Michael likes the ______(mouse). 17.There are some ______(goose)in the river. 18.My uncle and father are _____(man). 19.Tom and King are _____(boy). 20.Linda has three ______(tooth).
名词 Nouns
无单复数之分,但可用表量的名词来表达数量 如:a cup of milk,a bottle of water,a piece of bread a drop of oil
以“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,直接加词尾 boy→boys 男孩 key→keys 钥匙 monkey→monkeys
shirt clerk
skirt shop
leaf______ puppy_______ box_______ knife_______ fly______ fox______ bus______ bench_____ brush_____ kiss______ church______ dish_____ ruler______ peach________ glass_____ pencil________ boy______ zoo______ man______ roof_______ sheep_______ knife______ lady______ key______ story______ watch______ bamboo______ city______ family______ day_____ apple_______ eraser______ speech______ thief______ mouse______ fish_____ goose____ people ______ ox_____ Chinese _______ deer _______ foot______ child_______ tooth_______ guy________ hero_______ spy______ boss_____ monkey______ city ______ goat ______ radio ________ horse ______ dog ______
七、用所给的单词的复数的正确形式填空. 1.There are so many________(wolf)in the forest. 2.There are three ______(chair) in the classroom. 3.These _______(tomato) are red. 4.______(hero) are great. 5.My brother looks after two ______(baby) 6.There are some ______(deer) eating the grass. 7.My father likes to eat _______(potato). 8.Chinese ______(people)like to eat noodles. 9.I have a lot of ______(toy) in my bedroom. 10.I help my mother wash ______(dish) in the kitchen.
man→men 男人 woman→women 女人 child→children 小孩 tooth→teeth 牙齿 foot→feet 脚 mouse→mice 老鼠 【注】一些以man,woman结尾的合成词,构成复数时与 man,woman的变化形式相同,如: policeman→policemen 警察 Englishwoman→Englishwomen (女)英国人 但是 human(人),German(德国人)不是合成词,其复数不 能仿man的变化规律,而是按规则变化,即用humans, Germans。 另外,当man和woman用于名词前作定语时,若其后被修 饰的名词为复数,则man和woman也要用复数: a man nurse→ many men nurses 男护士 a woman doctor→ some women doctors 女医生
我弟弟的早餐 他爸爸的电脑 你叔叔的电话 我们老师的图画 他们朋友的排球 你们姑姑的生日 这个女孩的帽子 这些男孩的铅笔盒 那个女人的钥匙 那些男人的照片 孩子们的玩具
单数与复数同形的名词 初中英语中主要的有:sheep 绵羊 fish 鱼 deer 鹿 Chinese 中国人 Japanese 日本人 Swiss 瑞士人等 如:a sheep– five sheep a Chinese– many Chinese 【注】fish有时也用fishes这样的复数形式,尤其表示种类 时。 a fish—six fish 六条鱼 six fishes 六种鱼
’s 所 以s结尾的人名,在末尾加's或是’ 有 格 表示各自的所有关系,各名词末尾均须加's
表示共同所有关系时,最后一词末尾加's 表示“某人家”、“某店铺”,所有格后的名词省 略
of “名词+of+名词”构成 所有 of所有格 格 双重 所有 在同一名词词组中同时具备's以及of两种所有格 格
一: 名词单数变复数填空 1.orange text bed computer apple house plane tree lesson apple shirt month 2.piano photo radio zoo tomato potato 3.class fox watch glass dress class brush box bus 4.shelf knife wife life leaf thief 5.family country army city story baby butterfly country 6. toy day key boy
八:汉译英; 1:这些是我的帽子。 2:那些不是课桌。 3:他们不是男孩。
分类 单数名词在末尾加's
例词 the girl's mother 那个女孩的妈妈 Want Mei's ruler 王梅的尺子 Teachers' Day 教师节 the students'books 学生们的书 Dickens's / Dickens' novels 狄更斯的小说 Lucy's and Lily's bikes 露西和莉莉的自行车 luck and Lily's bedroom 露西和莉莉的卧室 my uncle's 我叔叔家 the butcher's 肉店 the window of the room 这个房间的窗户 the life of the rich 有钱人的生活 a friend of my father's 我爸爸的一个朋友
三:代词/ be动词单数变复数 this _______ that _________ you ________ she _______ it ________ am _________
I _______ he ________ is __________
四:句子单数变复数 1:This is a book. . __________________________ 2: That is an eraser. ___________________________ 3: It is a red apple. ____________________________ 4: I am a boy. ______________________________ 5: He / She is a teacher. __________________________ 6: What’s this? _________________________________
Baidu Nhomakorabea
以-o结尾的名词,如果不是外来词或缩写,就加-es, 否则加-s构成复数。 读音变化:加读[z]。 tomato→tomatoes 西红柿 potato→potatoes土豆 hero→heroes英雄 Negro→Negroes黑人 初中英语中以o结尾的名词后加词尾-s的有 zoos(动物园),photos(照片),pianos(钢琴)等; 以-f或-fe结尾的名词,多为将-f或-fe改变为-ves, 读音变化:尾音[f]改读[vz]。 knife→knives 小刀 life→lives 生命 leaf→leaves树叶 wife---wives妻子 half--halves 一半 thief→thieves 贼 self--selves(自己),loaf--loaves(面包),wolf--wolves(狼) 另外,也有的以f或fe结尾的名词直接加词尾-s构成复数 (如roof→roofs屋顶),但这在初中英语中很少见。
六:根据句意及所给单词填空。 1:________(this) are my English books. 2: The two boys are my _________(cousin) 3: ---- _________those your parents? ----Yes, they _________. 4: ---Who are the man and the woman in the picture? ----They are my __________. 5: My aunt Jane and my mother are ___________. 6: They are my __________(姨)。 7: I have two ___________(watch). They are on the desk. 8: I have some __________(photo) of my family. 9: Do you like these ____________(dictionary)? 10: Are those your _________(bus)?
五:名词复数变单数练习 1:Those are my friends. _________________________ 2: They are English boys. __________________________ 3: They are some erasers. ________________________ 4 : These are dictionaries. ___________________________ 5: we are students. ___________________________ 6: what color are your books ? ______________________
二:把下列的单词变为复数形式 key boy family backpack watch
notebook alarm video
computer bag tape game math hat
vegetable shoe store
sock sweater