中考英语书面写作话题7 经历与感受

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中间句 经历
3. 米奇像一个普通人,但他总是试图面对任何危险。 Mickey was like a common man, but he always___t_r_ie_d_ ____t_o__ ___fa_c_e__any danger. 4. 从那以后,我是如此害怕以至于我几乎不能清晰地思考。 I was____so____scared___th__a_t __I could hardly think clearly after that.
语段训练2:他人的经历与感受 Laura once lost her wallet, and worried for days. She ⑨
开头句 1. 劳拉曾经丢了钱包,担心了好几天。 Laura once_lo_s_t__her wallet, and _w_o_r_r_i_e_d__for days. 2. 在我六年级的时候,我参加了一个钢琴比赛。 When I was in the sixth grade, I_jo_i_n_e_d_ __a___ __p_ia_n_o___competition __________.
10. 我的女儿更理解我,尽管她也为要舍弃某些玩具而感到难过。 My daughter was more understanding,_a_lt_h_o_u_g_h_ she also felt sad to _p_a_r_t____ ___w_i_th___ certain toys. 11. 他非常想念他的父母,并且他经常感到孤独和不快乐。 He_m__is_s_e_d__ ___h__is___ __p_a_r_e_n_ts_ so much and he often felt lonely and unhappy.
语段训练1:自己的经历与感受 When I was in the sixth grade, I joined a piano competition. I ①
___p_r_a_c_ti_c_e_d_f_o_r_f_o_u_r__h_o_u_r(s练习四个小时) every day and my piano teacher came ②_t_h_r_e_e_t_im__e_s_a__w_e_e_k_(一周三次) to help me. Then the big day finally arrived. I was so nervous when they ③_c_a_l_le_d__m_y__n_a_m__e (叫我的名字). I ④____s_to_o_d__u_p______(站了起来)and started to play. While I was playing, everyone sat still and listened. I played the song

1 命题探索

2 背词汇
3 写句子
4 写Βιβλιοθήκη Baidu落
5 成篇章
6 写作练兵
分析云南近6年中考真题的书面表达可知,针对“经历与感受”这 一话题共涉及过6次, 2017省卷“A Special Day”、 2019昆明“On my parent’s birthday”、 2018昆明“A small thing”、 2017昆明A“One day in my childhood”、 2015昆明A“The good old days”、 2014昆明A“A happy time” , 全国近年中考真题针对自己或者他人的经历和感受 也 进行了考查。
⑤_w__it_h_o_u_t_a_n_y__m__is_t_a_k_e_s_(没有任何错误). Then I ⑥____w_a_i_te_d__f_o_r__ (等候) them to call out the winner. When I heard my name, ⑦ ___m__y_h__ea_r_t__b_e_a_t _so__q_u_i_c_k_ly(我的心跳得如此快). I thought I would ⑧ ________st_o_p__b_r_e_a_th_i_n_g____(停止呼吸). I couldn’t believe it. I won! It was the happiest day of my life!
感受 7. 我和爷爷一起喂鸡。真是太有趣了。 I___f_e_d___ ___th__e__ _c_h_ic_k_e_n_s_with my grandpa. It was so much fun. 8. 一切都是关于机器人的,我对此不感兴趣。 Everything was about robots and I’m not__in_t_e_r_e_st_e_d_ ____in____that. 9. 我真的很累,因为我昨晚学习到半夜。 I’m really tired because I _s_t_u_d_i_e_d_ ___u_n_t_il__ _m_i_d_n_i_g_h_t last night.
结尾句 12. 这对我来说是非常有用的一课。 This was a very __u_s_e_f_u_l __ __le_s_s_o_n__for me. 13. 这食物尝起来很好,因为我太饿了。 The food___ta_s_t_e_d__ ___g_r_e_a_t _because I was so hungry. 14. 我真的很喜欢在镇上到处走走。 I really enjoyed _w__a_lk__in_g_ __a_r_o_u_n_d_ the town.
5. 第二天,彼得带着勇气而不是恐惧去参加足球训练。 The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage__r_a_t_h_e_r_ __t_h_a_n____fear in his heart. 6. 她很担心,因为她让父母失望了。 She was worried_b_e_c_a_u_s_e_she disappointed her parents.