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Jobs return , Apple turnaround ?
Other products– iPod, iMovie, iPhoto, Airport Internal Changes– 。Improve operating efficiency 。Corporate restructuring 。Develop close relationship with Taiwan Foxconn Electronics (鴻海) 。Direct customer selling (competing against Dell) 。Open first Apple Computer retail stores Result— 。2001 sales down 32% 。Net loss of $25mn
PowerBook 540 (1994)
iBook (1999)
iMac Flat Panel (2002)
PowerBook 100 (1991)
iMac (1998)
PowerMac G4 (2000)
JOHN SCULLEY 1985~1993
Apple成為此時 市場最賺錢的PC電腦公司。
Sculley 時代 1985-1993
Apple’s position in 1990 and its products-公司將所有產品一手通包, 從晶片、螢幕到電腦機殼,並且將製造生產重心聚集至California。 微處理器CPU 則是由Motorola供應 1987–以高價位$3898美元推出Mac II 1991–推出第一代PowerBook 1993--推出革命性資訊產品,以牛頓(Newton)為名的 個人數位助理(Personal Digital Assistant ; PDA), 但是市場反應不佳,賣得並不好。
1994-- Announced the PowerMac family, the first Macs to be based on the PowerPC chip
我認為Spindler的最大錯誤: License the Mac OS to several companies and allowed other companies to Manufacture Mac

Apple’s Evolution from 1976~1990
Apple I (1976)
Apple III (1980)
Mac II (1987) Mac IIsi (1990)
Apple II (1977)
Macintosh 1984
Apple’s Evolution from 1991~2002
Spindler 讓Apple光芒盡失
Internal Changes– 。Cut costs and laid of 2500 workers 。Reduced R&D expense to 6% of sales
Apple - IBM end Federation-。IBM remain using UNiX, OS/2 and Windows as OS 。Apple continue to improve Mac OS
1983-1984 淨收入下挫17% 1985– Steve Jobs resign和Sculley經營理念不同, Jobs辭去職務,Sculley成為公司領導人。
第二時期 Sculley 時代 1985-1993
Sculley認為Apple必須繼續發展在 繪圖系統的開發與設計能力,並且積極地 帶領Apple進入全球競爭市場。 Mac領先市場推出雷射印表機(LaserWriter), 加上使用排版軟體PageMaker, 此舉刺激市場對於Mac的高度需求, 銷售額大幅暴漲!!
第四時期 Amelio 時代 1996-1997
短命的100天CEO 功與過
December 1996– announces the acquisition
of NeXT Software,and that Steven Jobs would be returning.
Other products– Set-top boxes for next generation TV Internal changes– 。Change in the corporate structure 。Cut 6900 workers Result– Apple lost $1.6bn from Jan. 1996 to June 1997. July 1997-- Gil Amelio forced out and Steve Jobs returns
後Jobs時代 1997~
Ended Macintoch licensing program
1997--Introduce G3 Power Macs
for business users
Invest $150mn in its rival developing Office for Mac
1998--Introduce iMac for low-priced comsumers
iMac (Flat) iMac
Apple、 Pixar與Adobe三家公司股價比較
結論: Pixar是特定專業軟體,股價自成一格,與Apple無關 Adobe依附Apple,股價成正相關性,但是有時間差
PC 個人電腦 產業
PC manufacturers— 。Four top vendors Dell, Compaq, HP, IBM Worldwide PC Market, 1998~2000 (% of unit shipments)
GIL AMELIO 1996~1997
第一時期 Jobs時代 1976-1981
1976-- Steve Wozniak and
Steve Jobs開發出第一台蘋果電 腦--Apple I
1977-- Apple didn’t really take off until the introduction of Apple II 1980-- Sales rocket high and Apple III was introduced 1981– IBM enters the PC market, Steve Jobs becomes chairman
APPLE電腦公司 經營策略與領導變革
Apple 公司背景

蘋果電腦在美國PC市場的市佔率大約3%,主要 靠忠實的學生及專業人士來維持市場,支援圖 形設計功能強大,以豐富的內容、視訊效果著 稱。 蘋果電腦的麥金塔為該公司銷售貢獻良多, 「Power Mac」系列目標在企業與專業用戶, 滿足其速度方面、擴充性與網際網路的需求, 「iMAC」系列電腦則針對教育用途與個人用戶 需求,以易於上網為特點,內建無線上網支援。 蘋果電腦除生產電腦硬體以外,還有MP3播放 器與其他軟體產品。
Jobs Spindler Sculley
評分 B+
Apple’s 在全球PC市場的 市佔率 節節下滑 1980~2001
18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0
IBM enters the market
Jobs 歸來
Sculley 最棒的策略 Apple聯盟
--Forming a ―federation‖ to penetrate broader market 1. Apple與IBM共同成立Taligent,全力發展OS系統
Apple的微處理器採購轉向,由IBM 的PowerPC 晶片 取代了Motorola的供應地位,但仍同意Motorola可取得 IBM的技術,以確保Apple的第二供應來源。 3. Apple 和IBM共同成立Kaleida, 發展相同語言平台的多媒體應用軟體。
Result– 。Unable to meet demand 。Excessive inventory accumulation, 。Introduction of low-cost Perfomas but people wanted higher-powered computers Apple took its worst plunge ever in the winter of 1995-96 posting a $68 million loss for that quarter. 1996-- Spindler was asked to resign as CEO and was replaced by Gil Amelio
1993--董事會將Sculley 提升為「董事長」, 新的CEO改由Mike Spindler接棒, Sculley辭去職務,到紐約自立創投公司。
第三時期 Spindler 時代 1993-1996
-- Never allow Apple’s products to be competitively overpriced
1984– A cheaper machine for consumer was Then designed… Macintosh
Sculley 加入 1983-1985
1983--具有華頓商學院MBA學位、 百事可樂的行銷奇才John Sculley加入Apple, 他是一位商場老將,但對於電腦的專業知識不多。 此時的Apple因為Mac效能不高 以及缺乏互相配合的軟體,限制了銷售額的成長。
第一階段 Jobs時代 1976-1984
Sculley 時代 1985-1993
Spindler 時代 Amelio Years 1993-1995 1996-1997
Jobs 回娘家 先盛後衰
Jobs 何去何從??
ANS: 最佳策略~~唸EMBA
G4 Cube
Compaq IBM Dell HP Packard Bell Gateway Fujitsu Toshiba Apple Total Shipments (Thousands of units)
不是R&D出身的Sculley 敗在微軟及牛頓
Internal Changes-。為求更強的市場競爭能力,Apple努力降低成本結構 。解雇公司15%的員工 (1,200名) 。開始將製造業務委外代工 Result--
毛利率卻仍然下跌到34%,低於14年來的平均水準有14%之多 原因: 。Overpriced product, 。Microsoft Windows gaining ground, 。Slow rate of innovation and 。Failure of Newton PDA
Apple的 第一幅廣告 Apple I, 銷售價格 $666.66
Lisa誕生 1981-1983
1981– In competing with IBM, Apple introduces Lisa, the first computer that uses a point-and-click mouse. The poor performance of Lisa was then taken off by Mike Markkula, the president of Apple and one of the major stockholders at that time
英雄能造勢! 人定難勝天!
Macintosh Introduced
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