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1. Timothy Constance:

What the women I spoke with said was that they want a husband who is independent and dedicated to his career,but that he doesn’t have to make a lot of money.The emphasis was always on finding a best friend-a soul mate-someone you could tell all your troubles to and who would be supportive.So it doesn’t seem to be the case that these women were looking for super high-achieving men.

Grise Levison:

I think that for women,as well as for men,the standard for someone who yo u’d want to spend your life with depends much more today on emotional intimacy.It takes some trial and error and a pretty long and dedicated search to identify the kind of person who is emotionally matching you and who is able to communicate and listen to trouble talk.

Marry Brown:

In recent decades girls have been raised to be more competitive and stronger than they were in the past.Several women I talked to mentioned that in their life they felt that their intelligence or in- tellectual achievement seemed to work against them in their romantic relationships with men.However.most of the women I interviewed felt that there were some men”out there”who would be attracted to smart women.The problem was finding them.

Donna Smith:

I think,for the women I talked to,their ultimate sense of what they want in life includes family and children,but they aren’t willing to think about the fact that they therefore will probably have to give up some of their own individual pursuits and career goals.I think the definition of suecess includes both love and work,and that the challenge is how to arrange that in a particular order.Elizabeth Budy:

I think that people who have done at least some of the things that are essential for a wise judgment about a partner are more likely to eventually end up in a stable marriage.It’s also true that they’re likely to marry someone who is similar to them in education and earning power,which means that those marriages are likely to have more money in them.

Now match the name of each personto the appropriate statement.

Note:there are two extra statements.

1). Timothy Constance D

A. Career success is in fact not a disadvantage.

B. The ability to choose a right partner ensures a stable marriage .

C. How to balance career with family is key to success.

D. The essential part of marriage is the union of soul.

E. Finding an emotionally intimate mate isn’t a piece of cake.

F. Career Success ensures a solid marriage.

G. Social assistance is needed for today’s single women.

2). Grise Levison E

A. Career success is in fact not a disadvantage.

B. The ability to choose a right partner ensures a stable marriage.

C. How to balance career with family is key to success.

D. The essential part of marriage is the union of soul.

E. Finding a n emotionally intimate mate isn’t a piece of cake.

F. Career Success ensures a solid marriage.
