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内控号:4.12.1 发文号: 生效日期:
1. 目的

2. 适用范围
2.1 本办法适用于参与远洋宾馆官方网站管理和运营的市场营销部相关人员,以及受托管理的酒店。

3. 相关岗位
3.1 市场营销部所有岗位
4. 操作须知
4.1 网站的操作细则
4.1.1 网站版面与栏目更新
, 网站主页面原则上每年进行一次审定或改版,改版内容包括页面的
, 酒店动态包括:标题新闻、企业文化活动、营销活动、会员制度与动态、产品套餐及价格更新等项目及时更新,应具备时效特色;
, 酒店简介根据酒店的发展情况报审修改,页面需适应酒店的特色和
, 页面改版由市场营销部及其网站管理员预先设计出方案,报公司总经理

4.1.2 网站信息搜集与发布
, 信息发布主要是市场、营销动态(包括新产品套餐、会员互动、商
, 酒店重大事件:酒店重大事务、访问活动、上级领导来酒店考察活
, 酒店先进事迹、企业文化、经营理念等;
, 酒店对外的重大决策、公告、招聘等信息;
, 其他日常的网站维护等信息。

waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced
concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or
4.1.3 网站信息的搜集与发布管理
, 网站管理员负责网站内容信息的搜集和整理,各部门主管或专人根
据部门职能及时向网站管理员提供最新相关信息; , 网站管理员负责管理信息发布的登录名和密码,不得随意公开和泄
, 设计、调整、改换栏目设置、内容更新、新闻发布以及其他信息资
, 市场、营销动态(包括新产品套餐、商务活动、促销活动、价格更
, 酒店重要事项、重要商务活动,如重要合作信息、重大合同信息、

4.1.4 网站推广
, 市场营销部经理负责制定官方网站推广战略,加强对内部员工的官方网站认识、会员录入培训控制网络推广的实施过程。

, 网络订房销售员负责集团官方网站策划、网站设计开发以及申请域名、租用空间等事项。

, 结合市场情况以及宾馆战略目标,由市场营销部经理负责制定网络推广战略。

, 网络订房销售员负责对网站营销推广数据进行分析与评估,并向部门经理汇报。

4.1.5 网站管理
, 任何人未经批准,不得随意发布信息或更改网站页面版式及内容; , 网站密码由酒店销售部负责控制,不准向任何部门或个人泄漏; , 发现公司网站被病毒、黑客袭击或发现网站运行不正常,应及时上报并联系网站制作公司,由网站制作公司做及时处理。

, 任何人不得在酒店网站上发布违反国家法律、法规、有损国家利益、酒店形象以及不道德的言论;
, 任何人不得利用酒店网站传播反动、淫秽、不道德以及其他违反国家法律、社会公德的信息;
waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance
drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the junction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall ortube falling concrete, columns, and walls of the project series tube concrete pouring to prevent segregation of concrete. 6.1
laying before concrete pouring 15-20cm thickness and concrete without stone mortar of the same components, construction seam and cutting hair rinse with high pressure water, ... Between makes concrete surface rendering Pan pulp and no longer sinks, General for 20-30S, each layer concrete vibration pound dense Hou, again pouring upper concrete and avoid had vibration, vibration pound Rod mouth made size mark, with this control Xia Rod height, vibrators insert lower concrete within of depth not is less than 50mm, openings sides while Xia rod, prevent template displacement, reserved hole location to for good mark. 6.5 conservation method conservation Shi used 1 layer plastic sheeting package plus 2 layer sacks cloth (high out wall 10cm above), with wire lashing fixed, from wall top catchy watering, set hand is responsible for conservation temperature, timing watering, keep sacks wet can, conservation period 7d, has waterproof requirements of many Yu 14d, winter construction Shi can used extended split die time, summer construction Shi can used service spray water and Shabu conservation liquid of method. Roof concrete construction 7.1 7 level control with automatic leveling leveling. 7.2 stairs concrete pouring line should be in a certain order, preventing
the order the construction interval is too long, have a cold joint. 7.3 vibration pound concrete Shi, avoid vibration Rod straight contact touch steel or template, and sent hand observation template, and bracket, and steel, and pre buried pieces, and reserved hole of situation, concrete , 任何人不得利用酒店网站发布虚假信息或违反酒店规定、影响酒店
, 网站管理员一经发现有上述1-6条所示内容的信息,必须立即予以
, 销售部按本制度及时对酒店网站进行管理、维护与更新,网站数据

5 附件
6 记录
7 相关文件
8 前相关流程
9 后相关流程
waterproofing must be by the construction of the professional team, operator certificates. II laying the waterproof layer of the grass-roots level according to the design completion of construction and maintenance drying, moisture content is not more than 9%, the grass-roots level should be smooth, solid, not hollow crack or sand. ? waterproof layer construction coated end of oil (cold oil), you should clean up the surface of the grass-roots. ? construction materials are ... Primary treatment: too much of a very irregular surface area, tick the first plain or filled with cement mortar, smooth surface parts picking hairs; doors Windows and workmanship in compact vertical wall junction with cement mortar; wall hole plug tightly. Primary surface dust, dirt, grease and solvents, such as cleaning, grass-root surface bump obvious parts, prior tick or fill flat with 1:0.3:3 mortar mix. In reinforced
concrete shear wall and girder Wall filling with aerated concrete junction of different material at the ju nction of Hung 200 wide φ 1 galvanized steel wire mesh (9*25). Wall scaffold hole plugging tight, plumbing vent pipes through the hole in the wall and the roof holes, cut the discerning wall pipe must be installed after using 1:0.3:3 mixing mortar block. 2) Regulation, correcting this project interior wall plastering as intermediate plasters, angle, set the bar, layering, trimming, surface pressure. With support Board check the wall vertical, smooth and largely determine the thickness of the plaster (the thinnest not less than 7mm, with the end of mortar or 1:0.3:3 mixed mortar wall around the corner to make a standard gray bread, in case of Windows and doors, corner hole to be filled, space 1.2~1.5M, drawing dust cake. Interior wall or。
