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Warm-Up Questions


1.Have you got any dreams? If so, what are they?


Answer: Yes, of course, I have a dream, I dream of being a teacher.

答案: 是的,当然有,我有一个梦想,我梦想着成为一名老师。

2.What do you think are needed to fulfill one’s dreams?


In order to make the dream become true, the first thing is to have firm determination no matter what

为了把梦想变成现实,第一件事情就是无论面对许多困难和失败都要以你的方difficulties and failures will be in your way. Then, you should make full use of each chance to learn what 式来拥有坚定的决心。然后,你应该充分地利用每一次机会去学习你可以学习的you can learn because a teacher should master as much knowledge as possible. Finally, a little good luck be 东西,因为老师应该掌握尽可能多的知识。最后,有一点好的运气将will necessary.


3. A Hindu proverb says, ”Luck is one half of success.” How do you understand this proverb?


I think good luck only means that you have got a chance to show your ability. Showing yourself is the first

我认为好的运气仅仅意味着你有机会来展示你的能力。展示你自己是被他人接受step of being accepted by others, that’s to say, it is the first step of being successful. However, good luck 的第一步,也就是说,这是成功的第一步。但是,好的运气will never come to those who have not been well prepared for it.


Unit 5


Have you ever dreamed of becoming a writer, only to be put off by fears that you lacked the ability? If so, 你是否梦想着成为一名作家,而仅仅因为害怕你不具备那样的能力而止步不前?如果是这then reading Linda Stafford’s story will have you reaching for your pen with renewed hope.


I Never Write Right


1.When I was 15, I announced to my English class that I was going to write and illustrate my own books.


Half of the students nearly fell out of their chairs laughing.


2.“Don’t be silly. Only geniuses can become writers,” the English teacher said.” And you are getting a D

别傻了,只有天才才能成为作家,英语老师说道,“而这学期你将会得到一个D”this semester.”

3.I was so embarrassed that I burst into tears. That night I wrote a short, sad poem about broken dreams

我很尴尬,眼泪夺眶而出。那天晚上我写了一首简短的、关于梦想破灭的悲哀的诗and mailed it to the Capper’s Weekly. To my astonishment they published it, and send me two dollars. I was a 寄到了《卡珀周刊》。让我感到吃惊的是他们竟然发表了这首诗,并且寄给我2美元的稿费published and paid writer! I showed my teacher and fellow students. They laughed.


4.“Just plain dumb luck,” the teacher said.


5.I’d tasted success. I’d sold the first thing I’d ever written. That was more than any of them had done,


and if it was” just plain dumb luck,” that was fine with me.


6.During the next two years I sold dozens of poems, letters, jokes and recipes. By the time I graduated

在随后的两年时间里,我卖出了几十件作品,其中有诗歌、信件、笑话和食谱。等到我中学from high school (with a C-minus average), I had scrapbooks filled with my published work. I never

毕业的时候(我的平均成绩是C),我已经拥有了几本剪贴本,上面粘贴满了我发表了的作品。mentioned my writing to my teachers, friends or my family again. They were dream killers. And if people must 我再也没有向老师、朋友和家人提及我写作的事情,他们是我梦想的扼杀者。而且,如果人们choose between their friends and dreams, they must always choose the latter.


7.But sometimes you do find a friend who supports your dreams.” It’s easy to write a book, ” my new

但是,有时你也的确能够找到支持你梦想的朋友。“写本书很容易,”我的一位friend told me. “You can do it.”


8.“I don’t know if I’m smart enough,” I said, suddenly feeling 15 again and hearing echoes of laughter.



9.“Nonsense!” she said. “Anyone can write a book if they want to.”


10.I had four children at the time, and the oldest was only four. We lived on a goat farm in Oklahoma,

那时我有四个孩子,最大的只有四岁。我们居住在俄克拉荷马州的一个饲养山羊的农场里,miles from anyone. All I had to do each day was take care of four kids, milk goats, and do the cooking, laundry 离别人有好几英里的路程。我每天要做的全部工作就是照顾四个孩子、挤羊奶、做饭、洗衣

and gardening.


11.While the children slept, I typed on my ancient typewriter. I wrote what I felt. It took nine months, just
