


2005年第12期(总第179期) 学术论坛 ACADEM IC FORUM NO.12,2005 (Cumulatively NO.179) 人格结构的裂变与升华———《红字》中丁梅斯代尔与齐灵渥斯的人格对比评析 胡铁生,王丽莉 (吉林大学外语教学与研究中心,吉林长春130012) [摘 要]美国浪漫主义作家霍桑小说《红字》中的丁梅斯代尔和齐灵渥斯是两个对立人物。牧师丁梅斯代尔对于爱情的追求,不仅深深地刺痛了白兰的丈夫齐灵渥斯,同时自己也饱受良心上的折磨;同样,齐灵渥斯为了达到报复的目的,人格结构失调,受本我“快乐原则”的驱使,从精神到肉体对丁梅斯代尔进行百般折磨。二者表面特征是善与恶、理性与非理性之间的激烈冲突,实质上是二者在人格结构中,本我、自我和超我三个层面上的冲突。在这两个男性人物与女主人公白兰的爱情悲剧中,各自人格的发展变化是当时清教的偏执教规以及蒙昧时代的伦理标准及规范所造成的。丁梅斯代尔和齐灵渥斯两人在历经了人格层次的冲突和交锋之后,故事虽然以悲剧结束,但终于在自我的调解下,从本我走向超我,达到了人格结构的和谐,为后人了解当时社会的政治和宗教状况、社会对人格结构的影响以及人格结构的裂变与升华提供了素材。 [关键词]人格结构;丁梅斯代尔;齐灵渥斯;社会与人;裂变与升华 [中图分类号]I106.4 [文献标识码]A [文章编号]1004-4434(2005)12-0153-04 弗洛伊德心理哲学认为,人格是一个动态的能量系统,由本我、自我和超我三个子系统构成。三者相互制约、相互渗透。在健康人的身上,只有这三个系统处于和谐与统一的整体并和环境发生作用时,才是健全的人格。否则,三个系统失控,难以协调,人就会处于失常状态,不仅会与外在环境发生冲突,而且也会对自身的境况产生重大影响,严重者就会导致神经失常,做出常人做不出的事情来。虽然每个人的人格都是由本我、自我和超我三个动力系统构成的,但是,即使在同一个人的身上,在不同时期和不同的境况下,三者的比重也会有所不同。这种现象的产生主要与人所处社会环境相关。但是,无论这种差异有多大,有一点却是学术界所一致认同的:人格的完美发展趋向是由本我到自我最后达到超我,三者之间既是矛盾的,又是统一的。19世纪美国小说家霍桑在他的浪漫主义代表作《红字》中,塑造了丁梅斯代尔和齐灵渥斯这样两个人格分析的人物形象。他们初为情敌冤家,是善与恶的化身;虽然他们在人格结构(或系统)中表现各异,但最终却都在自我的调控下达到了精神超越,由本我走向超我,成为人格分析以及了解人与人、人与社会的关系的典范。 一、本我层面上的人格结构裂变 本我(也称伊得)处于人格结构系统中的最低层次,“是最原始的,与生俱来的,无意识的结构部 [收稿日期]2005-10-21 [作者简介]胡铁生(1952—),男,满族,吉林抚松人,吉林大学外语教研中心研究生英语教研室主任,教授,吉林大学文学院博士生导师,齐齐哈尔大学客座教授,研究方向:比较文学与世界 文学;王丽莉(1980—),女,蒙古族,吉林抚松人,吉林大学外语教研中心2004级硕士研 究生,研究方向:比较文学与世界文学。 153


Analysis on the heroine Hester’s character in"The scarlet letter" Abstract:The scarlet letter is one of the masterpieces of American romantic novelist Nathaniel Hawthorne,which exposes and interprets spiritual oppression and Imprisonment of Puritanism via shaping the character of Hester successfully. The author highlights the brave pursuit for true love and freedom of the heroine. Key words: character , rebellion , contradiction , redemption Body: The heroine Hester lived in such a religious background where pilgrims emphasized ration and rejected emotion.It was in this particular situation that Hester dared to break the marriage tie which was abnormal and unhappy.Therefore,it doomed a tragic ending.As a victim of Puritanism,Hester was still determined to pursue true love and freedom.However,she chose to give in to reality for the benefit of her daughter.Although she tried her best to bear the punishment and misfortune on her own, Hester worried that her daughter might repeat her mistake and suffering.Hester decided to endure silently , and meanwhile hoped to get psychological comfort and public recognition by doing good things.By this means she expected to attain redemption.Fundamentally, Hester still couldn’t get rid of the religious imprisonment. Bravery and rebellion are the main characters of Hester Prynne,which embodies the author’s main idea.But it is not the ultimate goal the author tries to portray by shaping Hester Prynne's image.The compromise in Hester Prynne's character is another aspect the author tries to deliver.After leaving the colony for many years,Hester Prynne returned,burdening her shame again which had been abandoned a long time ago! Because"there has been her sins, her grief, and her confession here". Anyway,Hester Prynne’s image is vividly shaped in the author’s writing.Through her complicated characters we can have a good knowledge of the folk’s life and Puritanism belonging to that particular time.


目录 摘要-----------------------------------------------------------4 Abstract-------------------------------------------------------5 引文-----------------------------------------------------------6 一、红字的象征意义----------------------------------------------8 (一)通奸(Adultery)---------------------------------------8 (二)孤独(Alone)------------------------------------------9 (三)女斗士(Amazon)---------------------------------------9 (四)艺术(Art)、能干(Able)、天使(Angle)-----------------9 二、人物的象征意义----------------------------------------------11 (一)海斯特的象征意义---------------------------------------11 (二)丁梅斯代尔的象征意义-----------------------------------11 (三)齐灵沃斯的象征意义-------------------------------------11 (四)小珠儿的象征意义---------------------------------------12 (五)贝灵汉总督的象征意义-----------------------------------13 三、场景的象征意义----------------------------------------------14 (一)刑台---------------------------------------------------14 (二)监狱、墓地---------------------------------------------14 (三)小溪---------------------------------------------------14 四、总结--------------------------------------------------------16


《红字》的深层解读 摘要:《红字》是美国著名作家霍桑于1850年发表的长篇小说。这篇小说将19世纪美国复杂的社会问题揭露出来。在这部作品中,霍桑把自己对于爱情、宗教信仰、女性意识等问题的观点都蕴含在小说之中。《红字》成功塑造了海丝特这一女性形象。她以自己的方式捍卫自己作为女人应得的权利,她从一个被侮辱被损害的女性,逐渐发展成为一个永不放弃追求幸福的自由思想者,甚至妇女活动家。通过对海丝特这一女性人物的塑造,体现了霍桑的女性主义意识,本文从几下几个方面对《红字》进行解读。 关键词: 一、海丝特形象塑造方面《红字》这部作品共24章,其中有18章是用来描写海丝特这一女性形象的。这种布局安排无疑将海丝特置于文中的主体地位。而小说中的主要男性人物——齐灵渥斯和丁梅斯代尔则处于相对次要的地位。霍桑一改男权社会中应当把男性作为主要人物的传统观念,在作品里为海丝特赢得了一个前所未有的“主体”的位置,这一做法将作者潜在的女性主义意识表露出来。海丝特一出场,霍桑就对海丝特的形象作了正面、积极的刻画:“要是有一个罗马天主教徒,他准会从这美丽的妇人,从她那绚烂如画的服饰和仪态,从她怀中的婴儿,联想到被无数著名的画家竞相表现的圣母形象。”通过作者的描写,海丝特追求美的天性、自由奔放的气质,对清教教规的反抗,对社会习俗的轻视以及追求爱情的精神都得到了最好的阐释与肯定。二、海丝特对话语权的争取《红字》以十

七世纪的波士顿作为大背景,在当时,清教统治者为了统治、囚禁妇女设立了一系列严厉的法案法规。在当时的社会里男人是主导,是中心,而女性只能处于从属地位,受到压迫和排挤。在这样一个环境里,海丝特不仅不臣服于传统的男尊女卑观念,还通过对社会的拒绝表达了她与清教社会的针锋相对。海丝特由于犯了所谓的通奸罪,受到当权者逼迫,必须在胸前带有象征着耻辱的标记“A”。当她怀抱婴孩,站在邢台上接受权利机构对她的审判时;当他们以拯救海丝特灵魂为借口,想要用神圣、感化的语言诱导她说出同伙的名字时,海丝特坚决并大声地回答说“我不说!……这红字烙得太深了,你无法把它取下来。”在男权社会里,语言是男性的专利,在这样一种情况下,海丝特竟敢用语言驳回了权力机构对她的审问,表达出自己的思想,这一切都将她追求自由爱情的精神和勇于承担后果的勇气表露出来。 三、经济方面要求独立女人要想追求自由和解放,这主要根源于经济上的独立和人格上平等。独立的自我以及对生活炽烈的追求一直都是支撑海丝特走下去的力量所在。由于这种力量,“在过去的这些年里,她用这种疏远的目光来看人类社会的各种制度,以及牧师们和立法者们所建立起来的一切。她以印第安人看待牧师的宽领带,法官的长袍,颈手枷,家庭或宗教的那种老大不敬的态度批判一切。”在这种极为痛苦的生活中,海丝特勇敢地承受着人们的蔑视与冷淡。她以自己微薄的收入维持着母女俩简单的生活,并且以顽强的生活意志和善良的本性感动了周围人们,通过海斯特的坚持和努力许多人都不再以原有的意义去理解那刻在衣服上鲜红的 A 字了,在他们的眼

10 医生和病人

10 医生和病人 老罗杰-齐灵渥斯一生中都是个脾气平和的人,他虽无一温一暖的一爱一,但却心地慈悲,而且在涉及同各方面的关系时,始终是一个纯粹而正直的人。照他自己的想象,他是以一个法官的同等的严峻与公正来开始一次调查的,他只向往真理,简直把间题看得既不包含人类的情感,也不卷入个人的委屈,完全如同几何学中一抽一象的线和形一般。但在他着手进行这一调查的过程中,一种可怕的迷惑力,一种尽避依然平静、却是猛烈的必然一性一,却紧紧地将这老人攫在自己的掌握之中,而且在他未完成它的全部旨意之前。绝不肯将他放松。如今,他象一个矿工搜寻黄金似的掘进这可怜的牧师鲍内心:或者更确切地说,象一个掘葱人挖进一座坟墓,可能原指望找到陪葬在死者胸部的珠宝。结果却除去死一尸一及腐烂之外一无所获。假若那里果真有他要我的东西的话,天啊,让我们为他自己的灵魂哀叹吧! 有时候,从医生的眼中闪出一线光芒,象是炉火映照似的,燃着

蓝幽幽的不祥之光,或者我们也可以说,象是班扬那山边可怕的门洞中射一出、在朝圣者的脸上跳动着的鬼火的闪光①。那是因为这个一陰一沉的矿工所挖掘的土地中刚好显露了鼓励他的一些迹象。 “这个人,”他在一次这种场合中自言自语说,“尽避人们相信他很纯洁,尽避他看来极其高尚神圣,但他从他父亲或母亲身上继承了一种强烈的兽一性一。让我们沿着这一矿脉再向前掘进一点吧!” 之后,他就对这位牧师的幽暗的内心加以长时间的搜寻,翻出了许多宝资的东西,都是由思想和钻研而强化的、由天启而燃亮的,诸如对灵魂的热一爱一、纯洁的情一操一、自然的虔诚等等,均以对人类的福祉的高尚志向为其形式——然而这一切无价之宝于那位探矿人无异于一堆废物——他只好沮丧地转回身来,朝着另一个方向开始寻求。他鬼鬼祟祟,左顾右盼,小心翼翼地向前探索,犹如一个偷儿进入一间卧室,想去窃取主人视如服珠的宝物,而主人却躺在那里半睡半醒——或者可能还大睁着眼睛。尽避他事先策划周密,但地板会不时吱嘎作响,他的衣服也会细碎有声。而且到了,近在咫尺的禁

红字的象征意义The Symbolic Meaning of the Scarlet Letter

The Symbolic Meaning of the Scarlet Letter Hester Prynne always wears on her chest a scarlet letter “A”, which is the central symbol of the novel. It shows different identities of Hester. And the symbolic meaning changes from “Adultery” to “Angel”. I will analyze it from the following three aspects. 1. Adultery During that time, the strict Puritans rule Boston and they punish the people who break their rules. Hester really commits a crime of adultery. When she stands on the platform, the letter “A”is the sign of punishment of her adultery, and the color scarlet is a symbol of sin. The scarlet looks like blood and fire, which can be regarded as desire. There is passionate love between Hester and the priest, but it brings them misfortune. Hester has to wear the scarlet “A” as a punishment and she will never forget her crime. With the shame, she is regarded as a naughty woman. Red should be regarded as the symbol of love and life, but under the control of Puritan strictness, it’s a symbol of shame and punishment. When Hester first appears, she doesn’t look like a criminal but a loving mother. She is grace and elegant, holding her baby to the chest. She stands proudly to bear her punishment. That is impressive to me. Her spirit is full of disobedience and strength. In addition, from the words I can see the elegantly sewn letter “A” is an art. 2. Alone and Alienation Hester lives a lonely life without friend. Only her daughter Pearl accompanies her. What’s worse, because her crime is still within town, people insult her and treat her badly. Even children are afraid to get close to her. She suffers great from the mental torment. If I were she, I couldn’t stand such kind of pressure. I would leave for a new place where no one knows me and begin a new life. However, she chooses to face the reality rather than escape from it. She is patient to those insulting words and even tries to forgive those people. 3. Able, Admirable and Angle


A Reading Report of The Scarlet Letter The Scarlet Letter was written by Nathaniel Hawthorne. Nathaniel Hawthorne (July 4, 1804—May 19, 1864) was an American novelist and short story writer. He was a key figure in the development of American literature for his tales of the nation’s colonial history. His four major novels were written between 1850 and 1860, and they were The Scarlet Letter, The House of the Seven Gables, The Blithedale Romance, and The Marble Faun. The story took place in Boston about 200 years ago. It narrated love affairs between three persons. They were Hester Prynne, Arthur Dimmesdale and Roger Chillingworth. Roger was an old misshapen man and a doctor. Hester was his wife, but she did not love him at all. Two years ago, Hester was sent alone across the ocean by Roger. However, Roger did not show up thereafter. While waiting, Hester fell in love with another man, Dimmesdale, who was a young minister and had a high position among ministers and was highly respected among his people in town. Hester and Dimmesdale loved each other, but their love was forbidden in that time. It was sinful because they committed adultery. And the secret was finally discovered because of Hester’s pregnancy. Due to this, Hester was punished by society with a letter A on her chest, which was considered as an evil and a shame. However, Hester refused to tell the name of the father even when she was asked to stand on the scaffold. And she chose to bear all the shame and punishment by herself. At the same time, Roger Chillingworth appeared and tried to take revenge on the adulterer. As time goes on, Hester’s daughter, Pearl was seven years old. And Roger became a real devil. He pretended to live with Dimmesdale to treat his disease. Actually, he just wanted to revenge him. Finally, Dimmesdale was weaker and weaker. In the end, Dimmesdale told the truth to the folks on the scaffold that he was Pearl’s father, and then he died. Roger also died after one year because the revenge took his all energy and strength. Hester then lived alone in her cottage far away from the city by herself. Pearl became a rich woman and lived in a happy life. When Hester died, she was buried next to Dimmesdale. The two shared a single tombstone, with a deep colored letter A shining


Appreciation of "the scarlet letter" Abstract:The scarlet letter in 17th century Puritan under colonial rule of New England as the background, drawing on the year in Boston a love tragedy. Key words:Family background、Writing background、Symbolism Hawthorne was born in 1804 in new England a buckeen family. Christian Puritan family. After the death of his father, he with his mother moved to Salem public, Salem strong religious atmosphere and fierce sectarian strife and Hawthorne's a religious traditions are of Hawthorne's thought and his later works produced great impact. He has been interested in literature and art since his childhood, and after graduating from college, he served in the customs, and he was influenced by the French utopian socialism, and he formulated the implementation of the utopian socialist scheme on the Brook farm.. Hawthorne at the time of the American social moral on funeral and bourgeois hypocrisy dissatisfaction, but he did not want to fundamentally change the unreasonable social system, only to seek the improvement of social morality, preached God, advocate of moral self perfection. Almost all of Hawthorne's works were based on the history of the new North American colony of England.. In his works clearly reflects the Hawthorne's complex and contradictory character, on the one hand, he was deeply the influence of Calvinism, believe that the "original sin", on the other hand, he deeply experience to Calvinism fanaticism, bossy and hypocrisy; on the one hand he accepted Emerson's philosophical view, I believe there is a mysterious force in the social reality, on the other hand, he was subject to the control of the religious consciousness, the Calvinist concepts of good and evil, as understanding of social standard, explore the inherent "evil" that "evil" is at the root of social problems. Symbolism is an artistic technique in the creation of literature, with the help of specific things and images to reveal the concept or meaning of abstract, and thus to induce readers' imagination and association.. "Sananier Hawthorne is good at using the symbolic things to reveal the specific things behind the deep meaning of", is regarded as a pioneer in modern literature of symbolism. In the novel "the scarlet

《红字》1000字英语读后感——The Scarlet Letter

Perseverance and Kindness Make A Brilliant Life — After reading The Scarlet Letter Not only is The Scarlet Letter the most successful representative work of Nathaniel Hawthorn, but also the most prestigious work in the field of American romanticism novels. The story offers an extraordinary insight into the norms and behavior of American Puritan society in the 17th century. However, the basic conflicts and problems of the main characters are rather familiar to readers at present. The story was set Boston in the middle 17th when people are brutally persecuted by the authority both mentally and physically. Heist, a young beautiful woman, suffered the adversity of marriage, whereas unfortunately married to a Warlock who is handicapped and sickish, with whom she has nothing in common. Subsequently, the man got lost during a voyage and disappeared ever since, leaving endless pain and woe to the young woman. But exactly during this tough time, suddenly breaks in a man. They fell in love and spend a pleasant and unforgettable time with each other. All good things didn?t last long. It was not long before the poor young woman was arrested in the name of adultery because the fact of pregnancy was exposed to public. She gave birth to the child anyway. According to the doctrine at that time, Heist could be assoiled only under the condition of making it clear the name of the father. Dramatically, the man who was in charge of the interrogation is her lover.

美国文学 霍桑《红字》赏析

The Scarlet Letter Author: Nathaniel Hawthorne Symbolism: The Scarlet Letter, A symbol of shame, but instead it becomes a powerful symbol of identity to Hester. The letter’s meaning shifts as time passes. Originally intended to mark Hester as an adulteress, the “A” eventually comes to stand for “Able.” The Meteor , to Dimmesdale, the meteor implies that he should wear a mark of shame just as Hester does. The meteor is interpreted differently by the rest of the community, which thinks that it stands for “Angel” and marks Governor Winthrop’s entry into heaven The Rosebush,Next to the Prison Door .The narrator chooses to begin his story with the image of the rosebush beside the prison door. The rosebush symbolizes the ability of nature to endure and outlast man’s activities. Pearl is a sort of living version of her m other’s scarlet letter. She is the physical consequence of sexual sin and the indicator of a transgression (evildoing). Upward American spirit Character analysis: Hester: disloyalty, betrayal, deception, sexual desire, adultery. Face, correct, redeem, purify. Praise, content, conformability. Dimmesdale: adultery, cowardice, hypocrisy, dishonesty, selfishness, too coward to confess, tortured by his conscience. Sympathetic, disfavor his hesitation, indecisiveness and cowardice. Chillingworth: revenge. Tortured by the desire of revenge, twisted and reduced to nothing. disgusted, think he committed greater crime. Puritanism in The Scarlet Letter Puritan background: setting, events, characters, thoughts, behaviors. Puritan doctrines: original sin, total depravity, predestination, limited atonement. Ralph Waldo Emerson 1.Nature The declaration of Transcendentalism Analysis of “Nature” A long essay which has eight parts: the opening, commodity, beauty, language, discipline, Idealism, spirit and prospects. Our selectio n is taken from the opening. Taken as a whole, “Nature” expresses Emerson’s philosophy in a more systematic fashion than any other work of his. Meanings of nature I Beauty Nature is beautiful. : the complete, mysterious, useful and moral beauty of nature. First, nature’s beauty lies in its completeness. Second, nature’s beauty lies in its mystery. cannot be manipulated. Only when he holds a sincere respect for nature, can man feel the mysterious beauty of nature. Third, nature’s beauty lies in its usefulnes s. Nature provides man without any benefit II Nature Is Divine ●Nature is divine and has the eternal order which should not be violated. Influenced in a way by Chinese ancient philosophy, Emerson believes that all the things in the world come from the same root---the Oversoul. ●Emerson believes that man can find God in his own heart by direct contact with nature ●Nature has permeated (penetrate) all aspects of human life. Spirit embodied in nature has influence upon us. Nature inspires man and gives him\her power. Man should find the truth,


作家杂志Writer Magazine 2010No.10借鉴与比较 王金娟 希斯克利夫和齐灵渥斯是英美文学史上两个颇具光彩 的文学形象。 希斯克利夫是英国女作家艾米莉·勃朗特小说《呼啸山庄》的主人公。这部小说从童年时的希斯克利夫谈起,他受尽虐待,一味忍让,后来他深爱着的凯瑟琳离他而去,他唯一的精神支柱倾倒了,他才不得不愤然出走。在失踪了三年之后,他回来实施他所有的复仇计划。齐灵渥斯则是美国作家纳撒尼尔·霍桑小说《红字》中的主人公。他在风华正茂的时候,将自己全部的美好年华都奉献给了研究学问,性格因而变得怪异并显得与人格格不入。为了驱散人生 中的孤独与寒冷,他娶了与之年龄相差悬殊、 青春美丽而热情奔放的海丝特·白兰为妻,但婚后又对妻子置之不理,任其独自前往陌生的地方。当他千方百计摆脱了印第安人的羁押,赶来与妻子相会之时,却发现她已是抱着婴儿站在刑 台上的奸妇了。 巨大的耻辱感促使他以报复不为人知的“第三者”为自己生存的唯一目的,并以极其卑鄙无耻、令人发指的手段折磨丁梅斯代尔,以达到其报复的目的。 出现在这两部世界名著中的这两个复仇者都给读者留下了深刻的印象。近年来,不少学者对他们进行了有益的研究,对他们的看法也是褒贬不一,但将两者联系起来做横向比较的研究还不多见。本文拟从两者的丑陋外貌、情感变迁、疯狂复仇、悲剧根源等方面进行比较分析,以期对人物有更全面、深层次的解读。 一丑陋与邪恶 希斯克利夫和齐灵渥斯在作者笔下都是丑陋甚至畸形的,他们以反面角色的形象出现在读者面前,令人望而生畏。《呼啸山庄》中的希斯克利夫是一个被老庄主恩萧从大街上捡来的孤儿,“黑得简直像从魔鬼那儿来的。”他的两只眼睛中间有两条纹路,浓眉毛“不在中间弓起来,却在中间低垂。”与希斯克利夫相比,《红字》中的齐灵渥斯更加面目奇特,他身材矮小,“略带畸形”,“左肩比右肩稍高”,长期的苦读和研究使他苍老阴郁、面容枯槁。希斯克利夫和齐灵渥斯与生俱来的丑陋本无可厚非,但他们心中的仇恨扭曲了原有的人性,也进一步丑化了他们的形象。随着报复行动的深入,他们的面目变得愈发狰狞。在艾米莉和霍桑的笔下,他们可以说就是魔鬼的化身。复仇使希斯克利夫“变成石头了”,前额“十分恶毒,笼罩着一层浓云”,眼睛“露出怪物的凶光”,让人联想起“食尸鬼”和“吸血鬼”。与希斯克利夫一样,报复也使齐灵渥斯的皮肤愈发晦暗,身体愈发畸形,脸上显出“一种前所未见的丑陋和邪恶”,彻底变成了“魔鬼王国中的撒旦”。这两个人内心的全部邪恶无遗地表露在外貌上了。希斯克利夫和齐灵渥斯,一个像是魔鬼,一个像是从地狱来的。可见他们属于同一个邪恶的世界,丑陋一直伴随 着直至他们死亡。 事实上,希斯克利夫和齐灵渥斯的丑陋外表正是他们扭曲灵魂的写照,他们是作品中两个丑陋和邪恶的代表。他们一个狂野粗暴,一个沉静内敛,但他们的内心都是扭曲的,灵魂都是孤独的,复仇的火焰泯灭了应有的 良知和本性。 我们可以看出,丑陋的面貌和邪恶的内心是这两个复仇者的本性特征,而且随着他们复仇计划的实施,这种丑陋越发的严重。希斯克利夫和齐灵渥斯正是丑陋和邪恶的象征。 二情爱与仇恨在《呼啸山庄》和《红字》中,希斯克利夫和齐灵渥斯的 内心都充满了仇恨。那么, 他们的恨缘何而起呢?首先,他们都在情感上遭到重创,爱人的背叛使他们受到极大的伤害和刺激,引起了他们无比的仇恨。希斯克利夫是个被剥夺了人间温暖的弃儿,他被呼啸山庄的庄主恩萧收养。老庄主和他女儿凯瑟琳的善意接纳和关怀使他充满了感激,他用最好的方式回报恩人,敞开胸怀,接受别人,并渐渐与凯瑟琳相爱了。虽然老恩萧死后他又沦为仆人,并且受到凯瑟琳的哥哥亨德雷的欺凌和虐待,备受折磨,但他毫 不介意。 因为凯瑟琳的爱温暖着他,他也把自己的爱全给了凯瑟琳。此时,凯瑟琳几乎就是他的生命,是他生活的全部希望,是他忍受压迫和苦难的精神支柱。正因他有着如此深刻的爱,所以当凯瑟琳抛弃他时,希斯克利夫的感情世界才 会轰然倒塌,而其强烈的爱也随之转化为强烈的恨。 而这股恨意也让他变成了一个人性扭曲、行为变态、野蛮残酷的人。希斯克利夫把自己和凯瑟琳的爱情、自尊、人格视为生命。当爱被抢夺、自尊被摧残、人格被侮辱时,他便把满腔仇 恨发泄到恩萧与林 两家人身上。与希斯克利夫相比,《红字》中的齐灵渥斯并没有经历 刻骨铭心的爱情,他天生畸形、 年老貌丑,为了能够像正常人一样拥有爱情和幸福,他埋头苦读,凭借超人的学识和优越的经济条件,娶到了年轻貌美的海丝特。可是,他赢得的只是一纸婚约,而始终无法赢得海丝特的爱情。他和海丝特的结合虽然出于他追求家庭温暖和个体幸福的一己之私,但毕竟是一种爱。正如他自己说的: “我多盼望能点燃炉火啊……这种天南海北人人都可以用来温暖自己的最朴素的福分,我也能够享有才是。于是,海丝特,我就把你装进了心窝,放进最深的地方,想用你给我的温暖来温暖你。” 可是,妻子的背叛使他曾经期冀的“温暖、幸福”被击得粉碎,海丝特对情人的保护更是让他嫉妒、痛恨得发狂,他 摘要《呼啸山庄》与《红字》是两部异中有同,同中有异的杰作。两部作品都描写了爱情、仇恨与死亡。而希斯 克利夫和齐灵渥斯这两个形象极为鲜明、生动的复仇者则分别为《呼啸山庄》与《红字》的男主角。本文拟从两者 的丑陋外貌、 情感变迁、疯狂复仇、悲剧根源等方面进行比较分析,指出他们的复仇都源于爱人的背叛和人格、尊严的被践踏,他们是悲剧的制造者,也是悲剧的牺牲品。关键词:希斯克利夫齐灵渥斯复仇情爱仇恨中图分类号:I106.4文献标识码:A 疯狂的复仇者 ———希斯克利夫和齐灵渥斯形象之比较 忄享082
