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In that miserable old age, vulgar people to imagine their interest, always gives it a strange horror.


Suffer the misery of man is in pain and unable to perceive the intensity of, but rather after stretches of torture most the tore heart crack lung.

3、如果他当真要死,无非是因为这个世界不配他的脚再在上面踩踏。If he was to die, it was because the world was not worthy of his foot.


Human nature, remove selfishness especially active when the accident, love is always easier than hate. Hate, if not the original enemies continue to be subject to new stimuli, after a gradual calm development, and even can be transformed into love.


People who are deprived of freedom will resent others.



The world is growing old and growing, and the future is shrinking. If generations in the same place no longer fertile land repeated roots, the human will like potato in this piece of land like cannot flourish thrive. My children have been born in his place, even if I have the ability to control their fate, they will take root in the sick.


Her sin, her shame, her roots deep into the soil.


It is too deeply branded. You can't get it down. I wish I could bear the pain of my pain, but also bear his pain!

9、女人们是很会从琐琐碎碎的事情上调制出微妙的毒药的。Women are from trivial things up a subtle poison.


What I've been able to do before, and I can do it again.

11、任何人都是可以出卖的,只不过朋友的价格要高一些。Anyone can be sold, but the price is higher.



However, in human nature, but there is a surprising and mercy of the rules, the suffering of the people at the time of suffering, it will not know how intense, but after the event of colic called him the most embarrassing.

13、人类的秉性,除去自私心特别活跃时意外,爱总是比恨来得容易。Human nature, remove selfishness especially active when the accident, love is always easier than hate.


Hate, if not the original enemies continue to be subject to new stimuli, after a gradual calm development, and even can be transformed into love.


Not wearing a suit is a gentleman, not a child is a parent, parents need to learn, you need to learn how to love their children.

16、赤面猴王为了报仇雪恨,为了扬眉吐气,也为了在众猴面前炫耀自己非凡的成功,会从山崖上下来抬它,抬回崖顶慢慢把它撕成碎片。Red face monkey king in order to revenge, to feel proud and elated, in order to show off their extraordinary success in front of all the monkey, from the cliff down to lift it, and carried back to the cliff top began to
