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北汽越野车B80A 生产线说明书(B80A)北京汽车集团有限公司越野车分公司2. 设备概述 (3)一、自动线电气配置 (5)1.硬件配置原则 (5)2.控制网的配置 (8)3.软件框架 (9)二、设备硬件组成 (11)1.配板 (11)2.接线(各工位) (12)3.硬件说明 (13)三、软件的组成 (13)1. 安装 (13)2. 通讯联接 (14)3. 应用方法 (15)四、控制程序中各项内容: (15)1.各程序块的功能 (15)2.FC块的编制 (15)3.组织块的调用 (15)4.故障时按钮组合应用 (16)五工位介绍 (17)1.UB010工位 (17)2.UB020工位 (17)3.MB010工位 (19)4.MB020工位 (23)5.MB030工位 (24)6.MB040工位 (26)7.MB050工位 (28)六设备介绍 (30)1主控制柜(MCP): (30)2电源分配柜(PDP): (31)3 焊接控制柜(WDP): (31)4 变频器控制柜(VFD): (32)5、灯、按钮功能说明 (33)5.1MCP盒柱灯: (33)5.2操作盒灯、按钮功能 (34)6、画面说明 (42)6.1状态: (43)6.2故障: (44)6.3区域一览: (45)6.4紧急急停: (50)6.5网络状态: (51)6.6速度操作界面: (51)7、操作过程说明 (53)7.1启动自动线 (53)7.2单机自动 (54)7.3单机手动 (55)1、网络故障 (56)2、自动线故障 (56)八设备维护说明 (58)1、PLC维护 (58)1. 前言本操作手册是对北京汽车集团有限公司越野车分公司B80A自动化生产设备的运行以及操作进行了详细的介绍和说明,请在仔细阅读本书的基础上安全正确有效的操作生产设备,以确保设备正常的工作。
1.为了确保自动化生产设备的正确操作,请将本使用说明书保管在能够随时取阅的地方;2. B80A自动化生产设备的操作人员须为接受过培训与指导的工作人员;3.请仔细阅读并充分理解本使用说明书的内容,否则不得进行设备的操作。
别克昂科威2020款使用手册【最新版】目录1.别克昂科威 2020 款简介2.2020 款别克昂科威的配置与功能3.驾驶别克昂科威 2020 款的注意事项4.别克昂科威 2020 款的保养与保修政策5.2020 款别克昂科威的使用手册获取途径正文【别克昂科威 2020 款简介】别克昂科威 2020 款是一款中型 SUV,以其豪华舒适的内饰和卓越的驾驶性能备受市场欢迎。
2020 款别克昂科威采用了别克 SUV 家族最新的设计语言,外观更加硬朗大气。
全新飞翼式镀铬饰条贯穿 LED 展翼式头灯,拉宽横向视觉;富有张力的保险杠型面和立体银色下护板,打造饱满有力的车头。
【2020 款别克昂科威的配置与功能】2020 款别克昂科威提供了丰富的配置和功能,包括全新造型智能降阻进气格栅、铝合金车顶行李架、全新造型镀铬双排气管、19 吋多幅铝合金轮毂、多功能外后视镜等。
内饰方面,别克昂科威沿用别克的奢华概念,配有前排多功能座椅、椅背角度可调节的后排可滑动座椅、对开式超大中央储物盒、电加热方向盘、两片式超大全景天窗、8 吋高清触摸屏等。
【驾驶别克昂科威 2020 款的注意事项】驾驶别克昂科威 2020 款时,请注意以下事项:1.在行驶过程中,保持安全车速,遵守交通规则。
【别克昂科威 2020 款的保养与保修政策】别克昂科威 2020 款的保养周期为每 5000 公里。
保修政策方面,整车享有 3 年/10 万公里的保修服务。
【2020 款别克昂科威的使用手册获取途径】为了更好地了解 2020 款别克昂科威的使用方法和注意事项,车主可查阅车辆随附的使用手册。
欲取得原装Mopar 零件与配件,以及其它经制造商认可的产品,包括合格的咨询建议,请洽各地授权经销商。
版权所有 2006 Chrysler IntemadOnal用户手册使用须知请参阅目录,查询您想要了解的章节内容。
现代汽车-全新CRETA 2020款产品说明书
Light the way in the all-new CRETAThe 2020 CRETA brings a whole new dimension to the SUV segment.It’s a confident, safe and feature packed drive, perfect for any journey you take on.Infotainment system Wireless charger*LED lights*Airbags*Parking assist The Creta blends technology and driving into one effortless experience. Our touch screen Infotainment system creates an easy and memorable journey for you and your family. The Creta is fitted with a wireless charger*, so that all your devices can stay powered while you’re on the go.Seamless convenienceYour family’s safety is our priority. The Creta interior is reinforced with a comprehensive six-airbag system* to keep you and your family safe in an emergency.It is also equipped with an advanced Rear Parking Assist system, with a rear-view camera display and steering guidelines for stress-free parking.Move with confidenceThe Creta sets a new standard for practicality and safety. The executive spec comes with LED lights* to make sure you see and enjoy every part of your journey.Light your journey*Executive Only.Disclaimer: Please note that some of the images contained in this brochure may not be available in South Africa as these images are sourced from Hyundai Motor Corporation global marketing channel and are for marketing purposes only. For exact models, specifications and colours – please consult your Hyundai dealer. Some of the equipment illustrated or described in this catalogue may not be supplied as standard equipment and may be available at extra cost. Hyundai Motor Corporation reserves the right to change specifications and equipment without prior notice. The colour plates shown may vary slightly from the actual colours due to the limitations of the printing process. Please consult your dealer for full information and availability on colour and trims. Fuel consumption* figures quoted are obtained under specific test conditions, they may not be achieved under ‘real world’ driving conditions. However, the figures serve as a means of comparing models of a similar type.DimensionsOverall height 1,620mmOverall width 1,790mmOverall width 1,790mmOverall length 4,300mmWheel base 2,610mm850mm840mmInterior TrimExterior ColoursPolar whiteTyphoon silverLava orangeStarry nightTitan greyRed mulberryBlack roof & polar white*Black roof & lava orange*Black & Grey Cloth(Premium)Black & Grey Leather(1.5 Executive )Artificial Leather & Orange Trim(1.4 Executive )Only applicable to the Executive models*。
拥有了如此傲人的参数,也就意味着这台自带C位后缀的城市猎人,不仅能干城市SUV 在非铺装道路上干不了的事,而在铺装道路上,它的表现也并不怂。
P R O T R A I L E R B A C K U P A S S I S T W I T H T R AI L E R R E V E R S E G U I D A N C EF-150Q U I C K S T A R T G U I D EAugust 2020First PrintingLitho in U.S.A.ML3J 19G217 RAPlease scan the QR code for additional Information about your vehicle.To put QR tags to work for you, use your mobile phone’s browser or app storeto download a QR tag reader. Then follow the directions to scan the QR tagand see your vehicle’s features come to life.IMPORTANTThe operation of the Pro Trailer BackupAssist with Trailer Reverse Guidance systemdepends on how and where you place thesticker or sensor.• DO NOT ATTEMPT TO PLACE THE STICKER OR SENSOR UNTILYOU READ THROUGH THIS GUIDE.CARD/STICKERS POCKET (SLEEVE)United StatesFord CustomerRelationship Center1-800-392-3673 (FORD)(TDD for the hearing impaired:1-800-232-5952)@FordServiceCanadaFord CustomerRelationship Centre1-800-565-3673 (FORD)(TDD for the hearing impaired:1-888-658-6805)ford.ca@FordServiceCAford.ca*IF EQUIPPEDHOW DO I USE IT?Set up this feature by following the steps in this guide. Scan the QR code on the backcover with your smartphone for more information about your vehicle.SET UP YOUR SYSTEM Page 3SELECT YOUR TRAILER TYPE Page 4POSITION YOUR TRUCK AND TRAILER Page 5SETUP OPTIONS Page 6SENSOR SETUP Page 6SETTING UP YOUR TRAILER WITH A SENSORWHAT YOU WILL NEED TO INSTALLYOUR SENSOR Page 7TRAILER SENSOR SETUP Page 8SETTING UP YOUR TRAILER WITH A STICKER*STICKER SETUP Page 9PLACING THE STICKER Page 10CALIBRATION Page 12FEATURE OPERATION USING TRAILERBACKUP ASSIST Page 13FEATURE OPERATION USING TRAILERREVERSE GUIDANCE Page 15VIEW OPERATION Page 16HITCH ANGLE GRAPHIC Page 17* This is a feature enhancement and is only available after a vehicle system update.See the Vehicle System Update chapter of your Owner's Manual for more information.TO SET UP THISFEATURE, USE THE:A Pro Trailer Backup Assist control knobB Touchscreen Information and Entertainment DisplayControl knobTouchscreenInformation andEntertainmentDisplayABPlease read this guide carefully and follow the instructions to place the sticker or install the sensor correctly. Doing so willallow you to complete the one-time trailer setup process.Setup required.See page 17 foroperation.See page 13 foroperation.If you want to useyour steering wheel:A steering wheel imageAllows you to easilytrailer to go.WHAT IS PRO TRAILER BACKUP ASSIST WITHTRAILER REVERSE GUIDANCE?The Pro Trailer Backup Assist with Trailer Reverse Guidance utilizes the control knob on your instrument panel, your steering wheel and a suite of cameras totake the guesswork out of getting your trailer positioned where you want it, quickly and easily, while you're driving in reverse.Turn the knob in the direction you want the trailer to go and the system takes over the steering to get it there. This allows you to focus on monitoring themirrors and applying the brake and accelerator. Use the cameras and on-screen guidance to make even the most difficult maneuvers simple. This guide walksyou through the setup process, calibration and operation.Below is some of the added functionality that Trailer Backup Assist with Trailer Reverse Guidance provides:TRAILER REVERSE STRAIGHTAUTO SPLITHITCH ANGLESTEER TRAILER12Select Add Trailer on the touchscreen display.Press the center button on the knob located to the right of the steering wheel to begin settingup the system.FEATURE SETUPUse the keyboard on the touchscreen to enter your trailer name, then press the return button to confirm.SET UP YOUR SYSTEMUse the images to the right to help you determine your trailer type.For example, if you have a conventional trailer, select Conventional .CONVENTIONAL TRAILER EXAMPLES NON-CONVENTIONAL TRAILER EXAMPLESThe functionality of Pro Trailer Backup Assist with Trailer Reverse Guidance is not available for Fifth Wheel and Gooseneck type trailers.SELECT YOUR TRAILER TYPENote: The system is designed to work with trailers that have a hitch point to center of axle or axles measurement of 6 -33 ft (1.85 -10.05 m). Thesystem is designed to work with drawbars that have a license plate to hitch ball center measurement of 9 -18 in (23 -46 cm) when installed.34FEATURE SETUPPOSITION YOUR TRUCK AND TRAILERRead and follow all of these steps carefully to get the best results.• Hitch your trailer to the truck and connect the electrical wiring harness. Check to make sure that the wiring is working.•Park your truck and hitched trailer on a level surface.• Make sure that the trailer and truck are in line with each other. You can do this by putting the truck in drive (D) and pulling straight forward.SETUP OPTIONSYour 2021 F-150 has two options for Pro Trailer Backup Assist with Trailer Reverse Guidance setup.Your vehicle came with a trailer sensor kit. Follow the instructions included with the kit to set up your trailer. A brief overview of sensor installation begins below.Your vehicle will be eligible to receive a vehicle system update that will allow trailers to be set up with the stickers in this kit. Once you receive the update, your display will show Place Sticker Now during setup instead of Install Sensor Now. Follow the instructions on page 9 to place the sticker.To set up a trailer with a sensor after the vehicle system update, install a sensor on your trailer and plug it into your vehicle prior to beginning trailer setup on the touchscreen.SENSOR SETUPONE-TIME SETUPOnce you input your trailer’s information into the touchscreen, it is stored for easy recall. That way, when you want to use the Pro Trailer Backup Assist with Trailer Reverse Guidance system to help you back your trailer into your desired position, you can choose it from the touchscreen. You will not have to run through this setup again unless you want to add another trailer. You can store information for up to 10 trailers within this feature.56For sensor installation instructions, please refer to the installation instructions included with the sensor kit.TRAILER SENSOR SETUPPlug in the wiring harness to the sensor and the vehicle. When you plug in the wiring harness to the 12-way connector, the red seal on the connector should not be visible when the connector is fully plugged in.For sensor installation instructions, please refer to the sensor kit.Note: Once your truck receives the vehicle system update that enables sticker setup, it will default to sticker setup. To set up a trailer with the sensor, you must install the sensor on the trailer and plug it into the vehicle prior to beginning setup on the touchscreen.The sensor must be mounted to a vertical part of the trailer that pivots when you turn your vehicle. Do not mount to a stationary surface, such as the truck side of the trailer hitch.Make sure the mounting surface is vertical and the arrows on the sensor housing are pointing up. The sensor housing must be firmly attached to the trailer so that it does not shake or wobble.78MAKE SURE YOU HAVE THE FOLLOWING ITEMS:ONE-TIME SETUPOnce you input your trailer’s information into the touchscreen, it is stored for easy recall. That way, when you want to use the Pro Trailer Backup Assist with Trailer Reverse Guidance system to help you back your trailer into your desired position, you can choose it from the touchscreen. You will not have to run through this setup again unless you want to add another trailer. You can store information for up to 10 trailers within this feature.For more information about yourvehicle, please scan the QR code belowNote: Once your truck receives the vehicle system update that enables sticker setup, it will default to sticker setup. To set up a trailer with the sensor, you must install the sensor on the trailer and p lug it in to the vehicle prior to beginning setup on the touchscreen.Place the entire sticker in the green zone on the trailer as outlined in the diagram on the next page. The sticker is in the back cover pocket of this guide.MAKE SURE YOU GATHER THE FOLLOWING ITEMS BEFORE EXITING THE VEHICLE:PLACING THE STICKERRear view cameraSticker and sticker placement card(provided inside the back cover pocket of this guide).Tape measure (not provided).910OUTSIDE THE VEHICLE• T ake the sticker placement card and the sticker from the back of this guide, and a tape measure and walk back to your trailer.• D etermine where to place the sticker. You must place it in the green zone as indicated in the diagram below.• Confirm that the sticker is visible using the touchscreen. An assistant can remain inside the vehicle to help you do this.• P • P horizontal surface.• U shown below:– – B etween 4 inches(10 centimeters) and19 inches (48 centimeters) from the trailer ball hitch.• M ake sure no hardware will obstruct the view from the camera to the sticker (jack handle, wiring, etc.).• Place the sticker.STICKER PLACEMENT DIAGRAMNote: You must place the entire sticker within the green zone. Once you place the sticker, youcannot move it. Do not attempt to re-use stickers. Use a new sticker.If you cannot find a location that meets the sticker requirements, the sensor is recommended.19 in 48 cm19 i n/ 48 c mPLACING THE STICKER4 in 10 cm4 i n/ 10 c m Note: You can calibrate within the Trailer Backup Assist or Trailer Reverse Guidance system.An area where you can safely drive forward and turn left or right is required to calibrate your system. An open parking lot is an ideal place to perform the calibration. During calibration, the system determines the trailer length. Drive straight at approximately 5 mph to align the trailer behind your vehicle.CALIBRATIONThe touchscreen provides you with instructions and will tell you when the system is ready for you to turn. Turn left or right whenever you are ready and in a safe turning area.Too shallow of a turn C orrect 90 degree turnWhen the calibration is complete, the touchscreen shows a message that calibration is complete. The feature is now ready to use. Please refer to the Feature Operation section (page 13) for information on how to operate the feature.1112USING TRAILER BACKUP ASSIST• Once you have the trailer moving in the direction you want it to go, release the knob. You control the accelerator and brakes while the system steers the truck to keep the trailer moving straight back.• The sharper you turn the knob, the sharper the trailer will turn.Note: If you attempt to accelerate beyond the system’s threshold, the system automatically limits your vehicle's speed.Note: If you use the steering wheel, you will be canceled out of the Pro Trailer Backup Assist system. A warning will appear.• As soon as you release the knob or turn it back to the center position, the vehicle starts following the trailer's path.• Turn and hold the knob continuously for sharper vehicle and trailer turns.• CAUTION: Always keep your hand close to the control knob. You may need to redirect the trailer quickly.• You may have to use the knob to correct the trailer direction while attempting to move the trailer straight back under some conditions.Note : If you need to make a sharper turn, the trailer angle limit can be increased in the touchscreen towing menu. Refer to your Owner's Manual for selecting the Trailer Angle limit setting.USING TRAILER BACKUP ASSIST• T o switch on the system, press the center button on the knob and watch the touchscreen. Use the touchscreen to select the connected trailer. The system will detect the trailer and instruct you to shift into reverse when ready.1314Use the buttons below to select the best view for backing up your vehicle and trailer. You can use these views for Pro Trailer Backup Assist or Trailer Reverse Guidance.You can select the following views by selecting the rear camera iconon the touchscreen display. The view drawer displays.(View drawer shown)*IF EQUIPPEDUSING TRAILER REVERSE GUIDANCETrailer Reverse Guidance provides informational graphics and up to 7 camera views to help you back up your trailer while you use the steering wheel to control your trailer.If you do not set up the system, you can still use the camera views. However, the hitch angle graphic, automatic view switching and straight backup mode will not be available. You will need to complete the system setup for full functionality.USING STRAIGHT BACKUP MODE WITH TRAILER REVERSE GUIDANCE• This view is only available when you are in Trailer Reverse Guidance.• This mode will show you which way to turn your steering wheel to keep your trailer backing up straight. A steering wheel icon image is shown on the touchscreen. A blue arrow will show you which way to turn your wheel to keep your trailer straight.•To activate this mode, select the rearview camera icon, then the straight backup mode icon.• To use Trailer Reverse Guidance, shift your vehicle into reverse and press the rear view camera button on the touchscreen to expand the menu.• Select the Trailer Reverse Guidance icon on the screen. You will need to select your trailer from the touchscreen.• The system will detect the trailer and display the hitch angle graphic.• The auto mode camera view is the default display. You can now use your steering wheel and the camera views to navigate yourtrailer into position.360 Degree Camera*: shows the rear camera view on the left side of the screen and the 360 degree view on the right side of the screen.Rear View Camera: shows what is behind your vehicle.R ear Split View Camera*: shows a 180 degree view of area behind your vehicle.Bed Camera*: shows the truck bed and can be used to hitch a 5th wheel or gooseneck trailer.Trailer AUX Camera*: shows a rear view camera image of what is behind your trailer. This camera needs to be purchased and installed separately.Trailer Reverse Guidance View*: shows you a view of the sides of your truck and your trailer.In auto mode, this view moves as your trailer moves so that you do not have to adjust the camera as you turn. You can use the left and right arrows to see more of the driver or passenger side. Press Auto to return to automatic camera adjustments.Takes you back to the 360 degree camera system and out of the Trailer Reverse Guidance feature.151617。
1965年,参考了苏联UAZ-469 B、美国威利斯吉普后,北京汽车制造厂自行开发设计制造了我国第一代0.5吨级军用轮式轻型越野车,BJ-212系列越野车正式定型,并大规模生产广泛装备到解放军各级部队。
Rough Country 06-UP JEEP COMMANDER 2” LIFT KIT 说明书
06-UP JEEP COMMANDER 2” LIFT KIT Thank you for choosing Rough Country for all your suspension needs.Rough Country recommends a certified technician install this system. In addition to these instructions, professional knowledge of disassemble/reassembly procedures as well as post installation checks must be known. Attempts to install this system without this knowledge and expertise may jeopardize the integrity and/or operating safety of the vehicle. Please read instructions before beginning installation. Check the kit hardware against the parts list on this page. Be sure you have all needed parts and know where they go. Also please review tools needed list and make sure you have need-ed tools.PRODUCT USE INFORMATIONAs a general rule, the taller a vehicle is, the easier it will roll. Seat belts and shoulder harnesses should be worn at all times. Avoid situations where a side rollover may occur.Generally, braking performance and capability are decreased when larger/heavier tires and wheels are used. Take this into consideration while driving. Do not add, alter, or fabricate any factory or after-market parts to increase vehicle height over the intended height of the Rough Country product purchased. Mixing component brands is not recommended. Rough Country makes no claims regarding lifting devices and excludes any and all implied claims. We will not be re-sponsible for any product that is altered.If questions exist we will be happy to answer any questions concerning the design, function, and correct use of our prod-ucts.This suspension system was developed using a 265/70R-17 tire with factory wheels. Note if wider tires are used, offset wheels will be required and trimming will be required.NOTICE TO DEALER AND VEHICLE OWNERAny vehicle equipped with any Rough Country product should have a “Warning to Driver” decal installed on the inside of the windshield or on the vehicle’s dash. The decal should act as a constant reminder for whoever is operating the vehi-cle of its unique handling characteristics.INSTALLING DEALER - it is your responsibility to install the warning decal and forward these installation instructions on to the vehicle owner for review. These instructions should be kept in the vehicle for its serviceKit Contents:664 Kit Box2– Front Coil Spring Spacers 2– Rear Coil Spring Spacers 1-Poly Bag Tools Needed:10mm Wrench14mm Socket16mm Wrench16mm Socket18mm Wrench18mm Socket19mm Deep Well SocketJackJack StandsHand GrinderStrut CompressorTorque Specs:Size Grade 5 Grade 85/16” 15 ft/lbs 20 ft/lbs3/8” 30 ft/lbs 35 ft/lbs7/16” 45 ft/lbs 60 ft/lbs1/2” 65 ft/lbs 90 ft/lbs9/16” 95 ft/lbs 130 ft/lbs5/8” 135 ft/lbs 175 ft/lbs3/4” 185 ft/lbs 280 ft/lbsClass 8.8 Class 10.96MM 5 ft/lbs9 ft/lbs8MM18ft/lbs23 ft/lbs10MM32ft/lbs45ft/lbs12MM55ft/lbs75ft/lbs14MM85ft/lbs120ft/lbs16MM130ft/lbs165ft/lbs18MM170ft/lbs240ft/lbs1. Jack up the front of the vehicle and support the vehicle withjack stands, so that the front wheels are off the ground.Chock rear wheels.2. Remove the front tires/wheels , using a 19 mm deep wellsocket.3. Support the Drivers side lower control arm with a floor jack.4. Remove the positive wire from the battery terminal.5. On the driver side remove the rear most box from themount by releasing the clips from the box as shown in Pho-to 1. Take care not to damage the clip or the box.6. Carefully fold the box over to access the mount bolts with a10mm socket /wrench as shown in Photo 2, 3 & 4.7. Carefully lift the forward fuse box on the driver side of theengine compartment and release the wiring clips. Takecare not to damage the clips. See Photo 5.6. With the floor jack under the lower drivers side lower control ,remove the 4 stock nuts that secure the strut to the up-per mount as shown using a 18mm socket/wrench. Retain the hardware for reuse. See Photo 6.FRONT INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONSPHOTO 1 PHOTO 2 PHOTO 3PHOTO 4 PHOTO 5PHOTO 67. Gently lower the floor jack under the front driver side andplace it under the passenger side lower control arm of thevehicle.8. Release the air box clamps that secure the top of the airbox to the bottom and remove the hose as shown inPhoto 7. Lift the air box out of the air box mount.9. On the Passenger side remove the washer tank byremoving the plastic nut by hand and removing the rearmount bolt using a 8mm socket/ wrench. See Photo 8 &9.10. Position washer tank out of the way to allow access to theupper strut bolts.11. Remove the upper strut nuts using a 18mm socket /wrench. Retain the factory hardware for reuse. Lower thefloor jack gently to lower the strut from the mount.12. Starting on the drivers side remove the wire clip from the strut as shown in Photo 10.13. Remove the sway bar from the control arm as shown in Photo 11 using a 18mm socket. Retain the hardware forreuse.14. Remove the tie rod from the knuckle as shown using a 21mm socket/wrench. See Photo 12. Retain hardware.PHOTO 7 PHOTO 8 PHOTO 9PHOTO 10 PHOTO 11PHOTO 1215. Loosen the upper ball joint nut as shown with a 18mm wrench. Do not totally remove the upper ball joint nut at thistime. Using a hammer slightly tap the upper tie rod mount to loosen taper. See Photo 13 & 14. Position knuckle to allow for strut removal.16. Remove the lower strut hardware as shown in Photo 15 using a 24mm socket/wrench and remove the strut fromthe vehicle.17. Using a hand grinder or similar tool, grind the unthreaded tip portion of the factory stud to allow clearance on thenew upper strut spacer. Take care not to damage the stud threads. See Photo 16.18. Install the new spacer as shown with factory hardware using a 18mm wrench. A strut compressor will ease the re -installation of the strut assembly. It will be necessary to start all 4 of the stock nuts before totally tightening the spacer to the strut. See Photo 17.19. Reinstall the strut and spacer assembly back in the factory upper strut mount using the supplied 12mm flangenuts. Do not tighten at this time. See Photo 18.PHOTO 13 PHOTO 14PHOTO 15 PHOTO 18PHOTO 16PHOTO 1720. Swing the lower control arm up and reinstall the lower strut mount in the stock location on the lower control armusing the factory hardware. Tighten with a 24mm socket/wrench. Tighten upper strut mount using 18mm socket/wrench. See Photo 19.21. Jack up the lower control arm and reinstall the knuckle to the upper ball joint with stock hardware using a 18mmwrench. See Photo 20.22. Reinstall the tie rod to the knuckle with factory hardware using a 21mm socket / wrench. See Photo 21.23. Repeat process for the passenger side.24. Reattach the sway bar to the driver and passenger side lower control arm with the factory hardware and using a 18socket. See Photo 22.25. After strut spacer installation has been completed, Reinstall the washer fluid tank and air box on the passenger sidewith the factory hardware using a 8mm socket / wrench.26. Reinstall the electrical boxes on the driver side with factory hardware using a 10mm wrench / socket.27. Reinstall the tires/ wheels.28. Jack up the vehicle and remove the jack stands,.29. Lower the vehicle to the ground.PHOTO 20PHOTO 21 PHOTO 22PHOTO 19REAR INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS1. Jack up the rear of the vehicle and support the vehicle with jack stands, so that the rear wheels are off the ground.Chock front wheels.2. Remove the rear tires/wheels , using a 19mm deep well socket.3. Support the rear axle with a floor jack.4. Remove the shock from the rear lower mount as shown in Photo 23 using a 15mm socket/ wrench.5. Remove the bolt from the upper sway bar mount on the frame using a 18mm socket / wrench as shown in Photo 24.6. Lower the rear end with the floor jack and remove the coil spring. See Photo 25.7. Remove the stock upper coil isolator and retain for reuse. See Photo 26.8. Remove the bump stop as shown in Photo 27 and remove the bump stop cup from the frame using a 15mm socket.See Photo 28.PHOTO 23 PHOTO 24PHOTO 25 PHOTO 26PHOTO 27 PHOTO 289.Install the bump stop bracket on the new spacer as shown with supplied 10mm x 55mm bolt & washers using a15mm socket. See Photo 29. Tighten 10mm bolt to 32ft/lbs. Do not over-tighten bolt.10.Reinstall the factory bump stop in the bump stop cup and coil spring as shown in Photo 30 in the stock location withthe stock rubber on the top of the coil spring. It may be necessary to remove the upper control arm from the upper mount to allow the coil to be installed. If needed remove the bolt with a 18mm socket / wrench.11.If removed, reinstall the upper control arm bolt at this time using a 18mm socket. Raising or lowering the floor jackmay be needed to align the control arm to the mount.12.Reinstall the sway bar link on the frame with factory hardware using a 18mm socket / wrench. See Photo 31.13.Reinstall the lower shock in the lower shock mount with the factory hardware using a 15mm socket / wrench. SeePhoto 32.14.Reinstall the tires & wheels.15.Jack up the rear of the vehicle and remove the jack stands.16.Lower the vehicle to the ground.PHOTO 32PHOTO 31PHOTO 29PHOTO 30POST INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS1. Check all fasteners for proper torque. Check to ensure there is adequate clearance between all rotating, mobile,fixed and heated members. Check steering for interference and proper working order. Test brake system.2. Perform steering sweep. The distance between the tire sidewall and the brake hose must be checked closely. Cyclethe steering from full turn to full turn to check for clearance. Failure to perform inspections may result in component failure.3. Re torque all fasteners after 500 miles. Visually inspect components and re torque fasteners during routine vehicleservice.4. Readjust headlights to proper settings.5. Have a qualified alignment center realign the front end , to the factory specifications immediately.Thank you for choosing Rough Country for all your suspension needs KIT CONTENTS。
大切诺基用户手册书(可编辑)大切诺基用户手册书北京吉普大切诺基用户手册BJ2021GBJ2021V8GRAND CHEROKEE用户手册产品如有更改恕不另行通知2002 年版第 1 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册尊敬的朋友感谢您选择了 Jeep 您已成为北京吉普汽车有限公司最尊贵的顾客我们期待着以最优质的产品和服务为您的工作和生活带来乐趣北京吉普汽车有限公司是中国第一家汽车合资企业合资伙伴是制造出全世界第一辆汽车的戴姆勒克莱斯勒公司开拓进取的传统和精神保证了我们为您提供的产品和服务达到最佳水准成为最佳是我们一贯的宗旨BJ2021GBJ2021V8 是 Jeep 系列的顶级车型大切诺基GRAND CHEROKEE 它是一款高档运动型多用途车其外型美观性能先进设施豪华乘坐舒适基于人性化设计操作非常方便采用了安全气囊 ABS 智能电控中央差速器锁和大排量发动机等先进技术使越野通过性和可靠性得到显著提高其全时四轮驱动设计更是居世界越野车的领先地位近年来已多次被美国最权威的四轮驱动杂志评为年度最佳越野车在国际市场享有盛誉本手册为您提供了使用和保养的基本知识请务必仔细阅读北京吉普汽车有限公司将不断地对产品进行改进欢迎您通过书信电话传真互联网等各种方式了解我公司产品的最新信息祝您一路顺风第 2 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册产品合格证随车发放给用户它是我公司对产品质量担保的凭证请用户务必妥善保存第 3 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册目录引言用户须知 15翻车警告 16简介 17警告与注意 18整车出厂标牌 19整车基本技术参数 20发动机技术参数 21启动汽车前注意事项汽车钥匙使用须知 22安全钥匙防盗禁止启动系统 22 备用钥匙 23车主钥匙设定 23取下点火钥匙 25钥匙插入点火提醒装置 25 方向盘锁 25手动锁止方向盘 26释放方向盘锁 26车门与举升门锁 26举升门外掀式玻璃通风窗 27 车门锁 28电动门锁系统 29车门开启照明 30乘客安全防护系统 30第 4 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册座椅安全带警示 31三点式安全带 32三点式安全带操作说明 32上肩带高低调整固定装置 35怀孕妇女使用安全带须知 36后座中央腰带 36儿童安全防护装置 37驾驶员与前乘客辅助约束系统 SRS 安全气囊 41新车磨合建议 50行车安全检查 51尾气排放 51车内安全检查 52车外安全检查 53汽车常用功能说明遥控无钥匙进入系统 54解除车门与举升门锁 54锁上车门与举升门 55一般信息 55设定其他遥控器 55遥控器电池更换 56吉普车记忆系统若配备 56若配备 58防盗警报系统设定警报系统 59解除警报系统的设定 59电动窗 60座椅 61前座椅调整调角器 61第 5 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册头部保护装置头枕 62电动座椅调整器 63加热式座椅若配备 666040 可折叠式后座椅 67后视镜 71车内日夜后视镜 71车内自动调光后视镜若配备 71 车外后视镜折合功能 72车外后视镜 73加热式遥控后视镜若配备 73电动遥控车外后视镜 73电动折合式车外后视镜若配备 74 照明化妆镜若配备 74照明装置 75室内灯 75前座地图阅读灯 76多功能控制杆 76蓄电池省电功能外部照明装置 76 前照灯视廓灯及仪表板灯 77车灯未关提醒装置 77前雾灯若配备 77后雾灯 78转向信号灯 78前照灯调光开关 78超车灯 78前照灯光束调整系统若配备 79 前照灯延时装置 80挡风玻璃刮水器和洗涤器 80第 6 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册除雾器 81速度感应间歇雨刷系统若配备 82 可调倾角式转向管柱 82电子车速控制装置若配备 83启动方式 83设定速度 83解除方式 84恢复速度 84设定不同速度 84加速超车 84上下坡行驶 85点烟器与烟灰缸 86电源插座 86手套箱 87饮料架 88顶置控制台若配备 88圆顶灯阅读灯 89车辆信息中心 89用户可自行设计的功能 90 罗盘温度旅程电脑 94 旅程电脑 95电动玻璃天窗若配备 98 快速开启模式 99手动开启模式 99关闭操作 100通风操作 100点火关闭操作 100遮阳操作 101第 7 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册保养 101后车窗功能 102后车窗刮水器洗涤器 102 后车窗除雾器 103行李区设备 104行李厢灯 104可拆式行李厢罩 104行李固定绑钩 105车顶行李架 106开启与关闭发动机罩 109仪表板各项指示说明仪表板与内部控制开关 110组合仪表汽油发动机 111组合仪表说明汽油机车型 111收音机的操作与移动电话 118电子时钟 118时钟设定程序 119带有图形化均衡器磁带播放器及换片箱控制器的 AMFM 立体声收音机 119操作说明收音机模式 119电源开关音量控制 119Seek 按键收音机模式 120调谐器 120左右平衡 120前后平衡 120音质 120AMFM 选项 120第 8 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册Scan 按键 121设定收音机按键记忆功能 121时钟与收音机模式间的切换 121磁带播放器的操作 121Seek 按键 122快速前转 FF 122倒带 RW 122退带 122Scan 按键 122换面 122金属带选项 70 s 123夹式转子释放装置 123杜比降噪系统 123CD 换片箱的操作说明 123 TAPECD-C 键 123Program 键 1 124Program 键 4 随机播放 124FF TUNE RW 124Program 键 5 124Seek 按键 124Time 键 124Scan 按键 125磁带播放器及 CD 播放器的AM 立体声FM带有图形化均衡器立体声收音机 125操作说明收音机模式 125电源开关音量控制 125 Seek 键收音机模式 126调谐器 126第 9 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册左右平衡 126前后平衡 126音质控制 126AMFM 选项 126设定收音机按键记忆功能 127 时间 127操作说明磁带模式 127换面 ? 128磁带 128搜寻 128快速前转 FF 128倒带 RW 128退带 128金属带选项 70 s 129夹式转子释放装置 129杜比降噪 129操作说明 CD 播放器 129放入 CD 129搜寻 Seek 130退出CD 130FFTUNERW 130RND 随机播放 130CDCD-C 131时间 131音响系统遥控控制若配备 131收音机的操作 132磁带播放器 132CD 播放器 132第 10 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册遥控 CD 换片箱若配备 132装入 C 换片箱 133磁带与播放器的保养 136CD 的保养 137空调控制器 137风速控制 138温度控制 138模式选择 139空调装置 140红外线双重区域恒温控制若配备 141 车窗结雾 144启动及操作启动程序 144正常启动 144若发动机无法启动时 144启动后 145驻车互锁系统 146驻车制动 146自动变速器 148档位 149过热模式 152液力变矩器 153摇动车辆 153四轮驱动操作 153Selec-Trac-若配备 153 Quadra-Trac -若配备 158 Quadra-Drive 系统-若配备 160 第 11 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册驾车要领 161公路行驶 161越野行驶 161前后桥差速器锁若配备 164后桥拖曳力锁 164动力转向 165防抱死制动系统 165燃油选择无铅汽油 167燃油添加剂 168油箱盖与加油口 168油箱容量 171轮胎和车轮 171轮胎气压 171更换轮胎 173胎纹磨损指示器 175轮胎对调 175校准与平衡 176轮胎链条或牵引装置 176紧急情况措施危险警示闪光器 177三角警告牌 178灭火器 178发动机过热 178更换轮胎 180千斤顶与车轮扳手的位置 180 备胎位置 182换胎程序 183第 12 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册跨接启动程序 187紧急拖钩若配备 189车辆保养40L 6 缸发动机 19147L 8 缸发动机 191内置式电脑诊断系统 OBD 192 售后服务 192更换零件 193保养程序 193液位检查指南 193发动机废油液的弃置 195发动机机油汽油发动机 195 冷却系统 200发动机空气滤清器 205自动变速器 205动力转向液 208挡风玻璃清洗液前与后 210 挡风玻璃雨刷片 211制动系统 212空调保养 214分动器 214前后桥油液 215传动系统与转向元件润滑 216 润滑脂的选择 216车身润滑 217蓄电池 217外观保养与防锈处理 220第 13 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册三元催化转换器 223保险丝盒 224电气系统故障 226配电中心 227车辆储放 227更换灯泡 227前照灯 227前示廓灯 228转向信号灯 230侧位灯 231尾灯制动灯后雾灯转向信号灯以及倒车灯231中央高位制动灯 232牌照灯 233更换灯泡 234液体容量 235建议使用的油液润滑剂与零件 236底盘 236发动机 237车身 237保养时间表排放控制系统保养 238保养时间表汽油发动机 238时间表 A 240时间表 B 245第 14 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册引言用户须知感谢您选购北京吉普汽车有限公司Jeep 车本公司的Jeep 车秉承戴姆勒克莱斯勒传统造车工艺精良造型独特品质优良绝对值得您信赖本车型是特别针对一般道路与野外行驶而精心设计的一种运动型多用途车 SUV具有传统二轮驱动车辆所没有的优异性能拥有本车就能行遍天下由于本车在道路或野外驾驶时与许多轿车的操控方式不尽相同所以请您花费一点时间来熟悉您的车子在开始操作本车之前请详读用户手册及附件资料确切了解汽车所有的操作方法尤其在制动转向换档系统及分动器换档方面更应特别注意此外还应熟悉各种路面驾驶技术虽然会随着经验累积而提高但不管操作何种车辆一开始都应特别谨慎在野外驾驶或操作车辆时请勿使车辆过载或期望征服大自然的力量驾驶车辆时应遵守各地交通法规和其它车型的车辆一样如未按正确方式操作本车将会使车辆失控或发生意外请确实详读本手册的[公路行驶]与[越野行驶]指南第 15 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册翻车警告运动型多用途车 SUV 比起其他车型的车辆更容易发生翻车意外本车型比起一般轿车其离地间隙较大轮距较窄所以能在多种越野路面上表现出较佳的性能任何车辆若未按正确方式驾驶将会导致失控由于本车型重心较高且轮距较窄万一车子失控会比其它车型更容易造成翻车意外应避免高速急转弯剧烈操作车辆或进行危险的驾驶行为否则可能使车辆失控未按正确方式操作本车将会导致事故翻车及人员伤亡请务必小心驾驶翻车警告标识驾驶员和乘客未系安全带是导致身体严重伤害甚至死亡的主要原因据有关报道显示在翻车事故中未系安全带者明显比系上安全带者的死亡率更高所以请务必系上安全带以超高速驾驶或酒后驾车将导致车辆失控撞击其它车辆或物体偏离路面或翻车上述任何一项失误将导致身体严重伤害甚至死亡第 16 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册为保持车辆最佳状态请按本手册建议的里程区间定期保养车辆各项保养工作应交由北京 Jeep 特约维修服务站或四位一体经销商执行他们拥有合格的技术人员专业工具与设备可提供各项服务北京吉普汽车有限公司与其经销商希望您对本车感到完全满意若您在服务或车辆售后保证方面有不满意之处请随时向本公司销售市场部反映北京 Jeep 特约维修服务站或四位一体经销商将很乐意为您解决任何有关车辆的问题简介本手册内所有内容以出版的最新资料为准本公司保留随时推出新版本的权利本手册由专业服务人员与工程师协助编制完成其内容有助于驾驶员了解新车的各项操作与保养细节请务必详细阅读按照本手册的各项指示与建议来驾车将确保车辆使用者的安全提高驾驶乐趣手册阅读完毕后请存放于车内供随时参阅车辆转售时应附上用户手册北京吉普汽车有限公司保留更改车辆设计与规格的权利并可随时增加或修改其产品配置对于已售出的车辆将无安装这些配件的义务本用户手册内所介绍的配件分标准与选装额外付费两种因此部分设备与配件将不会出现在您的车辆上第 17 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册说明开始驾驶本车之前或欲安装零件配件或对车辆进行改装之前请先阅读用户手册市面上有很多不同制造商生产的替换零件与配件如车主安装这些零配件之后北京吉普汽车有限公司将无法保证您的Jeep 车的安全即使这些零配件经过正式认可例如获得一般操作允许的零件或经过原厂正式认可的零件设计或在安装之后获得本公司的个别操作许可并不代表您的 Jeep 车的驾驶安全不受影响因此本公司与北京 Jeep 特约维修服务站或四位一体经销商将对此不负任何责任只有北京 Jeep 特约维修服务站或四位一体经销商所安装或加装零件的车辆北京吉普汽车有限公司才会承担责任同样原则亦适用于购车后对车辆所进行的任何改装欲获得 Mopar 原厂零件与配件及其它经过北京吉普汽车有限公司认可的产品请与北京 Jeep 特约维修服务站联系北京 Jeep 特约维修服务站最了解您的汽车所有维修人员经过原厂培训并提供原厂 Mopar 零件他们以顾客满意为最高目标当您的汽车欲进行维修保养时请切记交由北京Jeep 特约维修站或四位一体经销商执行警告与注意对于会造成事故或身体伤害的操作过程本手册内均以[警告]表示对于会损坏车辆与配件的操作过程则以[注意]表示应全数阅读手册内容以免忽略任何重要信息所有[警告]与[注意]的指示均应确保遵守第 18 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册整车出厂标牌整车出厂标牌装在发动机罩下水箱上横梁左端打印有车辆识别号整车型号发动机号及出厂日期等车辆识别号是具有唯一性的标识车辆身份的 17 位代码简称 VIN此代码也标识在仪表板左上部的牌子上及后货厢右后侧地板上请勿滥用此码整车型号是中国汽车产品目录所发布的车型代码发动机号与发动机缸体或缸盖上刻印的代码相一致第 19 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册整车基本技术参数车型 BJ2021G BJ2021V8全长毫米 4610 4610全宽毫米 18261826全高毫米整车整备质量状态 1763 1763厂定最大总质量状态 1713 1713轴距毫米 2690 2690轮距毫米1511 1511载货容积立方米座椅竖起 1110 1110座椅放倒 2059 2059载客人数 5 5最大总质量千克 2313 2348整备质量千克 1793 1828发动机型号 C698QA1 C8V93Q 第 20 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册发动机技术参数40 升发动机 47 升发动机型号 C698QA1 C8V93Q型式直列六缸液冷 V 型八缸液冷顶缸径行程顶置气门置气门984 867 930 865毫米毫米排量升 40 47压缩比 871 901燃油系统电控多点燃油喷射电控多点燃油喷射式汽油机式汽油机额定功率转速1454600 1754600千瓦转分最大扭矩转速3113000 4003000牛米转分第 21 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册启动汽车前注意事项汽车钥匙使用须知您的新车钥匙放在塑料袋里袋上随附有钥匙专用码如果有钥匙而无塑料袋请向您的经销商索取此钥匙专用码此钥匙专用码也可以凭购车发票从经销商处获得安全钥匙防盗禁止启动系统本车配备安全钥匙系统利用本系统内含识别码的点火钥匙会将信号传送至车辆电脑只有在车辆电脑确认来自点火钥匙的信号后车辆才会启动和运转若本系统没有确认来自点火钥匙的信号则车辆会在启动运转 2 秒后熄灭发动机安全钥匙灯在点火开关首次转至 ON 位置时会亮起约 2 秒钟如果车辆电脑没有确认来自点火钥匙内的信号时安全钥匙灯会一直闪烁以表明车辆无法开动直到接到发动机熄灭的信号而如果安全钥匙灯在正常操作时持续亮着则表示系统的电子装置出现故障所有附随本车的钥匙均已针对本车的电子装置进行设定说明第 22 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册本车配备的安全钥匙系统与遥控启动系统并不兼容同时使用这些系统可导致车辆启动问题并丧失有效的安全保护大的金属饰物也可造成车辆启动问题这些装置虽不会损及安全钥匙系统但如果这些装置在启动发动机时与安全钥匙非常靠近则可造成暂时性问题若发生问题关闭点火开关并移除安全钥匙圈上的所有金属饰物重新启动发动机备用钥匙说明只有针对本车设定的钥匙才能启动本车对于任何备用钥匙均需要四位数的 PIN 码请向您的经销商询问此码复制备用钥匙时需提供此码钥匙的复制可交由北京 Jeep 特约维修服务站或利用[车主钥匙设定]程序来执行钥匙复制过程必须将空白钥匙与汽车电脑设定配对空白钥匙是指从未设定的钥匙说明若安全钥匙系统必须维修则必须将所有的钥匙交给北京Jeep 特约维修服务部或四位一体经销商车主钥匙设定只要有两把有效的钥匙即可按照以下步骤进行新钥匙与系统的设定配对1 将第一把有效的钥匙插入点火开关并转至 ON 位置至少3 秒钟但以不超过 15 秒为原则然后将点火开关转回至 OFF 位置并取出第一把钥匙第 23 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册2 在 15 秒之内插入第二把有效的钥匙并将点火开关转至ON 位置 10 秒钟后警笛声响起且安全钥匙灯会开始闪烁然后将点火开关转回至 OFF 位置并取出第二把钥匙3 在取出第二把钥匙的 60 秒之内将空白的安全钥匙插入点火开关并转至 ON 位置 10 秒钟后会听到一声警声发出安全钥匙灯会停止闪烁然后再度亮起约 2 秒钟之后熄灭此时新的安全钥匙的设定便告完成重复本程序最多可设定把钥匙一般信息本安全钥匙系统的载波为 43392MHz 符合 EEC 规定这些装置必须经过认证才能适用于每个国家的特殊法规关系到两种不同的法规 ETS 欧洲电子通讯标准 300-220 是大多数国家所使用的 German BZT 联邦法规 225Z125 是以ETC300-220 为基础而建立的但是前者有额外的独特要求操作受到下列两种情况限制1 这个装置不可造成有害的干扰2 这个装置必须接受可能收到的任何干扰包括可能造成非预期操作的干扰第 24 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册取下点火钥匙插入钥匙任何一面朝上均可然后转动开关至图中所示四个位置之一只有在 LOCK 位置才能取出或插入钥匙取下点火钥匙将钥匙朝点火开关锁芯压入然后转至 LOCK 位置自动变速器变速杆必须在停车档的位置钥匙插入点火提醒装置钥匙仍插在点火开关上且未转至 ON 位置时如果打开驾驶员侧车门则会听到警告信号以提醒您取出钥匙注意离开车辆时请务必取出钥匙并锁好所有车门方向盘锁本车配有被动式方向盘锁可避免在没有钥匙的情况下驾驶汽车若方向盘向左或向右转动未超过半圈且钥匙未插入点火开关则方向盘将会被锁住第 25 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册手动锁止方向盘在发动机运转状态下将方向盘转到偏离正常位置半圈然后关闭发动机取出钥匙接着向左或向右轻转方向盘直到锁住为止释放方向盘锁插入钥匙至点火开关后向左或向右轻转方向盘直到锁跳开为止说明若是右转方向盘而将方向盘锁住则必须向右轻转方向盘以开锁若是左转方向盘而将方向盘锁住则必须向左轻转方向盘以开锁车门与举升门锁说明用于启动汽车的钥匙同样适用于开启或锁上驾驶员侧车门将钥匙插入锁芯并转动以打开驾驶员侧车门本车其他三扇车门举升门或外掀式玻璃通风窗没有配置锁芯利用车内电动门锁开关或遥控无钥匙进入遥控器可开启其他三扇车门举升门或外掀式玻璃通风窗欲开启举升门时如上述方式先解除门锁然后拉动车门把手并往上掀起第 26 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册警告在举升门开启的情况下行驶会使有毒的尾气进入车内这些尾气对驾驶员与乘客有害因此行驶中请确保关好举升门举升门外掀式玻璃通风窗当举升门解除门锁时举升门外掀式玻璃通风窗也会随着解除锁定欲开启外掀式玻璃通风窗时将位于举升门上的车窗开关往上扳动即可举升门外掀式玻璃通风窗一旦开启接至后窗雨刷的连线便会中断因此外掀式玻璃通风窗开启时后雨刷便不会动警告在外掀式玻璃通风窗开启的情况下行驶会使有毒的尾气进入车内这些尾气对驾驶员与乘客有害行驶中请确保关好外掀式玻璃通风窗第 27 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册车门锁所有车门均配有滑拨式内侧门锁离开车辆欲锁上车门时将门锁杆往后拨动朝车后至 LOCK 位置即可一旦上锁之后除非将锁杆放松否则便无法从车内开启后车门而前车门则仍可利用车内把手开启离开车辆欲开启车门时将门锁杆往前拨动朝车前至UNLOCK 位置即可警告考虑到乘客安全与撞车时的安全请在开车停车或离开车辆时锁上车门儿童保护锁本车后车门配有儿童保护锁打开后车门将门边的安全杆往上推则该车门关闭后便无法由车内开启将安全杆往下推即可解除锁定第 28 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册警告应避免撞车时乘客受困于车内当启用儿童保护锁时切记只有从车外才能开启后车门电动门锁系统电动门锁开关位于一个控制板上将开关往车后方向按下可锁上所有车门往前方按下则解除所有车门锁止驾驶员侧与前乘客侧的电动门锁开关可打开所有车门和举升门若驾驶员侧车门开启钥匙仍留在点火开关内则无法使用电动门锁开关锁上车门此安全设计可防止您将钥匙误锁在车内一旦上锁之后除非将锁杆放松否则便无法从车内开启后车门而两个前车门则仍可利用车内把手开启第 29 页共 256 页北京吉普大切诺基用户手册自动门锁选定此功能后只要车速超过 24 公里小时 15 英里小时且所有车门均已关好时本车的门锁会自动锁上而任一个车门再开启时此功能即会重设此功能是可以选择的即可以开启或关闭请参阅[顶置控制台]章节中用户可自行设计的功能以便选取这个功能自动开锁功能如果车辆是在停止状态而档位是在停车档或是空档时当驾驶员侧车门锁打开时此功能会将所有车门的锁打开请参阅[顶置控制台]章节中用户可自行设计的功能。
大切诺基用户手册书(可编辑)Beijing Jeep ___(Editable)Beijing Jeep ___BJ2021GBJ2021V8___User ___Product changes without notice2002 ___Page 1 of 256Beijing Jeep ___Dear friend。
Thank you for choosing Jeep。
You are now the most valued customer of Beijing Jeep Automotive Co。
We look forward to bringing you joy in your work and life with the highest quality products and services.Beijing Jeep ___ Co。
is China's first ___。
which manufactured the world's first car。
Our neering spirit ___ youwith the best products and services。
and being the best is our consistent goal.BJ2021G and BJ2021V8 are the top models of the Jeep series。
Grand Cherokee。
It is a high-end sport ___ appearance。
advanced performance。
us facilities。
comfortable seating。
___ airbags。
___ differential lock。
and ___ full-time four-wheel drive design is leading in the world of off-road vehicles and has been named the best off-road vehicle of the year by the most authoritative four-wheel drive magazine in the United States for many years。
(二)故障代码的读取方法利用跨接线和发动机检查灯读取北京BJ2020VJ型吉普车发动机控制系统故障代码的方法如下:(1)接通点火开关,但不启动发动机;(2)利用跨接线将“2”号端子与“13”号端子跨接2.5~7 s(即利用跨接线将连接黄色导线的“2”号端子与连接黑色导线的“13”号端子跨接2.5~7 s,也可将跨接线的一端连接诊断插座的“2”号端子上,并将另一端搭铁2.5~7 s),以便触发故障代码读取程序运行;图1 跨接端子示意图(3)通过查看组合仪表盘上发动机检查灯的显示情况读取故障代码,故障代码为四位数码,代码含义如表1-1所示。
(5)一旦触发故障代码读取程序运行来读取代码之后,发动机检查灯指示控制系统故障的功能就将自动停止;(6)在读取故障代码过程中需要终止故障代码读取程序运行时,将点火开关断开或在显示结束代码“3333”时将触发端子“2”搭铁7 s以上时间即可。
第一部分 初步了解您的车辆 ......................................................................................................... 10 整车出厂标牌 ...................................................................................................................10 驾驶区域 .......................................................................................................................11 驾驶操纵机构和仪表的布置(无空调装备) ...................................................................................11 驾驶操纵机构和仪表的布置(带空调装备) ...................................................................................13 电气开关 .................................................................................................................18 方向盘 ...................................................................................................................19 危险报警闪光器 ...........................................................................................................19 燃油加注 .......................................................................................................................20 燃油箱 ...................................................................................................................20 燃油等级 .................................................................................................................21 轮胎气压 .......................................................................................................................21
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行李箱盖和备胎支架(部分车型装备) .............................................................................................24 拖车钩 .........................................................................................................................25 收放机 .........................................................................................................................26 杂物箱 .........................................................................................................................26 烟灰缸 .........................................................................................................................26 可调整部分 .....................................................................................................................27
第二部分 仔细使用您的车 ........................................................................................................... 22 侧车门 .........................................................................................................................22 尾门(部分车型装备) ...........................................................................................................23
第一部分 初步了解您的车辆 ......................................................................................................... 10 整车出厂标牌 ...................................................................................................................10 驾驶区域 .......................................................................................................................11 驾驶操纵机构和仪表的布置(无空调装备) ...................................................................................11 驾驶操纵机构和仪表的布置(带空调装备) ...................................................................................13 电气开关 .................................................................................................................18 方向盘 ...................................................................................................................19 危险报警闪光器 ..............................................................ห้องสมุดไป่ตู้............................................19 燃油加注 .......................................................................................................................20 燃油箱 ...................................................................................................................20 燃油等级 .................................................................................................................21 轮胎气压 .......................................................................................................................21
驻车制动 .................................................................................................................34 变速器 ...................................................................................................................35 分动器 ...................................................................................................................37 多功能操纵杆 .............................................................................................................38
前座椅 ...................................................................................................................27 后座椅(只适用于可翻倒后座椅) ...........................................................................................28 方向盘 ...................................................................................................................29 遮阳板 ...................................................................................................................29 后视镜 ...................................................................................................................29 安全带 .........................................................................................................................30 驾驶操作 .......................................................................................................................31 汽车钥匙 .................................................................................................................31 点火及起动开关 ...........................................................................................................31 起动程序 .................................................................................................................32
亲爱的朋友: 在选择了本车之后,您已经成为北京吉普汽车有限公司最尊贵的顾客。我们期待着以最优质的产品和服务为