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Listening Practice

一、Listen、look and judge(听音看图,判断对错)(10’)

二、Listen and choose the correct words.(听音选择听到的单


1.The whale is the smallest / biggest mammal in the world.

2.All birds have feathers / furs.

3.Elephants are the only animals with a long nose called a

nose/ trunk.

4.How tall is a giraffe/ hippo?

5.What kind of animals are monkeys/ reptiles.

三、Listen and fill in the blanks.(听音填空)(10’)

Yesterday I went to the . I saw zebra in world.

Then I went to the fish world, I saw a there. I think the most beautiful animal was . It has two wings and looks like flowers. It is a .

Writing Part

四、 Look and write.(看图,将词补充完整)(5’)

1.h mm b d

2.os ch

3.k al

4.p g

5.cr codi

五、 Read and write.(选词填写在恰当的位置,使句意完整)(10’)

1. How is an elephant?

2. What of animal is a dog?

3. This bird runs as as a car.

4. Mother mammals feed to their babies.

5. A snake is a reptile with no .

六、 Choose the correct answers.(单项选择)(10’)

1.What did you see in the zoo?

A. flowers

B. animals

C. shop

2.Giraffe is the

animal in the world.

A. heaviest

B. tallest

C. smallest

3.Elephant is about 4 .


B. kilometers

C. tons

4.Ostrish has legs and wings.

A. strong

B. long

C. short

5.Mother reptiles eggs.

A. eat

B. bit

C. lay

七、Choose the Chinese meanings.(选正确的汉语意思)5分

1.两只翅膀 A. a wing B. two arms C. two wings

2.像大拇指一样小A. as tall as a person B. as small as a thumb

C. as heavy as an elephant

3.在陆地上 A. on the land B. in the air C. in the water

4.5厘米 A. 5 meters B. 5 kilometers C. 5 centimeters

5. 捡起、拾起A. come up B. pick up C. put up

八、Look and write(看图选词)(10’)




Feature: the and animals in the world.




Feature: It can fast, but it can’t .

九、Make sentences.(连词成句,注意大小写及标点)(10’)

1. animals \are \ what \of \ kind\sharks

2. giraffe \tall\is\how\a

3.ostrich\70 kilometers\run\can\an hour

4.lions\ animal world\ I\ in\ saw

5.ears\the elephant\biggest\has\the

十、Reading and choose tick or cross.(读文判断。对用√错用


Yesterday my friend and I went to the zoo. We saw many

kinds of animals. First, I went to Mammal World. I saw a hippo there. Then I went to Bird Land. I saw a parrot there. I think it was also the heaviest fish in the world. The most beautiful animal in the zoo was a blue and yellow flying insect. It was a butterfly. It was as big as my hand.

( )1. My friend and I went to the zoo yesterday.

( )2. I saw a zebra in Mammal World.

( )3. The parrot is in Bird Land.

( )4. The shark is a kind of fish.

( )5. I saw a blue and red butterfly.

十一、Writing practice.(选择你所喜欢的一种动物进行描述,题目自定)(10’)

