二、研究内容1. 纳米银温敏喷雾凝胶的制备及性能测试,包括成分分析、物理化学性质、杀菌抗炎作用等。
2. 临床观察阴道用纳米银温敏喷雾凝胶治疗阴道炎的疗效,采用随机对照实验设计,分别观察治疗组和对照组的临床疗效及安全性。
3. 纳米银温敏喷雾凝胶的安全性评估,包括皮肤刺激性、过敏性等。
四、研究方法1. 实验室内制备纳米银温敏喷雾凝胶,测试其物理化学性质和杀菌抗炎作用。
2. 选择合适的研究人员,采用随机对照实验设计,招募符合入选标准的病人,将其随机分为治疗组和对照组,分别进行治疗和观察。
3. 采用SPSS软件对数据进行统计分析,得出结论。
五、预期成果1. 纳米银温敏喷雾凝胶的制备及性能测试数据。
2. 阴道用纳米银温敏喷雾凝胶治疗阴道炎的疗效以及安全评估数据。
3. 本研究的成果将为阴道炎等妇科疾病的治疗提供一种新的治疗方案,从而提高女性生殖健康水平。
参考文献:1. 郑琳琳,赵雨晨. 纳米银在医药领域的应用研究进展[J]. 中国中药杂志, 2018, 43(23): 4669-4675.2. 徐佩玉,张志华,韩艳婷. 基于纳米技术的药物温敏喷雾剂的研究进展[J]. 云南大学学报(自然科学版), 2021, 43(2): 288-296.3. 王亮,李雪. 阴道用纳米银制药研究进展[J]. 世界最新医学信息文摘, 2020, 20(02): 90-92.。
含纳米银的抗菌凝胶和敷料的制备与表征纳米银通常指粒径小于100 nm的金属银单质。
三、纳米银的抗菌机理:纳米银颗粒直接进入菌体与氧代谢酶(-SH)结合,使菌体窒息而死;能和细菌细胞壁上暴露的肽聚糖反应,产生可塑性化合物,阻止病菌活动,杀死病菌;银可以和病原体的DNA结合,导致细菌DNA结构变异,抑制了DNA 复制,导致病菌失去了活力。
三、实验部分(一)材料与试剂1. 纳米银溶液:市售或自制;2. 天然高聚物:如壳聚糖、淀粉等;3. 其他试剂:如溶剂、交联剂等。
具体步骤如下:1. 制备纳米银溶液;2. 将天然高聚物溶解在适当溶剂中;3. 在一定条件下,将纳米银溶液与天然高聚物溶液混合,进行复合反应;4. 通过交联剂等手段增强复合溶胶的稳定性;5. 洗涤、干燥,得到纳米银/天然高聚物复合抗菌溶胶。
含纳米银的抗菌水凝胶研究杨立群;林凯城;沈荣春;马林;张黎明;卢亢【摘要】为赋予水凝胶的抗菌性能,该文对含有纳米银的水凝胶进行了研究.首先在硝酸银溶液加入硼氢化钠还原剂和聚乙烯砒咯烷酮分散剂,合成纳米银;然后将不同体积的纳米银分散液加入到卡波姆溶液中,搅拌下滴加氢氧化钠溶液,制备含纳米银的水凝胶.紫外-可见光谱法的结果表明硝酸银被还原成纳米银,X-射线粉末衍射法证实纳米银被分散在水凝胶中,并通过Scherrer公式计算出纳米银的尺寸约为5 nm.溶胀性能测试结果表明水凝胶的溶胀率约为900%.抑菌性能测试结果显示,当水凝胶中纳米银浓度为10 μg/mL(低于纳米银的安全浓度25 μg/mL),水凝胶能有效抑制大肠杆菌和金黄色葡萄球菌的生长.所制备的抗菌水凝胶可望应用于创伤皮肤和皮肤疾病的外用治疗.%The silver nanoparticles-based hydrogels were investigated in order to increase the antibacterial property in this work. The silver nanoparticles were synthesized in aqueous silver nitrate solution by adding sodium borohydride as a reduction reagent and polyvinyl pyrrolidone as a dispersion aid. And then the silver nanoparticles-based hydrogels were further prepared in the carbomer solution by adding the dispersion solutions of silver nanoparticles with different volumes and sodium hydroxide solution. The result of UV-vis analysis indicated that the silver nanoparticles were successfully synthesized. The existence of silver nanoparticles in the hydrogels was confirmed by X-ray scattering analysis, and the diameters of silver nanoparticles were calculated to be about 5 nm according to the Scherrer equation. The swelling ratio of the hydrogels was determined to be 900%. The hydrogels exhibited strong antibacterialproperties to Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus with the content of silver nanoparticles 10 μg/mL, which is lower than the safe content of silver nanoparticles 25 μg/mL. The hydrogels are thus anticipated to be used for the treatment of wounded skin and skin disease.【期刊名称】《中山大学学报(自然科学版)》【年(卷),期】2011(050)006【总页数】4页(P58-61)【关键词】水凝胶;纳米银;卡波姆;抗菌性能;溶胀性能【作者】杨立群;林凯城;沈荣春;马林;张黎明;卢亢【作者单位】中山大学化学与化学工程学院//聚合物复合材料及功能材料教育部重点实验室//新型聚合物材料设计合成与应用广东省高校重点实验室,广东广州510275;中山大学化学与化学工程学院//聚合物复合材料及功能材料教育部重点实验室//新型聚合物材料设计合成与应用广东省高校重点实验室,广东广州 510275;中山大学化学与化学工程学院//聚合物复合材料及功能材料教育部重点实验室//新型聚合物材料设计合成与应用广东省高校重点实验室,广东广州 510275;中山大学化学与化学工程学院//聚合物复合材料及功能材料教育部重点实验室//新型聚合物材料设计合成与应用广东省高校重点实验室,广东广州 510275;中山大学化学与化学工程学院//聚合物复合材料及功能材料教育部重点实验室//新型聚合物材料设计合成与应用广东省高校重点实验室,广东广州 510275;广东泰宝科技医疗用品有限公司,广东普宁 515300【正文语种】中文【中图分类】O635水凝胶是一种三维立体、以化学键或物理交联作用形成的亲水性聚合物网络,它既有液体的运动性和流动性,又具有固体的形稳性[1]。
关键词:纳米银;阴道炎;宫颈糜烂Abstract:Objective:To study and analyze the effect of nanometer silver antibacterial gel in the treatment of vaginitis and cervical erosion. Methods:the research object is selected in our hospital from April 2013 to April 2015 were treated60 cases of vaginitis,cervical erosion patients,retrospective analysis,and its treatment with silver nanoparticles,and the treatment effect analysis. Results:60 cases of patients with treatment effect in patients with vaginitis and cervical erosion treatment in only 3 cases of cervical erosion with the poor,including 1 cases of moderate cervical erosion patients,2 cases of patients with severe cervical erosion,the rest of the patients,treatment effects are ideal. Conclusion:nano silver treatment of mild and moderate cervical erosion patients is more effective,and the treatment of vaginitis patients is also very significant.[keyword] nano silver;vaginitis;cervical erosion宫颈糜烂和阴道炎是妇科中常见的两种疾病,且此两种疾病的发病率比较高,对女性的身心健康造成很大的影响。
邦尔洁纳米银抗菌水凝胶治疗宫颈糜烂中度的临床研究发表时间:2015-11-19T10:40:55.883Z 来源:《健康世界》2015年2期供稿作者:李和清[导读] 益阳市赫山区中医医院邦尔洁纳米银抗菌水凝胶用于治疗宫颈糜烂中度的治疗高效、安全。
为了研究治疗方法与治疗效果,本文应用纳米银抗菌凝胶治疗阴道炎与宫颈糜烂患者,现将治疗过程介绍如下:1资料和方法1.1一般资料本次研究选取的研究资料是江苏无锡锡山区东亭街道社区卫生服务中心收集到的患有阴道炎、宫颈糜烂的患者,共计120例,这些患者资料均是在 2018年9月至2019年9月期间收集到的,经过统计调查得知患者的年龄为20-55岁。
1.2 材料纳米银抗菌凝胶由深圳市爱杰特医药科技有限公司研制。
制备含有纳米银粒子的聚乙烯醇水凝胶及纳米银加量对抗菌性能的影响Preparation and Antibacterial Effects of PVA-PVP Hydrogels Containing Silver NanoparticlesHaijun Yu,1,2Xiaoyi Xu,1,2Xuesi Chen,1Tiancheng Lu,1,2Peibiao Zhang,1Xiabin Jing1 1State Key Laboratory of Polymer Physics and Chemistry,Changchun Institute of Applied Chemistry, Chinese Academy of Sciences,Changchun130022,People’s Republic of China 2Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing100039,People’s Republic of ChinaReceived20April2006;accepted14May2006DOI10.1002/app.24835Published online in Wiley InterScience().ABSTRACT:The poly(vinyl alcohol)/poly(N-vinyl pyr-rolidone)(PVA–PVP)hydrogels containing silver nanopar-ticles were prepared by repeated freezing–thawing treat-ment.The silver content in the solid composition was in the range of0.1–1.0wt%,the silver particle size was from 20to100nm,and the weight ratio of PVA to PVP was 70:30.The in?uence of silver nanoparticles on the proper-ties of PVA–PVP matrix was investigated by differential scanning calorimeter,infrared spectroscopy and UV–vis spectroscopy,using PVA–PVP?lms containing silver par-ticles as a model.The morphology of freeze-dried PVA–PVP hydrogel matrix and dispersion of the silver nanoparticles in the matrix was examined by scanning electron microscopy. It was found that a three-dimensional structure was formed during the process of freezing–thawing treatment and nose-rious aggregation of the silver nanoparticles occurred.Water absorption properties,release of silver ions from the hydro-gels and the antibacterial effects of the hydrogels against Escherichia coli and Staphylococcus aureus were examined too. It was proved that the nanosilver-containing hydrogels had an excellent antibacterial ability.ó2006Wiley Periodicals,Inc. J Appl Polym Sci103:125–133,2007Key words:silver;hydrogel;antibiotic;wound dressingINTRODUCTIONDespite major advances in burn wound management and other supportive care regimens,infection re-mains the leading cause of morbidity in the ther-mally injured patients,and the search for different treatments and new ideas is continuing.1Silver metal and silver ions have been known as effective anti-microbial agents for a long time,The application of silver-binding membranes has recently been sug-gested to further reduce the silver toxicity,to retard the movement of silver ions,and to minimize silver absorption at a healing wound.2–4 There have been several kinds of silver-containing materials that can be used for wound dressing.For example,silver sulfadiazine containing chitosan-based wound dressing,5–7dendrimer–silver complexes and nanocomposites,8nanosilver/cellulose acetate com-posite?bers,and silver nylon dressings were all proved to be antibacterial.9,10Beside an antibiotic ability,however,the principal function of a wound dressing is to provide an optimal healing environ-ment,e.g.,isolation from the external environment,complete coverage of the wound surface to prevent further contamination or infection,and maintenance of a moist microenvironment next to the wound sur-face.11Hydrogelsconsist of three-dimensional hydro-philic polymer networks in which a large amount of water is interposed.Because of their unique proper-ties,a wide range of medical,pharmaceutical,and prosthetic applications have been proposed for them.12So hydrogel wound dressings are better choice than fabrics or?lms for burn injury treatment. Many polymers can be used to prepare hydrogels, such as poly(vinyl alcohol)(PVA)and poly(vinyl pyr-rolidone)(PVP).PVA is a well-known biologically friendly polymer and has been developed for biomed-ical applications such as arti?cial pancreas,13–15syn-thetic vitreous body,16wound dressing,arti?cial skin, and cardiovascular device.17,18PVP is one of the most widely used polymers in medicine because of its solu-bility in water and its extremely low cytotoxicity.19A recent work described the topical application of PVP onto the skin for transdermal delivery of drugs.20 Combination of the properties of PVA and PVP in PVA–PVP blends has led to the preparation of new biomaterials.21,22In our previous study,23physically crosslinked PVA–PVP hydrogels with perfect me-chanical properties were prepared by cyclic freezing–thawing treatment.In this paper,therefore,great attempts are made to incorporate silver nanoparticles into PVA–PVP hy-drogels to combine the good mechanical strength ofCorrespondenceto:X.Jing(**************.cn).Contract grant sponsor:National Natural Science Founda-tion of China;contract grant numbers:20274048,50373043. Contract grant sponsor:Chinese Academy of Sciences;con-tract grant number:KJCX2-SW-H07.Journal of Applied Polymer Science,Vol.103,125–133(2007) V C2006Wiley Periodicals,Inc.PVA–PVP hydrogel wound dressing and the power-ful antibacterial ability of nanosilver together.Theformulation and properties of this novel wound dress-ing,the in vitro release pro?les of the silver ions fromthe hydrogel and the antibacterial activity againstGram-negative Escherichia coli(E.coli)and Gram-posi-tive Staphylococcus aureus(S.aureus)are reported.EXPERIMENTALMaterialsPolyvinal alcohol(PVA)with a hydrolysis degree of99.0–99.8%(molecular weight?7.3?104–7.7?104)was supplied by Shanghai Chemical Reagent Com-pany(Shanghai,China).PVP(molecular weight ?3.6?105)was purchased from BASF Chemical Co.(Ludwigshafen,Germany).These polymers wereused without further puri?cation.Silver nitrate(AgNO3),sodium citrate and all other reagents wereof analytical grade and used without further puri?-cation.Distilled water was used as solvent in allexperiments.PreparationsPreparation of silver solsThe silver nanoparticles were prepared by sodiumcitrate reduction of AgNO3.24Typically,18mg ofAgNO3was dissolved in100mL of distilled waterand brought to boiling.Two milliliters of1%solu-tion of trisodium citrate was added,and the solutionwas kept on boiling for$1h.The Ag sol prepared was greenish yellow.Preparation of Ag/PVA–PVP composite hydrogelsA PVA–PVP aqueous solution was added into the preparedAg sol.The total concentration of PVA and PVP was$12wt%and the PVA-to-PVP weight ratio was70:30.The weight contents of silver with respect to the PVA–PVP amount used were0.1,0.2, 0.4,0.8,and1.0wt%,respectively.The mixture so-lution was put into the wells of a24-well plate and was frozen at(à208C for12h and then thawed at 258C for12h.This treatment was repeated for three times and hydrogel disks of about3mm in thickness were obtained.The total solid content in the hydro-gels was12wt%.Preparation of Ag/PVA–PVP composite?lmsTo investigate the interaction between silver and PVA–PVP matrix,nanosilver/PVA–PVP composite ?lms were prepared as models for Ag/PVA–PVP hy-drogels.The mixture solutions were prepared by the same method as for Ag/PVA–PVP hydrogels but the total concentration of PVA and PVP was$1wt%. Then the mixture solutions were cast onto glass slides and dried in vacuum for24h at608C to obtain the composite?lms of ca.100m m in thickness. CharacterizationStructure and morphologyUV–Vis spectra of the silver sols and the Ag/PVA–PVP?lms were collected using a UV-2400spectro-photometer(2100,Shimadzu,Kyoto,Japan)with a slit width of2.0nm.The size distribution of the sil-ver nanoparticles was measured using a transmission electron microscope(TEM-20100TOEL,Tokyo,Japan) and a dynamic light scattering instrument(DLS)with a vertically polarized He–Ne laser(DAWN EOS,Wyatt Technology,Santa Barbara,CA)at a?xed scattering angle of908and at a constant temperature of258C. The structures of the Ag/PVA–PVP?lms were charac-terized by Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR,Bruker Vertex70,Ettlingen,Germany).A differ-ential scanningcalorimeter(DSC-7,Perkin–Elmer,Nor-walk,CT)was employed to detect the crystalline status in the nanoAg/PVA–PVP?lms over the temperature range of50–2408C at a scanning rate of108C/min under nitrogen protection.The surface and cross sec-tion morphology of the freeze-dried nanoAg/PVA–PVP hydrogels was examined using a?eld emission scanning electron microscope(FE-SEM,FEI/Philips, Hillsboro,OR).Water take-upThe prepared hydrogel plates were immersed in dis-tilled water of200-folds mass at378C for24h,23then they were taken out and weighed after removal of the free water on the surfaces with?lter paper.The equilibrium swelling-ratio(ESR)was calculated by ESRe%T?eW eàW dT=W d?100%where W e was the weight of the swollen gel in equi-librium state and W d was the solid weight in the hydrogel.Release of silver ions from the hydrogelsThe in vitro release pro?les of silver ions from the hydrogels were obtained by the method developed by Radhesh Kumar.25Brie?y,the hydrogels of0.3g was stored in a?ask containing10mL aqueous me-dium(9.5mL distilled watert0.5mL0.1N HNO3) at378C and the?ask was oscillated at a frequency of126YU ET AL.60rpm in a rotary shaker.HNO 3was added to pro-tect the released Ag tions from being reduced to me-tallic silver.The concentrations of silver ions released from the hydrogels into the water were measured using an inductively coupled plasma atomic absorb-ance spectrometer (SPS-1500VR,Seiko Instruments,Tokyo,Japan).Antibacterial ability of the nanoAg/PVA–PVP hydrogelsAntibacterial test was performed by modi?ed Kirby Bauer technique and LB broth method.26Following two microorganisms were used:S.aureus strain 209,ATCC 25,923,which is Gram-positive and can exist on the body surface of mammals; E.coli ,ATCC 25,922,which is Gram-negative and is a widespread intestinal parasite of mammals.The bacteria were cultivated at 378C in sterilized LB broth (peptone 10g,yeast extract 5g,NaNO 310g,distilled water 1000mL)at 90rpm in a rotary shaker for 16h.In the modi?ed Kirby Bauer method,a droplet of 50m L bacteria medium was dispensed onto an agar plate,then the hydrogel disks were placed and the incuba-tion was continued for 24h at 378C.In the LB broth method,the hydrogel disks of 0.3g were put in the ?asks,which contained 10mL aqueous medium at 378C and were oscillated at a frequency of 60rpm for periods ranging from 1to 96h.Then 3.0mL of the above aqueous solution was mixed with 3.0mL of the bacteria medium,the incubation was contin-ued for another 6h.Culture with pure LB broth served as control.The optical density (OD)of the bacterial broth medium at 600nm was measured by a UV–vis spectrophotometer.The inhibition ratios for the nanoAg/PVA–PVP hydrogels were calcu-lated as follows: Inhibition ratio e%T?100à100eA t àA 0T=eA con àA 0Twhere A 0was the OD for bacterial broth medium before incubation;A t and A con were the ODs for hydrogel and control sample after 6h incubation,respectively.RESULTS AND DISCUSSIONSilver nanoparticlesThe silver nanoparticles were prepared as a nanosil-ver sol or a silver colloid by reducing AgNO 3with sodium citrate.Their TEMimage is shown in Figure 1.Their average size is about 100nm.Their surfaces are smooth.Figure 2shows their diameter distribu-tion determined by DLS,ranging over 30–170nm with an average of 100nm.A typical absorption spectrum of the silver colloidal solution is shown in Figure 3(a).According to Ref.27,this band is assigned to the surface plasmon absorption (SPR)of the nanosilver particles.It peaks at 425nm and has a band width at half maximum of $130nm,which is an indication of the particle sizedistribution.Figure 1Typical TEM micrograph of the silver nanopar-ticles prepared by sodium citrate reduction of AgNO 3.Figure 2Size distribution of the silver nanoparticles determined by DLS measurement.PVA–PVP HYDROGELS CONTAINING SILVER NANOPARTICLES 127Ag/PVA–PVP composite ?lmsTo investigate possible interactions between the sil-ver nanoparticles and the PVA–PVP matrix in the Ag/PVA–PVP composite hydrogels and to under-stand the in?uence of the silver nanoparticles on the structure and performance of the hydrogels,compos-ite,Ag/PVA–PVP ?lms were prepared in the pres-ent study as a model of Ag/PVA–PVP hydrogels.The same mixture solutions were used for both com-posite ?lms and composite hydrogels.Therefore,the model ?lms have the same solid composition as the composite hydrogels.Because there is no interfer-ence of water in the model ?lms,they can be easily characterized by various techniques.Figure 3also shows the UV–vis spectra of the Ag/PVA–PVP composite ?lms.The SPR bands of the Ag/PVA–PVPcomposite ?lms show different peak positions and peak widths.For the ?lms containing 0.2,0.4,0.8,and 1.0wt %of nanosilver,the bands peak at 410,419,425,and 443nm,pared with Figure 3(a)for the pure silver colloi-dal solution,the ?rst two show blue-shifts while the other two show red-shifts.Among the four compos-ite ?lms,only the one containing 1.0wt %of silver shows comparable band width (160nm)to the col-loidal solution,the rest three give narrower band widths (70–130nm).It has been proved that PVA and PVP are both good stabilizing agents for silver nanoparticles.27,28So the blue-shifts and the nar-rower widths of the SPR bands can be explained as the smaller size and more uniform size distribution of the silver nanoparticles in the ?rst two composite ?lms and the red-shifts and wider width indicate the opposite variations,which can be induced by ag-glomeration of the Ag nanoparticles and/or change of the dielectric properties of the surrounding envi-ronment.29This can be further explained by consid-ering the interactions between the nanosilver and the PVA–PVP matrix in the following discussions.As seen in Figure 4,an increase of the silver con-tent in the Ag/PVA–PVP composite ?lms leads to enhancement of the 1145cm à1band for the ?lms containing 0.1and 0.2wt %of nanosilver and to weakening of the same band for the ?lms containing more nanosilver.This band can be assigned to C ààO stretching vibration of PVA.It is a measure of the interaction between PVP and PVA.Its enhancement and weakening with silver-content reveal involve-ment of the nanosilver in the interaction between PVP and PVA.The DSC traces of pure PVA–PVP and nanoAg/PVA–PVP composite ?lms with various contents of silver are shown inFigure 5.The melting tempera-tures (T m ),glass transition temperatures (T g )and melting enthalpies (D H m )of the various samples are listed in Table I.Sure enough,the T m ,T g ,and D H m all show similar variations with increasing nanosil-ver content,i.e.,increasing (T g and D H m )or decreas-ing (T m )for the ?lms containing 0.1,0.2and 0.4wt %of nanosilver and changing reversely for those ?lms containing more nanosilver.It is noticed that all Ag/PVA–PVP ?lms show more D H m than the PVA–PVP ?lm.These results differ from that reported by Z.H.Mbhele et al.29In their study,incorporation of silver particles,with average diameter of 5nm,into the PVA matrix led to a dramatic decrease in T m and increaseinFigure 3UV–vis absorption spectra of as-prepared silver sol in water (a)and nanoAg/PVA–PVP composite ?lms (b–e).Silver contents:(b)0.2wt %;(c)0.4wt %;(d)0.8wt %;(e)1.0wt%.Figure 4FTIR spectra of pure PVA–PVP and nanoAg/PVA–PVP composite ?lms with different Ag contents (0.1,0.2,0.4,0.8,and 1.0wt %).128YU ET AL.T g both by more than 208C but did not affect crystallin-ity in PVA.They explained the observed effects as the reduced mobility of the PVA chains attached to the sur-face of the Ag nanoparticles.To explain the above results of UV–vis,FTIR,and DSC observations,we have to consider the possible interactions in the Ag/PVA–PVP systems,i.e.,those between PVA and PVP,between PVA and nanosilver,and between PVP and nanosilver.In the previous work,23we proved that the crystallinity of PVA in PVA–PVP hydrogels decreased with increasing PVP content,because of the interfer-ence of PVP to the crystallization of PVA.It seems that the PVP has stronger interaction than the PVA does with the silver particles.When silver particles are added into the PVA–PVP matrix,they interact with the PVP molecules preferentially,the interaction between PVA and PVP molecules is weakened,which results in the improvement of the crystallinity ofPVA in the composite (indicated by the increase of D H m ).On the other hand,interactions between the silver particles and the PVA molecules still exist,so mobility of the PVA chains attached to the surfaces of the Ag particles is reduced.29When silver content is 0.4wt %,the lowest T m and highest T g are obtained.Further increment of the silver content results in aggregation of the silver nano-particles,weakening of their interactions with both PVA and PVP,and enhancement of the interaction between PVP and PVA.This is in accordance with the FTIR data.On the basis of the above results,we can draw a conclusion that silver particles could be equably dis-persed in the PVA–PVP hydrogel matrix due to their interaction with the PVA–PVP matrix.Therefore,PVA–PVP hydrogel could be used as an eligible sil-ver nanoparticle carrier to prepare silver-containing hydrogels used for wound dressing.Ag/PVA–PVP composite hydrogels Water absorptionBesides good mechanical properties,a hydrogel wound dressing has to absorb the exudates on the wound surface and provide a wet environment for the wound.So the water absorbing and keeping abil-ity of hydorgels is very important.Water-take-up ability of the Ag/PVA–PVP hydrogels is shown in Figure 6.It can be found that all hydrogels show a swelling ratio as high as 40folds,which is enough for hydrogel wound dressings.The incorporation of the nanosilver in the hydrogel does not in?uence the water absorption ability.SEM analysisIt is well known that a porous surface is important for the transport of oxygen from outside to insideofFigure 5DSC curves of pure PVA–PVP and nanoAg/PVA–PVP composite ?lms with various contents of silver (For clarity,curves are presented in the range 180–2308C.Heating rate 108C/min).TABLE IMelting Enthalpy (D H m ),Melting Peak Temperature (T m ),and Glass Transition Temperature (T g )of Pure PVA–PVP and Ag/PVA–PVP Composite FilmsAg (wt %)T g (8C)T m (8C)D H m (J/g)088.3216.425.50.188.7215.431.60.290.621333.10.495208.92 8.30.887.1210.432188.6214.734Figure 6Water absorption ability of pure PVA–PVP and nanoAg/PVA–PVP composite hydrogels with various con-tents of silver.PVA–PVP HYDROGELS CONTAINING SILVER NANOPARTICLES 129Figure 7SEM images of pure PVA–PVP and nanoAg/PVA–PVP composite hydrogels.(a)surface image of PVA–PVP hydrogel plate;(b)surface image of 0.1wt %Ag/PVA–PVP hydrogel plate;(c)surface image of 0.8wt %Ag/PVA–PVP hydrogel plate;(d)cross-section image of 0.1wt %Ag/PVA–PVP hydrogel plate;(e)cross-section image of 0.8wt %Ag/PVA–PVP hydrogel plate.130YU ET AL.the wound dressing,and a three-dimensional net-work structure is crucial to absorbing and keeping large amount of water in hydrogel materials.We examined the surface and cross-sectional morpholo-gies of Ag/PVA–PVP composite hydrogels by SEM. As shown in Figure7,porous surface morphology and three-dimensional network structure in the cross section are formed in both PVA–PVP and Ag/PVA–PVP hydrogels.No distinguished difference is found for the hydrogels with different silver contents.No serious aggregation of the nanoparticles is observed even when the silver content is up to1wt%.This can be explained as a stable network structure formed in the hydrogels and the strong interaction between the silver particles and the PVA and PVP molecules as we have discussed in the previous section.In vitro release of silver ions from the hydrogelsThe antimicrobial activity of silver is dependent on the silver cation Agt,which binds strongly to elec-tron-donating groups in biological molecules con-taining sulfur,oxygen or nitrogen.Hence the silver-based antimicrobial polymers have to release the Agtto a pathogenic environment to be effective.In this work the silver release model developed by Radhesh Kumar was employed,and atomic absorp-tion spectroscopy(AAS)was used for the quantita-tive determination of the silver ion released from the hydrogels.25Five Ag/PVA–PVP hydrogel samples with silver contents of0.1,0.2,0.4,0.8,and1.0wt% with respect to total PVA–PVP weight were used. The duration of96h was selected for the release experiment to study the whole release process of the silver ions.As shown in Figure8(A),the release of silver ions from the hydrogels is very quick at the beginning and then becameslower and slower.The silver ion release shows dependence to some extent on the silver content in the hydrogels.For example, the amount of silver ions released in the?rst12h increases with increasing silver content in the hydro-gels,being0.20,0.45,1.35,3.76,and6.26ppm for the samples containing0.1,0.2,0.4,0.8,and1.0wt%of silver content,respectively.When the silver ion con-centration released is plotted against square root of incubation time h1/2[Fig.8(B)],linear relationships are obtained,except for the initial stages of soaking. This indicates that the release of silver ions is con-trolled by the interdiffusion of the ions within the hydrogel.30In vitro antibacterial effectUsing a modi?ed Kirby Bauer technique,the bacteri-cidal effects of two Ag/PVA–PVP hydrogels and pure PVA–PVP hydrogel were evaluated compara-tively.26After24h incubation at378C,the Ag/PVA–PVP hydrogels showed antibacterial effect on Gram-positive S.aureus and Gram-negative E.coli.The diameter of inhibition zone for the1.0wt%Ag/ PVA–PVP hydrogel is slightly larger than that for the0.2wt%Ag/PVA–PVP sample(see Fig.9).As a control,the pure PVA–PVP hydrogel showed no inhibition ability.Elemental silver has been believed to function antimicrobially either as a release system for silver ions or as a contact-active material.31In the present study,the Ag/PVA–PVP hydrogels seem to be only contact-active.The diffusing ability of the sil-ver ions on agar plate might have been limited by the formation of secondary silver compounds,which is the limitation of the Kirby Bauer technique as a quantitative tool to determine the antimicrobial ac-tivity.32Therefore,LB medium method wasintro-Figure8Silver ion release pro?les of nanoAg/PVA–PVP composite hydrogels with various contents of silver:(A) the concentration of silver ion released versus time;(B)the concentration of silver ion released versus square root of time.(&)1.0wt%;(!)0.8wt%;(~)0.4wt%;(l)0.2wt %;(n)0.1wt%.PVA–PVP HYDROGELS CONTAINING SILVER NANOPARTICLES131duced to determine the antimicrobial activity of Ag/PVA–PVP hydrogels quantitatively.26Pure PVA–PVP hydrogel and four Ag/PVA–PVP samples (Ag wt %?0.1,0.2,0.4,and 1.0,respectively)were tested.As shown in Figure 10,the antibioticability to E.coli ,expressed as inhibition ratio,was enhanced with increasing silver content in the hydrogels.When the silver content was 1.0wt %,the inhibition ratio reached up to 90%.CONCLUSIONSThe PVA–PVP hydrogels containing silver nanopar-ticles were prepared through repeated freezing–thawing treatment.The silver content with respect to the polymers used was in the range of 0.1–1.0wt %.The silver particle size was from 20to 100nm as measured by TEM and SDLS.By using PVA–PVP ?lms containing silver particles as a model,the in?u-ence of silver nanoparticles on the properties of PVA–PVP matrix was investigated by UV–vis,DSC,and FTIR,the morphology of freeze-dried PVA–PVP hydrogel matrix and dispersion of the silver nano-particles in the matrix was examined by SEM.It was found that a three-dimensional structure was formed during the process of freezing–thawing treatment and no serious aggregation of the silver nanopar-ticles occurred.Water absorption properties,the release of silver ions from the hydrogels were inves-tigated,and the antibacterial effects of the hydrogels against E.coli and S.aureus were examined by modi-?ed KB method and LB broth method.It was proved that the nanosilver-containing hydrogels had an excellent antibacterial performance.We thank Professor Shan Chen of Northeast Normal University in China for providing the microorganisms S.aureus and E.coli .References1.Green?eld,E.;McManus,A.T.Nurs Clin North Am 1997,32,297.2.Klasen,H.J Burns 2000,26,117.3.Klasen,H.J Burns 2000,26,131.4.Tsipouras,N.;Rix,C.J.;Brady,P.H.Clin Chem 1997,43,290.5.Mi,F.L.;Wu,Y.B.;Shyu,S.S.;Schoung,J.Y.;Huang,Y.B.;Tsai,Y.H.;H ao,J.Y.J Biomed Mater Res 2002,59,438.Figure 10Quantitative evaluation of in vitro inhibition ability to E.coli of the pure PVA–PVP and Ag/PVA–PVP hydrogels in 6hduration.Figure 9Antibacterial test results for E.coli (A)and S.aureus (B)after 24h incubation.(a)PVA–PVP hydrogel;(b)0.2wt %Ag/PVA–PVP hydrogel;(c)1.0wt %Ag/PVA–PVP hydrogel.[Color ?gure can be viewed in the online issue,which is available at .]132YU ET AL.6.Yu,S.H.;Mi,F.L.;Wu,Y.B.;Peng,C.K.;Shyu,S.S.;Huang,R.N.J.Appl Polym Sci2005,98,538.7.Mi,F.L.;Wu,Y.B.;Shyu,S.S.;Chao,A.C.;Lai,J.Y.;Su,C.C.J Membrane Sci2003,212,237.8.Son,W.K.;Youk,J.H.;Lee,T.S.;Park,W.H.MacromolRapid 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二、研究内容和方法:1. 银纳米粒子制备:采用化学还原法合成银纳米粒子,并通过透射电子显微镜(TEM)等手段进行形貌和尺寸的表征。
2. 抗菌凝胶制备:利用聚合物材料制备抗菌凝胶,并控制凝胶的物理化学性质,使其具有适宜的黏度、流动性和稳定性。
3. 杀菌性能测试:采用菌落计数法测定抗菌测试中常见的致病菌对抗菌凝胶的杀菌效果,并通过对比试验评估其抗菌活性。
4. 包材和保质期:选用适当的包材包装抗菌凝胶,并评估其保质期和成本。
预期成果将具有以下特点:1. 具有杀菌、消炎、止痒等作用,可以有效缓解妇科疾病病症状,提高患者生活质量。
2. 抗菌凝胶中纳米银材料的应用,具有广谱性抗菌作用,可对抗各种耐药细菌,有效预防细菌耐药问题。
2020年第2期Vol.30No.2检验检疫学刊JOURNAL OF INSPECTION AND QUARANTINE1前言作为广泛应用的纳米材料,纳米银在医药生产中得到了应用,与水凝胶结合能够得到较好的抗菌水凝胶敷料,可有效促进患者伤口愈合,但人体内银含量过多也会产生毒性。
VaLcan42全自动消解仪;PRODIGY XP 电感耦合等离子体反射光谱仪;Milli-Poer-Q 超纯水机;SX2-2.5-10箱式电阻炉;ZEEnit700原子吸收光谱仪;DV 215CD 电子分析天平;KQ-500VDE 双频数控超声波清洗器。
2.2方法2.2.1ICP-AES 检测采用电感耦合等离子原子发射光谱法(ICP-AES)进行样品检测,需要根据光谱仪谱线库数据确定测定元素的干扰谱线及强度信息。
采用具有较高灵敏度的328nm 谱线,不存在元素干扰,同时强度较大,用于银离子检测可以获得较强峰值。
利用标准液进行信号分析,可以确定观察高度为15mm [1,2]。
本文分别利用电感耦合等离子原子发射光谱法(ICP -AES )和石墨炉原子吸收法(GFAAS )开展银含量检测对比实验。
结果显示,采用ICP -AES 法和GFAAS 法均能满足银含量检测精度的要求,但采用GFAAS 法更加低廉、高效。
二、材料与方法1. 材料实验所需材料包括纳米银、天然高聚物(如壳聚糖、海藻酸钠等)、其他添加剂(如稳定剂、交联剂等)以及去离子水等。
2. 合成方法(1)采用化学还原法或光化学法合成纳米银;(2)将天然高聚物溶解于适当溶剂中,形成高聚物溶液;(3)将纳米银溶液与高聚物溶液混合,通过物理或化学方法进行复合;(4)通过加入稳定剂、交联剂等改善其稳定性和分散性;(5)对所得复合溶胶进行性能测试和表征。
3. 性能测试与表征采用透射电子显微镜(TEM)、动态光散射(DLS)、傅里叶变换红外光谱(FTIR)等手段对复合溶胶的形貌、粒径、分散性等进行表征。
三、结果与分析1. 形貌与粒径分析通过TEM观察,纳米银/天然高聚物复合溶胶中的纳米银颗粒呈球形或近似球形,分布均匀,无明显团聚现象。
2. 抗菌性能分析通过抑菌圈法和MIC法测试,发现纳米银/天然高聚物复合抗菌溶胶对多种细菌(如大肠杆菌、金黄色葡萄球菌等)具有显著的抑制作用。
3. 稳定性分析在储存过程中,纳米银/天然高聚物复合抗菌溶胶表现出良好的稳定性。
二、实验部分1. 材料与试剂本实验所需的主要材料和试剂包括纳米银粒子、天然高聚物(如壳聚糖、海藻酸钠等)、溶剂(如水、乙醇等)以及其他必要的化学试剂。
2. 合成方法首先,将纳米银粒子与天然高聚物进行混合,通过适当的溶剂进行溶解和分散,然后进行一定的化学反应或物理作用,形成纳米银/天然高聚物复合抗菌溶胶。
3. 性能表征利用扫描电子显微镜(SEM)、透射电子显微镜(TEM)、动态光散射(DLS)等技术对合成后的纳米银/天然高聚物复合抗菌溶胶进行形貌、粒径和分散性等性能的表征。
三、结果与讨论1. 形貌与粒径分析通过SEM和TEM观察,发现纳米银粒子与天然高聚物成功复合,形成均匀分散的溶胶。
2. 抗菌性能研究通过对比实验,发现纳米银/天然高聚物复合抗菌溶胶对多种细菌和真菌具有显著的抑制作用。
3. 稳定性分析通过长时间观察和比较,发现纳米银/天然高聚物复合抗菌溶胶具有良好的稳定性。
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v r a d i i vla o 『 ] A t h r aooia i o n n v o e a t n J . c P am clg t v ui a c
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[ ] 张富强 , 9 余文 , 傅远 飞. 六种纳米载银无机抗菌剂 的体 外细胞毒性 比较 [] J .中华 口腔 医学杂 志 , 05 4 20 , 0
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at at a adctyi l pl a o J .Ju a o ni c r n a l c pi t n[ ] or l f b el i a ta a c i n
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2 4姆类水凝胶的溶胀性取决于丙烯酸聚合物 交联结构 的伸展程度 ,越容易伸展 的丙烯酸 聚合 物,其形成水凝胶后溶胀率越高。抗菌水凝胶的溶
胀 性 能如 图 5所示 。大约在 3 i ,4种 水凝 胶 0mn后 的溶胀 率基 本达 到恒定 值 ,溶胀 率约 为 90 。 0%
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第6 期
杨立群等 :含纳米 银的抗 菌水凝胶研究
表 2 水凝胶 的抗菌性能分析
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[ ] C R S N C H S A N SM, C R N e a 8 A L O , U S I S H A D A M, t 1 .
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Ta l 2 T e a t a tr lp o e t fh d o es b e h ni ce i r p r o y r g l b a y
抑菌 圈尺寸/m c
E c eih a c l s h r i oi c S a h lc c u u e tp yo o c s a ru s
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Jun h s a h mit o r a o P yi lC e s B,2 0 lf c y r 0 8,1 2:1 6 8 — 1 30
图 5 水凝胶 的溶胀 曲线
F g 5 S l n u v s o y r g l i. wel g c r e fh d o e s i
Ma r moe u a ce c , P r c o lc l r S in e at A : P r a d p l d u e n A p i e
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[2 樊新 , 1] 黄可龙 , 刘素琴 , 化学还原法制备纳米银粒 等.
以卡波姆为水凝胶基材 ,制备出含有纳米银的
抗 菌水凝 胶 。U v 法 的结果 表 明 ,在 硼氢化 钠 的 V—s i