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【摘要】目的在二维超声的基础上应用三维彩色能量多普勒超声成像(3D-CP A)及其定量参数V OCA L功能,探讨三维彩色能量多普勒超声成像(3D-CP A)测量的胎儿胎盘的三维能量多普勒指数与孕龄、脐动脉收缩期峰值流速(U S)、S/D值的相关关系并评价其临床意义。方法采用G E公司VO L U SON730三维超声成像系统的三维能量多普勒测量154例20~40孕周的胎儿胎盘的血管化指数(V I)血流指数(F I),血管化-血流指数(V FI),并与孕龄、脐动脉收缩期峰值流速、S/D值作比较分析,计算它们之间的相关系数。结果所有的胎儿胎盘的三维能量多普勒指数与孕龄相关性良好,以孕龄为自变量胎儿胎盘的三维能量多普勒指数为因变量的直线回归方程如下:V I=0.280@G A-2.622(r =0.663,n=154,P<0.0001)、FI=0.298@GA+27.021(r=0.351,n=154,P<0.0001)、V FI=0. 113@G A-1.278(r=0.680,n=154,P<0.0001)与脐动脉收缩期峰值流速(U S)、S/D值亦有良好的相关性,同时胎儿胎盘的三维能量多普勒指数与本研究观察的胎儿生长参数积极相关。结论三维彩色能量多普勒超声成像(3D-CPA)技术是一项妊娠中观察胎盘血管树发育的非常实用的方法。胎儿胎盘的三维多普勒指数与孕龄胎儿部分生长参数及脐动脉多普勒血流参数正相关。


Assessment Of Placental Vascularization In Normal Pregnancy by Quantitative3D power Doppler Ultra-sonography Yu haiy an,et al.(Dept:Daqing peo ple.s hospital Daqing163316china)【Abstract】Objective T o study the co rrelatio on between the blood flow thr ee dimensional po wer Dopple indices and gestational age by thr ee dimensional color pow er ang io(3D-CP A),and to ev aluate its clinical impo rtance.Methods O ne hundred healthy pregnant w omen w ith g estational ag e betw een20to 40weeks w ere enro lled in this study.T he vascular zaio n index(V I),flow index(F I),and vascularization-flow index(V FI)of the placent a in no rmal pr eg nancy w ere assessed by using Q uantitative3D-CP A.Re-latio nships betw een3D placental flo w indices and g estat ional ag e,max imum systo lic velocity(U S)and S/ D in umbilical ar tery wer e ev aluated by calculat ing their co rr elatio n co eff icient s.Results A ll3D Do ppler indices had a significant relat ionship w ith g estatio nal ag e.O ur results show ed that t he linear r egr ession e-quat ions for VI,FIandVF I,by using g estatio nalage(GA)as the independent v ariable,w ere V I=0.280@ GA-2.622(r=0.663n=154P<0.0001)FI=0.298@G A+27.021(r=0.351,n=154P<0.0001) VF I=0.113@G A-1.278(r=0.680n=154P<0.0001)。A sig nificant cor relation w as observer d be-tw een3D Do ppler indices and maximum systo lic velocit y(U S)and S/D in umbilical ar tery.Conclusions 3D-CP A technique is an impor tant to ol in ro ut ine evaluat ion of the human placental v ascular t ree during gestatio n.3D Doppler indices chang e as pregnancy pr og resses and are significantly related w ith g estation-al age and feta l biometr y,umbilical a rter y Doppler velo cimetry.

【Key words】Placenta T hree dimensional co lo r po wer ang io T hr ee dimensio na l po wer Do ppler indices Gestationalag e No rmal Pr eg nancy





