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八、书面表达 1. How Do You Make An English Cup Of Tea Write the picture letters next to the right sentences.将插图序号写在相应的句子后面,使整个制作步骤完整。(1)Put some water in a kettle(水壶). (2)Put the kettle on the fire. (3)Make the water very hot. (4)Put a little hot water in the teapot. (5)Empty the teapot. (6)Put in two spoons of black tea. (7)Fill the teapot with very hot water. (8)Wait five minutes. (9)Pour the tea into people's cups. People usually drink strong black tea with a little milk, or with milk and sugar.

A few people drink black tea with no milk, but with a little piece of lemon or orange. Very few people in Britain drink green tea. 2. How Do You Make a Vegetable Soup? A.Choose 7 out of these 10 things for your soup. 从以下10种东西中选出7种作为菜汤的选料。some small pieces of beef √ s ugar 2 potatoes salt 4 carrots water 2 oranges 4 small dumplings 1 cup of peas chips B.Fill in the gaps with these verbs.用以下动词填空。

drink/put/cut up(2)/cook(2)/wash/add(2)(1)____________ and ____________ the vegetables. (2)____________ the beef into small pieces. (3)____________ the beef and vegetables in a pan. (4)____________ water and a little salt. (5)____________ slowly for half an hour. (6)____________ the dumplings. (7)____________ for another half an hour. (8)____________ the hot soup. 拓展探究阅读短文,把A-D四个句子填入文中空缺处(1-4题),使短文内容完整正确,然后完成第5题。 I think life will be very different in a hundred years' time. Some things will be better and some things will be worse. Firstly, people won't live on the surface of the earth. 1 Special machines will provide oxygen and light but the environment won't be the same. Trees and plants won't grow because there won't be any soil. 2 . Food will mainly be in the form of pills. If the sea isn't too

polluted, people will also eat fish. What is more, I think people's everyday life will be different. 3 . No one will have to do housework either. So, people will have more free time and they will be able to enjoy the things they like sports, for example. Finally, I believe that everyone will be able to travel to the moon, to other planets and perhaps even to other galaxies (星系)for a holiday. In conclusion, 4 . Whatever happens, though, I'm sure there will be an interesting place to live in the future. A.They won't have to work long hours because computers and robots will help them. B.Our cities will be under the sea, in large domes(圆顶屋). C.I think that life in the future won't be anything like it is now. D.As a result, people won't be able to grow crops. 5.What is the best title of the passage? A.Life under the Sea B.The Future Life C.Future Life in My Mind D.An Interesting Place to Live in Module 5 Museums 学习目标语音了解掌握英语句子的重读规则词汇 entry, photography, classmate, familiar, attention, upstairs, sign, downstairs, amazing, sculpture, either, exhibit, unusual, physics, falling, sand, truck, wheel, position, explosion, rocket, travel, human, speed, button, obey, mathematics, southwest, equipment, cloakroom, toilet, farming, inventor, cafe 词法掌握英语中“规则”的表达方法;了解掌握英语中合成词和缩写词的构成功能用语 No shouting! Don't touch! You mustn't get up there. You can't take a photo. You aren't allowed to touch the exhibits. Let's go upstairs. 文化意识培养对博物馆的兴趣;通过了解伦敦科技馆,加强对西方文化的了解;注意公共场所提示标语所反映出的中外文化的异同质量检测一、词汇 A.根据句意及首字母提示,补全句中所缺的单词。 1.Look at the s________ of an elephant. It's amazing. 2.We c________ with each other mostly by e-mail. 3.We can learn by e________ that oil and water will not mix. 4.He is f________ with Chinese ancient history. 5.At
