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The blockbuster was born in June (the summer time) 1975 with the release of Jaws(《大白鲨》).

“Everything changed forever”, noted the Paramount second -in-command. “Suddenly the studios were trying to make sth. That had never been known before--the summer blockbuster.”

The Matrix employs all the key features of the blockbuster.

A compelling basic premise(核心概念) An emphasis on spectacle over narrative or psychological complexity Breathtaking special effects A strong central character with whom it is easy to identify(观众容易取得认同) A corresponding array of spin-off products (副产品)including sequels(续集)
4 Oscars 2 sequels (Matrix Reloaded, Matrix Revolutions) 2 soundtrack CDs A videocassette A video game 2 DVDs Tie-in and franchise deals---sunglasses, mobile phones, comic books Some works of philosophy exploring its postmodern attitudes and religious motifs

The Matrix (1999) The blockbuster film(强档片) The Matrix is called one of the blockbusters. In your opinion, what is blockbuster? Can you list more examples?

The Significance of Characters Names in The Matrix
Name Meaning Significance
Agent Smith
What is the role of Morpheus?
1. Morpheus , a guider who lead people out of the dream world, also has the ability to change it. 2. Serving as Neo’s mirror(镜像角色) 3. supporting him 4. adding depth to the main character by means of dialogue scenes through the dialogues between them the thematic concerns and background information are conveyed to the audience
The blockbuster emphasis on --1. Spectacular action sequences and effects 2. A wall-to-wall summer national release

Jaws broke al box-office records and changed Hollywood. Since then, the blockbuster has become a staple feature of Hollywood and the formula employed for its most commercially successful films.

An emphasis on spectacle Generic hybridity(杂交):
romance & disaster

A high-concept premise:
tragic romance aboard the Titanic
Main characters with whom the spectator can readily identify:

Like The Matrix, Titanic is often classified as a blockbuster. What do the two films have in common?

Like The Matrix, Titanic is often classified as a blockbuster. What do the two films have in common?

What is the function of Trinity as a role?
As a romance character As the object of the hero’s romantic and sexual desire

这个第二现实,就是所谓的“虚拟现实”,有时也被 称为“人工现实”、“人工世界”、“虚拟世界”、 “虚拟状态”、“赛伯空间的视觉形式”。 人类自古以来就有一种克服现实世界(原子世界) 的束缚,获得一种没有“种”的拖累,自由自在地飞 升到一个理想世界的愿望,自古以来都有一种对某个 未知、未 知世界的想象和想象性地占有。这种欲望和 想象在个人身上表现为梦(睡梦和白日梦),在集体 (民族)身上表现为神话、宗教。而虚拟现实使人最 终能以技术的方 式实现这种欲望和想象(引自孤独的 Smith , a special Agent , a 狂欢)。整个《黑客帝国》的世界,可以说就是一场 program of anti-virus in the 超大型的virtual game。

Its translatability across cultures and language gHale Waihona Puke Baiduoups.

Note Whether the blockbuster is a genre or not remains a critical debate.

The theme The strong central character will be identified easily and face a life-or-death challenge. “The central character, before triumphing

The Wachowski brothers: the screenwriters
Being interested in films, comic books, and Japanese animation, so create the aesthetics of the 3 forms. Inviting Hong Kong director/stunt choreographer (袁和平) to direct the martial arts.

1860年,在英国作家刘易斯· 卡罗充满 想象力的笔触下,好奇的爱丽丝 在追逐 兔子的过程中,悠然掉入一个曼妙神奇的 梦幻世界。(Alice In Wonderland) 1999年,在沃卓斯基兄弟的《黑客帝国》 中,怀疑世界出了问题的Neo则追随一个 有小白兔文身的 性感女郎来到地下Rave Party,从此而一发不可收拾,走入真实 的荒漠。
Matrix , who has the uncanny ability to replace people’s role.

Other examples:
Top Gun Jurassic Park Independence Day Titanic Gladiator Pearl Harbour

Why does Hollywood produce blockbusters? Post-war strategy: emphasis on spectacle--to regain audiences lost to TV and other leisure activities. The spectacular quality will be commercially exploitable on other multimedia platforms, from computer games to theme park rides.
Free your mind......
"real"? What is "real"? How do you define "real"?

Mopheus: The matrix is everywhere, it is all around us. You can see it when you look out of window, or when you turn on the television. It is the world that has been pull over your eyes to blind you from the truth. ---Neo: What truth? ---Mopheus: That you are a slave. Like everyone else, you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or touch.
Tech employed: Bullet-time (ultra-slow motion) tech;(子弹时间:超 慢镜头) Flow motion tech(平滑动作)

Traditional genres combined: Action (动作片) Science fiction (科幻片) Martial arts(武打片):Northern leg, Southern Fist fighting styles(南拳北腿), Peking Opera(京 剧)

High-concept formula What is the concept in the film? The reality is an illusion.

The essence of The Matrix as a blockbuster: pure visual pleasure of its spectacle.
the poor boy with a good heart; the girl whose parents interfere

Cast design in The Matrix What significance do the names of characters have in The Matrix?
and he had to triumph
must first be reduced, psychologically,

and almost destroyed, before the comeback”

The achievements and its commercial benefits