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抗菌整理剂ATB9800适用于处理与皮肤直接接触的纤维素纤维、蛋白质纤维及含有胺基纤维的纺织品,如棉、毛、丝、麻、腈纶等织物。是一种具有良好安全性的非溶出型持久抗菌整理剂。它可以高效完全去除织物上的金黄色葡萄球菌、大肠杆菌、白色念珠菌和霉菌,并能防止细菌再生和繁殖,从而防止运动装、内衣、袜子、鞋衬里、毛巾、地毯、过滤材料、装饰用布、家纺,军队与医疗用纺织品等的霉变和臭味。SGS、Intertek等全球多家权威检测机构一致证明: ATB9800符合美国AATCC100标准及日本JIS L 1902-2002标准等。赫特公司提供世界著名的HERST吊牌,并免费提供织物抗菌性能测试。


Anti-bacterial and Anti-odor Finishing Agent ATB9800


The anti-bacterial and anti-odor finishing agent ATB9800 is a suitable for finishing cellulose fabrics, fiber with -OH and -NH2, such as sports garment, working clothes, underwear, socking, shoe lining, towel, carpet, leather, filter material, sheet, quilt cover, textile for army and etc.

The anti-bacterial and anti-odor finishing agent ATB9800 is non-dissolution durable

anti-bacteria agent. The agent has highly efficient and extensive for bacteria, mould property, and keep the fabric clean to prevent the bacteria to grow again. It is a durable polymeric compound with the several active groups which can form covalent bond

with-0H-, -NH-on the treated fabric. Then the fabric got excellent resistant washing ability. Its antibacterial groups acted on the bacterial cell membrane and caused cell membrane

to become incompletely, so the permeability was increased. The cytoplasts in the cell dropped out, it can inhibit the bacterial protein to synthesize and cause the bacterial inner core albuminous body used up .The result is that bacterium was killed.

All over the world, many authorized units prove: fiber treated by ATB9800 has excellent in anti-bacterial, anti-odor and anti-mould. It is non-toxic to the human body and

non-stimulation to the skin and formaldehyde-free or ion of heavy metal. Furthermore, the fabric can provide prevention and cure of ringworm of the foot, eczema, odor from sweat,

foot odor, and skin itches. ATB9800 is accord with American standard AATCC100 and Japanese standard JISL1902-2002. Anti-bacterial and anti-odor finishing agent ATB9800 has highly efficient and extensive for anti G+ or G-. etc.

G+ G- mould and yeast Mite

MRSA E.coli Candida albicans Dust mites

Bacillus subtilis Streptococcus




Leather mites

S.aureus Pseudomonas


Aspergillus niger


