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本設計是研究機械加工中常用的Z3050搖臂鑽床傳統電氣控制系統的改造問題,旨在解決傳統繼電器—接觸器電氣控制系統存在的線路複雜、可靠性穩定性差、故障診斷和排除費時費力等難題。由於PLC電氣控制系統與繼電器—接觸器電氣控制系統相比,具有結構簡單,編程方便,調試週期短,可靠性高,抗干擾能力強,故障率低,對工作環境要求低等一系列優點,因此,本設計對Z3050搖臂鑽床電氣控制系統的改造,將把PLC控制技術應用到改造方案中去,以提高搖臂鑽床的工作性能。設計中分析了搖臂鑽床的控制原理,制定了可編程控制器改造Z3050搖臂鑽床電氣控制系統的控制方案,完成了電氣控制系統硬體和軟體的設計,其中包括PLC 機型的選擇、I/O端口的分配、I/O硬體接線圖的繪製、PLC梯形圖程式的設計。對PLC控制搖臂鑽床的工作過程作了詳細闡述,論述了採用PLC取代傳統繼電器—接觸器電氣控制系統從而提高機床工作性能的方法,給出了相應的控制原理及接線圖。


Reformation of Radial Drilling Machine

Z3050 by PLC


This paper is to studies the machine process in common use Z3050 in inside radial drilling machine electric control system improves problem. The aim is solving device complexity, inferior reliability and stability, malfunction analysis and trouble obviation of the traditional relay electric control system. Because of electric control system PLC there are lots of advantages which include design, install, connect the line and adjust to try workload small, the period of research and manufacture is short, reliability is high, the ability of Anti- interference is very strong, the rate of break down is low, the demand of work environment is low, maintenance convenience a series of advantage etc. Therefore, a work for to the Z3050 radial drilling machine electric control system reforming, will reforming PLC control technique application in the project, then increasing radial drilling machine’s work function. The paper introduces to the control principle of the radial drilling machine. Established the programmable controller improve the design project of electric control system of Z3050 radial drilling machine. Completed the design of the software and hardware of the electric control system, Among them include the model of PLC choice、the I/O allotment of the address、the I/O hardware connects the line diagram、PLC trapezium diagram’s design. It explains that PLC control the work process of radial drilling machine. Discussing the adoption PLC replaces the traditional electric control system’s method and increases the work func tion of radial drilling machine, give a homologous control principle diagram.

Key words: PLC,Radial drilling machine,Trapezium diagram,Electric Control System


前言 (1)

1 Z3050摇臂钻床简介 (2)

1.1 Z3050摇臂钻床的控制原理图 (2)

1.2 Z3050摇臂钻床的结构及运动形式 (3)

1.3 Z3050摇臂钻床的电气控制系统分析 (3)

1.4 Z3050摇臂钻床电气控制的特点及故障分析 (5)

2 PLC介绍 (7)

2.1 PLC定义 (7)

2.2 PLC的结构 (7)

2.3 PLC的用途和特点 (8)

2.3.1 PLC的用途 (8)

2.3.2 PLC的特点 (9)

2.4 PLC的分类及工作原理 (10)

2.4.1 PLC的分类 (10)

2.4.2 PLC的工作原理 (11)

2.5 PLC的发展 (15)

3 基于PLC的Z3050摇臂钻床电气控制系统的硬件设计 (17)

3.1 PLC型号的选择 (17)

3.2 PLC的I/O分配表 (19)

3.3 PLC的外部接线图 (20)

4 基于PLC的Z3050摇臂钻床电气控制系统的软件设计 (21)

4.1 PLC软件系统的介绍 (21)

4.2 Z3050型摇臂钻床PLC控制系统梯形图 (22)

4.2.1 PLC梯形图 (22)

4.2.2 梯形图解析 (26)

总结 (28)

谢辞 (29)

参考文献 (30)

外文资料 (31)
