



南开15春学期《国际经济学》在线作业100分答案15 春学期《国际经济学》在线作业一、单选题1. 根据利率平价理论,若某一时期内甲国的利率为 5%,乙国的利率为 3%,在该时期内两国汇率的变动表现为()A. 甲国货币相对于乙国货币升值 2%B. 甲国货币相对于乙国货币升值 2/3C. 甲国货币相对于乙国货币贬值 2%D. 甲国货币相对于乙国货币贬值 2/3正确答案:C2. 基本收支差额是指()A. 经常项目差额与资本项目差额之和B. 经常项目差额与短期资本项目差额之和国际经济学课后答案C. 贸易收支差额与长期资本项目差额之和D. 经常项目差额与长期资本项目差额之和正确答案:D3. 共同市场和经济联盟的差异在于()A. 后者制定了对非成员国的统一关税B. 后者实现了区内生产要素的自由流动C. 后者实现了区内经济政策的协调D. 后者的一体化程度低于前者正确答案:C4. 假定一国出口增加 100 美元带来了 250 美元的国民收入增加额,在该国边际储蓄倾向和边际进口倾向均为小于 1 的正数的情况下,根据对外贸易乘数理论,该国贸易收支的改善()A. 大于 100 美元B. 小于 100 美元C. 等于 100 美元D. 以上三种情况都有可能正确答案:B5. 根据蒙代尔等学者提出的“分配法则” ,()A. 应当主要使用财政政策实现外部平衡目标,货币政策实现内部平衡目标B. 应当主要使用财政政策实现内部平衡目标,货币政策实现外部平衡目标C. 应当主要使用收入政策实现内部平衡目标,汇率政策实现外部平衡目标D. 应当主要使用产业政策实现内部平衡目标,贸易政策实现外部平衡目标正确答案:B6. 甲国生产一单位酒需 40 个劳动力,生产一单位布需 30 个劳动力,乙国生产一单位酒需20 个劳动力,生产一单位布需 10 个劳动力,则根据比较优势理论()A. 甲国专业生产酒,乙国专业生产布B. 甲国专业生产酒和布C. 甲国专业生产布,乙国专业生产酒D. 乙国专业生产酒和布正确答案:A7. 里昂惕夫之谜是对()进行实证研究时得到的结论A. 产品生命周期理论B. 相互倾销理论C. 比较成本理论D. 要素禀赋理论正确答案:D8. 根据特定要素模型的分析结论,在短期内自由贸易会()A. 降低出口部门特定要素的实际收入B. 降低进口竞争部门特定要素的实际收入C. 提高出口部门可流动要素的实际收入D. 降低进口竞争部门可流动要素的实际收入正确答案:B9. 下列()情形下战略性贸易政策具有较强的适用性A. 巴西与美国的农产品贸易B. 中美纺织品贸易C. 日本与东盟的玩具类产品贸易D. 美日的汽车贸易正确答案:D10. 在国际比价保持不变的情况下,偏向出口的生产要素增长会使()A. 出口品和进口竞争品的产量均下降B. 贸易规模不变C. 贸易规模扩大D. 贸易规模缩减正确答案:C11. 罗伯津斯基定理描述了()之间的关系。



第6章对外贸易措施单选题:1.征收关税以后,国内受损失最大的群体是 ( )政府;生产者;出口商;消费者2.小国同大国的区别在于 ( )前者是价格的制订者;前者是价格接受者;前者征收关税损失较小;前者有可能通过征收关税获益3.对于大国征收关税的情况,下列说法正确的是 ( )消费者可能从中获益;生产者会有净损失;政府会损失关税收入;国家的净福利可能为正4.对于小国征收关税,下列说法正确的是 ( )消费者可能从中获益;生产者会有净损失;政府会损失关税收入;国家的净福利不可能为正5.对于小国征收关税,下列说法正确的是 ( )消费者剩余增加;生产者剩余减少;政府财政收入增加;国家净福利增加6.一国的最优关税可以使该国征收关税带来的净受益最大,这种说法 ( )正确;不正确;无法判断7.一国的最优进口关税同最优出口关税是相等的,这种说法 ( )正确;不正确;无法判断8.对小国而言,最优关税 ( )是最高关税;是零关税;是禁止性关税;介于零关税和禁止性关税之间9.一国海关对外公布的关税税率是进出口商缴纳关税数额的依据,这个税率就是有效保护率,这种说法 ( )正确;不正确;无法判断10.一国对某产成品的进口税率为10%,对生产该产品所用原料的税率为50%,则该产品的有效保护率同名义保护率相比, ( )名义保护率高;有效保护率高;一样高;无法判断11.如果在自由贸易条件下的各种进口要素成本与最终产品价格比例为0,则对最终产品生产者的有效保护率 ( )等于名义保护率;大于名义保护率;小于名义保护率;无法判断12.一国对进口实施配额以后,则 ( )消费者福利增加;生产者不受影响;政府财政收入随之增加;国家的净福利受到影响13.进口配额发生作用主要通过影响 ( )进口数量;进口价格;出口数量;出口价格14.同关税和配额一样,出口补贴也是限制进口的措施,这种说法 ( )正确;不正确;无法判断15.同小国相比,大国实行出口补贴而导致的净福利损失 ( )更大;较小;没有差别;无法判断16.一国实施出口补贴之后 ( )消费者剩余会增加;生产者剩余会增加;政府财政收入会增加;上述说法都对17.大国实施出口补贴之所以受损失更大,是因为 ( )大国的实力不强;大国的财政补贴太多;大国的进口量太大;大国会影响国际市场价格18.同出口补贴相比,鼓励出口的生产补贴的鼓励作用 ( )效果不好;效果更好;二者一致;无法判断19.同关税相比,保护进口竞争产品的生产补贴的保护作用 ( )效果不好;效果更好;二者一致;无法判断20.鼓励出口的生产补贴同出口补贴不同的是 ( )对消费者没有造成损失;对生产者没有造成损失;对政府没有造成损失;对净福利没有造成损失21.一国实施了保护进口竞争行业的生产补贴之后 ( )消费者剩余减少;生产者剩余增加;消费者剩余增加;生产者剩余减少22.一国实施了鼓励出口的生产补贴之后 ( )消费者剩余减少;生产者剩余增加;消费者剩余增加;生产者剩余减少23.无条件的最惠国待遇条款又被称为()欧洲式最惠国待遇;美洲式最惠国待遇;亚洲式最惠国待遇;联合国最惠国待遇单选题答案:1.D2.B3.D4.D5.C6.A7.A8.B9.B10.A11.A12.D13.A14.B15.A16.B17.D18.B19.B20.A21.B22.B23.A多选题:1.关境是海关管辖的势力范围,同国境相比,二者 ( )很可能一致;关境有可能大于国境;关境有可能小于国境;二者无法比较;上述说法都不正确2.一国征收关税的目的有 ( )提高外国产品竞争力;限制本国产品出口;增加财政收入;保护本国生产;推进贸易自由化3.根据征收的对象或商品流向,关税可以分为 ( )财政关税;保护关税;进口税;出口税;过境税4.关税所产生的经济效应主要包括 ( )国内效应;进口效应;出口效应;价格效应;贸易条件效应5.征收关税的方法主要有 ( )正常关税;从价税;从量税;差价税;滑动税;混合税6.关于最优关税,下列说法正确的是 ( )是最高关税;是零关税;是禁止性关税;小国的零关税是最优关税;是针对一国的利益而言的最优7.一国征收最优关税后,会 ( )使本国贸易条件改善;使贸易量减少;使全世界的福利增加;使本国得自贸易的福利最大化;改变本国的比较优势8.关于有效保护率,下列说法正确的是 ( )又叫实际保护率;反映对加工过程的保护程度;对消费者很重要;对生产者很重要;通常大于名义保护率9.有效保护率的局限性在于 ( )采用的是局部均衡的分析方法;只考虑了关税结构的影响;没有考虑对保护对象之外的其他产业部门的福利影响;采用的是一般均衡的分析方法;只考虑了小国的情况10.进口配额的主要形式有 ( )相对配额;绝对配额;国别配额;全球配额;关税配额11.同相同水平的关税相比,进口配额 ( )保护效果更好;容易在外国出口商中相成垄断;更透明;不会破坏市场机制;对自由贸易的危害更大12.同进口配额相比,自动出口配额 ( )不会起到限制商品进口的作用;形式上稍有不同;收入效应不是由进口国获得;对进口国没有影响;垄断利润由进口国获得13.补贴的形式有 ( )财政补贴;行政补贴;直接补贴;间接补贴;消费补贴14.最惠国待遇条款适用的范围包括()有关进口、出口、过境商品的关税及其他各种捐税;有关商品进口、出口、过境、存储、转船方面的海关规则、手续和费用;有关进出口许可发放的行政手续;有关船舶驶入、驶出、停泊时的各种税收、费用和手续;有关移民、投资、商标、专利及铁路运输方面的待遇。



第1章绪论重点问题:国际经济学的产生、发展、对象及其其他经济学科的关系单选1.国际经济学分析的最基本的出发点是(B)A经济增长 B经济自然增长 C制度创新的经济增长 D经济发展2.经济发展是(D)A经济结构的变革 B社会和政治体制的变革 C经济自然增长 D制度创新的经济增长3.国际经济最基本的出发点是(B )A社会分工 B国际分工 C产业分工 D产业之间的分工和合作4.国际经济交往的主要方式是(A)A生产要跨国界流动 B国际分工 C商品跨国界流通 D开放经济第2章古典国际贸易理论重点问题:绝对利益说的基本容及其评价比较利益说的基本容及其评价单选1.在斯密的绝对优势贸易理论中,(C)。




A制造大量出口顺差 B以较低的机会成本进口商品而不是在国生产C本国比贸易伙伴强大 D本国相对于贸易伙伴具备绝对效率优势5.比较利益理论认为国际贸易的驱动力是( A )A.劳动生产率的差异B.技术水平的差异C.产品品质的差异D.价格的差异6.在比较利益模型中,两种参与贸易商品的国际比价( C )A.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国比价之上B.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国比价之下C.在两国贸易前的两种商品的国比价之间D.与贸易前的任何一个国家的国比价相同简答:1.请从国际贸易实际出发评价绝对利益说 P20斯密的绝对利益学说揭示了在自由市场经济条件下,国际贸易产生的原因在于两国之间劳动生产率的绝对差异,按照绝对利益学说的原则进行国际分工,贸易的参与者与整个世界会因此而获得利益。






















CHAPTER 13—EXCHANGE RATE DETERMINATIONMULTIPLE CHOICE1. The relationship between the exchange rate and the prices of tradable goods is known as the:a. Purchasing-power-parity theoryb. Asset-markets theoryc. Monetary theoryd. Balance-of-payments theoryANS: A PTS: 12. If the exchange rate between Swiss francs and British pounds is 5 francs per pound, then thenumber of pounds that can be obtained for 200 francs equals:a. 20 poundsb. 40 poundsc. 60 poundsd. 80 poundsANS: B PTS: 13. Low real interest rates in the United States tend to:a. Decrease the demand for dollars, causing the dollar to depreciateb. Decrease the demand for dollars, causing the dollar to appreciatec. Increase the demand for dollars, causing the dollar to depreciated. Increase the demand for dollars, causing the dollar to appreciateANS: A PTS: 14. High real interest rates in the United States tend to:a. Decrease the demand for dollars, causing the dollar to depreciateb. Decrease the demand for dollars, causing the dollar to appreciatec. Increase the demand for dollars, causing the dollar to depreciated. Increase the demand for dollars, causing the dollar to appreciateANS: D PTS: 15. Assume that the United States faces an 8 percent inflation rate while no (zero) inflation exists inJapan. According to the purchasing-power parity theory, the dollar would be expected to:a. Appreciate by 8 percent against the yenb. Depreciate by 8 percent against the yenc. Remain at its existing exchange rated. None of the aboveANS: B PTS: 16. In the presence of purchasing-power parity, if one dollar exchanges for 2 British pounds and if aVCR costs $400 in the United States, then in Great Britain the VCR should cost:a. 200 poundsb. 400 poundsc. 600 poundsd. 800 poundsANS: D PTS: 17. If wheat costs $4 per bushel in the United States and 2 pounds per bushel in Great Britain, then inthe presence of purchasing-power parity the exchange rate should be:a. $.50 per poundb. $1.00 per poundc. $2.00 per poundd. $8.00 per poundANS: C PTS: 18. A primary reason that explains the appreciation in the value of the U.S. dollar in the 1980s is:a. Large trade surpluses for the United Statesb. Relatively high inflation rates in the United Statesc. Lack of investor confidence in the U.S. monetary policyd. Relatively high interest rates in the United StatesANS: D PTS: 19. The high foreign exchange value of the U.S. dollar in the early 1980s can best be explained by:a. Additional investment funds made available from overseasb. Lack of investor confidence in U.S. fiscal policyc. Market expectations of rising inflation in the United Statesd. American tourists overseas finding costs increasingANS: A PTS: 110. When the price of foreign currency (i.e., the exchange rate) is below the equilibrium level:a. An excess demand for that currency exists in the foreign exchange marketb. An excess supply of that currency exists in the foreign exchange marketc. The demand for foreign exchange shifts outward to the rightd. The demand for foreign exchange shifts backward to the leftANS: A PTS: 111. When the price of foreign currency (i.e., the exchange rate) is above the equilibrium level:a. An excess supply of that currency exists in the foreign exchange marketb. An excess demand for that currency exists in the foreign exchange marketc. The supply of foreign exchange shifts outward to the rightd. The supply of foreign exchange shifts backward to the leftANS: A PTS: 112. The appreciation in the value of the dollar in the early 1980s is explained by all of the followingexcept:a. The United States being considered a safe haven by foreign investorsb. Relatively high real interest rates in the United Statesc. Confidence of foreign investors in the U.S. economyd. Relatively high inflation rates in the United StatesANS: D PTS: 113. Suppose Mexico and the United States were the only two countries in the world. There exists anexcess supply of pesos on the foreign exchange market. This suggests that:a. Mexico's current account is in surplusb. Mexico's current account is in deficitc. The U.S. current account is in deficitd. The U.S. current account is in equilibriumANS: B PTS: 114. If Canada runs a trade surplus with Mexico and exchange rates are floating:a. The peso will depreciate relative to the dollarb. The dollar will depreciate relative to the pesoc. The prices of all foreign goods will fall for Canadiansd. The prices of all foreign goods will rise for CanadiansANS: A PTS: 115. If Mexico's labor productivity rises relative to Europe's labor productivity:a. The peso tends to depreciate against the euro in the short runb. The peso tends to appreciate against the euro in the short runc. The peso tends to depreciate against the euro in the long rund. The peso tends to appreciate against the euro in the long runANS: D PTS: 116. The international exchange value of the U.S. dollar is determined by:a. The rate of inflation in the United Statesb. The number of dollars printed by the U.S. governmentc. The international demand and supply for dollarsd. The monetary value of gold held at Fort Knox, KentuckyANS: C PTS: 117. For the United States, suppose the annual interest rate on government securities equals 8 percentwhile the annual inflation rate equals 4 percent. For Japan, suppose the annual interest rate on government securities equals 10 percent while the annual inflation rate equals 7 percent. These variables would cause investment funds to flow from:a. The United States to Japan, causing the dollar to depreciateb. The United States to Japan, causing the dollar to appreciatec. Japan to the United States, causing the yen to depreciated. Japan to the United States, causing the yen to appreciateANS: C PTS: 118. For the United States, suppose the annual interest rate on government securities equals 12percent while the annual inflation rate equals 8 percent. For Japan, suppose the annual interest rate equals 5 percent. These variables would cause investment funds to flow from:a. The United States to Japan, causing the dollar to depreciateb. The United States to Japan, causing the dollar to appreciatec. Japan to the United States, causing the yen to depreciated. Japan to the United States, causing the yen to appreciateANS: A PTS: 119. Given a system of floating exchange rates, stronger U.S. preferences for imports would trigger:a. An increase in the demand for imports and an increase in the demand for foreign currencyb. An increase in the demand for imports and a decrease in the demand for foreign currencyc. A decrease in the demand for imports and an increase in the demand for foreign currencyd. A decrease in the demand for imports and a decrease in the demand for foreign currencyANS: A PTS: 120. Given a system of floating exchange rates, weaker U.S. preferences for imports would trigger:a. An increase in the demand for imports and an increase in the demand for foreign currencyb. An increase in the demand for imports and a decrease in the demand for foreign currencyc. A decrease in the demand for imports and an increase in the demand for foreign currencyd. A decrease in the demand for imports and a decrease in the demand for foreign currencyANS: D PTS: 121. Under a system of floating exchange rates, relatively low productivity and high inflation rates inthe United States result in:a. An increase in the demand for foreign currency, a decrease in the supply of foreigncurrency, and a depreciation in the dollarb. An increase in the demand for foreign currency, an increase in the supply of foreigncurrency, and an appreciation in the dollarc. A decrease in the demand for foreign currency, a decrease in the supply of foreign currency,and a depreciation in the dollard. A decrease in the demand for foreign currency, an increase in the supply of foreigncurrency, and an appreciation in the dollarANS: A PTS: 122. Under a system of floating exchange rates, relatively high productivity and low inflation rates inthe United States result in:a. An increase in the demand for foreign currency, a decrease in the supply of foreigncurrency, and a depreciation in the dollarb. An increase in the demand for foreign currency, an increase in the supply of foreigncurrency, and an appreciation in the dollarc. A decrease in the demand for foreign currency, a decrease in the supply of foreign currency,and a depreciation in the dollard. A decrease in the demand for foreign currency, an increase in the supply of foreigncurrency, and an appreciation in the dollarANS: D PTS: 123. Which example of market expectations causes the dollar to appreciate against theyen--expectations that the U.S. economy will have:a. Faster economic growth than Japanb. Higher future interest rates than Japanc. More rapid money supply growth than Japand. Higher inflation rates than JapanANS: B PTS: 124. Which example of market expectations causes the dollar to depreciate against theyen--expectations that the U.S. economy will have:a. Faster economic growth than Japanb. Higher future interest rates than Japanc. Less rapid money supply growth than Japand. Lower inflation rates than JapanANS: A PTS: 125. For an American investor, the expected rate of return on European securities depends on all ofthe following factors except the:a. Rate of return on equivalent American securitiesb. The current exchange rate between the dollar and the poundc. Exchange rate anticipated to prevail when the securities matured. Interest rate paid on European securitiesANS: A PTS: 126. Which of the following is likely to result in long-run depreciation of the U.S. dollar relative to theeuro?a. Relatively low interest rates in the United Statesb. Relatively high labor productivity in the United Statesc. Tariffs levied by the United States on steel imports from Europed. Stronger American preferences for goods produced in EuropeANS: D PTS: 127. Which of the following is likely to result in long-run appreciation of the U.S. dollar relative to thepeso?a. Relatively high interest rates in Mexicob. Relatively high labor productivity in Mexicoc. Tariffs applied by Mexico on computer imports from the United Statesd. Stronger Mexican preferences for goods produced in the United StatesANS: D PTS: 128. Long-run determinants of the dollar's exchange value include all of the following except:a. Preferences of Americans for foreign produced goodsb. U.S. tariffs placed on imports of foreign produced goodsc. Productivity of the American workerd. Interest rates in U.S. financial marketsANS: D PTS: 129. Which theory of exchange-rate determination best views the foreign exchange market as beingsimilar to a stock exchange where future expectations are important and prices are volatile?a. Balance-of-payments approachb. Purchasing-power-parity approachc. Asset-markets approachd. Monetary approachANS: C PTS: 130. According to the purchasing-power-parity theory, the U.S. dollar maintains its purchasing-powerparity if it depreciates by an amount equal to the excess of:a. U.S. interest rates over foreign interest ratesb. Foreign interest rates over U.S. interest ratesc. U.S. inflation over foreign inflationd. Foreign inflation over U.S. inflationANS: C PTS: 131. An exchange rate is said to ____ when its short-run response to a change in market fundamentalsis greater than its long-run response.a. Overshootb. Undershootc. Depreciated. AppreciateANS: A PTS: 132. Concerning exchange rate forecasting, ____ is a common sense approach based on a wide arrayof political and economic data.a. Econometric analysisb. Technical analysisc. Judgmental analysisd. Sunspot analysisANS: C PTS: 133. Concerning exchange rate forecasting, ____ involves the use of historical exchange rate data toestimate future values, while ignoring the economic determinants of exchange rate movements.a. Econometric analysisb. Judgmental analysisc. Technical analysisd. Sunspot analysisANS: C PTS: 134. Concerning exchange rate forecasting, ____ relies on econometric models which are based onmacroeconomic variables likely to affect currency values.a. Fundamental analysisb. Technical analysisc. Judgmental analysisd. Sunspot analysisANS: A PTS: 135. Concerning exchange-rate determination, "market fundamentals" include all of the followingexcept:a. Monetary policy and fiscal policyb. Profitability and riskiness of investmentsc. Speculative opinion about future exchange ratesd. Productivity changes affecting production costsANS: C PTS: 136. In the short run, exchange rates respond to market forces such as:a. Inflation ratesb. Expectations of future exchange ratesc. Investment profitabilityd. Government trade policyANS: B PTS: 137. Long-run exchange rate movements are governed by all of the following except:a. National productivity levelsb. Consumer tastes and preferencesc. Rates of inflationd. Interest rate levelsANS: D PTS: 138. Exchange rate determination in the short run is underlied by which of the following assumptions:a. Tariffs and quotas affect trade patterns only in the short runb. Prices of goods and services affect trade patterns only in the short runc. Expected returns on financial assets affect investment flows in the short rund. Preferences for goods and services affect trade flows only in the short runANS: C PTS: 139. That identical goods should cost the same in all nations, assuming it is costless to ship goodsbetween nations and there are no barriers to trade, is a reflection of the:a. Monetary approach to exchange-rate determinationb. Law of one pricec. Fundamentalist approach to exchange-rate determinationd. Exchange-rate-overshooting principleANS: B PTS: 140. The Canadian dollar would depreciate on the foreign exchange market if:a. Canadian consumer tastes change in favor of goods produced domesticallyb. The profitability of assets in Canada rises relative to the profitability of assets abroadc. Canada experiences a disastrous wheat-crop failure, leading to imports of more wheatd. Canada realizes technological improvements in the production of manufactured goods,leading to relatively low costs for CanadaANS: C PTS: 141. The demand in the United States for yen will increase if, other things remaining equal:a. Labor costs rise in Japanb. Income rises in Japanc. Prices rise in Japand. Interest rates rise in JapanANS: D PTS: 142. The quantity of Canadian dollars supplied to the foreign exchange market would increase if,other things remaining equal:a. Preferences for imports rise in Canadab. Labor productivity increases in Canadac. Prices of goods and services decrease in Canadad. Import tariffs rise in CanadaANS: A PTS: 143. The U.S. demand for pesos would shift to the right if there occurred a (an):a. Change in preferences toward U.S. manufactured goodsb. Increase in the dollar/peso exchange ratec. Decrease in the U.S. populationd. Increase in the U.S. price levelANS: D PTS: 144. The supply of francs, would shift to the right for all of the following reasons except:a. An increase in Swiss real incomeb. An increase in Swiss pricesc. An increase in the Swiss populationd. An increase in Swiss interest ratesANS: D PTS: 1The figure below illustrates the supply and demand schedules of Swiss francs in a market of freely-floating exchange rates.Figure 12.1 The Market for Francs45. Refer to Figure 12.1. Should preferences for imports rise in the United States and fall inSwitzerland, there would occur a (an):a. Increase in the demand for francs--decrease in the supply of francs-depreciation of thedollarb. Increase in the demand for francs--decrease in the supply of francs-appreciation of thedollarc. Decrease in the demand for francs--decrease in the supply of francs-appreciation of thedollard. Decrease in the demand for francs--increase in the supply of francs-depreciation of thedollarANS: A PTS: 146. Refer to Figure 12.1. Should real interest rates in the United States rise relative to real interestrates in Switzerland, there would occur a (an):a. Increase in the demand for francs--decrease in the supply of francs-depreciation of thedollarb. Increase in the demand for francs--decrease in the supply of francs-appreciation of thedollarc. Decrease in the demand for francs--increase in the supply of francs-appreciation of thedollard. Decrease in the demand for francs--decrease in the supply of francs-depreciation of thedollarANS: C PTS: 147. Refer to Figure 12.1. Should the U.S. price level rise relative to the Swiss price level, there wouldoccur a (an):a. Increase in the demand for francs--increase in the supply of francs-appreciation of the dollarb. Decrease in the demand for francs--decrease in the supply of francs-depreciation of thedollarc. Increase in the supply of francs--decrease in the demand for francs-appreciation of thedollard. Decrease in the supply of francs--increase in the demand for francs-depreciation of thedollarANS: D PTS: 148. Refer to Figure 12.1. Should the United States impose tariffs on imports from Switzerland, therewould occur a (an):a. Increase in the demand for francs and a depreciation of the dollarb. Decrease in the demand for francs and an appreciation of the dollarc. Decrease in the supply of francs and an appreciation of the dollard. Increase in the supply of francs and a depreciation of the dollarANS: B PTS: 149. Refer to Figure 12.1. Should Swiss labor productivity rise, leading to a decrease in Swissmanufacturing costs, there would occur a (an):a. Increase in the supply of francs and a depreciation of the dollarb. Increase in the supply of francs and an appreciation of the dollarc. Decrease in the demand for francs and an appreciation of the dollard. Increase in the demand for francs and a depreciation of the dollarANS: D PTS: 150. Refer to Figure 12.1. If Switzerland experienced a disastrous wheat-crop failure, leading toadditional wheat imports from the United States, there would occur an:a. Increase in the supply of francs and an appreciation of the dollarb. Increase in the supply of francs and a depreciation of the dollarc. Increase in the demand for francs and a depreciation of the dollard. Increase in the demand for francs and an appreciation of the dollarANS: A PTS: 151. Given floating exchange rates, if Japan increases its demand for Canadian goods at the same timethat Canada increases its demand for Japanese goods, then we would expect the yen's exchange value to:a. Appreciate against the dollarb. Depreciate against the dollarc. Remain constant against the dollard. Appreciate, depreciate, or remain constant against the dollarANS: D PTS: 152. Given floating exchange rates, assume that the Swiss decrease their import purchases from Italywhile at the same time the Italians increase their purchases of Swiss government securities. The first action by itself would lead to a (an) ____ of the franc against the lira while the second action by itself would lead to a (an) ____ of the franc against the lira.a. Appreciation, appreciationb. Depreciation, depreciationc. Appreciation, depreciationd. Depreciation, appreciationANS: A PTS: 153. Given floating exchange rates, a simultaneous decrease in the Canadian demand for Britishproducts and increase in the British desire to invest in Canadian government securities would cause a (an):a. Appreciation of the pound against the dollarb. Depreciation of the pound against the dollarc. Unchanged pound/dollar exchange rated. None of the aboveANS: B PTS: 154. Assume a system of floating exchange rates. Due to a high savings rate, suppose the level ofsavings in Japan is in excess of domestic investment needs. If Japanese residents invest abroad, the yen's exchange value will ____ and the Japanese trade balance will move toward ____.a. Appreciate, deficitb. Appreciate, surplusc. Depreciate, deficitd. Depreciate, surplusANS: D PTS: 155. Given a system of floating exchange rates, assume that Boeing Inc. of the United States places alarge order, payable in yen, with a Japanese contractor for jet engine parts. The immediate effect of this transaction will be a shift in the:a. Supply curve of yen to the left which causes the dollar to appreciate against the yenb. Supply curve of yen to the right which causes the dollar to depreciate against the yenc. Demand curve for yen to the left which causes the dollar to appreciate against the yend. Demand curve for yen to the right which causes the dollar to depreciate against the yenANS: D PTS: 156. For purchasing-power parity to exist:a. Flows of currency in the trade account must be offset by flows of currency in the capitalaccountb. The nominal interest rate must be equal to the real interest rate in all countriesc. Converting a sum of funds from one currency to another does not alter its purchasing powerd. A country's trade account must always be in balanceANS: C PTS: 157. Assume that interest rates in the United States and Britain are the same. If a U.S. residentanticipates that the exchange value of the dollar is going to appreciate against the pound, she should:a. Borrow needed funds from British banks rather than U.S. banksb. Borrow needed funds from U.S. banks rather than British banksc. Convert U.S. dollars into British poundsd. Any of the aboveANS: A PTS: 158. Given a system of floating exchange rates, if Canada's labor productivity rises relative to thelabor productivity of its trading partners:a. Canadian imports will fall and the dollar will appreciateb. Canadian imports will fall and the dollar will depreciatec. Canadian imports will rise and the dollar will appreciated. Canadian imports will rise and the dollar will depreciateANS: A PTS: 159. Assume that labor productivity growth is slower in the United States than in its trading partners.Given a system of floating exchange rates, the impact of this growth differential for the United States will be:a. Increased exports and an appreciation of the dollarb. Increased exports and a depreciation of the dollarc. Increased imports and an appreciation of the dollard. Increased imports and a depreciation of the dollarANS: D PTS: 160. Suppose the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen is initially 90 yen perdollar. According to purchasing-power parity, if the price of traded goods rises by 10 percent in the United States and remains constant in Japan, the exchange rate will becomea. 72 yen per dollarb. 81 yen per dollarc. 99 yen per dollard. 108 yen per dollarANS: B PTS: 161. Suppose the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen is initially 90 yen perdollar. According to purchasing-power parity, if the price of traded goods rises by 5 percent in the United States and 15 percent in Japan, the exchange rate will become:a. 72 yen per dollarb. 81 yen per dollarc. 99 yen per dollard. 108 yen per dollarANS: C PTS: 162. Suppose the exchange rate between the U.S. dollar and the Japanese yen is initially 90 yen perdollar. According to purchasing power parity, if the price of traded goods falls by 5 percent in the United States and rises by 5 percent in Japan, the exchange rate will become:a. 72 yen per dollarb. 81 yen per dollarc. 99 yen per dollard. 108 yen per dollarANS: B PTS: 163. Suppose that the yen-dollar exchange rate changes from 85 yen per dollar to 80 yen per dollar.One can say that the:a. Yen has appreciated against the dollar and the dollar has depreciated against the yenb. Yen has depreciated against the dollar and the dollar has appreciated against the yenc. Yen has appreciated against the dollar and the dollar has appreciated against the yend. Yen has depreciated against the dollar and the dollar has depreciated against the yenANS: A PTS: 164. Given a floating exchange rate system an increase in ____ would cause the dollar to appreciateagainst the euro.a. U.S. labor costsb. The U.S. money supplyc. U.S. prices of goodsd. U.S. real interest ratesANS: D PTS: 165. Under a system of floating exchange rates, a Japanese trade surplus against Canada would resultin a (an):a. Rise in the dollar price of the yenb. Fall in the dollar price of the yenc. Rise in the yen price of the dollard. Unchanged dollar/yen exchange rateANS: A PTS: 166. When deciding between U.S. and British government securities, an American investor typicallyconsiders:a. U.S. and British interest rates and anticipated changes in the exchange rateb. Budget deficits of the U.S. government and British governmentc. Shifts in the demand for U.S. goods and British goodsd. U.S. and British inflation rates and anticipated changes in the exchange rateANS: A PTS: 167. In the long run, exchange rates are primarily determined by:a. Agreements among governments of the world's industrial countriesb. Relative interest rates in developing countries and industrial countriesc. Economic fundamentals such as relative productivity levelsd. The rate at which country's currencies exchange for goldANS: C PTS: 168. Increased tariffs on U.S. steel imports cause the dollar to ____ in the ____.a. Appreciate, long runb. Depreciate, long runc. Appreciate, short rund. Depreciate, short runANS: A PTS: 169. Lower tariffs on U.S. agricultural imports cause the dollar to ____ in the ____.a. Appreciate, long runb. Depreciate, long runc. Appreciate, short rund. Depreciate, short runANS: B PTS: 170. Relatively high interest rates in the United States causes the dollar to ____ in the ____.a. Appreciate, long runb. Depreciate, long runc. Appreciate, short rund. Depreciate, short runANS: C PTS: 171. The asset market theory of exchange rate determination suggests that the most important factorinfluencing the demand for domestic and foreign securities is:a. Expected return on these assets relative to one anotherb. Ability of these assets to easily be converted into cashc. Riskiness of these assets relative to one anotherd. Level of government restrictions on trade and investment flowsANS: A PTS: 172. With floating exchange rates, easy credit and low short term interest rates lead toa. Exchange rate depreciation in the short runb. Exchange rate appreciation in the short runc. Exchange rate depreciation in the long rund. Exchange rate appreciation in the long runANS: A PTS: 173. With floating exchange rates, relatively high productivity growth for a nation leads toa. Exchange rate depreciation in the short runb. Exchange rate appreciation in the short runc. Exchange rate depreciation in the long rund. Exchange rate appreciation in the long runANS: D PTS: 174. All of the following are important long-run determinants of exchange rates excepta. Consumer tastesb. Trade policyc. Labor productivityd. Interest ratesANS: D PTS: 175. The purchasing-power parity theory suffers from the problema. Of choosing the appropriate price indexb. That it overlooks the influence of capital flowsc. That government policy may modify exchange ratesd. All of the aboveANS: D PTS: 1TRUE/FALSE1. In a free market, exchange rates are determined by market fundamentals and marketexpectations.ANS: T PTS: 12. Concerning exchange-rate determination, market fundamentals include inflation rates,productivity levels, and speculative opinion about future exchange rates.ANS: F PTS: 13. Market expectations include news about market fundamentals, speculative opinion about futureexchange rates, and profitability and riskiness of investments.ANS: T PTS: 1。



、在开放条件下,⼀国国民收⼊均衡⽔平取决于国内消费、国内投资、国内政府开⽀以及(A B







第一章国际贸易理论的微观基础习题(一)选择题1.微观经济学研究的是单个社会的资源配置问题,而国际贸易理论研究的是()A 一国的资源配置问题B两国范围内的资源配置问题C地区范围内的资源配置问题D世界范围内的资源配置问题2. 一个人在作出选择时,()A如果边际收益非常大,他或她就不用考虑机会成本B进行最小机会成本的选择C比较该选择活动的边际成本和边际收益D只有当总利益非常大时,他或她才会选择使用其稀缺的资源3.机会成本()A由自己支付,而与他人无关B对劳务而言是零,因为劳务不会持续太久;对物品而言是正的,因为物品具有长久性C是为了进行某一选择而放弃的评价最高的选择D是为了进行某一选择放弃的所有选择4.如果两个人在商品的生产中具有不同的机会成本,那么他们能够从专业化与交换中()A都受损B一人受益,一人受损C既不受益,也不受损D都能够受益5. 沿着外凸的生产可能性边界线向下移动时,随着一种物品产量的增加,生产该物品的机会成本将()A保持不变B增加C减少D无法确定6 .一个国家(),能够在其生产可能性边界线之外的点上进行消费。

A没有任何时候B在充分就业的情况下C同其他国家进行贸易时D所有生产要素全部投入生产的时候7.供给曲线除了表示不同的价格水平所提供的商品数量外,还可以被认为是()A愿意并有能力支付的曲线B边际收益曲线C供给的最高价格曲线D供给的最低价格曲线8. 在封闭条件下,一国生产技术的改进降低了棉花的生产成本,那么棉花的价格(),棉花的生产数量()A上升;增加B上升;减少C下降;增加D下降;减少9 .对于两国贸易模型来说,国际均衡价格一定处于两国贸易前的()A最低相对价格水平之下B最高相对价格水平之上C相对价格水平之间D根据具体情况而定10 .经济学家作出这样的假设:作为一种目标,消费者总是在追求()A其效用最大化B其收入的最大化C其边际效用的最大化D以上选项均不对(二)简答题1如何理解狭义和广义的国际贸易,国际贸易理论的主要研究对象是什么?2既然国际贸易理论与微观经济学的基本原理存在着一致性,为什么还要区分国际贸易与国内贸易,将国际贸易作为一个独立的问题来研究呢?3用相对价格概念解释经济行为主体是如何摆脱“货币幻觉”的影响的。

















圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台
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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台

第二篇 国际金融与开放条件下的宏观经济政策
第 13 章 国际收支
1.为什么说国际收支平衡表总是平衡的? 答:由于采用复式记账原则,根据“有借必有贷,借贷必相等”的复式记账原则,国际 收支平衡表上借贷双方总额是相等的,即国际收支平衡表总是平衡的。 国际收支平衡表中,国际收支项目可分为自发交易项目和调整交易项目。其中,自发交 易项目又称事前交易项目,是企业或个人出于经济利益或其他动机进行的国际交易,与国际 收支调整无关。经常项目和资本项目都属于自发交易项目;调整交易项目又称补偿项目、事 后交易项目,是指以调整国际收支为目的的交易项目。国际收支中的官方结算是主要的调整 项目,当一国自发性交易产生的外汇需求大于外汇供给时,为平衡供求,金融当局就需动用 本国的黄金、外汇等官方储备,或通过外国中央银行、国际金融机构融通资金以弥补自发性 交易带来的收支差额。错误和遗漏也是调整项目,它可以使国际收支平衡表最终在账面上达 到平衡。 国际收支的账面平衡是通过调整项目来实现的。事实上,之所以说国际收支平衡表总是 平衡的,这里所说的平衡是事后的平衡,或者说是调整后的平衡。
(3)将以上交易编入 A 国国际收支平衡表,则 A 国国际收支平衡表如下:
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圣才电子书 十万种考研考证电子书、题库视频学习平台

则其对 A 国国际收支平衡表的净影响为零。
3.请说明在复式记账法下,以下国际交易应如何记入 A 国的国际收支平衡表:一位 B 国投资者购买了 500 美元的 A 国债券,并且用其在 A 国银行的存款支付;债券到期后,该 投资者得到本利和 550 美元,并存入 B 国的银行账户。

中国大学mooc《国际经济学(首都经济贸易大学) 》满分章节测试答案

中国大学mooc《国际经济学(首都经济贸易大学) 》满分章节测试答案

title国际经济学(首都经济贸易大学) 中国大学mooc答案100分最新版content第一章比较优势理论比较优势理论1、亚当·斯密认为,国际贸易的基础是()A:比较优势B:绝对优势C:规模经济D:以上都错答案: 绝对优势2、外凸的生产可能性曲线表明生产过程中的机会成本()A:递增B:递减C:不变D:先递增后递减答案: 递增3、按照比较优势的原则,劳动丰裕的国家应该进口()A:资本密集型产品B:劳动密集型产品C:不需要进口D:技术密集型产品答案: 资本密集型产品4、以下哪项不是重商主义倡导的观点()A:自由贸易B:鼓励出口C:限制进口D:重视金银的积累答案: 自由贸易5、比较优势理论是()提出的A:亚当·斯密B:大卫·李嘉图C:凯恩斯D:克鲁格曼答案: 大卫·李嘉图6、如果国家A每1单位劳动时间可以生产3单位X或者3单位Y,国家B每1单位劳动时间可以生产1单位X或者3单位Y,那么()A:国家A在生产X上具有比较劣势B:国家B在生产Y上具有比较劣势C:国家A在生产X上具有比较优势D:国家A在任何产品生产上都不具有比较优势答案: 国家A在生产X上具有比较优势7、李嘉图解释比较优势理论的基础是()A:劳动价值论B:机会成本理论C:规模报酬递减D:以上都正确答案: 劳动价值论8、两个国家相对产品价格的差异可能是基于()A:要素禀赋的差异B:技术的差异C:消费者偏好的差异D:以上都正确答案: 以上都正确9、假定机会成本不变,大国和小国进行贸易()A:大国可能获得全部贸易利益B:小国可能获得全部贸易利益C:大国和小国平分贸易利益D:以上都不正确答案: 小国可能获得全部贸易利益10、如果国家A每1单位劳动时间可以生产3单位X或者3单位Y,国家B每1单位劳动时间可以生产1单位X或者3单位Y,如果国家A拿3单位X交换3单位Y,那么()A:国家A获利2单位XB:国家B获利6单位YC:国家A获利3单位YD:国家B获利3单位Y答案: 国家B获利6单位Y11、李嘉图解释比较理论的基础是()A:劳动价值论B:机会成本理论C:规模报酬递减D:以上都正确答案: 劳动价值论12、假定机会成本不变,大国和小国进行贸易:()A:大国可能获得全部贸易利益B:小国可能获得全部贸易利益C:大国和小国平分贸易利益D:以上都不正确答案: 以上都不正确作业第一章比较优势理论比较优势理论1、请简要阐述重商主义的主要观点。


















国际经济学习题 有答案

国际经济学习题 有答案













A、相互倾销B、产品生命周期理论C、重叠需求D、规模经济正确答案:B2.当货币远期汇率低于即期汇率时,外汇交易的专门术语称此为()A、贴水B、升水C、升值D、平价正确答案:A3.如果开放前一国 X 产品的相对价格低于其贸易伙伴,则贸易后该国()A、进口 X 产品B、生产者福利增加C、整体福利下降D、消费者福利增加正确答案:B4.林德的需求重叠理论()A、有助于解释工业化国家和发展中国家之间的广泛贸易B、认为制成品最初在本国生产,然后出口到与本国人均 GDP 相近的国家C、有力地支持了基于比较优势的要素禀赋理论D、认为国内所有消费者的偏好都相同正确答案:B5.一国的战略性产业主要是指()A、高耗能产业B、高科技产业C、劳动密集型产业D、资本密集型产业正确答案:B6.美国对日本汽车需求的上升将导致()A、美国居民对日元需求增加B、美国日元供给减少C、美国日元供给增加D、美国居民对日元需求减少正确答案:A7.国际经济学的研究对象是()A、世界范围内的稀缺资源的最优配置B、国际收支平衡C、国际人员流动D、国际商品流动正确答案:A8.战略性贸易政策不适宜在()市场条件下运用。

A、寡头垄断B、自然垄断C、完全竞争D、垄断竞争正确答案:C9.目前世界上绝大多数国家的外汇牌价使用的都是()A、动态标价法B、静态标价法C、间接标价法D、直接标价法正确答案:D10.下述哪一种不属于投机性外汇交易()A、套期保值B、双边套汇C、多边套汇D、套利正确答案:A11.成员国间实行自由贸易的优惠贸易协定和共同的外部关税是()A、共同市场B、关税同盟C、自由贸易区D、经济联盟正确答案:B12.从外汇买卖交割期限的角度,汇率可以划分为()A、基本汇率和套算汇率B、买入汇率和卖出汇率C、名义汇率和实际汇率D、即期汇率和远期汇率正确答案:D13.幼稚产业论认为处于农业时期的国家应该采取的对外贸易政策是()A、自由贸易政策B、保护贸易政策C、两种政策同时使用D、不确定正确答案:A14.开放经济条件下的宏观经济政策目标是()A、扩大出口B、追求贸易顺差C、国际收支平衡D、汇率稳定正确答案:C15.下列不属于关税同盟动态效应的是()A、大市场效应B、贸易创造效应C、加剧竞争D、吸引外资正确答案:B16.假设中国和美国都能生产小麦和布,中国将一单位劳动时间全部生产布,可以生产 50 米;全部生产小麦,可以生产 80 千克;美国将一单位劳动时间全部生产布,可以生产 40 米;全部生产小麦,可以生产 100 千克。

10套 《国际经济学》期末试卷及答案

10套 《国际经济学》期末试卷及答案



A.国际贸易理论的标准模型B.采用2 2 1模型进行阐述C.将技术、要素禀赋、需求偏好集于一体D.由哈伯勒、勒纳、里昂惕夫和米德等人提出2.国际金融理论的发展一直是围绕着()这一十分重要的问题而展开的。






A.证券投资B.商品修理C.计算机和信息服务D.非货币黄金8.购买力平价论(the theory of purchasing power parity),简称PPP理论,是()在其1922年出版的《1914年以后的货币与外汇》(money and foreign exchange after 1914)中第一次系统阐述的。






















选择题:1、首先用机会成本理论来解释比较优势原理的学者是: C、A、李嘉图B、罗布津斯基C、哈伯勒D、穆勒第三章:1、要素禀赋理论最初是由赫克歇尔和俄林提出的,后经萨缪尔森等人加工不断完善。



(免费)国际经济学--第13章 国际收支

(免费)国际经济学--第13章 国际收支

一 国际收支的概念
居民是指一个国家(地区)的经济领土内具有经济利益的经济单 位
居民是指在一个国家中具有经济利益的经济单位,具体包括:个 人、政府、企业和非盈利性团体
一 国际收支的概念
居民:地域概念,是指在某国居住达一年及一年以上的个人及 在该国从事经济活动的各级政府机构、企业和非盈利团体 公民:法律概念,指具有某国国籍享有该国法定权利并承担相 应义务的个人 人民:政治概念,相对于敌人而言,凡是拥护社会主义和祖国 统一的个人和各种社会集团,都是人民的范围
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