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高考备考词块汇总(四) —— C字母

1. call

call at 拜访 (某地)

call back 回电话;再打电话

call for 需要;要求;去 (某处) 接人 / 物

call in 召来;找来

call off 取消;停止进行

call on / upon 拜访 (某人);号召;要求

call up 打电话给;使人想起

make a call 打电话

2. calm

stay / keep calm 保持镇静

calm down (使) 平静下来; (使) 镇静下来

3. camp

set up / make camp 扎营;搭建营地

camp out 露营

go camping 去野营

4. can

cannot but 不得不

cannot ... too / over 越…越好;再…也不嫌过分

5. car

by car 乘车

park a car停车

6. care

in / under the care of sb 由某人照看

health care 医疗保健

hair care 护发

handle with care 小心轻放

with great care 精心

take care 注意;当心;珍重;保重

take care of 照顾;照料;处理

care for照看;照顾;非常喜欢;想要

7. careful

(be) careful about / of / with 小心 / 注意…

8. carry

be / get carried away 变得很激动;失去自制力carry on (with) 继续进行;开展

carry out 实行;执行

carry through 帮…渡过 (难关等);完成;持续

9. case

a classic case 一个典型案例

case history 病历

on the case 处理此案

win / lose a case 胜诉 / 败诉

in any case 在任何情况下;不管怎样

in … case(s)在…情况下

in no case 在任何情况下都不;决不

in this case 在这种情况下

in that case 既然如此;那样的话

in sb’s case就某人的情况来说

(just) in case假使;免得;以防 (万一)

in case of 在…情形时;万一

in the case of 就…来说;至于

10. cash

in cash 用现金

11. casual

casual clothes 便装

12. catch

get caught in 遇到

catch one’s attention引起某人注意

catch fire 着火

catch sight of 看到

catch on了解;流行;理解

catch up (with) 赶上;追上

13. cause

cause and effect 因果

the root cause 根源

with / without good cause 有充分的理由 / 毫无理由give cause for concern 令人担忧

a good cause 一项有益的事业

14. caution

with great caution 极为小心地

15. celebration

birthday / wedding celebrations 生日 / 结婚庆典

16. centre

a business centre商业中心

17. certain

a certain amount of 一定数量的

to a certain degree 在一定程度上

for certain 确定;无疑

18. challenge

face the challenge 面对挑战

accept / take up the challenge 接受挑战

meet / rise to the challenge of 面对…挑战challenge a view 质疑某个观点

19. chance

give sb a chance 给某人一个机会

miss the chance 错过机会

get a second chance 还有一次机会

by chance 碰巧;意外地

take chances / a chance 冒险一试;碰运气the chances are (that) 很可能

20. change

change one’s life改变某人的生活

change from … to …从…变到…

get changed 换衣服

a change for the better / worse 好转 / 变坏

21. channel

change / switch channels 转换频道

22. character

character building 培养品格

23. charge

in charge (of sth) 负责某事

in / under sb’s charge由某人负责

take charge of 负责;主管

free of charge 免费

on charge 充电中
