



1 、加速度 acceleration

2 、速度velocity

3 、角速度 angular velocity

4 、角动量angular momentum

5、热量 amount of heat

6、热力学第一定律 the first law of thermodynamics

7、干涉 interference

8、反射 reflection

9、折射 refraction

10、振幅 amplitude

11、机械运动 mechanical motion

12、保守场 conservative field

13 、向心力 centripetal force

14、保守力 conservative force

15、摩擦力 friction force

16 、面积 area

17 、体积 volume

18、阿伏加德罗常数Avogadro constant

19 、绝对零度absolute zero

20 、电势能 energy of position

21、重力势能gravitational potential energy

22、重力场 the field of gravity force

23、真空中的磁场 magnetic field in a vacuum

24、电磁波 electromagnetic wave

25 、电流的相互作用interaction of current

1 、(第 3 页)第四段的第 3 句

A typical problem of mechanics consists in determining the states of a system at all the following moments of time t when we know the state of the system at a certain initial moment to and also the law governing the motion.

翻译:机械运动的一个典型的问题的构成取决于一个系统在接下来的时间间隔t 的状态,(因此)当我们知道了一个确切的最初的系统状态时,也可以知道运动的规律。

2 、(第 4 页)第一段

A body whose dimension may be disregarded in the condition or a given problem is called a point particle (or simply a particle).


3 、( 第 36 页 )第五段【注:选词和阅读会出】

For a stationary filed ,the work done on a particle by the forces of the field may depend only on the initial and final position of the particle and not depend on the path along which the particle moved .Forces having such a property are called conservative.



4 、(第 40 页)第一行

A field of forces is called potential if it can be described with the aid of the function V(x,y,z,t), whose gradient [see the following section, Eq.(2.13)]determines the force at each point of the field:

F=? V [compare with Eq.(2.32)].the function V is called the potential function or the potential.

翻译:一个力场被称为势场,如果可以借助函数V(x,y,z,t) 来描述, [ 看下一部分, E.q.(2.31)] 它的梯度决定力场中的每一个点:F=? V[ 与(2.32) 比较 ] 。函数V 被称为势函数或势场。

5、 ( 第 56 页)第二段和第三段【注:翻译、选词、阅读会出】

In translation,all the points of a body receive displacements equal in magnitude and direction during the same time interval .Consequently, the velocities and accelerations of all the points are identical at every moment of

time .It is therefore sufficient ( 足够的;充分的)to determine the motion of one of the points of a body (for example ,of its center of mass) to completely characterize the motion of the entire body.




In rotation,all the points of a rigid move along circles whose centers are on a single straight line called the

axis of rotation.To describe rotation,we must set the position of the axis of rotation in space and the angular velocity of the body at each moment of time .

翻译:在转动中,刚体上所有的点沿着圆周运动的中心在一条单直线上被称为旋转轴。为了描述转动, 我们必须设定空间中旋转轴的位置和刚体在各个时刻的角速度。

6、(第 79 页)第一段和第二段

The masses of atoms and molecules are characterized by(通过 ...来区分)using quantities known as the relative atomic mass of an element (the atomic mass in short) and the relative molecular mass of substance (the molecular mass).



the atomic mass (Ar)of a chemical element is defined as the ratio of the mass of an atom of the element to

1/12 of the mass of the atom 12C (This is the symbol for the carbon isotope with a mass number of 12) .The molecular mass (Mr) of a substance is defined as the ratio of the mass of a molecule of the substance to 1/12 of the mass of the atom12C. Their definitions show that the atomic and molecular masses are dimensionless Quantities .


C原子的质量的1/12 的比值。物质的相对分子质量被定义为物质的分子的质量与12

C原子的质量的1/12 的比值。它们的定义表明


7、(第 85 页)第一段、第二段和第三段

The internal energy can change in the main at the expense of two different processes:the performance of the work A'on a body and the imparting of the heat Q to it.The doing of work is attended by the displacement of

the external bodies acting on the system .For example ,when we move in the piston closing a vessel with a gas,the piston when moving does the work A' on the gas . According to Newton ’s law,the gas, in turn ,dose the work A = - A' on the piston .

翻译:内能可以交换总的来说是两个不同过程的(能量的)损失:一个物体所做的功A' 和物体传递的热量Q。所做的功是由外界物体对系统做功的增量决定的。例如,当我们移动充满气体的密闭容器的活塞


A=- A' 。

The imparting of heat to a gas is not associated with the motion of external bodies and is therefore not associated with the doing of macroscopic (i.e. relating to the entire complex of molecules which the body consists

of ) work on the gas .In this case,the change in the internal energy is due to the fact that separate molecules of the hotter body do work on separate molecules of the colder one .Energy is also transferred here by radiation.The combination of microscopic (i.e. involving not an entire body ,but separate molecules of it ) processes is called heat transfer.




Just as the amount of energy transferred by one body to another is determined by the work A done by the bodies on each other ,the amount of energy transmitted from one body to another by heat transfer is determined by the amount of heat Q transferred by one body to the other .Thus ,the increment of the internal energy of a system must equal the sun of the work A' done on the system and the amount of heat Q imparted to it :


2 U


Q A' .

Here U1 and U 2 are the initial and final values of the internal energy of the system .It is customary practice to

consider the work A (equal to A') done by a system on external bodies instead of the work A' done by external bodies on the system .Introducing A in Eq.(4.6) instead of A' and solving it relative to Q.we have Q U 2 U1 A .


能量的传递通过热传递( 来实现的)取决于一个物体到另一个物体传递的热量A。从一个物体到另一个物体的Q。因此,系统内能的增量必

须等于对系统所做的功A' 和(物体)传递给系统的热量Q的总


U 2 U 1 Q A'

这里的 U1和 U 2是系统内能的最初值和最末值。通常会考虑用系统对外界所做的功 A 来代替外界对系统所

做的功A' 。将 A 带入方程( 4.6 )中来代替A', 解出Q,我们有Q U


U1 A 。

8、(第 86 页)

It can be put in words as follows: the amount of heat imparted to a system is spent on an increment of the internal energy of the system and on the work done by the system on external bodies.



9、(第 104 页)

Knowing the probability of the different measurement results,we can find the mean value of all the

N i x i

P i x i results.According to the definition (定义) of the mean value x



翻译:想要知道出现的概率的不同测量结果,我们可以找出所有结果的平均值,根据平均值的定N i x i

P i x i(5.5)

义有 x


10 、(第 149 页)

It is easy to see that the angle between rays OP and OQ is 2 .

翻译:很容易可以看出射线OP 和 OQ 之间的夹角为2 。

11、(第 158 页)【注:英译中】

According to the Huygens-Fresnel principle .Every element of wave surface S is the source of a secondary spherical wave whose amplitude is proportional to the size of element dS.The amplitude of a spherical of a spherical wave diminishes with the distance r from its source according to the law 1/r.

翻译:根据惠更斯—菲涅耳原理。光波表面S 的每个面积元为光源的次级球面波其振幅与面积元dS 的大小成正比。根据定律中的1/r 可知,球面波的振幅随着它到光源的距离r 减少。

12、(第176 页)【英译中】

A point charge is defined as a charged body whose dimensions may be disregarded in comparison with the distances from this body to other bodies carrying an electric charge.




13、(第 187 页)

The work of the forces of a conservation field can be represented as a decrement of the potential energy : A12W p ,1W P, 2.

翻译 : 保守力做的功可以表示为势能的减少量: A12W p ,1W P ,2.

14、(第 223 页)【注意:英译中】

Experiments show that electric currents exert a force on one another. For example, two thin straight parallel conductors carrying a current (we shall call them line currents) attract each other if the currents in them flow in same directions,and repel each other if the currents flow in opposite directions.



15、(第 225 页)【注:中翻英】

The value of the electromagnetic constant coincides with that of the speed of light in a vacuum.



物理学英语专业词汇 日期:2005-12-11 0:00:45 来源:来自网络 查看:[大 中 小] 作者:椴木杉 热度: 600 BET公式 BET formula DLVO理论 DLVO theory HLB法 hydrophile-lipophile balance method pVT性质 pVT property ζ电势 zeta potential 阿伏加德罗常数 Avogadro’number 阿伏加德罗定律 Avogadro law 阿累尼乌斯电离理论 Arrhenius ionization theory 阿累尼乌斯方程 Arrhenius equation 阿累尼乌斯活化能 Arrhenius activation energy 阿马格定律 Amagat law 艾林方程 Erying equation 爱因斯坦光化当量定律 Einstein’s law of photochemical equivalence 爱因斯坦-斯托克斯方程 Einstein-Stokes equation 安托万常数 Antoine constant 安托万方程 Antoine equation 盎萨格电导理论 Onsager’s theory of conductance 半电池 half cell 半衰期 half time period 饱和液体 saturated liquids 饱和蒸气 saturated vapor 饱和吸附量 saturated extent of adsorption 饱和蒸气压 saturated vapor pressure 爆炸界限 explosion limits 比表面功 specific surface work 比表面吉布斯函数 specific surface Gibbs function 比浓粘度 reduced viscosity 标准电动势 standard electromotive force 标准电极电势 standard electrode potential 标准摩尔反应焓 standard molar reaction enthalpy 标准摩尔反应吉布斯函数 standard Gibbs function of molar reaction 标准摩尔反应熵 standard molar reaction entropy 标准摩尔焓函数 standard molar enthalpy function 标准摩尔吉布斯自由能函数 standard molar Gibbs free energy function 标准摩尔燃烧焓 standard molar combustion enthalpy 标准摩尔熵 standard molar entropy 标准摩尔生成焓 standard molar formation enthalpy 标准摩尔生成吉布斯函数 standard molar formation Gibbs function 标准平衡常数 standard equilibrium constant


5.1 丨INFORMA TION FROM THE THEORY OF PROBABILITY Assume that we have a macroscopic system, i.e. a system formed by an enormous number of microparticles ( molecules, atoms, ions, electrons) ,in a given state. Assume further that a quantity x characteristic of the system can have the discrete values s k i x x x x x x ,...,...,,...,,,,321 Let us make a very great number N of measurements of the quantity x ,bringing the system before each measurement to the same initial state ? Instead of performing repeated measurements of the same system, we can take N identical systems in the same state and measure the quantity N once in all these systems. Such a set of identical systems in an identical state is called a statistical ensemble. Assume that N\ measurements gave the result X\, measurements the result x2,…,Ni measurements the result X\,and so on ( X) = TV is the number of systems in the ensemble) ? The quantity N^/N is defined as the relative frequency of appearance of the result xt while the limit of this quantity obtained when N tends to infinity, i.e. N N p i N i →∝ =lim (5.1) is called the probability of appearance of the result Xi. In the following , in order to simplify the equations, we shall write the expression for the probability in the form Ni/N ,bearing in mind that the transition to the


国际金融与外汇市场考试题 班级:学号::成绩: 1.比较远期外汇业务与货币期货交易的相同点和不同点。 答:【远期外汇】又称期汇交易,是指交易双方在成交后并不立即办理交割,而是事先约定币种、金额、汇率、交割时间等交易条件,到期才进行实际交割的外汇交易。在国际贸易中,为了减少外汇风险,有远期外汇收入的出口商可以与银行订立出卖远期外汇的合同,一定时期以后,按签约时规定的价格将其外汇收入出卖给银行,从而防止汇率下跌,在经济上遭受损失;当然出口商也可以可与银行签定购买远期外汇合同,从而规避汇率上涨而增加成本负担,利于企业提前控制成本及利润。 【外汇期货交易】是指在约定的日期,按照已经确定的汇率,将一种货币兑换成另外一种货币的期货合约。一般来说,两种货币中有一种为美元。外汇期货的买卖是在专门的期货市场进行的,全世界的期货交易所主要有:芝加哥期货交易所、纽约商品交易所、悉尼期货交易所、新加坡期货交易所、伦敦期货交易所。 【二者相同点】: 1)交易的客体相同:均为外汇 2)交易的原理相同:通过交易来防汇率风险,最终达到保值或盈利的目的。 3)交易的行情走势一致性:与现货市场的价格存在一定的关联,外汇远期和外汇期货价格 之前也存在一致性的特点,否则会产生套利机会,直至套利机会的消失。 【二者的不同点】: 1.市场参与者不同 外汇期货交易的参与者非常广泛。包括银行、其他金融机构、公司、政府和个人等,只要按规定交纳保证金,均可通过期货交易所中具有会员身份的经纪行、与银行有良好往来关系或信用良好的企业等参与期货交易。在外汇期货交易中,交易所设有清算机构,因此从事外汇期货交易的参加者不必考虑交易对方的信用状况,其交易对手方是清算机构,不必担心违约风险。 远期外汇交易缺乏如期货交易中清算所那样的中介机构做保障,因此参加者从事远期外汇交易大多为专业化的证券交易商或与银行有良好往来关系的大厂商,没有从银行取得信用额度的个人投资者与中、小企业极难有参与机会。


专业应试题库 一,专业词汇翻译 A spherical system of coordinates 球坐标系Absolute scale绝对温标 Absolute temperature 绝对温度 Absolute zero 绝对零度 Acute angle锐角 Adiabatic process绝热过程 Adjacent邻近的 Amount of heat 热量 Amplitude振幅 Analytical expression解析式 Angular momentum角动量 Angular velocity角速度 Annihilate湮灭 Appreciable相当多的 Approximate solution近似解 Arbitrarily任意的变换莫测的 Assume that 假设 At constant pressure定压 At rest静止的, Axial symmetry轴对称 Axis of rotation转轴 Be independent of 独立的, Be proportional to 与……成正比 Bend使弯曲的 Capacitor电容器 Center of mass质心 Centripetal force向心力 Cgs厘米-克-秒制(Centimeter-Gram-Second) Change in jumps 突变 Chaotic无序的 Charge by conduct 接触起电 Charge by induction 感应起电 Circulation motion圆周运动 Classical mechanics经典力学 Coefficient系数 Coherent相干性 Combustion engine内燃机 Comparison 参照物 Compensate 补偿,抵消 Conductor导体 Consecutive 连贯的 Consequently结果,因此 Conservation守恒 Considerable 相当大的


新《物理专业英语》范围 单词篇 1 、加速度acceleration 2 、速度 velocity 3 、角速度 angular velocity 4 、角动量angular momentum 5 、热量 amount of heat 6 、热力学第一定律 the first law of thermodynamics 7 、干涉 interference 8 、反射 reflection 9 、折射 refraction 10 、振幅 amplitude 11 、机械运动 mechanical motion 12、保守场 conservative field 13 、向心力 centripetal force 14、保守力 conservative force 15、摩擦力 friction force 16 、面积area 17 、体积 volume 18、阿伏加德罗常数 Avogadro constant 19 、绝对零度 absolute zero 20 、电势能 energy of position 21、重力势能 gravitational potential energy 22 、重力场 the field of gravity force 23 、真空中的磁场 magnetic field in a vacuum 24 、电磁波 electromagnetic wave 25 、电流的相互作用interaction of current 1、(第3页)第四段的第3句 A typical problem of mechanics consists in determining the states of a system at all the following moments of time t when we know the state of the system at a certain initial moment to and also the law governing the motion. 翻译:机械运动的一个典型的问题的构成取决于一个系统在接下来的时间间隔t的状态,(因此)当我们知道了一个确切的最初的系统状态时,也可以知道运动的规律。 2、(第4页)第一段 A body whose dimension may be disregarded in the condition or a given problem is called a point particle (or simply a particle). 翻译:在一个给定的问题中,一个物体的形状和大小可以被忽略的情况被称为质点。 3、(第36页)第五段【注:选词和阅读会出】 For a stationary filed ,the work done on a particle by the forces of the field may depend only on the initial and final position of the particle and not depend on the path along which the particle moved .Forces having such a property are called conservative. 翻译:对于恒定场,这个场的力对粒子所做的功只依赖于粒子的初位置和末位置,不依赖于粒子运动的路径。具有这一特性的力被称为保守力。


物理专业英语词汇(I) ice 冰 ice calorimeter 冰量热计 ice model 冰模型 iconoscope 光电摄象管 icosahedron 二十面体 ideal black body 理想黑体 ideal constraints 理想约束 ideal crystal 理想晶体 ideal fluid 完全铃 ideal gas 理想气体 ideal gas law 理想气体定律 ideal lattice 理想晶格 ideal liquid 理想液体 ideal solid 理想固体 ideal solution 理想溶液 ideally imperfect crystal 理想非完美晶体ideally perfect crystal 理想完美晶体identity parameter 晶体参数 ignition 点火 ignition potential 点火电位 ignitron 点火管 illuminance 光照度 illuminant 光源 illuminating engineering 照盲程学illuminating lamp 照闷 illumination 光照度 illumination curve 照度曲线 illumination photometer 照度计illumination photometry 照度测量illuminator 照冒置 illuminometer 照度计 image 象 image analyzer 图象分析器 image charge 象电荷 image contrast 象对比度 image converter 变象管 image converter tube 变象管 image distortion 图象失真 image force 象力 image formation 成象


2.1 Introduction(引言) We begin our study of the physical universe by examining objects in motion. The study of motion . whose measurement. more than 400 years ago gave birth to physics. is called kinematics. Much of our understanding of nature comes from observing the motion of objects. In this chapter we will develop a description for the motion of a single point as it moves through space. Although a point is a geometrical concept quite different from everyday objects such as footballs and automobiles, we shall see that the actual mot10n of many objects is most easily described as the motion of a single point (the "center of mass"). plus the rotation of the object about that point. Postponing a discussion of rotation. let us begin he-re with a description of a single point as it moves through space. Space and time Kinematics is concerned with two basic questions. "Where?" and "When?". Though the questions are simple. the answers are potentially quite complicated if we inquire about phenomena outside our ordinary daily experiences. For example. the physics of very high speeds, or of events involving intergalactic distances or submicroscopic dimensions. is quite different from our common-sense ideas. We will discuss the… interesting subjects in later chapters. For the present we shall adopt the space and time of Newton-those concepts we gradually developed as a result of our everyday experiences. Space is assumed to be continuously uniform and isotropic. These two terms mean that space has no 'graininess' and that whatever its properties may be, they are independent of any particular direction or location. in the words of Isaac Newton.


物理专业英语 《物理专业英语》是2005年哈尔滨工业大学出版社出版的图书《物理专业英语》为高等院校物理及相关专业英语基础教材,也适用于从事物理方面理论研究的读者参考。 界面interfaces 界面张力surface tension 浸湿immersion wetting 浸湿功immersion wetting work 精馏rectify 聚(合)电解质polyelectrolyte 聚沉coagulation 聚沉值coagulation value 绝对反应速率理论absolute reaction rate theory 振动特征温度characteristic temperature of vibration 蒸气压下降depression of vapor pressure 正常沸点normal point 正吸附positive adsorption 支链反应branched chain reactions 直链反应straight chain reactions 指前因子pre-exponential factor 质量作用定律mass action law 制冷系数coefficient of refrigeration

中和热heat of neutralization 阿伏加德罗常数Avogadro'number 阿伏加德罗定律Avogadro law 阿累尼乌斯电离理论Arrhenius ionization theory 阿累尼乌斯方程Arrhenius equation 阿累尼乌斯活化能Arrhenius activation energy 阿马格定律Amagat law 艾林方程Erying equation 爱因斯坦光化当量定律Einstein's law of photochemical equivalence 爱因斯坦-斯托克斯方程Einstein-Stokes equation 安托万常数Antoine constant 安托万方程Antoine equation 盎萨格电导理论Onsager's theory of conductance 半电池half cell 半衰期half time period 饱和液体saturated liquids 饱和蒸气saturated vapor 饱和吸附量saturated extent of adsorption 饱和蒸气压saturated vapor pressure 爆炸界限explosion limits 比表面功specific surface work


第一章 词汇: 注释: divided by 除以 multiplied by 乘以 meter per square second Vector: [‘vekt?] 矢量 A quantity has magnitude as well as direction. Scalar: [‘skeil?] 标量 A quantity completely defined by its magnitude. average speed / velocity / acceleration 平均速率/速度/加速度 steady velocity 匀速 balanced 平衡的 stationary 静止的 combined effect 合成效应 resultant force 合力 moments and balance 力矩和平衡gravity / gravitational force 重力 centre of gravity 重心 gradient [’ɡreidj?nt]梯度 arrow [‘?r?u] 箭头 horizontal [,h?ri’z?nt?l] 水平的 vertical [‘v?:tik?l] 垂直的 it is more convenient to do something ......更方便+ plus [pl?s] 正号- minus[‘main?s] 负号 increase/decrease + by 增加/减少了 increase/decrease + to 增加/减少到 The newton is defined in this way: A 1 N resultant force gives a 1 kg mass an acceleration of 1 m s-2 perpendicular [,p?:p?n’dikjul?] 垂直的 符号: + plus 加号;正号 - minus 减号;负号 ±plus or minus 正负号 ×is multiplied by 乘号÷is divided by 除号 =is equal to 等于号≡is equivalent to 全等于号 ≠is not equal to 不等于号≈is approximately equal to 约等于号 ≌is equal to or approximately equal to 等于或约等于号 <is less than 小于号>is more than 大于号 ≤is not less than 不小于号≥is not more than 不大于号 ?is less than or equal to 小于或等于号 ?is more than or equal to 大于或等于号 % per cent 百分之…‰per mill 千分之… ∞infinity 无限大号∝varies as 与…成比例 √(square) root 平方根 ∵since; because 因为∴hence 所以 ∷equals, as (proportion) 等于,成比例 ∟angle 角≦circle 圆 ?semicircle 半圆○circumference 圆周 πpi 圆周率△ triangle 三角形 ≧perpendicular to 垂直于∠ horizontal to 平行于 ∪union of 并,合集∩intersection of 交,通集 ∫the integral of …的积分 ∑(sigma) summation of 总和 °degree 度℃Celsius system 摄氏度 ′minute 分″ second 秒


物理: absolute acceleration 绝对加速度 absolute error 绝对误差 absolute motion 绝对运动 absolute temperature 绝对温度 absolute velocity 绝对速度 absolute zero 绝对零度 absorption 吸收 absorptivity 吸收率 accelerated motion 加速运动 acceleration of gravity 重力加速度 acceleration 加速度 accidental error 偶然误差 acoustics 声学 acting force 作用力 adjustment 调节 aether 以太 air pump 抽气机 air table 气垫桌 air track 气垫导轨 alternating current circuit 交流电路 alternating current generator 交流发电机 alternating current 交流电 altimeter 测高仪 ammeter 安培计amperemeter 电流计 ampere 安培 Ampere's experiment 安培实验 Ampere's force 安培力 Ampere's law 安培定律 amperemeter 安培计 amplitude 振幅 angle of rotation 自转角,转动 角 angular acceleration 角加速度 angular displacement 角位移 angular velocity 角速度 anion 负离子 anisotropy 各向异性 annihilation 湮没 anode 阳极 antenna 天线 applied physics 应用物理学 Archimedes principle 阿基米德 原理 area 面积 argumentation 论证 argument 辐角 astigmatoscope 散光镜 atomic nucleus 原子核 atomic physics 原子物理学 atomic spectrum 原子光谱 atomic structure 原子结构 atom 原子 Atwood ' s machine 阿特伍德机 average power 平均功率 average velocity 平均速度 Avogadro constant 阿伏加德罗 常数 Avogadro law 阿伏加德罗定律 balance 天平 ballistic galvanometer 冲击电 流计 band spectrum 带状谱 barometer 气压计 basic quantity 基本量 basic units 基本单位 battery charger 电池充电器 battery,accumulator 蓄电池 battery 电池组 beam 光束 betatron 电子感应加速器 Bohr atom model 玻尔原子模型 boiling point 沸点 boiling 沸腾 bounce 反弹 bound charge 束缚电荷 bound electron 束缚电子 branch circuit 支路 breakdown 击穿 brightness 亮度 buoyancy force 浮力 calorifics 热学 camera 照相机 capacitance 电容 capacitor 电容器 capillarity 毛细现象 cathode ray 阴极射线 cathode-ray tube 阴极射线管 cathode 阴极 cation 正离子 cell 电池 Celsius scale 摄氏温标 centre of gravity 重心 centre of mass 质心 centrifugal force 离心力 centripetal acceleration 向心加 速度 centripetal force 向心力 chain reaction 链式反应 chaos 混沌 characteristic spectrum 特征光 谱 charged body 带电体 charged particle 带电粒子 charge 充电 circular hole diffraction 圆孔衍 射 circular motion 圆周运动 classical mechanics 经典力学


物理专业英语复习题库 Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT

专业应试题库 一,专业词汇翻译 A spherical system of coordinates 球坐标系 Absolute scale绝对温标 Absolute temperature 绝对温度 Absolute zero 绝对零度 Acute angle锐角 Adiabatic process绝热过程 Adjacent邻近的 Amount of heat 热量 Amplitude振幅 Analytical expression解析式 Angular momentum角动量 Angular velocity角速度 Annihilate湮灭 Appreciable相当多的 Approximate solution近似解 Arbitrarily任意的变换莫测的 Assume that 假设 At constant pressure定压 At rest静止的, Axial symmetry轴对称 Axis of rotation转轴 Be independent of 独立的, Be proportional to 与……成正比 Bend使弯曲的 Capacitor电容器 Center of mass质心 Centripetal force向心力 Cgs厘米-克-秒制(Centimeter-Gram-Second) Change in jumps 突变 Chaotic无序的 Charge by conduct 接触起电 Charge by induction 感应起电 Circulation motion圆周运动 Classical mechanics经典力学 Coefficient系数 Coherent相干性 Combustion engine内燃机 Comparison 参照物 Compensate 补偿,抵消 Conductor导体 Consecutive 连贯的 Consequently结果,因此

第三章 外汇市场业务

第三章 外汇市场业务 第一节 外汇市场 一、外汇市场的概念 1、定义:外汇市场就是经营外汇买卖业务的场所,即由各类外汇供求 者构成的进行外汇买卖、调剂外汇余缺、进行外汇资金划拨、清算及其 供求关系的总和。 理解:① 它是一个货币兑换市场 ② 它是一个无形市场 2、特点:世界上不同国家的外汇市场各具特色并分别位于不同的国家 和地区,但彼此之间通过现代化的通讯网络连成一体,形成了横跨全球 的、统一的、24小时不间断的外汇市场。全球外汇市场始终处于一种不 停歇的状态,任何人,无论在世界的哪个角落,只要拥有一定的通讯设 备,都可以通过这个无形巨大的网络,参与各类外汇交易。 二、外汇市场的分类 1、按照外汇买卖的范围 外汇批发市场(狭义):银行同业间,交易规模和金额较大 外汇零售市场(广义):银行与客户间,交易频繁,但规模较小 2、按照外汇市场的外部形态 有形外汇市场:又称交易所市场 无形外汇市场:没有固定的交易场所,外汇买卖双方无需进行面对面交易 3、按照空间范围 区域性外汇市场:仅限居民参加 国际性外汇市场:均可参加,交易币种集中 4、按照外汇受管制的程度 自有外汇市场:自由、公开、不受限制 官方外汇市场:要求严格,一般存在于发展中国家 外汇黑市:合理但不合法 三、外汇市场的功能 1、清算功能 2、融资功能 3、避险功能 选择预期升值货币进行交易

4、国际金融活动的枢纽 四、外汇市场的构成 1、外汇银行:又称外汇制定银行,是指有权经营外汇业务的商业银行、 设在本国的外国银行分支机构以及兼营外汇业务的其他金 融机构。 外汇银行是外汇市场最重要的参与者 充当外汇买卖好资金划拨、融通的媒介 业务 外汇批发业务 外汇零售业务 (介绍“轧平”外汇头寸 敞口) 2、外汇经纪人:在外汇银行之间或者在外汇银行与客户之间进行牵线搭 桥,为买卖双方接洽外汇交易的汇兑商人。 不持有外汇头寸 外汇经纪人 不承担汇率变动的风险 凭借较完备的信息网络、广泛的业务关系 3、中央银行:作为本国货币的供给者和货币政策的制定、执行者,也是 外汇市场的重要参与者。 参与目的:维持本国货币汇率稳定,维护正常市场运行秩序 市场外汇短缺——央行大量抛售 市场外汇过多——央行大量吸进 4、一般客户:指那些处于交易、保值或投机需要而参加外汇买卖的个人 或公司,也就是外汇市场上除银行以外的客户。 *外汇交易的三个层次 第一个层次 银行与客户之间的外汇交易 ① 按买入汇率从客户手中买进外汇 ② 按卖出汇率向客户卖出外汇 为外汇供给者和需求者提供中介服务,赚取差价 第二个层次 银行同业间的外汇交易 ① 买入量>卖出量 多头寸(long position) ② 买入量<卖出量 空头寸(short position) 这种头寸不平衡状态会使银行暴露在外汇风险下,为规避风


Chapter 1 Foreign Exchage and Foreign Exchange Rate Single Choice 1) A foreign exchange ________ is the price of one currency expressed in terms of another currency. A foreign exchange ________ is a willingness to buy or sell at the announced rate. A) quote; rate B) quote; quote C) rate; quote D) rate; rate 2) From the viewpoint of a British investor, which of the following would be a direct quote in the foreign exchange market? A) SF2.40/£ B) $1.50/£ C) £0.55/€ D) $0.90/€ 3) A/an ________ quote in the United States would be foreign units per dollar, while a/an ________ quote would be in dollars per foreign currency unit. A) direct; direct B) direct; indirect C) indirect; indirect D) indirect; direct 4) If the direct quote for a U.S. investor for British pounds is $1.43/£, then the indirect quote for the U.S. investor would be ________ and the direct quote for the British investor would be ________. A) £0.699/$; £0.699/$ B) $0.699/£; £0.699/$ C) £1.43/£; £0.699/$ D) £0.699/$; $1.43/£ 5) ________ make money on currency exchanges by the difference between the ________ price, or the price they offer to pay, and the ________ price, or the price at which they offer to sell the currency. A) Dealers; ask; bid B) Dealers; bid; ask C) Brokers; ask; bid D) Brokers; bid; ask 6) The U.S. dollar suddenly changes in value against the euro moving from an 1


第一章:运动学 Vector quantity: A quantity that has both magnitude and direction 、 译文;矢量:一个既有大小又有方向的量 Scalar quantity A quantity that has magnitude, but no direction、 译文:标量:一个只有大小没有方向的量 Vector An arrow drawn to scale used to represent a vector quantity、 译文:矢:一个标有刻度的箭头去代表矢量 Motion A change of position、 译文:运动:位置的改变 Speed The distance traveled per time、 译文:速率:单位时间内走过的路程 Velocity The rate of change position and the direct of the motion、 译文:速度:沿运动方向位移的变化率 Acceleration Time rate of velocity :Acceleration=change in velocity/time it takes for change、译文:加速度:速度的变化率,加速度=速度的变化量/这段时间 第二章:守恒定律 Force : A quantity capable of producing motion or a change in motion、 译文:力:一个能够产生运动或该变运动的量 Net force: The equivalent or resultant force of two or more force、 译文:合外力:它等价于两个或多个力或者可由其合成 Newton’s first law of motion(law of inertia): An object remains at rest or in uniform motion with a constant velocity unless acted upon by a net unbalanced force、 译文:牛顿第一定律:一切物体总保持静止或匀速直线运动知道有不平衡的力迫使她改变为止。 Inertia : the property if matter that resists change in motion 、mass is a measure of inertia 译文:惯性:它的特性总就是抵抗运动的改变,质量就是它的量度。 Newton’s second law of motion : F=ma、Relates force to acceleration、 译文:牛顿第二定律:联系力与加速 Friction : The force that opposes relative motion of contacting media、 译文:摩擦力:一个抵抗相接触的物体相对运动的力 Mass : The quantity of matter in an object 、More specifically, it is the measurement of the inertia or sluggishness that an object exhibits in response to any effort made to start it ,or change in any way its state of motion、 译文:质量:一个蕴含在物体中的量,更特别的就是它就是惯性的量度。 Free fall An object falling with only gravity acting on it、 译文:自由落体:只有重力作用下的下落 Power The time rate of work P=W/t 译文:功率:单位时间内所做的功 Energy : The property of a system that enables it to do work、 译文:能量:它的特性就是系统能够对外做功。 第四章:general information 普通信息


1、vectors矢量:velocity(速度v)acceleration(加速度a)force(力f)displacement(位移),Vectors(向量) 2、scalars标量:speed(速率)weight(重量)mass(质量)volume(体积)energy(能量)work(功) 3、The unit of SI(国际标准单位):metre米,kilogram千克KG,second秒S,newton牛顿N,watt瓦特W,ampere安培A,joule 焦耳J 4、连线:length长度----metre(M米),mass质量----kilogram(KG千克),time时间----second(S秒),current电流----ampere(A 安培),temperature温度----kelvin(K开尔文),amount物质的量----mole(MOL摩尔),charge电荷----coulomb(C库伦),force力----neton(N牛顿),energy能量----joule(J焦耳),resistance电阻----ohm(Ω欧姆) 5、(√×)Average velocity is not necessarily the same as average speed.平均速度不等于平均速率。 6、概念Displacement位移is distance moved in a particular direction. metre (m). 7、 用点,他们的组合效果被称为合力。 8、The turning effect of a force is called a moment(力矩) 9、On earth, everything feels the downward force of gravity。This gravitational force is called weight.(重力) 10、Near the Ether’s surface, the gravitational force on each kg is about 10 N:the gravitational field strength重力场 强度is 10 N kg-1. This is represented by the symbol g.(g的概念) 11、Work功is done whenever a force makes something move. 12、Things have energy能if they can do work。工作的物体都有能量。 13、Energy exists in different forms:(能量存在形势)Kinetic energy,Potential energy,Internal energy,Heat (thermal energy),Radiant energy 14、Energy changes能量守恒定律According to the law of conservation of energy: Energy cannot be made or destroyed, but it can be changed fromone form to another.能量的变化。根据能量守恒定律:能量不能被破坏,但它可以从一种形式转化为另一种。 15、计算势能:work done = force ×distance moved = mg ×h So potential energy势能= mgh For example, if a 2 kg stone is 5 m above the ground, and g is 10 N kg-1, then the stone’s PE = 2×10×5 = 100 J. 16、计算动能:kinetic energy = 1/2mv2 For example, if a 2 kg stone has a speed of 10 m s-1, it KE = 1/2×2× 102 = 100 J. 17、Everything is made from about 100 substances called elements.元素 18、Kelvin 开尔文scale—This has the same sized ‘degree’ as the Celsius scale, but its ‘zero’ is absolute zero (-273 °C) 19、多选Heat can be transferred by conduction, convection, and radiation, as well as by evaporation.热量可以传送 通过传导,对流,辐射,以及由蒸发。 20、The region around a magnet where magnetic forces act is sometimes called a magnetic field.磁场 21、If one end of a bar magnet is moved into a coil, as below, an EMF (voltage) is generated in the coil. This effect is called electromagnetic induction.电磁感应 22、(√×)The EMF makes a current flow in the circuit.电动势使电路中的电流流动。 23、多选The induced EMF (and the current) is increased if :the magnet is moved faster ,there are more turns on the coil, a magnet giving a stronger field is used.电动势增加条件 24、Transverse wave横向波—The oscillations are at right-angles to the direction of travel 25、Longitudinal wave纵向波—The oscillations are in line with the direction of travel, so that a compress (‘squash’) is followed by a rarefaction (‘stretch’), and so on: 26、多选 27、 For example, if the frequency is 5 Hz and the wavelength is 2 m,then the wave speed is 10 m s-1 28、多选Wave in a ripple tank:Reflection,Refraction,Diffraction,Interference 29、waves bend around the edges of a narrow gap. This is called diffraction.衍射 30、Sound waves are longitudinal声波是长纵波 31、Uncertainty误差: systematic uncertainties系统误差(these occur because of some inaccuracy in the measuring system or in how it is being used), random uncertainties随机误差(these can occur because there is a limit to the sensitivity of the measuring instrument or to how accurately you can read it)
