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How do you think about the collection of the beauty's contest?


任何事物都要两面看待,选美比赛也不例外。俗话说存在即合理。选美比赛确实可以选择出优秀且美丽的女人,她们集美丽、知性、优雅于一身,不仅有不菲的收入,得到他人的尊重,而且身边不乏追求者。因为现在的选美比赛规则不再只是外表美了,她们大多数具有高学历、娇好的面容以及显赫的背景,同时富有爱心,例如很多世界小姐被评为慈善大使等,just as Megan Young in Philippines,and Zhang manyu in Hangkong。但是要想在选美中技胜一筹,也要付出很多努力,要丰富头脑,要锻炼身体,达到很多专家定义的美学标准。所以选美之路也很辛苦。



Everything has two sides, the beauty contest is no exception. As the saying goes,”Anything existing must be reasonable”. The beauty contest can choose a brilliant and beautiful women, who own beauty, elegance, and wisdom .They not only have a high income, get the respect of others, but there is no lack of suitors around. Because now the contest rule is no longer just the beautiful appearance, most of them are highly educated, beautiful face and illustrious [ɪˈlʌstriəs]background, at the same time, full of love. For example, a lot of Miss World was named ambassador, just as Megan Young in Philippines, and Zhang Manyu in Hangkong. But if one wants to succeed in the contest ,she need to pay lots of efforts, to enrich the mind, to exercise, to fit the aesthetic standards that many experts defined. So beauty is also very hard.

But lots of people in the pursuit of wealth and fame, in pursuit of beauty, has distorted the definition of beauty, many of them go to plastic surgery, and packaging to win others’ attention. For example, traditional surgery, breast augmentation [ˈɔ:gmen'teɪʃn], and buy all kinds of beauty products at expensive cost. Meanwhile, the organizers more and more utilitarian [ˈju:tɪlɪˈteəriən], show the great man's doctrine[ˈdɒktrɪn]. Most importantly, the collection of the beauty just only have one implied rules,that means:Not any meaning.If you were go to the collection of the beauty,you need pay your youngth to company with a rich person.He will pay more money to raise you.You will have more money.But actually,two or three years later,he will change girlfriend.And you also need to live with their together.

So I think the beauty contest is not worth promoting. The beauty of the soul is more important. After all, the face will be aging is immutable fact. So we should face beauty contest, as a warning, and remember that a good appearance is just short, heart can be last forever.
