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_____________ 学年度第________ 学期任课教师课程名称:航海英语阅读序号:


Step 1 preparati on (10 minu tes)

1. Review what they have lear nt in the previous less ons.

2. Lear n some key words :

1. in case of 假使;万一prep. 21. fun dame ntal 基本的;主要的a.

2. require 要求;命令v. 22. behaviour 仃为;(机器等)运仃

3. request 请求;要求v. n.

4. inquire 询问;查究n. 23. seaworthy 适航性的adj.

5. superintendent 监督人;主管人24. specify 指定;规定vt.

n. 25. disappearanee 消失;失踪n.

6. justification 正当的理由n. 26. run-away 逃亡者n.

7. accurate 精确的;准确的a. 27. estimate 评价;估计v.& n.

8. en try 登记;记载n. 28. disaster 灾难;天灾n..

9. erasure 擦掉;消除n. 29. contradiction 矛盾n.

10. dispute 争论;争端n. 30. investigation 调查n.

11. executi on 实施;执行n. 31. grant 准予;授予vt.

12. con tract 合同n. 32. pratique 无疫通行证n.

13. in sura

nee 保险n. 33. station (应急)岗位;位置n.

14. con sig nee 收货人n. 34. hawser 大缆n

15. leeway 由于风压引起的船舶35. dismiss 打发;解雇vt.

偏航n. 36. cease 停止;结束vt.

16. summarization 概括,总结n. 37. idle 闲着的a.

17. trend 走向;倾向,趋势n 38. rec on

dition 修理,修复vt

18. hint 暗示;提示n. 39. transit 叠标线n.

19. re-draw 再绘出vt. 40. catch 观测vt.

20. track 航迹n.

41. azimuth 方位角n.

Step 2 Exte nsive Read in g(20 min utes)

Read the passage, and try to finish the multiple choices.

1. _________ i s a full nautical record of a ship's voyage, written up at the end of each watch by the officer of the watch .

A. Sea protest

B. Deck log

C. Accident report

D. Seamen' s book

2. In writing up the logbook at the end of your watch, you make an error in writing an

en try. What is the proper means of correct ing this error _____________

A. Cross out the error with a single line , and write the correct entry ,then initial it.

B. Carefully and neatly erase the entry and rewrite it correctly.

C. Remove this page of the log book, and rewrite all en tries on a clea n page.

D. Blot out the error complete and rewrite the entry correctly

3. Logbooks are used to record the eve nts occurri ng whe n _________ .

A. the ship is in a harbor

B. the ship is at an chorage

C. the ship is un derway

D. all of the above

4. Never make comment , estimate or guess in your logbook , but

___________ on ly..

A. the specification

B. the facts

C. the descriptions

D. the details

Step 3 Inten sive Read ing (35 min utes)

Ss read passages about logbooks and figure out the key poin ts.

1) .what is logbook and its characteristics

Logbook is used to record the full, daily eve nts occurri ng duri ng the ship's stay in a harbour, at anchorage, or underway. It is a legal record required by law. It may be requested to produce evidences in case of official inquiries about accidents. Therefore everything recorded in it must be true and accurate. In case a mis-entry has bee n made in the log, a red line should be draw n on the parts and the correct entry with sig nature should be made n ear or above them. No erasures or cuts are to be allowed.

2) .C ontents to be en tered in the logbook in clude:

the in formatio n and evide nces relat ing to accide nts, disputes or the executi on of regulatio ns or con tracts, etc., to own ers, marine authorities, in sura nee

compa ni es, courts and con sig nees or shippers, etc.

the records about the n avigatio n, the cargo work, the various states of running vessels for obtaining ship's speed, leeway under various wind force and direct

ions, kind of cargo, loadi ng and uni oad ing rates at various ports and

summarization of weather and current trends in certain districts in various seas ons. But this purpose is gett ing less importa nt no wadays.

3) .What functions does a logbook have

You can re-draw the tracks of the vessel on charts accord ing to the records in the logbook.

You can offer records about the fun dame ntal facts to state the ship's con ti nu ous behaviour including sailing (setting course, changing course, anchoring,

piloting, berthi ng and un berthi ng, etc.) and stay ing in port (mak ing formalities for entry into a port or leav in g, loadi ng, uni oadi ng, wait ing, repairi ng, etc.).

You can state whether your ship is seaworthy or not.

You can state whether your ship is suitable and ready for loadi ng or dischargi ng cargoes.

You can state whether all the things specified in the certain international and local rules or regulati ons as well as the related con tracts have bee n done, such as the records about boat drill (related to "SOLAS"), actions duri ng saili ng in poor

visibility (related to "COLREG") and cleaning in cargo holds (related to "Charter-Party'').

4) . What atte nti ons are to be paid while keep ing logbooks

If the docume nts issued or sig ned by authorities or parties concerned have bee n
