旅游英语教学参考3--Script of Task 3 Check-in

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Task 3 Check-in

Main video:


Janet Jin – the local guide, is assisting the group leader to check in

Daniel Black– the group leader, is checking in

Receptionist – the receptionist at the hotel serves the tour group

Doormen- greet the tour group


Janet Jin’s coach has just arrived at the hotel. They are going to check in.

镜头一:Janet Jin和旅游团抵达酒店停车场,两位调度迅速过来服务。Janet向游客交代酒店抵达。

Janet Jin:Look, here we are at the hotel. Please wait a minute. Daniel and I will recheck our luggage first.


Janet Jin: Is it 12 pieces altogether? Yes?

Daniel Black: Exactly.


Janet Jin: Now, please get off. Don’t forget your carry-on luggage or valuables.



Doorman: Good afternoon.

Janet Jin:Good afternoon.


解说:Janet and her group comes to the lobby of the hotel, Janet is arranging the tourists to sit in the sofas.

Janet Jin: Ladies and gentlemen. There are some sofas. Would you like to have a rest there for a moment? Daniel and I will check in.


Janet Jin:(says to Daniel Black): We need everyone’s passport. Do you mind collecting the passports?

Daniel Black: My pleasure.


Daniel Black:Excuse me. We need your passports when we check in. Would you like to lend them to me for a minute?


Receptionist: Good afternoon, welcome to China Resources Friendship Hotel. May I help you? Janet Jin:Yes. I come from Beijing Blue Sky International Travel Agency. We have booked two suite s and ten single room s for 15 people.

Receptionist: Just a moment please, Ms., let me check the arrival list


Receptionist: Thank you for waiting. Yes, your reservation is two suites and ten single rooms for five nights. Is there any change in the number of your group?

Janet Jin: No.

Receptionist: Good. Could you please fill out the registration form?

Janet Jin: Sure.

镜头十一:Janet Jin 将入住登记表交给Daniel填写

Receptionist: Do you have a group visa?

Daniel Black: Yes, here you are. And these are our passports.


Receptionist: Thank you.


Receptionist: Here you are. And these are the room cards and breakfast vouchers. The bellmen will show you to your rooms.

Janet Jin: Thank you.

Receptionist: May I reconfirm your check-out time?
